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'Reunion' (403) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
    Not to infect this thread, but here are the facts about that picture in Sam's luggage:
    * Said picture is a screen capture fro "Singularity" from season 1.
    * The picture is 10 years old and Jack isn't even looking into the camera.
    * Sam brought it along.

    My theory is that Stalker-Sam took it with a stealth camera hidden in her hair.
    LOL. But more likely is that the camera was hidden in the dog's collar!
    If you're not going to learn from your mistakes, don't make any!


      Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post

      Not really. Logic beats everything. She couldn't have taken that picture with a camera on her person, yet she has it.
      Actually, you really have to blame the props guy for that picture-probably grabbed the first 8 x 10 glossy he could get his mitts on.

      Regardless of whether or not it is a current picture, an old picture or one snapped up from the props department-it was a quick pan of what she brought-no hoopla -no moooning-and brass band playing John Phillip Sousa's Stars and Stripes Forever.

      Whether it was a nod to us Shippers (and yes, I am one) or not-it did not impact the story, impinge on what was going on during the episode and no big deal was made of it.

      Arguing over whether or not it was a real picture or photo-shopped is kind of useless-don't you think?
      Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

      "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
        Well my take unlike Mr Joe Mallozzi's *see his blog* is that tptb were shipping Weir/Sheppard from season one, and now in order to not piss off those fans 'cause half of them are already pissed off enough with Weir leaving... they must have John being all 'we have to find Elizabeth... oh my god I may die without her!'


        Well that is my take on it.

        As for McKay again Joe M gives his take in his blog, for what it is worth. Apparently it has been months *yes months* since Weir went missing in action... so it is OK for McKay to be happy.
        Uh, didn't Mr. Mallozzi *write* this ep? I think I'll go with his take.

        I am so blessed! Cherriey made this cool sig; scarimor made this great Dr. Lee smilie and Spudster made another neat one Dr. Lee RULES!

        Myn's fabulous twilight bark smilie:


          Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
          Anybody named 'Kanan' in this ep?
          Only if you count the photo of Jack that Carter had in her luggage (Jack in a Suitcase!).

          Jack was once the host for Kanan the Tok'ra (Abyss).


          SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
          SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
          Morjana's Blog Twitter


            Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
            Sam's been to the Pegasus Galaxy twice (as far as we know) and she gets picked over Rodney or John? Yah.
            As mentioned in the episode, Sam is one of the foremost authorities in Ancient technology and Replicators.

            Sam HAS been working with Ancient technology (which includes the Gate system you know) since day one of the SG1 series...which gives her at least four more years experience that McKay.

            And Sam was involved with Replicator technology since they were introduced FIRST in SG1 back in season three's "Nemesis," so that's another two more years of experience than McKay, since he wasn't first introduced until SG-1's season five's "48 Hours."

            So yeah, I think that makes her qualified. And apparently TPTB did too.

            Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
            * Ouh! The Satedans know the Imperial System (or whatever the Pounds/Inches/Feet/Yards-system is called). Why would Satedans who have never met the Tau'ri before know what 7 feet is?!
            Why not? They know English apparently.

            Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
            * Did Teal'c always only have grays on one side?
            Only since "Unending."

            Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
            * Why doesn't anyone else see her off?
            It's football season.

            Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
            * Sam only brought one briefcase with her?! What, she's gonna wait 3 weeks before the Daedalus arrives with, oh, a change of clothes?
            * Obviously they dialed the gate twice for Sam. Once just for her and once for her stuff. What kind of power-wasting morons are they?! At least have the decency to only dial it once!
            Perhaps they sent her belongings through first, then Sam came through. That way, the Gate could be shut down AFTER Sam arrived, so that she could give her speech without the distraction of her gear arriving through the gate.

            Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
            * John's name as on the shortlist and not Rodney's? Well, we know that he's acerbic and vocal, but he's just as capable as John. And what's with the two only known shortlisted people both being military?
            Perhaps the IOA has realized that having a civilian commander of Atlantis was not in their best interest.

            Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
            * Yes, Sam. Let's show your hypocrisy. "It's too dangerous!" - As if SG-1 hasn't gone back countless times and risked countless lives to bring back other SG-1 team members in the past! And let's not forget every time Jack's been in need of rescuing. Oh, the crap Sam's pulled! Or even fodder. Like that time when Janet died because they all went back to retrieve one wounded soldier. Here's someone who's meant a great deal to Atlantis, Pegasus and the Stargate program and they're not gonna go back because, "It's too dangerous!"? If certain people are willing to risk their lives, then let them.
            DarkAngel just suggested previously it might be because they don't want to risk giving away the location of Atlantis too soon.

            How about they take the time to gather intel on what's going on in their neck of the woods before they take on a search and rescue mission?

            Last edited by morjana; 14 October 2007, 01:57 AM.

            SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
            SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
            Morjana's Blog Twitter


              Originally posted by Ltcolshepjumper View Post
              I still don't get the connection bewteen Carter and Ancient technology. The Ancient technology she has ben exposed to in the Milky Way she usually has not been able to master. Could you please explain?
              The Stargate system is Ancient technology.


              SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
              SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
              Morjana's Blog Twitter


                Originally posted by Über View Post
                Let's see...a rescue mission to recover team members captured in an undermanned Wraith facility vs. a rescue mission to recover a seriously compromised and possibly not alive team member lost somewhere on a planet overrun by hostile human form replicators with no viable way to reach her without getting everyone killed. Oh and then there's the fact that even if they found her, there's no telling she'd want to be found, would come back willingly or would kill them all herself as she's quite possibly no longer herself.

                Similar odds? I think not.
                Let's see... Jack captured and held in a Goa'uld base ("Abyss"). They have no intel on what's currently in said base except that breaking him out will be near impossible. And who knows what the Goa'uld have done to him. Implanted him with a nahquahdah bomb? I didn't see Sam second-guessing any decision to mount a rescue mission.

                And now they have a viable way. Capture a great number of Wraith. Give them anti-Replicator guns and then throw them into Asuras. While the Asurans and Wraith battle it out together, try to find Elizabeth.

                And they still have the kill switch should she turn on them. And Rodney could easily re-program her as long as she doesn't attack them (kill switch). After what she's done for the world, she deserves the same chance at they gave Jack again and again and again.

                But we're not gonna see that rescue mission anytime soon.

                Originally posted by Über View Post
                Not all rescue missions are equal and, just like Hammond and Jack and anyone else she's served under, sometimes you have to acknowledge that acceptable risk is one thing. Suicidal is quite another.
                That's not the logic at the SG-1. A lot people would say "I wanna go on this suicidal mission! I love this character that much!"

                <mod snip>

                No real person would always, always make the right call in all situations for years on end. Mistakes happen, people die. Move on or fail miserably.

                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                You really think they would've sent Shep's team AT ALL if there were NO intel? I have a feeling more info were traded during their meeting with the Satedans than we saw.
                They had no intel on the current situation after the botched infiltration job. For all they knew, the Wraith had space radioed for backup and they'd be met by 29 darts. They'd at least be much more alert. And also, the so called undermanned science facility had managed to take out 3 warrior Satedans who had apparently raided lots of Wraith facilities before (as far as Atlantis knew) and Atlantis' flagship team. It's not like they were incompetent Red Shirts Wraith the bunch of them.

                And with this lack of intel and the little intel they had, Sam sends herself, Ronon (who had already failed and who was lightly injured), two Red Shirt marines or whatever and an unarmed scientist.
                Last edited by Skydiver; 14 October 2007, 07:17 AM.


                  Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                  Check out iTunes and Amazon Unbox. They both have it for $1.99.
                  Cheers! I will do! I am not accustomed to downloading TV programs so I did not even know I could do that!

                  Thanks again!


                    Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                    EDIT:[/B] After reading other comments, I have to agree, however, that there should have been a salute, although I didn't notice it when I watched the episode. But now that I'm thinking about should have been there. Are they trying to downplay Sam being military I wonder?
                    You don't salute indoors.


                    SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                    SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                    Morjana's Blog Twitter


                      Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
                      Actually, you really have to blame the props guy for that picture-probably grabbed the first 8 x 10 glossy he could get his mitts on.

                      Regardless of whether or not it is a current picture, an old picture or one snapped up from the props department-it was a quick pan of what she brought-no hoopla -no moooning-and brass band playing John Phillip Sousa's Stars and Stripes Forever.

                      Whether it was a nod to us Shippers (and yes, I am one) or not-it did not impact the story, impinge on what was going on during the episode and no big deal was made of it.

                      Arguing over whether or not it was a real picture or photo-shopped is kind of useless-don't you think?
                      And again I must say, I did not originally bring the picture up. Others did and raved about how it furthereed their ship. I presented arguments against it.

                      Originally posted by morjana View Post
                      As mentioned in the episode, Sam is one of the foremost authorities in Ancient technology and Replicators.
                      This matters how? Neither Ancient technology (besides the Gate itself and the Jumper, which Sam couldn't pilot) nor Replicators (as far as they knew) were even involved in this episode.

                      Being one of the foremost experts on whales does not mean the marine biologists would call upon you to go help them with a shark problem.

                      Originally posted by morjana View Post
                      Sam HAS been working with Ancient technology (which includes the Gate system you know) since day the beginning of the series...which gives her at least four more years experience that McKay.
                      And again, this has what to do with what exactly? It's not like knowing how to work a Gate is gonna help her against the Wraith.

                      Originally posted by morjana View Post
                      And Sam was involved with Replicator technology since they were introduced FIRST in SG1 back in season three's "Nemesis," so that's another two more years of experience than McKay, since he wasn't first introduced until SG-1's season five's "48 Hours."
                      No... Replicators... in... this... mission (as far as they knew).

                      Originally posted by morjana View Post
                      So yeah, I think that makes her qualified. And apparently TPTB did too.
                      It makes her qualified in a lot of matters. But not in Wraith matters, especially since she had never even seen a Wraith before this episode!

                      It would not be logical to put the world's best BlackHawk pilot in the seat of a passenger Aircraft with no training and ever seeing one before and expect them to be able to pilot it perfectly.

                      Originally posted by morjana View Post
                      Perhaps they sent her belongings through first, then Sam came through. That way, the Gate could be shut down AFTER Sam arrived, so that she could give her speech without the distraction of her gear arriving through the gate.
                      Yes, what horrible distraction. Let's waste our precious ZPM-power to save her from distraction! Especially when we could just use the Intergalactic Gatebridge for everything and save tons of power!


                        What a great episode is Reunion! I love it! Even the scene with Carter and Teal'c couldn't bother me.
                        The Wraith scientist was great. The only thing I didn't like was his hair. It looks like his Hive has a very bad hairdresser. Look his boss's hair or the lack of hair. Oh, my....
                        And in the end they didn't kill the Wraith! Can you believe it???
                        10 of 10 for that episode. I am looking to watch Travellers and
                        to see how a young Wraith princess will look like.
                        I just hope that her hairdresser will be better.
                        LONG LIVE THE WRAITH!
                        Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
                        My fan fiction


                          Originally posted by prion View Post
                          Hammond only went through the gate once, yup.. He didn't make it a habit (and yes, becuase the writers extol the virtues of Carter all the time, it wouldn't surprise me if she went through the gate alot). Landry went through once or twice too.
                          Hammond went through the gate more than once, Elyse.

                          1) Hammond went through the Gate to assist in the rescue of SG1 in "Prisoners."

                          2) Hammond went through the GAte to assist in the rescue of SG1 in "Into the Fire."

                          3) Hammond went through the Gate to assist with the operation against Anubis in "Fallen."

                          And he had the opportunity to go through the Gate (to save himself) in "Fail Safe" but declined.


                          SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                          SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                          Morjana's Blog Twitter


                            Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                            Let's see... Jack captured and held in a Goa'uld base ("Abyss"). They have no intel on what's currently in said base except that breaking him out will be near impossible. And who knows what the Goa'uld have done to him. Implanted him with a nahquahdah bomb? I didn't see Sam second-guessing any decision to mount a rescue mission.
                            Uh actually you just proved my argument quite nicely. Hammond refused SG-1's pleas to rescue Jack in Abyss until they could come up with a viable plan.
                            Thoran: "It makes no difference. If, indeed, Colonel O'Neill is in Ba'al's hands, then he is far beyond our reach."
                            Teal'c: "We have plans to the outpost."
                            Thoran: "Then you know it is a fortress. An army could not hope to penetrate it."Sam: "Kanan obviously thought it was possible. Sir, if we went in with a small force...maybe two SG teams..."
                            Hammond: "I'm sorry, Major, but I agree with the Councilor. I've gone over the intel we have on this outpost. A successful attack of any magnitude is beyond our capabilities."
                            And when they did come up with a plan that had a chance of working and presented it to Hammond, he approved it and they went. Same thing happened in Fifth Man. Sam and the rest of SG-1 almost defied direct orders and went back looking for Jack and Tyler...but Hammond refused them because it was too risky. Same thing happened in Solitudes and Out of Mind and...well you get the picture.

                            Whereas before her job was to present the risks to her superiors, now the same mantel of leadership Hammond bore is on Sam's shoulders. She's now the one who has to weigh the odds and make the final say.
                            Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                            And now they have a viable way. Capture a great number of Wraith. Give them anti-Replicator guns and then throw them into Asuras. While the Asurans and Wraith battle it out together, try to find Elizabeth.
                            You honestly consider this a viable plan? BTW, viable means "has a chance of working."

                            Just for kicks, let's play out this scenario, shall we? We capture a great number of Wraith. How many do we capture? We are talking about an entire planet of replicators here. Where do we unleash them on this, the Replicator home world? We don't know where Elizabeth is on the planet or if she's been moved offworld someplace. We don't even know if she's alive. And what are these Wraith supposed to do after the replicators adapt to the weapons, making them useless.

                            And Carter does make mistakes just like the rest of us. She is human and she does learn from them. So...?
                            Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                            They had no intel on the current situation after the botched infiltration job. For all they knew, the Wraith had space radioed for backup and they'd be met by 29 darts. They'd at least be much more alert. And also, the so called undermanned science facility had managed to take out 3 warrior Satedans who had apparently raided lots of Wraith facilities before (as far as Atlantis knew) and Atlantis' flagship team. It's not like they were incompetent Red Shirts Wraith the bunch of them.

                            And with this lack of intel and the little intel they had, Sam sends herself, Ronon (who had already failed and who was lightly injured), two Red Shirt marines or whatever and an unarmed scientist.
                            Oh for crying out loud. You can what if a scenario a hundred times over but just because your mind as a fan concocts a dozen outrageous possibilities doesn't mean they're probable.

                            You can only go with the intel you have and plan the best you can...and their latest intel came straight from Ronon who was just there moments before. Based on the most recent intel, the base is undermanned but on alert. Carter's not a novice here and seconds after talking to Ronon, she immediately launched a rescue op and gets her team. What could have happened had a Wraith cruiser been nearby or if a million dollars were en route is irrelevant. Fun for fan fiction fodder but no leader can second guess themselves based on fantasy...which is essentially what you're proposing.
                            Last edited by Uber; 14 October 2007, 11:16 AM.

                            ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                              Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                              He did in Prisoners. Not with guns blazing but he went off-world to effect their rescue.
                              He did so in 'Into the Fire' too WITH all guns blazing!


                                Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                                And again I must say, I did not originally bring the picture up. Others did and raved about how it furthereed their ship. I presented arguments against it.
                                Your argument is a bizarre mix of real world and in story (il)logic. It's a prop therefore Sam's a crazy stalker cuz that's the only way she would have gotten it!

                                Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                                This matters how? Neither Ancient technology (besides the Gate itself and the Jumper, which Sam couldn't pilot) nor Replicators (as far as they knew) were even involved in this episode.

                                Being one of the foremost experts on whales does not mean the marine biologists would call upon you to go help them with a shark problem.

                                And again, this has what to do with what exactly? It's not like knowing how to work a Gate is gonna help her against the Wraith.

                                No... Replicators... in... this... mission (as far as they knew).

                                It makes her qualified in a lot of matters. But not in Wraith matters, especially since she had never even seen a Wraith before this episode!

                                It would not be logical to put the world's best BlackHawk pilot in the seat of a passenger Aircraft with no training and ever seeing one before and expect them to be able to pilot it perfectly.
                                All of the above was in relation to why she was chosen to lead Atlantis, not why she went on this one specific operation.

                                And I daresay that 10 years kicking bad guy alien butt and taking names makes her more than qualified to lead the op in question.
                                Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                                Yes, what horrible distraction. Let's waste our precious ZPM-power to save her from distraction! Especially when we could just use the Intergalactic Gatebridge for everything and save tons of power!
                                Wow...tone it down a notch. I'm not sure why you're so upset here. LOL Are you actually somehow offended she had the temerity to send her luggage through first?? How DARE she!!!

                                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...

