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The Anti Season 4 Thread (Spoilers). For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Mariel - I bow to your dedication.

    Didn't you guys know Shep's the lead, and thus posses super human powers?
    sig made by me


      Originally posted by Dr Weir View Post
      No shield on the midway gate.
      That's what I was wondering about as well... seems Carter-McKay overlooked a detail.

      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      how about
      shep getting into that suit....those suits take a good 20-30 minutes and at least 2 people to help someone get into

      one oxygen deprived man can't do it on his own
      A point where I went ... O_o, how did he manage that on his own?

      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      he teh lead and he won't die
      Not any time soon no...
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Originally posted by Fionnait View Post
        Guys, you should know better than to use common sense when it comes to Stargate!

        New song for the Stinky Sock Mix:

        Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - The Weeping Song
        A song in which to weep=a season in which to weep.

        Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
        Mariel - I bow to your dedication.

        Didn't you guys know Shep's the lead, and thus posses super human powers?
        My dedication? More like my silliness. I haven't been that (intentionally) silly since college, I don't think. Maybe I should do it more often.

        I think I'm one of three people on the forum who disliked Midway. I haven't really enjoyed an episode since Spoils of War. Hopefully the last three are good.


          Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
          A song in which to weep=a season in which to weep.

          My dedication? More like my silliness. I haven't been that (intentionally) silly since college, I don't think. Maybe I should do it more often.

          I think I'm one of three people on the forum who disliked Midway. I haven't really enjoyed an episode since Spoils of War. Hopefully the last three are good.
          The only thing I liked about Midway (I did watch it) is ...
          Ronon waking Shep up. Jason was having a lot of fun it seems.

          Oh and Integra: Why must you hate on the hair? It's all shiny, soft and ....

          Another thing: Last night I was going through the channel guide and right above the Stargate Atlantis listing was noted, "train wrecks". *scouts honor* So not making this stuff up!
          Last edited by justhere1971; 16 February 2008, 05:30 PM.
          sig made by me


            [QUOTE=marielabbott;7741198]That is exactly what I was going to say about Midway!

            Cool! I have a three day weekend so I'll try to go see it. Jamie Bell is terrific in everything else I've seen him in. [quote]

            what all have you seen him in? I think i have only seen 4 films but i really like him

            Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
            Maybe Sci-Fi wanted to get in on the messing-with-fans action.

            Bit of semi-off topic/slightly spoilerish silliness.

            Earlier this week I said I would wear stinky socks on my head if Teal'c didn't beat Ronon in the fight. Since it was a draw, guess I actually did lose. So
            The socks actually were from my dirty laundry basket, so I kept my word. Sorry the picture's bad, I think my digital camera has issues, since it's starting to always take blurry photos like that.

            HAHAHAHAH! Spewed my drink...brillaint! green you if i could!

            Last edited by parisindy; 16 February 2008, 06:09 PM.

            "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
            ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
            Card designed by Falcon Horus


              Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
              Heh, nevermind I just caught up on the recent Joe M vs. GW rantyfest. The one where
              Joe got all mad that GW quoted him as saying that the returning Carson would not be a clone. Which, as any astute thinker can conclude, implies that the returning indeed a clone/repliclone. Maybe he should have stayed silent and either contacted Darren to quietly change the GW article or corrected any misconceptions that came up post-Kindred? Because his antics just indirectly spoiled a whole bunch of people. Quite amusing.
              Astute thinking, indeed. I'm just glad I didn't get my hopes up too much, though I will be quite happy to see PM again in his awesomeness (he'll probably only be in 5 mins of part I but ohwell) but I had the gut feeling that Mallozzi had played us from the beginning. Most people have gotten it into their heads by now, including lots of the Carson supporters. But we still try.

              False hope is better than none, is it not?

              Mallozzi - "A man of his word"? Oh please. It's amazing how well I'm containing my anger right now but I can burst any time now. At this point with Mallozzi I feel like stuffing hot peppers into every unholy orifice I can find. (Sorry if thats percieved as a threat. I'm not going to kill/torture Malozzi over a TV show. I might just actually subject him to some psychological warfare on his blog )

              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post

              But somethere. . .SOMEWHERE, I could have sworn I saw JM say it IS OUR CARSON.
              I recall that too. But then again he is frequenty misquoted (or changes his mind. Or like to toy with us.)

              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure View Post
              When is this man EVER going to say he made a mistake?????????????
              What mistakes? Mallozzi can do no wrong (Speaking of that, does any one have that twelve commandments of tptb list? It was here in the anti thread way back when but i'm too lazy to find it)

              I think (which means not a fact, so I'm not technically projected my personal sentiments over him) it has to do with his ego (way bigger than Rodney's IMO), or pride. I think all those worshippers over at the blog may have made him more conceited than I care to think about.

              Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
              The guy talks too much. Given what he said to the Save Carson Beckett campaign, pretty much any normal person would conclude he was bringing back the real Beckett, and not some half-assed version of him. You know, this is punishment for all the cryptic **** he says.
              Har-har - Karma is a b***h but it sure can be damn good. Is it bad that I feel bliss considering his 'punishment'. After I go and sob for Carson, I feel I will be at an all-time high in the world of fan-producer politics


                Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                what all have you seen him in? I think i have only seen 4 films but i really like him

                HAHAHAHAH! Spewed my drink...brillaint! green you if i could!

                You've seen him in more films than I have. I've only seen Billy Elliot and Nickolas Nickleby. But he made a great impression, very talented actor.


                  OK, in spite of the fact that I've actually enjoyed the last two episodes for the most part, I think this is probably the most appropriate place to post something that Midway made me think about - again.

                  I have always supported the Teyla character. No, she wasn't my favorite character, but that didn't mean I disliked her at all - until this season I loved all the Atlantis characters. I've been excited about episodes and character arcs for her (as long as they didn't involve ship with John). I've wanted to see her more involved in episodes and more character development.

                  In spite of all of that....there's been doubt gradually creeping into my mind about her character, and somehow the Midway scene just reinforced it and brought it to the forefront. And that is....I am not sure anymore that this character can be saved. Maybe that doesn't make sense - I don't know. I'm not even sure I can put my finger on exactly what's bothering me, but I'm really starting to doubt if even all the screentime in the world can save this character now.

                  The next couple of episodes are going to be big for Teyla, and I guess maybe I'll feel better about her after watching them. But while I was excited for these episodes earlier in the season, recent trailers have left me unimpressed. I don't fault Rachel - I think she's done a great job with what she's had to work with. But....can they really salvage this character at this point?

                  What do you all think?
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                    I agree Teyla is a difficult character and I really don't know what direction they are going with her. I think she had some great scenes in s3 like The Ark, Echos, Submersion off the top of my head but this season not very good scenes.
                    My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
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                      Teyla. Well, at first I was excited about her pregnancy, and about her disappeared people. But we haven't seen her in how many episodes now, so the interest I did have has faded considerably. I also have major concerns for her in season 5, which I think I briefly stated there (and which I probably shouldn't say here, wrong thread and all). Basically, I fear them making her character condrict itself for the sake of whatever plot they wish to follow, and once that happens...well, the character is damaged. I generally don't care as much for characters once that happens, so I can maybe see where you're coming from.


                        Unfortunately, TPTB neglected Teyla for 3 seasons. I think it's too late to salvage her now.

                        It's too bad, because on one hand she's very multifaceted but on the other it feels like that very factor made it too challenging for TPTB to do much with her. It's like Shep and his backstory - I get the feeling that TPTB gave him this questionable, rebel past up front but didn't really know how to flesh that out. And because of that they didn't get around to developing his past or family until this season, which was way too late for many fans.

                        Teyla has always been my second favorite character and I've been really peeved with how she's been neglected over all these years. Even Rodney, who's my number one, my main reason for getting into and continuing to watch the show, has diminished his snark and woobie-ish charm, becoming less appealing or even outright ugly like in Trio.


                          Want to revel in your anti-ness?
                          Read the comments. The anti ones sure outnumber the pro. It's an older article but for some reason reading the comments brings me pleasure in a disturbing way

                          Yay for shrill uninformed lemmings!


                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                            Unfortunately, TPTB neglected Teyla for 3 seasons. I think it's too late to salvage her now.

                            It's too bad, because on one hand she's very multifaceted but on the other it feels like that very factor made it too challenging for TPTB to do much with her. It's like Shep and his backstory - I get the feeling that TPTB gave him this questionable, rebel past up front but didn't really know how to flesh that out. And because of that they didn't get around to developing his past or family until this season, which was way too late for many fans.

                            Teyla has always been my second favorite character and I've been really peeved with how she's been neglected over all these years. Even Rodney, who's my number one, my main reason for getting into and continuing to watch the show, has diminished his snark and woobie-ish charm, becoming less appealing or even outright ugly like in Trio.

                            Why would they save her ?


                              Originally posted by Clem View Post
                              Would that be a bad thing?

                              No offence to the talented people involved, but i've just never really dug Atlantis like SG1. The only reason i watched Atlantis was because it came after SG1, kinda like "i guess i could watch's kinda the same...ish". And if i was lucky it might crossover with the proper show.

                              If i had the choice, i'd sacrifice Atlantis in a heartbeat if it brought Browder, Black, Shanks, Judge and Tapping back together for another season. (SG1 DVD movies are all well and good, but it's like swapping 20 episodes for's just crazy logic).
                              Wrong thread.

