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worst season 5 SGA episode

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    Originally posted by boyd22 View Post
    EATG was bad for a number of reasons...the episode was filled with so much stupidity it made my head hurt..for example, Sheppard is recalled to Earth to use the chair...but instead they waste time by strapping nukes to 302's and go after the hive with them...i mean come on, you have this super advanced weapons platform that could easily take out the incoming darts and the superhive...but instead they waste time fighting the Darts in 302's and in the process, that super advanced weapons platform is destroyed...

    the stupidity goes on, thats just 1 example...
    Another one was actually waiting on Shep to get to earth to use it in the first place. What were they gonna do? Tell the Wraith to delay their attack till he gets there? I mean come on, surely they would have had someone there at all times who could use it just in case they needed to And why was it so easily destroyed? You'd think it would be heavily fortified. They may as well have had a big neon sign saying "Ancient chair here"

    And then we had Carson fly the city better than Shep. Geez he could barely control one single drone and he almost peed himself every time he was asked to sit in the chair. And now he's a dab hand at flying the city? When did he learn to fly it better than Shep? After he came back from Michaels prison? In between galavanting across the galaxy helping the unfortunate souls that was infected? I mean it's not like he would have had any practice. Wasn't it Shep that flew the city at the end of S3? Carson was presumed dead then. So yep just a long line of unexplained mysteries


      My problem with Carson flying the chair was isn't their someone more qualified. Yes he has the gene but he has no tactical experence. Surely their were people who meet both criteria. Like Major Lorne for example
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
        My problem with Carson flying the chair was isn't their someone more qualified. Yes he has the gene but he has no tactical experence. Surely their were people who meet both criteria. Like Major Lorne for example
        Yeah, there's who knows how many military personnel in Atlantis, most of them would more than likely have the gene and what do they do? Get a doctor of medicine to fly the city


          they should have left Sheppard on Atlantis to fly the city while Jack sat in earth's drone chair...from what we've seen, Jack can control Ancient technology as easily as sheppard...


            Originally posted by boyd22 View Post
            they should have left Sheppard on Atlantis to fly the city while Jack sat in earth's drone chair...from what we've seen, Jack can control Ancient technology as easily as sheppard...
            They used the excuse Oniel wanted John in the chair. I'd rather they have Lorne or heck even Cadman use the chair. Carson barely has control and generally is too timid, so for him to be sucessful so long under great pressure, then trying to use the Wormhole drive? Seems like too much.


              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              Exactly, they should stick to scifi and not try to do CSI cause they just cannot do it. It was like a very bad ep of CSI, and I love CSI
              Oh my goodness, I totally hear you! I couldn't believe what they did with Vegas. I personally believe that with the right script and the right show, Joe Flanigan would be able to make a great niche for himself in a police procedural, Vegas notwithstanding.

              As for Vegas the episode, there were so many things about it that got on my nerves. Ugh... Robert Cooper needs to stick with what he knows, which is sci-fi. It was glaringly obvious that he was writing in a style that he knows very little about. It felt more like a very badly written parody of a police procedural than anything else to me.

              I apologize to those who liked Vegas but I've seen way too many good police procedurals to not cringe when I think of this episode.
              Last edited by Cold Fuzz; 19 October 2009, 10:19 PM.


                Originally posted by SleepZone View Post
                They used the excuse Oniel wanted John in the chair. I'd rather they have Lorne or heck even Cadman use the chair. Carson barely has control and generally is too timid, so for him to be sucessful so long under great pressure, then trying to use the Wormhole drive? Seems like too much.
                Well, I guess since Carson's the only other natural gene carrier on Atlantis, they decided that he should be the second person in line to use the chair (much to his chagrin).
                (sarcastically) "Ooh, Dr. Beckett's with you? I'm comforted."
                "What's that supposed to mean?"
                That was probably paraphrased, as I don't remember verbatim what Jack said.
                "A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her"
                SGA Lionized!
                For the larger version, visit my DA
                I support VOM and Bibles Unbound.
                I ship canon. & Keller
                Warning: Narnia fanatic posting here. VDT release date: 12/10/2010


                  Originally posted by SleepZone View Post
                  They used the excuse Oniel wanted John in the chair. I'd rather they have Lorne or heck even Cadman use the chair. Carson barely has control and generally is too timid, so for him to be sucessful so long under great pressure, then trying to use the Wormhole drive? Seems like too much.
                  Well, I guess since Carson's the only other natural gene carrier on Atlantis, they decided that he should be the second person in line to use the chair (much to his chagrin).
                  (sarcastically) "Ooh, Dr. Beckett's with you? I'm comforted."
                  "What's that supposed to mean?"
                  That was probably paraphrased, as I don't remember verbatim what Jack said.
                  "A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her"
                  SGA Lionized!
                  For the larger version, visit my DA
                  I support VOM and Bibles Unbound.
                  I ship canon. & Keller
                  Warning: Narnia fanatic posting here. VDT release date: 12/10/2010


                    I haven't read the whole thread, but can we include Inquisition? They're going to let the person who has been in Pegasus (from an Earth point of view) for the least amount of time. Did not have to deal with any of the fallout from earlier decisions. Didn't even make earlier decisions save their bacon?


                    Why not have the two natives of Pegasus present the Lanteans case before the "court"?

                    Yes, I agree with many others mentioned on this page. BS, EatG, Vegas, and much more.

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Originally posted by Cold Fuzz View Post
                      Oh my goodness, I totally hear you! I couldn't believe what they did with Vegas. I personally believe that with the right script and the right show, Joe Flanigan would be able to make a great niche for himself in a police procedural, Vegas notwithstanding.

                      As for Vegas the episode, there were so many things about it that got on my nerves. Ugh... Robert Cooper needs to stick with what he knows, which is sci-fi. It was glaringly obvious that he was writing in a style that he knows very little about. It felt more like a very badly written parody of a police procedural than anything else to me.

                      I apologize to those who liked Vegas but I've seen way too many good police procedurals to not cringe when I think of this episode.
                      Oh I'm sure JF would be good in a police show, but not with the SG writers writing it

                      Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                      I haven't read the whole thread, but can we include Inquisition? They're going to let the person who has been in Pegasus (from an Earth point of view) for the least amount of time. Did not have to deal with any of the fallout from earlier decisions. Didn't even make earlier decisions save their bacon?


                      Why not have the two natives of Pegasus present the Lanteans case before the "court"?

                      Yes, I agree with many others mentioned on this page. BS, EatG, Vegas, and much more.
                      The two Pegasus residents...But....But.....Wouldn't that mean they would actually have to talk? You know, they would open their mouths and words would come out?


                        Well at least Ronon and Teyla had no connection to Whispers (gwad that was bad).

                        Teyla had no connection to Tracker. (nope I didn't watch, but enough of ya said STAY AWAY) (plus not liking Keller...WHY would I watch an episode that had two of my faves acting way OOC?)

                        Teyla had no connection to B.S ( *Groans* This is when you take away the privilege of writing from a certain writer when he looses the ability to tell fantasy from reality.)

                        Hey! I just noticed something...Whispers had the Barbie Brigade (but golly they just couldn't find a spot for Teyla *eyeroll*) Tracker had Kung Fu Keller so room for Teyla, cause having Teyla there would have just put a spotlight on how idiotic Kung Fu Keller looked next to the real thing. and well I am already glad Teyla's character wasn't tainted by B.S. like Rodney, Ronon and John were!

                        I guess it is a good thing Teyla nor Ronon had anything to do with Vegas

                        And I am really glad Teyla and Ronon were not in EATG....(sarcasm) cause WOW there was an AWESOME ending to a show...NOT!

                        Joe/John and David/Rodney were contracted to be in every episode.

                        Look on the bright side at least Jason/Ronon and Rachel/Teyla were spared the horror of being linked to such crappy episodes!
                        Why did you do such a thing, you mediocre dunces?


                          I'd have to say that 'Whispers' is my least favourite season 5 episode.


                            whispers, tracker, and identity were among the one i thought were the worst ones i saw.


                              I liked Whispers...., I thought the worst episode was Outsiders. It just bored me to death.


                                I can't choose one single episode.

                                The Shrine
                                The Lost Tribe
                                Brain Storm
                                Enemy at the Gate
                                Broken Ties
                                Ghost in the Machine

