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'Reunion' (403) General Discussion

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    Excellent episode... I think my favourtie so far.. well certaintly up there with Doppelganger..

    I can't think of anything I didn't like about this ep. Ronan was awesome and I really hope his character gets more screentime as the season progresses. Teyla was also fantastic and she looked so stunning... pregnancy glow..It was great hearing her thoughts on being on Atlantis and how she felt guilty for leaving her people.

    It was a wonderful character study and showed just how close the team really are. Ronan being torn being his old Satedan friends and his Atlantis friends, was done very well and it just seemed so strange watching him go with the Satedans on the mission.

    Carter is growing on me more and more, and again it's great seeing her being able to contribute, and when she goes on a mission she can actually help. I loved her scene with Ronan and he was so in character... it reminded me of when he met Sheppard and Teyla in Runner.. he says exactly what's on his mind. The writers are trying a bit too hard too throw in lines about Weir and the one by Ronan about Weir allowing his friends to stay just seemed forced in there for another opportunity to mention Weir.. I doubt very much whether Weirs decision would have been any different from Carters. Also the converstation about mounting a rescue mission for Weir. Weir is now compromised and most likely a huge threat to Atlantis. If she was just a prisoner somewhere I could understand Sheppard wanting to rescue her but she is now part replicator, so it seems odd that Sheppard gave the order to have her killed severel times but now wants to rescue her.. It would seem more natural if they just said they missed her and it would be nice to see Rodney mention her especially when he heard the news about who was going to be the new leader, and particulary since Rodney was probably the closest to her. Puts Atlantis in danger to save her and then doesn't even mention her again..

    But overall a very well paced and exciting episode, with a good balance of wonderful character moments and action.



      Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
      * "I'm not Doctor Weir." - Way to rub it in for us who don't like the change. Probably not intentional, but still.
      What did you expect her to say? "secondly, I am Dr. Weir"?

      Seriously though, saying she wasn't Dr. Weir made perfect sense given what Ronon said.


        Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
        You know, that's an interesting point. Atlantis has always been civilian-led and Weir had to do her fair share of fighting for control over the military and IOA. And now that command has been switched over to military there were zero comments about it from anyone, not even a "oh, we have to go military now because it's so much more dangerous." No real reasoning for such a big switch outside of sticking Carter into the empty slot.
        Five words for this:

        The galaxy is at war.


          Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
          The picture was seen in Sunday (I believe). (EDIT-- see I'm not crazy Pegasus SGA saw it too...ok that doesnt confirm I am not crazy but it does confirm they have used such pics in the past)
          The picture is from Duet (I also believe) its the real cool one with Beckett and Mckay in the grey\black gear walking in the field and talking about Rodneys date with Katie Brown (I again believe)...its a really nice pic of the two of them so I can see why they used it in the ep.

          I can think of better pics of O'Neill... in fact there is an RDA\MS pic (its off camera) that I think they could make work as a buddy pic in an ep if they were so inclined...though not sure why they would be since this is SGA and not SG-1. Its OK for Carter to have pics of her buddies (and apparently she has more then just O'Neill) but theres no point lingering on them.
          Are you implying i'm nuts to? Isn't calling someone a nutter against forum rules?

          hehehe and no we're not nuts and here to prove our point!


          Nice and big to get our point across.

          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          Your point was that you sympathise with McKay because your brain gets fried when you have certain lustful thoughts? Not that I'm saying I think you do have lustful thoughts. Oh no. I wouldn't say I think that - I know that!

          Where was I? Oh yes. I meant to say when Teyla told Rodney to be strong I got a lump in my throat. Seriously he looked so damn brave and determined to be strong. Sniff...
          I never have lustful thoughts. Dirty ones, yes. Lust? Not so much.

          OMG me we're going to have to disagree on that point! This is becoming a habit, Linz. I didn't like that line at all. I never liked it in the Hive either. It just irks me, and I don't know why...

          Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
          Other people brought up the picture. I brought up my views on it. I didn't spontaneously bring it up.

          Neither one had a camera on them. So either Sam's a stalker or Daniel or Teal'c a stalker who rigged a camera in a tree or something.

          Maybe Laura (Cadman) took it. Or one of the other soldiers.

          At least in that case, we didn't see them sitting or standing somewhere where they couldn't possibly have taken the photo, yet they were in possession of it.
          Pic is above. SO by that logic, Daniel, Teal'c or cassie, or if we're really clutching at straws, the dog could have taken it.

          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
          ITA. I loved Rodney's response: "I'll try." No whining, begging, babbling about being a deadman. He's been around long enough to know what happens when you get removed from a Wraith holding cell.

          I am amazed that Rodney would not only think to get her something to welcome her but that it would be something so unique as a basket of fruits from their trading partners. This is the same guy that swiped something from Weir's desk to give as a gift to his niece.

          Sheppard stealing it was hilarious to me. I think it goes to show that competitve streak (The Game) is still there. I don't doubt their friendship. Rodney just happens to be really gullible. *snickers*

          That's exactly what I wanted to know. Is there a control panel for that as well?
          I loved that he got her that stuff, it was like a 'no hard feelings' sorta gift. *giggles* it was like you could see Shep plotting it when Rodney ordered the scientist to take it away. Hehehe

          Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
          *you made me blush * (yeah I am a guy and not embarrassed to admit it ) heee heee*

          Ronon is not my favourite character but this episode showed he can put some tears in your eyes. The writers did a good job in the last scene, however, in several cases the camera crew was out of sync with the battle. Ronon, was never this rude to Weir. I guess this is their way of showing how the "alfa" male has issues accepting a woman with exemplary military skill. On top of that she is a techie .
          *passes over a tissue*

          I'll have to watch the fight scene again, i'm sure there were tonnes i missed, but how could you miss the throat slitting! Very dramatic! Luffed it.

          People blame Sam for not letting John go after Weir. Anyone recall Rising? Did Weir authorize a mission to bust out Teyla and Sumner? Nope.... not until John showed he had a plan and an advantage. Did SAM ask John to provide her a plan with a remote chance of success? She did, she behaved exactly like Weir and she was open to this idea. I can be feisty and blame John for not being able to provide a tactical advantage and a good plan. "DAMMMN YOU JOHN!!!!" *stop throwing rocks people *

          The whole rescue operation is a modified Rising depiction. Having said that, one can explain why Sam sanctioned and joined the rescue mission. They did this before, they had a tactical advantage; Ronon knew what was out there, whereas with Weir....
          Exactly. If Sheppard had come up with a plan, I guarantee Sam will have let him go. In that respect she is like Weir. She knows what it's like to have someone left behind, but she's smart enough to know not to just go barging in, until intel was received. And in this case Ronon was able to feed back the information to her.


            Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
            It's a word-for-word quote?!?!?! My God that's pathetic!
            No it's NOT a word for word quote.

            Frankly, I think that had the conversation taken place somewhere other than the balcony people wouldn't be complaining. I find the fact that people are trying to make a conversation that had similarities to a one from years ago(that fitted into the episode well, might I add, and made alot of sense) into something really terrible is pathetic. I heard alot of people complaining that Weir would be forgotten straight away. Now that they have been proven well and trully wrong, it's "OMG they aren't remembering Weir the way I wanted them to can you believe it TPTB are *******s OMG!!!?!?!". Pathetic.

            Originally posted by Erised View Post
            EXACTLY. This just tells me TPTB decided to let amanda take over and not have the successful characters in the episodes.. like in a rescue episode.
            Besides, the speech she gave? Pathetic!
            What the hell are you talking about?


              The episode was interesting regarding some development for Ronon and putting Carter in charge. Apart from that, the plot was rather on the filler episode side. I did not doubt a minute that Ronon's old friends are up to no good and that he will stay in Atlantis. Perhaps the 30 (20?) second preview at the end of Lifeline gave that away.
              For a filler episode it was actually quite good. I could not say that about "Irresponsible" for that matter. There was some excellent martial arts stuff and some pretty good emotions. Whoever said that Ronon is becoming the best developed character without having many lines is right on the money.
              Carter - McKAy stuff was priceless, especially her look when he said that he was seeing someone.
              Yes, Teyla, or rather Rachel Luttlell was showing all right in the sparring scene with Ronon. They tried to work with angles and most of time they showed her above the waist, but when it is there, it shows. I am thrilled to see how they will play it. Some stuff here on Gateworld mentioned that the father is somebody completely new, but I can't forget that in "Sunday" she was discussing with her later blown up friend someone definitely in her close proximity.
              Even though I got a bit of a filler episode feeling about "Reunion", I think generally 4th season rocks. I keep my fingers crossed for the renewal. I mean how much merchandise do I have to buy to get it?
              -I want you to know, even if you are gonna forget, that I wasn't with you all these years because we were trapped on this god-awful ship. I was with you because—
              - I know. And I want you to know that I—
              - I know. I know.


                I found it to be very good and it shows that this Season is actually going to be very good. I like the fact that all the characters in SGA are being given a chance to express themselves. This of course includes Ronon.


                  Originally posted by Erised
                  FallenAngelII, I agree! But don't worry. I'm sure people hated that balcony scene in Rising but now they somehow love that scene in Reunion.
                  I'm sorry, you aren't actually implying that Carter fans would like something Carter did even if they hated it when Weir did the exact same scene are you? That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. I can, however, easily imagine it happening the other way around...

                  Originally posted by Erised
                  Indeed like SR pointed out, this episode was Sateda and Rising, though I can't remember what Trinity was about so I can't compare that.. Next week's episode
                  is a cheap copy of Cold Lazarus.
                  What a load of 100% purified crap! Have you actually seen Doppelganger? Saying that is like saying The Hive is a cheap copy of The Siege just because they both feature Wraith! God, logic seems to be totally lacking with some people.


                    Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                    Can I request Daniel please? Or Jack.
                    If Sam and John were both in mortal danger, I think Daniel, Jack, Teal'c, Cameron, and Vala would all come through the Gate to help. Of course, Carson would descend in order to help as well, and Elizabeth would find a way around those nanites to come to their aid.

                    Hmmmm, maybe they should go on dangerous missions together every episode...

                    No flames please. I'm only teasing.

                    I don't think we'll see Sam leaving Atlantis very often, but this time was justified (IMO).


                      Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
                      No it's NOT a word for word quote.

                      Frankly, I think that had the conversation taken place somewhere other than the balcony people wouldn't be complaining. I find the fact that people are trying to make a conversation that had similarities to a one from years ago(that fitted into the episode well, might I add, and made alot of sense) into something really terrible is pathetic. I heard alot of people complaining that Weir would be forgotten straight away. Now that they have been proven well and trully wrong, it's "OMG they aren't remembering Weir the way I wanted them to can you believe it TPTB are *******s OMG!!!?!?!". Pathetic.

                      What the hell are you talking about?
                      Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I thought it was a really nice SGA reference. And suitably apt for such an occasion. One of things i've seen people complaining about is the fact that Carson hasn't been mentioned albeit only briefly. So, now that Weir is being referenced it's like it's become an insult, because it's come from Carter's lips, and maybe to some it feels like she's rubbing salt into the wound. I don't know if it's because people see it as Weir and Shep's balcony, or because it's Sam whose brought up the similarities. I wonder if things would have been different if Shep had said something after that or linked it back. Would people be more or less upset?

                      And I agree with your point about her being with Ronon and saying she's not Dr Weir. It was a great line, and from the get go, seperated the two leaders. Weir did things her way, and Carter's now doing it hers. Time to throw the old rule book out and start afresh. Before anyone jumps in, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying to forget Weir. I really loved these little references, but Sam is not Elizabeth. Just like Weir was not Hammond, when she replaced him.

                      Originally posted by tombraider View Post
                      The episode was interesting regarding some development for Ronon and putting Carter in charge. Apart from that, the plot was rather on the filler episode side. I did not doubt a minute that Ronon's old friends are up to no good and that he will stay in Atlantis. Perhaps the 30 (20?) second preview at the end of Lifeline gave that away.
                      For a filler episode it was actually quite good. I could not say that about "Irresponsible" for that matter. There was some excellent martial arts stuff and some pretty good emotions. Whoever said that Ronon is becoming the best developed character without having many lines is right on the money.
                      Carter - McKAy stuff was priceless, especially her look when he said that he was seeing someone.
                      Yes, Teyla, or rather Rachel Luttlell was showing all right in the sparring scene with Ronon. They tried to work with angles and most of time they showed her above the waist, but when it is there, it shows. I am thrilled to see how they will play it. Some stuff here on Gateworld mentioned that the father is somebody completely new, but I can't forget that in "Sunday" she was discussing with her later blown up friend someone definitely in her close proximity.
                      Even though I got a bit of a filler episode feeling about "Reunion", I think generally 4th season rocks. I keep my fingers crossed for the renewal. I mean how much merchandise do I have to buy to get it?

                      *puts her fingers in her ears and humms loudly*

                      Don't mention that ep when i'm around. Please


                        This was an average episode, I'd say. A bit predictable, but entertaining.

                        I will say that I was stoked when I saw Christopher Judge's name in the credits... I just sat up and shouted "Teal'c!" That was a nice, touching scene with him and Sam. I liked his intentional use of a Teal'cism with the "undomesticated equines" line. It's times like this that we see how much Teal'c has grown in the course of 10 years, that he knows that he was oddly formal in his speech once upon a time. "Nice callback," indeed.

                        I also liked the frame picture of Jack in Sam's box of possessions.
                        "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
                        "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
                        BAD WOLF!!!


                          Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                          Not to mention hypocritical.

                          She has no problem mounting a rescue mission (with herself on the front line!) later and she had no problems going to great lengths to mount rescue missions for Jack when he was in similar situations with similar odds!
                          Let's see...a rescue mission to recover team members captured in an undermanned Wraith facility vs. a rescue mission to recover a seriously compromised and possibly not alive team member lost somewhere on a planet overrun by hostile human form replicators with no viable way to reach her without getting everyone killed. Oh and then there's the fact that even if they found her, there's no telling she'd want to be found, would come back willingly or would kill them all herself as she's quite possibly no longer herself.

                          Similar odds? I think not.

                          Not all rescue missions are equal and, just like Hammond and Jack and anyone else she's served under, sometimes you have to acknowledge that acceptable risk is one thing. Suicidal is quite another.

                          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                            Geez, I am not getting some of the negativism here.
                            OK, I am not excited about Carter. She was my least favourite character in SG1 since the first moment. And I don´t like the fact that she will be in SGA. BUT, when I can see whole episode, which was very well done and where she fit pretty good, I won´t complain. I am still worried about Rodney´s relationship to her but when I saw Doppleganger...I loved that episode. And Reunion, there were some very bad moments (Rodney´s "I am seeing someone")but it was made very well as a whole.
                            I think I can at least admire Carter (and writers) that they have the courage to get over Weir so quickly (they are at war and there isn´t much time for mourning) and let Carter go her own way. And Sam knows that this her own way can cause her problems and don´t get me wrong, I really want to see her deal with problems bc it might help to her character. And it could also be chance for some interesting stories.

                            But I refuse to be negative absolutely about everything. What is with people these days? I can see only negative reactions, stupid chosen points, seeking problems and mistakes where are not any...I mean, I think we are all fans and love that show, so why constantly look for the bad things?
                            I am not some blindly excited fan but this is waaay to much even for me

                            "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                              Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
                              No it's NOT a word for word quote.

                              Frankly, I think that had the conversation taken place somewhere other than the balcony people wouldn't be complaining. I find the fact that people are trying to make a conversation that had similarities to a one from years ago(that fitted into the episode well, might I add, and made alot of sense) into something really terrible is pathetic. I heard alot of people complaining that Weir would be forgotten straight away. Now that they have been proven well and trully wrong, it's "OMG they aren't remembering Weir the way I wanted them to can you believe it TPTB are *******s OMG!!!?!?!". Pathetic.

                              It's a very familiar conversation in the exact same location of the city, which is annoying to me in its own right. Couple that with the newest addition to the cast voicing the lines of the character most recently MIA and its no surprise that some people are bothered by it.

                              Imagine if Ronon, in the first episode after he joined Atlantis, ran after John, asked to go along on a joy ride in the puddle jumper and offered a turkey sandwich as a bribe. You don't think people would cry foul?

                              Whatever the writers were trying to sell in this scene was lost on me.


                                Great Episode, not the best, but above average: 7/10

                                Ow and for the one that questioned why Teal'c had one side gray hair, watch the last SG-1 ep "Unending" to find out why that is

