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'The Seer' (408) General Discussion

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    This was a pretty good outing - the Wraith was cool (didn't anyone think to check him for a tracker?), as was the Seer, himself, but I too would have liked to know more about him.

    I'm tired of Woolsey. He's a drag-over from SG1 and I'm tired of seeing SG1 folks on SGA. Besides, I've heard all the Woolsey insults and barbs on SG1 so its just a retread here.

    The uniforms continue to be awful, especially for the ladies.

    Carter is just, well, I don't think Carter came to SGA. I see Amanda Tapping on this show, but though there is a lady who looks like Carter, I'm not seeing the "real" Carter. With two hours before a Wraith ship arrives, the real Carter would have been working furiously with McKay, not hanging around an office. That's Weir's job. As someone else said, she isn't a soldier and she isn't doing scientist stuff, so who is she supposed to be? Its just Weir in a different body. I really can't see the IOC putting an astrophysicist in an administrator's job. *shrugs*

    However, I give this a "B". Rodney was good, we saw Chuck again, and I'm liking the camera work and lighting being used this year.

    I still can't get into Keller, no matter how much lip gloss they pile on her.

    When all else fails, change channels.


      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
      ?* Carter is just, well, I don't think Carter came to SGA.?* I see Amanda Tapping on this show, but though there is a lady who looks like Carter, I'm not seeing the "real" Carter.?*?* With two hours before a Wraith ship arrives, the real Carter would have been working furiously with McKay,?* not hanging around an office.?* That's Weir's job.?* As someone else said, she isn't a soldier and she isn't doing scientist stuff, so who is she supposed to be??* Its just Weir in a different body.?* I really can't see the IOC putting an astrophysicist in an administrator's job.?* *shrugs*
      As leader of Atlantis, Carter runs the base and McKay does ths science aspects of Atlantis. He is just as quaiified on Asuran codes as Carter
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
        As leader of Atlantis, Carter runs the base and McKay does ths science aspects of Atlantis. He is just as quaiified on Asuran codes as Carter
        There's no reason to believe that Carter is in ANY way helpful to McKay when it comes to Asuran coding. The PTB have said that the Milky Way Replicators and the Asurans aren't the same thing, and the Asurans are obviously programmed very differently (ie. the coding not to hurt Ancients, the coding to attack the wraith, their ability to infect people with nanites). Carter's been so damn busy worrying about the Ori, I doubt she had any time at all to learn about Asuran coding.


          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          As leader of Atlantis, Carter runs the base and McKay does ths science aspects of Atlantis. He is just as quaiified on Asuran codes as Carter
          On SG1 there was a running gag on who was the better scientist, Carter or McKay. Suddenly Carter isn't a scientist, despite having a Ph.D. in Physics. I would have liked to see a bit of technobabble between her and Rodney, even just a line or two, especially since it was imperative Rodney crack that genetic code asap. Two minds are better than one, yes? Besides, it seems a waste to have such a brilliant mind like Carter's locked away in an office job.

          When all else fails, change channels.


            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
            On SG1 there was a running gag on who was the better scientist, Carter or McKay. Suddenly Carter isn't a scientist, despite having a Ph.D. in Physics. I would have liked to see a bit of technobabble between her and Rodney, even just a line or two, especially since it was imperative Rodney crack that genetic code asap. Two minds are better than one, yes? Besides, it seems a waste to have such a brilliant mind like Carter's locked away in an office job.
            I agree.
            I don't want to see it become a constant thing in every single episode, but a reminder that Sam is a bloody brilliant woman wouldn't hurt every so often.

            Overall, I have to say this was a very good episode.
            I laughed, I cried, I lost 15 pounds... I cannot recommend this episode enough.


              I didn't like this episode very much. Glad to see the Common Ground Wraith back. Loved the scene where Atlantis was "destroyed."


                I have a question. When they figured out the second Hive ship was just tracking the first one, why didn't they have the CG Wraith order the first one to leave? They had already downloaded the virus, and the ship could always return later. Then Atlantis could cloak until the second ship left the area and not be in as much danger as they were with two ships up there.


                  I liked the part where the Seer showed Sam when the Rep. ships attacked Atlantis with drones, but that poses questions: why wasn't the shields up to block the drones, and the second question would be which episode will this be in? The Wrait battle at the end was so lame since they reused footage from season 2's Hive pt 2...I love space battles (or ships) so the desturction of Atlatis footage cancelled out the reused Wrait fight IMO. Also I think you would have seen the planet in the background.


                    Originally posted by Mitchell82 View Post
                    That is what she was doing replacing her and that in itself is an improvement.
                    I love what they are doing with Sam. She was so submissive in SG1. You can see that she handles being in command very well, but she tends to let the expedition run itself by deferring to Sheppard. Great show of respect. I also like that her screen time varies. I don't see her being anything like Weir. Weir was very hands-on, Sam isn't.

                    Really? No one seemed unsuportive of Teyla nor did I get the impression that they didn't care. They were simply skeptical of the Seer. Also we saw quite a bit of him and it was a very intereting story.
                    I really hate when people nitpick like that. Teyla's people disappeared. The team has no leads, so it's all about research. Teyla is frantic, but the team is trying to gather information. You know what? That can be kinda boring in reality.

                    Wooden? I disagree. She was very empathetic, there isn't much more she could have said. I know you really miss Carson but Keller is far from wooden IMO.
                    Thank you. I think Keller is doing well. She's in no way wooden. Just last episode she went from cowering wimp to gun wielding badass. The women's dad just died. I guarantee you could record 100 real life conversations in that type of situation, and the person consoling would sound wooden in the majority of them.

                    Hmm well it looks great and it airs in two weeks.
                    I'm looking forward to it. I think this guy might want to consider doing something else on Friday nights. Every single point brought up sounds like he's just looking for a reason to criticize the show.

                    As for why Jonas wasn't mentioned. Keep in mind that Weir, and most likely Sheppard, have had access to the SGC reports. Not every person in the expedition would be given that high level access, and wouldn't even know who Jonas is. The Carter has to explain everything. Makes more sense for Carter to keep quiet about it.


                      Originally posted by Konrad9 View Post
                      I agree.
                      I laughed, I cried, I lost 15 pounds... I cannot recommend this episode enough.
                      OT: That is a freaking AWESOME book.


                        i am just going to take a moment as a sam fan here...


                        since sam was given command of sg1 in s8, i've been waiting to see something like this. sam was totally in command here! this was her gig, and she ran it with care and insight. so please allow me a moment of SQUEEE!!!

                        *takes moment*

                        k, for the rest of the ep...

                        it was a quiet ep, in terms of more talking and scheming than shoot 'em up action, but these kinds of eps can be character creating cavalcades. (that was a mouthful )

                        i thoroughly ADORED how respectful everyone was of sam's authority. and even though wolsey can be a butt sometimes, he means well and i really see that.

                        on a weird sidenote: from the moment i heard and saw teyla, the actress reminded me of someone. it wasn't until two nights ago when i was rewatching 'tabula rasa' that i figured it out. rachel sounds and even looks a bit like the actress anne archer. at least to me.

                        the wraith in this ep was very interesting. this is the only second wraith ep i've ever seen, so i really enjoyed seeing one up close and personal. (and i think the actor that played that wraith is christopher heyerdahl, who somewhat recently worked with amanda in her internet show 'sanctuary'. he played jack the ripper and amanda's character was engaged to him)

                        i liked the seer guy (davros?) and his daughter. what's going to happen to the daughter now?

                        i'm wondering too if the vision sam saw might have something to do with the season ender 'the last man'?

                        oh, i was also wondering if that wraith telling them that it was the replicaters doing the mass murdering wasn't really the wraith doing it but pretending it was the reps so the humans would help them... but i guess that idea's no good now.

                        poor teyla, keeping this secret. at least she's got keller to talk to.

                        i just REALLY enjoyed this ep! ep by ep, i'm falling for each character so much. and that includes the gorgeous and wonderful atlantis base itself.

                        i'm happy!!




                          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
                          This was a pretty good outing - the Wraith was cool (didn't anyone think to check him for a tracker?), as was the Seer, himself, but I too would have liked to know more about him.
                          Yeah it would have been nice to see more of the Seer but it would have taken up too much of the ep.

                          I'm tired of Woolsey. He's a drag-over from SG1 and I'm tired of seeing SG1 folks on SGA. Besides, I've heard all the Woolsey insults and barbs on SG1 so its just a retread here.
                          I disagree. It's necesary having Woolsey from time to time b/c of the IOA being in charge of the Atlantis expedition. Not to mention Woolsey had legitimate concerns.

                          The uniforms continue to be awful, especially for the ladies.
                          I must be the only one that actually like the uniforms.

                          Carter is just, well, I don't think Carter came to SGA. I see Amanda Tapping on this show, but though there is a lady who looks like Carter, I'm not seeing the "real" Carter. With two hours before a Wraith ship arrives, the real Carter would have been working furiously with McKay, not hanging around an office. That's Weir's job. As someone else said, she isn't a soldier and she isn't doing scientist stuff, so who is she supposed to be? Its just Weir in a different body. I really can't see the IOC putting an astrophysicist in an administrator's job. *shrugs*
                          The IOA put Carter in command because of her military and scientific backround. Her job now is base leader which is an administrative job which is alot harder than being lead scienitist. She is Carter just now she has elvoved from combat and science specialist to being responsible for the whole city and galaxy. She would help Mckay if it's needed but her main job is seeing if his plan is reasonable.
                          Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                          "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                          Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            i am just going to take a moment as a sam fan here...YEEEEESSSS!! since sam was given command of sg1 in s8, i've been waiting to see something like this. sam was totally in command here! this was her gig, and she ran it with care and insight. so please allow me a moment of SQUEEE!!! *takes moment*k, for the rest of the ep... it was a quiet ep, in terms of more talking and scheming than shoot 'em up action, but these kinds of eps can be character creating cavalcades. (that was a mouthful )i thoroughly ADORED how respectful everyone was of sam's authority. and even though wolsey can be a butt sometimes, he means well and i really see that. on a weird sidenote: from the moment i heard and saw teyla, the actress reminded me of someone. it wasn't until two nights ago when i was rewatching 'tabula rasa' that i figured it out. rachel sounds and even looks a bit like the actress anne archer. at least to me. the wraith in this ep was very interesting. this is the only second wraith ep i've ever seen, so i really enjoyed seeing one up close and personal. (and i think the actor that played that wraith is christopher heyerdahl, who somewhat recently worked with amanda in her internet show 'sanctuary'. he played jack the ripper and amanda's character was engaged to him)i liked the seer guy (davros?) and his daughter. what's going to happen to the daughter now? i'm wondering too if the vision sam saw might have something to do with the season ender 'the last man'?oh, i was also wondering if that wraith telling them that it was the replicaters doing the mass murdering wasn't really the wraith doing it but pretending it was the reps so the humans would help them... but i guess that idea's no good now.poor teyla, keeping this secret. at least she's got keller to talk to. i just REALLY enjoyed this ep! ep by ep, i'm falling for each character so much. and that includes the gorgeous and wonderful atlantis base itself. i'm happy!! sally
                            This was a Sam episode wheither you liked it or not. A major portion was showing on how Sam lead Atlantis. It showed she can make hard calls when she has to. Very remniscent of Weir
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              i i liked the seer guy (davros?)
                              God I hope not, just what the Atlantis Expedition needs, Daleks.
                              All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

                              The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

                              Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


                                Originally posted by jds1982 View Post
                                God I hope not, just what the Atlantis Expedition needs, Daleks.

                                argh, i should have looked up how to spell character's names.

                                woolsey and davos. there.



