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'Brain Storm' (516) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Baileyblue
    Truly a disgusting, trashy ep. Better luck next time.
    And Rodney's had more canon sex than anyone in this show so don't Poor Rodney me about how "guys like him" never get the girl. Sheesh.
    Middle aged men shouldn't be "getting" young girls anyway.
    I agree, this was an episode most foul.
    sigpicDr. Z!


      Originally posted by Baileyblue
      Truly a disgusting, trashy ep. Better luck next time.
      And Rodney's had more canon sex than anyone in this show so don't Poor Rodney me about how "guys like him" never get the girl. Sheesh.
      Middle aged men shouldn't be "getting" young girls anyway.
      Oh please. A 12 year age difference between intelellectual equals is nothing.


        *shrugs* I liked it. I'm happy for the Rodney/Keller ship too. They balance each other so it works. And Rodney as a member of the mile high club totally cracks me up.


          I think we need to start passing these around....


          Anyway, I liked the ep.


            Originally posted by JasonG View Post
            Speaking of romantic chemistry and McKay's age and receding hairline are really showing. Totally cringeworthy.

            And finally, that "I loved you for a very long time" crap is getting old. Just a few episodes ago Keller was trying to make a "romantic" choice. Just last season McKay was proposing to Katie Brown. Do the writers think we're idiots?

            Scratch that.
            This is my own personal opinion. Nothing against your own.

            Well, I have to disagree. My bf and the father of my son, is 5.75 years younger then I am. He turned 20 in September and I turn 26 in January. We have a good relationship and I've always been one who believed that age is nothing but a number until it becomes cradle robbing. As in under the age of 18 which would be totally wrong and I would be very outraged.

            For the next part, maybe she was also trying to move on? Hence why she had started seemingly to go after Ronon. I mean, I could be wrong, this is all assuming and just my own personal opinion. But maybe she was looking to him as almost a rebound kinda guy. I mean, Rodney was totally oblivious to how she felt. And he did propose to someone else. Who, I believe he said in an interview somewhere, that it was assumed they broke up? Not sure how that worked exactly. Maybe I missed that part in the show somewhere. Anyhow, when she was trapped on the ship with Ronon, maybe she realised that other then him being hot she had no real feelings for Ronon and let it go.

            That is just how I see it though.

            Originally posted by The6thRace View Post
            I'm all for character growth, no doubt about it. But its also the reason I don't like seeing relationships, as it sort of tames both characters involved in a relationship. And it always makes any future growth sort of hinge on that relationship in most situations.

            When I first started watching season 9 of SG-1, I always thought that maybe O'Neill and Carter finally hooked up. It was never spoken of, but it was always interesting to wonder. That wasn't the case as it turned out, but you could almost imply it at one point. But to actually show that relationship (if it did in fact happen, which it didn't) would of kind of ruined some of the mystery. Keeping some aspects of the characters lives shrouded always leaves a lot to the imagination of the fans. It's part of the reason why I like Stargate - they always leave a lot of things open for fans to guess about.
            Maybe, but I've always been a hopeless romantic. I like to see it at least a little bit of it. It just feels kinda empty for me when it's all implied. Just my own feelings about it though. With the whole Jack/Sam thing, I was actually disappointed that they never got together.

            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            no, rodney didn't say 'i love you' in return
            No, but it was implied. Well, atleast it seemed he was going to say it before she kissed him again.

            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            i agree, a plot hole.

            in the 'good old sg1 days' they would have checked the phone records, found out whose phone it is and wonder why they got that number.

            whose phone was it?

            if it was rod's then they'd know where he was and move a satellite to survey the area, if it was someone else's then it'd be 'yeah, he's at that place where mckay is at....' and investigate
            It was Tunney's(My appologies. I was thinking of something else and put in the wrong name. *falls over* But I corrected it so it's all good) phone if memory serves me correctly. He was going to call them and Jennifer said she'd do it while Rodney and him worked. Then went off with the said phone. *nod nod*
            Last edited by SerenaSerenity; 22 November 2008, 04:54 AM.


              Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
              I think we need to start passing these around....


              Anyway, I liked the ep.
              Don't encourage them, Brian.


                Originally posted by prion View Post
                Words fail me.
                and I won't even get into the horribly inaccurate medicine malpracticed in this episode. Jennifer is hypothermic, then she's DEAD, and he brings her back and she's not griping about a compressed chest, or so frozen she can't really talk... and, argh, gah!!!!!!!!!
                Excellent observation. I noticed this as well. Like 10 seconds after she is revived, shes smiling and kissing McKay. Realistically, she should of been taken by chopper to the nearest ER and prepared for a long recovery, not jumping aboard the next flight to engage in sexual relations.

                I guess you can always say that she took used some ancient Ancient secret to get back to 100% so quickly.


                  Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                  Don't encourage them, Brian.
                  The episode was decent enough for me. I thought Mckeller was cute. It is not an ep in my top 10 but it's all good. I don't think it was an utter disaster, it was entertaining and funny. Like the comment about the guy who doesn't shower!


                    Wasn't going to watch but it was a boring night so. . .anyway.

                    The good:

                    Scientists. Science. Too bad there wasn't enough of this.

                    The bad:

                    Keller - one episode she is a crybaby. Then she is Kung-fu-mama, then she is loving, then she is back to "HELP ME!"

                    Keller's dress which made petite Jewel Staite look like a tub.

                    Keller's boots. Who decides the wardrobe anyway? Made of uck!

                    Keller's hair. Dark roots are never in style and overdone high-lites are more uck.

                    OMG, we have to save Jennifer. . .again. . .and again. . .and. . .isn't anyone else tired of it yet? Why can't this woman just DIE so we can get back to our characters we have known and loved all these years??

                    McKeller - TPTB have gone out of their way to say how YOUNG Keller is. Now Rodney isn't "old" but he isn't "young" either. It had a feel of dating an uncle. The squick factor definitely kicked in.

                    "Dibs!" High school kids could write better than this garbage.

                    Its my fault that I watched it, but I wished I had skipped it. With episodes this poor, its probably a good thing the show is ending.

                    When all else fails, change channels.


                      This was a difficult one to get through since I'm not that into either Rodney or Keller enough for them to carry a whole episode. Keller I've at least had time to miss since she's been off the scene but Rodney is in every single episode, prominently so in most. It's kind of an overload thing at this point, especially since we've seen so little of Teyla (inexplicaly the least featured character of this season even after Woolsey) and only slightly more of Ronon and even John.

                      I also didn't like the completely non-Atlantis aspect of it. And what happened to the team?!? Can there be a quorum rule set on how many team members need to be featured in an episode?

                      Meh. It was an okay story I guess but pretty forgettable. I'm not impressed with this season at all.


                        Originally posted by Baileyblue
                        Truly a disgusting, trashy ep. Better luck next time.
                        And Rodney's had more canon sex than anyone in this show so don't Poor Rodney me about how "guys like him" never get the girl. Sheesh.
                        Middle aged men shouldn't be "getting" young girls anyway.
                        I have no problem with the age difference as isn't Keller like 30 or something? You see plenty of marraiges with younger women and older men (and also older women and younger men).

                        Originally posted by The6thRace View Post
                        Excellent observation. I noticed this as well. Like 10 seconds after she is revived, shes smiling and kissing McKay. Realistically, she should of been taken by chopper to the nearest ER and prepared for a long recovery, not jumping aboard the next flight to engage in sexual relations.

                        I guess you can always say that she took used some ancient Ancient secret to get back to 100% so quickly.
                        Uh huh *cough* And they're in the private jet flying back in wet clothing? with blankets on top? What? Tunny can't afford to give them some spare clothing? Yes, let's keep the hypothermic woman in wet clothes....

                        Yes, this was sooo written by someone in high school, right??

                        Oh, and the 11pm repeat has started. okay, first 40 seconds are over so that's it, now it's the high school play all over again. Darn, I'd rather watch Shep and Ronon camp on the beach and try to catch fish for food.

                        And this was the 'green' episode for SGA, right? With the 'green' thing NBC is doing. Sorta reminds me of NBC, Seaquest, and westerns... never a good idea...


                          Originally posted by Vala_M View Post
                          What a very scientific episode!

                          <snipped fopr space>

                          I was thinking right away that the matter bridge thing was what McKay worked on in season 2 for Zero Point energy. So everyone really is stealing McKay's ideas!

                          Very cool and scientific!

                          The idea was Jeannie's not rodney's. I loved how jeannie did it with finger-paints!


                            I thought this was a good episode. I liked how Keller took charge of the scientists when they were arguing with each other. I thought it showed her leadership skills quite well. Was it the best episode of the season? No. But I thought it was entertaining and funny. Then again, I like McKay and I don't mind the McKeller


                              It seems that enjoyment of this episode is directly propotional to how much the viewer likes McShep.

                              Given that, I like this ep less than both the Irre's together.
                              And that is pretty darn bad.
                              I need industrial strength soap to wash the picture of McKay and Keller together out of my brain. My eyes! They Burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                                Firefly reference anyone? "Have you tried these strawberries? They're amazing!"

