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Phantoms (309)

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    Unexpectedly good! There was virtually no spoiler info before hand and I was getting a little worried. I liked that there was finally something for everyone to do!!! Even Teyla! Sheppard's backstory was nice to see, as well as Beckett's emotional wringer. Though everyone who was watching it at my house figured it out as soon as they discovered the Wraith device, the fact that McKay was hallucinating was a nice twist, though not entirely unexpected.

    Overall, a pleasant surprise: ***
    Check out my fanfiction!


      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
      As for those who thought this was going to be the great Sheppard/Teyla romance thing. Um, Sheppard thought she was a GUY through most of the episode.
      For one instant there near the end, I thought Teyla was actually going to plant a kiss on him to try to break him free of the hallucination... And I am decidedly not a 'shipper. It just seemed so, for an instant, in the way she was leaning toward him and talking so desperately to reach him.

      I agree with you, I didn't feel like I learned anything new about John.

      And it all felt like too much crammed into one hour and not enough time for anything with real meat to it. And Sheppard shoots McKay from that distance and doesn't kill him? Not that I wanted him to--it just doesn't seem Sheppard would fail to mortally wound him in that instance.

      To get back to the shallow vibe, I liked Zelenka's new 'do. He's still cute as a button.
      Last edited by smushybird; 15 September 2006, 09:01 PM.


        Well, watching this ep the second time around only made it a bit better than the first time.

        I will admit, I found most of it disappointing. For all the hype of this being Shep's backstory, where exactly was it and what did we learn? What was shown was known from Rising - in that he disobeyed orders going back for three men in Afghanistan. Ok, so this ep had some of the action associated with it. But if sHep was supposed to be under severe emotional angst over the memories, I didn't see it.

        For some reason, the cat and mouse game between Ronan and Sheppy offered a few brief moments of comedic relief. Nothing like seeing your teammate as the enemy. But I can't help but wonder when did they both become such bad shots?

        I thought this episode could easily have had way more potential than what was shown. But it certainly isn't the worst episode of the lot either.

        I give it a 7/10.


          Originally posted by smushybird
          For one instant there near the end, I thought Teyla was actually going to plant a kiss on him to try to break him free of the hallucination... And I am decidedly not a 'shipper. It just seemed so, for an instant, in the way she was leaning toward him and talking so desperately to reach him.

          To get back to the the shallow vibe, I liked Zelenka's new 'do. He's still cute as a button.
          I actually thought Teyla was getting so desperate that she was going to punch him to knock some sense into him.

          Zelenka is always a treat.

          When all else fails, change channels.


            I liked the whole screwing with the mind concept. I'm not so sure I believe the really-bad-off guy would make it over shot-in-the-shoulder guy(I liked that actor!) however...

            I got sick of Rodney explaining what he had to do. Someone was dying! Quit k'vetching and do it already! Way to much exposition. Was this an attempt to not have to show the more expensive action? My sister was threatening to turn it off (She thought the story dragged.)And I thought that was reserved for SG-1. I was yelling at the tv. (Except Sateda - I was yelling
            "Video game villians!"
            quite a bit.)

            I thought John's backstory was intersting. It's about time Teyla gets at least winged. Notice she wasn't whining about Ronin shooting her. Poor Beckett! Rodney was just a pain this ep. He needed to be shot again. Perhaps on the other cheek.

            A disappointment following last weeks episode.

            Last edited by suse; 15 September 2006, 09:29 PM.
            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              It was a good ep. I really enjoyed seeing where everyone's minds took them when the machine started to affect them. Each hallucination suited the individual's personality and history.

              Originally posted by gambit
              I agree about about the three service men thing, but I still believe the mission talked about in 'Home' was something else entirely.
              Ditto. It's been pointed out to me that USAF helicopter pilots do Search and Rescue missions, so if Sheppard was in Afghanistan for any length of time he had likely flown several rescue sorties. In 'Home', Mitch and Dex were carrying on about a crazy/daring maneuver Sheppard made during a mission. Nothing really connects it to the mission we saw in 'Phantoms'.

              I'll need to see the episode again, but didn't Sheppard ask Holland about his men or crew (I can't remember the exact tword) when he first arrived at the downed Hind?

              And to militarygeek for a moment, I was almost ready to pitch a fit when I thought they were gonna use a Soviet Hind as a downed Air Force helicopter. I was very glad Sheppard clered that up. But what was up with the Marines carrying MP-5s? If not P90s, they ought to have used M-16s, IMO. Is FN stopping blanks production again?

              a time to mourn


                Now I'm no expert on military crashes that happened in Afghanistan, but I didn't know they came equipped with their own sandbags and conveniently placed trees. Unless somehow Sheppard was hallucinating C&C:Generals...
                "May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places where you must walk." - Susan Ivanova

                "The universe is run by the complex interweaving of three elements. Energy, matter, and enlightened self-interest. " - Citizen G'Kar

                "I will see you again, in the place where no shadows fall." - Delenn


                  y didnt atlantis send a jumper through the gate instead of sending the daedalus? jumpers can dial gates without the dhd and it would have been a lot faster


                    Heh. The Afghanistan sequence was flawed enough technically without arguing about plot holes. But we'll ignore all that for now.


                      Bam Bam played the wraith!


                        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                        I actually thought Teyla was getting so desperate that she was going to punch him to knock some sense into him.
                        I was thinking more of a slap but punching him would have worked too I was just thinking no ship thank god. Why did I ever doubt Carl Binder

                        The episode was okay, nothing new on the Shep backstory but I really didn't expect anything, considering how tptb have dealed with it in the past.

                        I loved Beckett in this, his hallucinations were far more interesting than Shep's.
                        My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                          I wish Teyla had just reached over and given John a firm slap (or two) there at the end in the bunker---may not have helped him but I would've loved it. I just wanted to shake him to his senses. He was so completely gone, maybe a little pain would've done the trick.

                          Spooky, creepy, entertainment at its Atlantis best. Suspense sustained, great editing from reality to imagined scenes--that really upped the tension--especially the intercut of Ronan's and John's hallucinations. And poor Carson. Yes, he will feel very bad he didn't know his other patient needed him as well. For a second there, I thought they'd all end up wounded.

                          I can't believe John shot Rodney , who will never let him forget it. One more episode then the long wait.


                            This episode was excellent! It kept us guessing what was
                            going to happen next all the way through! It was highly
                            entertaining and, most of all, it kept us wanting more, as all
                            good episodes should.

                            Major Sheppard's flashback
                            sequences allowed us to understand his past and what
                            he has been through.

                            Alright, An A-10 Warthog made an appearance! I've seen that
                            aircraft in real life and let me tell you that it's one
                            beautiful sight! Did anyone recognize the crashed Soviet
                            helicopter? It was an Mi-24 "Hind" gunship.

                            I can't believe that Sheppard actually shot McKay and Ronan.
                            That was completely unexpected.

                            Carl Binder's storylines are definitely helping SGA's ratings. Hope he's
                            around for a while.

                            The Kull Warriors appeared in this episode!! I miss those guys!


                              Originally posted by o-0
                              y didnt atlantis send a jumper through the gate instead of sending the daedalus? jumpers can dial gates without the dhd and it would have been a lot faster
                              Good point. You found a plothole!

                              Yeah, they could have sent Jumpers to pick up the Atlantis team.
                              But, wouldn't the Wraith device have interfered with the Jumper's


                                you know I can't imagine being that soldier (the black one) who probably bled to death, trying to get Carson to help him, but couldn't because of Carson little episode, which is sad.

