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Conversion (208)

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    Blasted dish going out! Can anyone point me in the direction of a summary or transcript? Heck, even a pic of the bug nest? :/


      You can find some screen caps for the episode here.

      5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


        I absolutely LOVED this epi. Excellent. 5 stars out of 5. But, then, all 8 episodes of this season have been amazing, and all 8 deserve 5 stars IMHO.

        I loved season 1, I like every single episode a lot, and I have lots of fav episodes in that season. But season 2 is even better, in my opinion. I couldn't pick a fav epi this season, because ALL eight of them are absolutely favs of mine, for different reasons.

        Back on "Conversion". As I said, IMHO it's an excellent episode. We have plenty of character development. And besides, Sheppard is gorgeous

        - The acting was excellent. Everybody did a great job. I could feel everybody's anguish and fear.
        - great interaction between lots of characters: Elizabeth/John, Teyla/John, Elizabeth/Cadwell, etc
        - great to see Major Lorne again, and temporary in charge of the main team! He should have his own permanent team of recurring characters, like other SG teams we see in Stargate SG-1
        - aaahhhh, I wish I was Teyla getting that kiss <sigh> I don't really go for ship in Atlantis, but if I had to choose right now, I'd go for Elizabeth/John, and not Teyla/John, so I would've liked more a kiss between Elizabeth and John. But I liked the scene anyway. And the fight with the sticks was awesome. I also loved the scene then when Shep was himself again and was trying to apologize
        - Shep breaking the window was great
        - excellent cgi job, especially that view of the city at night. WOW!


          Originally posted by starfox
          Yeah, Caldwell has a bit of a thing for Weir.
          That was my impression, too. He seemed very interested in her and there were instances when she seemed to return the interest. In fact, I got far far less of a 'shippy vibe from Shep and Teyla, considering the kiss was forced on her and was not a romantic or even erotic kiss at all. I'm glad they didn't take it any further than they did; I wouldn't like Shep to have to live with the knowledge he nearly raped Teyla.

          This was a terribly 'ship-oriented ep, which is the one thing I didn't like about it, because I think if you're going to have 'ships at all, they should evolve verrrry slowly, a la Sam and Jack, Mulder and Scully, Lee and Amanda, etc, etc. I think they're moving a leetle too fast on Atlantis. It's going to start feeling like an episode of Friends (or worse) if they keep it up.

          Atlantis hasn't been on long enough for the necessary 'ship-intense chemistry to really develop, anyway. These people are still bonding as friends. If they aren't allowed to do that, the 'ships the writers do inflict on us will be boring as can be.

          Originally posted by starfox
          The team's concern was just touching. I especially loved how visibly worried Rodney was. That was just perfect.
          DH is lovely as ever at conveying any emotion he's called upon to express.
          It felt weird to have so little of Rodney in an ep... But I guess it's only fair to let the others shine once in a while.


            I think he's still feeling the aftereffects of Trinity. He's been very quiet and backgroundy since then. Or as quiet and backgroundy as he ever gets.


              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
              Shep/Weir fans are definitely taking the kiss as an unreciprocated, terrifying event on behalf of Teyla. I respect that, but I didn't see it that way at all; there was something there, and I think we should all remember that the first inklings of Sam/Jack was when she mauled him in "Broca Divide", and that was written off to the whole animal instinct thing. And the last scene of "Conversion" was a very adorable, cute, and purposely vague way to cap it off.
              I'm sorry but I don't feel especially encouraged by that comparison.
              I think TPTB has had a terrible record where ship is concerned... And Broca Divide is not one episode that I take too much stock in, I'm afraid... I found it largely forgettable for precisely the reasons stated. If the first inkling that one gets of a latent attraction between a man and a woman is when he forces himself on her in a virus induced haze... well, I'm not interested... It's cliched and pubescent to say the least and points to the rather unpleasant idea that Sheppard sees Teyla mainly on a physical level, which in my book is worse... I'd rather think it was a momentary lapse of reason on his part.

              I'm not a hardcore S/W fan and I don't ship for any pairings actively. I take my cue from what I see onscreen and not the other way round. Infact, I care about characterization more than I care about ship... I like the interaction between Sheppard and Weir generally but if they don't get together, I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

              Just my 2 cents...
              "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                I think he's still feeling the aftereffects of Trinity. He's been very quiet and backgroundy since then. Or as quiet and backgroundy as he ever gets.
                I liked his snarky comments to Ronon about the buggy poo... that was fun
                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                  Why did'nt they spray themselves with the water before they went in? Seems needlessly stupid to have the water, but not protect themselves. Which lead to the red shirts (wow, 2 red shirts in one go, just to make the point how dangerous those things were) getting the ole red shirt salute (ie 21 gun salute a few days later).

                  Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                    I think it's about time we've had some military red shirts. So far most of them have been scientists and the only other military ones I can think of are the two in 'The Storm'.

                    5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                      I have been anticipating this episode far too long....and perhaps because of this fact...I can't say it is my favorite...and let me tell you, I wanted it to be my favorite, since I ship for Teyla/John.

                      The kiss...well, if people think that was not passion...I don't know what is...
                      Certainly, Teyla didn't look like she responded, but if she had not liked it, she would have at least try pulling him away....she had the means and the range...if you know what I, there is something there...Up till now, I felt that Teyla was attracted to him, but was uncertain about Sheppard and after his comment and reaction after the kiss, I think he knows that there is something there....

                      Now, Teyla's reaction at the end..did have me puzzled...but after seeing some postings, I like to think that she was just relieved that they didn't have to explain themselves or share any revelations...I think right now in their stage, both of them are unclear as to what exactly they feel for each other although at one point I did sense that Teyla looked like she was thinking, I can't believe my dreams are coming true, kinda of look...could be completely off though...

                      Now, I also mentioned this in another thread, so I am repeating myself....
                      Weir and Caldwell....I think did a phenomenal performance...especially Weir...
                      She showed the character that I have always wanted to see in her....She showed emotion for her team, but didn't let Sheppard influenced her decisions....she needed to think of Atlantis and the people there and also of Sheppard, but not at the risk of Atlantis and the rest of the team...She was in control, and showed so many different emotions that she never had to say anything, you could just see it in her face...That is what I wanted to see in her...A true leader.....Making decisions on her own....not like she was before, because Sheppard said so..

                      Joe! What can I say...he is still hot even though he looked like lizard/bug/wraith....The man is hot...and he can act too...he was scary, he was awesome!

                      Caldwell, I think he showed a side of him that we had not seen before... I think he truly wants what is best for Atlantis and I also think he really wants to help Weir...I think he respects her and I also think he showed signs of an attraction for her...Don't know about Ship yet...but you never now.

                      Teyla did not have as many scenes, but she certainly showed that she was worried about Sheppard, especially in the scene when she ask Beckett if they had enough of the bugs, she almost made me think that she was willing to go back and do it herself if they didn't have enough...

                      Finally, I like what someone wrote here in a posting, that this episode was really shippy...yes, I guess in a way it was....which is too bad because that is not what the episodes should be about..and believe me coming from me who is completely in favor of John and Teyla is saying a lot...but I like the show to just have a ship on the side and let it mature slowly and I think that is what the episode intended with John and Teyla.

                      Finally, I really think that the star of the episode was Weir...She just stood out for me...and she was practically in all of the scenes...perhaps because I wasn't expecting her to be in this episode as much since I expected it to be more Shep/Teyla...but in the end...she just proved that she can do the job with or without Sheppard and most importantly she was doing it.....

                      Overall, it was an okay episode... I just expected something better...I don't just missed something.....


                        Why couldn't they just stick Sheppard in the stasis chamber while they slowly and safely collected the eggs? They could have even used the daedulus to beam the eggs up.

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                          Naughty Sheppard... that glass doesn't look cheap to replace, I mean where do you find 10,000 year old glass?


                            Originally posted by Merlin7
                            I loved this ep. Fave of the season so far. Everyone was great but it was JOE who got the chance to finally shine. My waiting for a Shep ep wasn't in vain. And I love how this mirrored 38 minutes only NOW they are FAMILY.

                            Everything worked. It wrapped up a bit too quick and neatly, but I can live with it.

                            I liked the moments that were addressed. I liked the Shep and Weir moments. Very telling of how close they've gotten because they are the leaders and they've been through alot together.

                            I was thrilled to see some Sheppard and Beckett moments and I loved the Shep let him off the hook immediately. In spite of the fear SHep had to be feeling, he was still the guy I've come to love. And it was cool to see the change in him. Joe nailed it beautifully. Even to conveying Changing Shep's emotions with the bug contacts in place. Beautiful acting.

                            The physical stuff was well done.

                            The team moments were just right.

                            The kiss really showed the start of the change and I like the Shep realized it.

                            I laughed at Shep and Ronon running scene.

                            And the team wanting to stick around at the end was perfect. So much Fanon moments became CANON in this ep. It just really rocked.
                            You took the words right out of my mouth, Merlin! For all of these reasons, "Conversion" is my new favorite episode – it almost makes "Thirty Eight Minutes" look boring!

                            Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                              Originally posted by GatetheWay
                              You can find some screen caps for the episode here.

                              Thank you very much!


                                Funny how when Sheppard was barely infected, couldn't help himself from sticking his tongue in Teyla's mouth immediatley, but a couple of days later, Weir can chat with him in a darkened room and he's not in the slightest bit attracted to her. Her self esteem probably took a huge hit there.

                                Here's what probably happened off camera.
                                Teyla -"Dr. Weir, Sheppard kissed me earlier. The virus is probably acting on his primal urges. It was a long, deep kiss,too. Kinda made me dizzy."
                                Weir - "Hmm, thats strange, because I was with him all day and he didn't even try to kiss me, but he was with you for 5 minutes and got to second base?"
                                Teyla - "Oh...umm. maybe he was distracted when he was with you"
                                Weir - "But later I went into his room alone, and he just yelled at me"
                                Teyla -"Maybe he was tired or something"
                                Weir - "Thats what I thought. So later, I went in again. And still, he didn't even try to feel me up."
                                Teyla - "Maybe he respects your friendship too much"
                                Weir - "Yeah. That has to be it."
                                Teyla - "What about that bald guy. Word is that he's crazy about you"
                                Weir - "But he's bald, ewww"


                                Classic...never thought of it from this perspective....

