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I never said you were overweight. I said you had nace padding and Radek-clone did good work taking care of you
I didn't mean to imply that you did, sorry. Typically nice padding implies alittle extra weight on the body frame, not in certain features....
And yes Radek did a wonderful job of making everything feel so much better!
Originally posted by Pajus
You should've seen the Dirtiest GW caption ever contest on the Razzie thread
I didn't mean to imply that you did, sorry. Typically nice padding implies alittle extra weight on the body frame, not in certain features....
And yes Radek did a wonderful job of making everything feel so much better!
Thanks iolanda. I had heard rumors but hadn't seen any piccies yet! OMG David Nykl in a suit is just simply awesome! He looks pretty good on a bike too!
What a sense of humor with Hewlett, signing the backside of his action figure! Cute!
They are both so adorable and sweet- bringing out cookies and doughnuts for the fans like that! Also looks like DN is reprising his waiter role there, and what were we saying about dessert earlier?
They are both so adorable and sweet- bringing out cookies and doughnuts for the fans like that! Also looks like DN is reprising his waiter role there, and what were we saying about dessert earlier?
Ummmm, that we would like to take the waiter home for dessert!
Oooh! Lookey what I found in the promos for "First Contact"!
*reaches through screen with grabby hands at that one*
I'm looking forward to First Contact, but now with a small amount of dread that they'll cut his scenes there as well. I really looked forward to The Shrine because DN had mentioned in his blog that he had some good scenes in it, then TPTB let us all down. Hopefully they'll aim the evil scene-cutting scissors elsewhere this time.
I need about 4 or 5 female Czech names and about 3 or 4 male Czech names, other than Radek! Can you help? Thanks. I am trying to finish up the fic that you asked me too! Now I got another chapter almost done and a new one to come from that before I write the concluding chapter!