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The Anti Season 4 Thread (Spoilers). For complaints and misgivings ONLY.
I usually buy my sets for the extra's (yeah, I know - weird) but right now I wonder if this will be worth it. Maybe I should just download the DVD rips and the Doppelganger mission directive.
.: I'll probably do the same, rent it from the library and then do my ... inconspicious usual stuff
.: Lovely kitties, Reefgirl! I also like cats. Cats and dogs ... except yappy small dogs. I cannot stand them (Neither can my dog.)
Wouldn't mind buying Atlantis season 4 if I could watch it Keller-free!
Me too. Wouldn't it be grand if you could watch an episode with or without Keller? Kind of like when you buy a DVD that has both the Letterbox and Standard version of a movie? I'd choose the "without Keller" version every time.