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How long do you think it'll take to make a space station.(Return Spoilers)

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    Whatever happened tothe rule that the Stargates had to be on or near a planet? It's in the middle of no where. How do the gates work then?


      Ya what kind of gate address would there be for nowhere? Without a planet's gravity where would a worm hole come from or be powered? Also where would the DHT's go? I'd like to see these answers.

      Stargate: No Man's Land

      the new central command to both galaxy's and evenutally some new ones. Also multiple species could be there since it isn't on Earth.

      Although I don't know how they can defend all the area in between both galaxys or how the gates could be held in place with no real point of reference.

      Also, once the Ori are gone can't they use the supergates to get ships between the galaxys faster.

      Stargate TSG
      Stargate: The SuperGate


        Originally posted by Oreo
        Whatever happened tothe rule that the Stargates had to be on or near a planet? It's in the middle of no where. How do the gates work then?


          1. We could see earlier in "48 hours", that the gate is capable to keep peoples (Teal'c) in the memory without DHD. They used this oppurtinity to make a loop back to Earth in "Prototype".

          2. They said that every gate will dial up other gates to renew the system in every century (see "Avenger 2.0").

          3. Now they made a 34 gate system between the galaxy. They upgraded the gatesystem so, that every gate in this bridge can dial only 2 gates. Try to image so, if you draw circles, and every circle connect to an other circle (= the range of a single stargate). In other words they made the "space" to be the part of the gatesystem. So they don't have to use ZPM's energy, because the travelling cost only 2 "normal" dialing between Atlantis and Earth. The whole travelling will happen only in the memories of the gates. They dial the first one, this one will automatic the second etc. and after the 17. gate the wornhole will be established at the Midway Space Station. Then they dial in to the MW gate and they make the same journey to reach SGC with McKay's macro.

          4. If they change the two program what as written by Rodney, than they can reach every gates from Midway Station in MW and Pegasus.
          Last edited by Platschu; 24 September 2006, 02:15 PM.
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          "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."


            On the point of the Address's. We know we can program our own address's and PoO's into a stargate. As evidenced by "Exodus". This is obviously what they've done with the bridge.


              i can't wait to see the finished bridge. as it is now i dont see it being enough for its own show, from the skelton frame work they had up already it just looks like a bridge with an airlock. Unless they are building it out in sections other wise it will be a tiny space station beig enough to walk from one gate to another or use a puddle jumper with out getting swooshed on.

              if we had any enimies that would actully negoitate it would be a great place for that, but none want to.

              i wonder if u can have both stargates on at once? because they are from 2 networks?

              can any gate have the macro uploaded to it so you can connect to the midway station? i think the gate might need to be altered to accept remote uploads otherwise u might be able to do oit but would need to connect directly to the gate.

              is the macro a one time use thing that needs to be uploaded evertime (i hope so).

              so is the macro something that can be loaded int a GDO so any sg member can get to the station (maybe even atlantis) when ever they need to?


                i think the station wll we destroyed before it is ever completed but deep space stargate just sounds wierd


                  Stargate: mo money

                  Stargate: the new spin-off


                    Originally posted by jdog
                    Ya what kind of gate address would there be for nowhere? Without a planet's gravity where would a worm hole come from or be powered? Also where would the DHT's go? I'd like to see these answers.

                    Stargate: No Man's Land

                    the new central command to both galaxy's and evenutally some new ones. Also multiple species could be there since it isn't on Earth.

                    Although I don't know how they can defend all the area in between both galaxys or how the gates could be held in place with no real point of reference.

                    Also, once the Ori are gone can't they use the supergates to get ships between the galaxys faster.

                    Stargate TSG
                    Stargate: The SuperGate

                    it would be cool to have Asgard ships guarding the station and Asgard techs wokring to upgrade 304's... maybe we could even get few Ancients from Tria (repair crew that was working on hyperdrive when Atlantis was attacked by Asurans).... and us (humans) go to
                    Ori's Dominion (that's the name of last ep of SG-1 S10) in Milky Way
                    to explore ways how to deafeat them ....

                    That would be closer to original Stargate then current SG-1. Only difference would be that Ori are much more powerful then Goau'ld and that they start their missinos from station rather then SGC on Earth. (yeah and we have 5 O'Neill ships, 4-5 304's and Aurora class ship to protect the station)

                    me likey
                    VISIT AND JOIN


                      Ok so do we have a working explanation for this yet?

                      I am confused as to why they had so many gates? Was there a real need for it or was it just for special effects for the show?

                      I read about a "void" in between the galaxies. If this is the case how large is that void? Are 34 gates REALLY needed to traverse that distance? Is the void a longer distance across than our entire galaxy or Pegasus (which a person can travel across from any 1 gate to another across the entire galaxy). Also, if there is a void between the galaxies, why do either gate systems work in that void? If the addresses are based on constellations etc... and the gates are located in a void without these reference points, how does that work?
                      Last edited by killerz298; 25 September 2006, 11:07 AM.


                        Originally posted by killerz298
                        Ok so do we have a working explanation for this yet?

                        I am confused as to why they had so many gates? Was there a real need for it or was it just for special effects for the show?

                        I read about a "void" in between the galaxies. If this is the case how large is that void? Are 34 gates REALLY needed to traverse that distance? Is the void a longer distance across than our entire galaxy or Pegasus (which a person can travel across from any 1 gate to another across the entire galaxy). Also, if there is a void between the galaxies, why do either gate systems work in that void? If the addresses are based on constellations etc... and the gates are located in a void without these reference points, how does that work?
                        Yes the void between galaxies is very large, in the case of Pegasus and the MW about 3 million light years. I believe it's been established that the Stargates don't use constellations for coordinates, it's actually some kinda fancy 3 dimensional system which probably has about 800 threads explaining it.
                        All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

                        The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

                        Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


                          If a gate dials one, then the other and so on and so forth direct communication between the Space station and earth/Atlantis would be annoying. It should have taken 15 minutes for General Landrys message to get to the Space station and another 15 minutes to get back, Unless they have some sort of subspace communication going on.


                            Originally posted by killerz298
                            Ok so do we have a working explanation for this yet?

                            I am confused as to why they had so many gates? Was there a real need for it or was it just for special effects for the show?
                            They have many gates because in order to travel direct from the Pegasus to Milky Way Galaxy you would need the power of a ZPM, because it requires a lot of power to maintain a wormhole that far. By forming a gate bridge between Galaxies, they made a chain of stargates that allows you to travel using the same amount of power for each link of the chain as a normal stargate travel between planets of the same Galaxy would require.

