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Season Five : Complaints and Misgivings

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    Originally posted by AutumnDream View Post
    Congratulations, you just wrote the next 5 seasons of SGA.
    Thank you.

    Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
    Gimme me a T....gimme an I...gimme another T...and let us not forget the S .

    Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
    Someone should create a "Top 10 Reasons to NOT watch Season 5".
    I was considering it but it would not last... I fear it would get closed in a mod-fly-by (similar to the trainwreck-highlights threads).

    Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
    1. Woolsey

    2. Woolsey

    3. Woolsey

    4. Woolsey

    5. Woolsey

    6. Woolsey

    7. Woolsey

    8. Woolsey

    9. Woolsey

    10. More Keller.

    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      Originally posted by Briangate78
      Well the thread I made is not Pro or Anti. The Pro folks can take it as a joke,since they know it will not happen, and the Anti folks can take it as a joke also because it's how they feel in some areas. Trying to get both factions to post together without fighting or redding.
      I'm sorry Brian but to me, yes, it is a pro thread. And I don't feel that should be allowed, but that's up to the mods. If you wanted it to be both, the title, perhaps, should be "top 10 reasons to watch/not to watch S5".


        Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
        I'm sorry Brian but to me, yes, it is a pro thread.
        I know the content is supposed to be a joke...not sure if it's a good one or a bad one yet... Though Pajus's reply made me giggle. But I did have the same feeling...
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
          Gimme me a T....gimme an I...gimme another T...and let us not forget the S .
          .: Well, it may not be so far off with our porn star Dusty along the way (No really - JM named a character Dusty? What the hell was he thinking)

          Originally posted by AutumnDream View Post
          I think I crossed a line in the "Top 10 Reasons to watch Season 5" thread. This is a whole new level of trolling for me. But I had no choice, the writers made me do it!
          .: No line was crossed, you're just being a good little troll

          Originally posted by Suzotchka View Post
          I'm sorry Brian but to me, yes, it is a pro thread.
          .: Well some of us can quickly turn that around


            Sounds like an invitation to disaster to me, but then I have issues in general with people who whinge that Group X shouldn't be allowed to post on the board and then proceed to play in Group X's thread when it's obvious they're actually committed to groups Y, Z, or A instead. And the scary thing is there are multiple instances of that covering a variety of groups.

            If folks want a Top Ten Reasons to Watch thread, more power to 'em, and ditto to anyone who starts a Top Ten Reasons NOT to Watch thread, but I'll personally avoid both, especially since the latter thread (anti in this case, but pro in others) is almost always started in defiance of the first rather than out of an honest desire to discuss something. Of course, sometimes the first thread can be just as aggressively started, no matter how innocuous it tries to be. I can think of a few threads long since shut down that were started as a "frak you" to the opposing side, with predictable results.

            If I want to voice my complaints about the upcoming season I am perfectly happy to do so right here or in various other threads where a bit of snark won't get me drawn & quartered. But I'm not going to go looking for trouble (not in this case anyway ) and if folks want to have fun in their own little threads I'm hardly in a position to say "boo" about it. As long as it isn't hurting anyone then so be it.


              I thought brain's thread was cute and rather creative. I enjoyed reading his top 10 reasons. However, knowing it will indeed turn into another pro thread I just stopped at the first page and made a little pat on the back post to brian.

              I'm happy to stay on the "evil" anit thread where I can have a conversation with people who seem to share similar ideas and concerns.

              When i post on another thread that's not anti i try to bear in mid that the show, though no longer my favorite, could be someone else's favorite and I certainly would be upset if someone came along and started complaining about my fav show. So, if I do post a concern or complaint I try to make it as solid as possible as to why I thought what I did and not just show bashing.

              Putting yourself in someone else's shoes can go a long way.
              Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                Oh dear, I just read spoilers for the episode 'whispers' can't say i'm looking forward to it too much

                Shep and Carson together which is ace but then they ruin it all by putting them stranded off world with an all female team, one of which 'bonds' with Carson. And they all stay overnight somewhere, oh god it's not just Keller we have to worry about stealing our boys there's now four more of them noooo!!!!

                And where on Earth are Telya McKay and Ronon huh? I thought team missions might be back on the agenda this season now RL hs had her baby etc it was one of the things I was looking forward to, they just cannot get anything right!

                Well at least it has given me something to whinge about on here! Hey, I can see the positive what's wrong with me ha ha!!!


                  Originally posted by elliecat View Post
                  Oh dear, I just read spoilers for the episode 'whispers' can't say i'm looking forward to it too much

                  Shep and Carson together which is ace but then they ruin it all by putting them stranded off world with an all female team, one of which 'bonds' with Carson. And they all stay overnight somewhere, oh god it's not just Keller we have to worry about stealing our boys there's now four more of them noooo!!!!
                  .: Arrgh. I'm fed up.

                  *mod snip* We don't permit threats of violence against real people here.

                  .: Still cranky and pissed, but I feel much better now.
                  Last edited by kiwigater; 27 March 2008, 02:57 PM.


                    Yep, I read the preview for whisper too:

                    I get the feeling that the all female team is tptb way of sticking it to the fans by saying....look, an all girl team. We're not sexist. Then turn around and say that the girls on the team are hot chicks. *rollseyes* please, if they were going to feature an all female team it should be the result of the women wanting to prove the guys wrong. Instead, it sounds like eye candy and Beckett's appearance is being diminished by it.

                    Further proof that the more tptb changes things on SGA the more things stay the same.
                    Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                      My 10 reasons to not watch season 5:

                      1. Boredom of Shep's various paternity suits

                      2. Not enough Lorne

                      3. Not enough Beckett

                      4. Not enough Zelenka

                      5. No Todd sucks Keller dry scene

                      6. No Weir

                      7. Inevitable Teyla's baby-in-distress angst

                      8. Woolsey

                      9. Woolsey in an Atlantis uniform

                      10. Repetitive reworking of old SG1 scripts

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Top Ten Reasons to Avoid S5

                        10. Hints have been dropped that Zelenka is a perv.
                        09. Too many characters, not enough plot.
                        08. An increasing amount of wallpapering of anyone who isn't Shep or McKay.
                        07. TPTB overcompensate for a lack of strong females by having a lot of sexy females instead.
                        06. More women in revealing outfits for Shep to practice his kirking.
                        05. Woolsey assumes command of Atlantis.
                        04. "Darker stories" translates to "characters acting like idiots." Again.
                        03. TPTB thought S4 was fantastic and have promised more of the same in S5.
                        02. Do you really want to watch another Baby of Doom plot?

                        And finally:

                        01. TPTB are writing a show that they want.


                          Why you shouldn't watch season 5?

                          10. Not enough Ronon... to which I might add, he looks darn hot in an Armani or whatever suit.

                          9. Keller flaunting about, hooking up with everyone in Atlantis... I wonder if we're finally going to see another "gay" kiss.

                          8. Woolsey in Atlantis, in that uniform in Atlantis... *RUN*

                          7. Too much Rodney.

                          6. Too much Sheppard.

                          5. The three B's - Boobs, bombs and butts.

                          4. Carson getting 5 episodes, technically 2.

                          3. No Elizabeth ... Ghost In The Machine doesn't count. Could have been a rewrite of SG1's Entity.

                          2. No Teyla ... wait... *screeches to a halt* Doesn't wallpaper count form something?

                          1. No Kate... okay, that maybe too personal
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
                            1. Boredom of Shep's various paternity suits
                            .: I have no honest idea why "Shep's various paternity suits" made me crack up so hard. But, oi - it must be what's in for next year!

                            Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                            Top Ten Reasons to Avoid S5

                            10. Hints have been dropped that Zelenka is a perv.
                            09. Too many characters, not enough plot.
                            08. An increasing amount of wallpapering of anyone who isn't Shep or McKay.
                            07. TPTB overcompensate for a lack of strong females by having a lot of sexy females instead.
                            06. More women in revealing outfits for Shep to practice his kirking.
                            05. Woolsey assumes command of Atlantis.
                            04. "Darker stories" translates to "characters acting like idiots." Again.
                            03. TPTB thought S4 was fantastic and have promised more of the same in S5.
                            02. Do you really want to watch another Baby of Doom plot?

                            And finally:
                            01. TPTB are writing a show that they want.
                            .: That's just genius, ShadowMaat - especially the biggie number one

                            .: My list is pretty much a rehash of your guys', so I'll spare you the boring details


                              Bother. I forgot about more crossovers. Maybe that can be 1a, since technically SG-1 IS the show TPTB seem to like/want.


                                Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                                Bother. I forgot about more crossovers. Maybe that can be 1a, since technically SG-1 IS the show TPTB seem to like/want.
                                It's the ultimate answer to life, the universe and everything... SG1 ...oh wait, no that's 42.

                                To what is SG1 the answer...

                                Season 5 of Atlantis = ...

                                a) a rewrite of several SG1 episodes
                                b) SG1 rewritten, the way TPTB always wanted SG1 to be
                                c) SG1 redux
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

