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I still think I don't need a Radek-clone for the time being.
Well, if you ever thing you need another man to talk to on this thread, let me know and I will make a Radekclone for you!
Originally posted by Pajus
Yeah. She's probably got enough on her mind without having to worry about a Radek-clone
She's a teenager, life is one big worry for her at the moment! She finally got behind the wheel to start practicing her driving skills.
Originally posted by Reefgirl
My clones do come in hand for babysitting, depending on how they've been behaving and if my OH is in a straight jacket after the last time, actually he takes no nonsense from her and she does as she's told without question
LOL. I should probably think about having Radekclone chaparone my daughter when she goes on her first 'real' date with a guy.
Pajus, I want her to have fun on her date, just not tooooooo much fun! Kavanagh is a bit of a whiner.
And I trust Radeclone alot more than Kavanagh.
I guess you're right. A castrated Kavanagh-clone would be too much fun for her (I wanted to write castrated Radek-clone at first, but you'd red me for that)
I guess you're right. A castrated Kavanagh-clone would be too much fun for her (I wanted to write castrated Radek-clone at first, but you'd red me for that)
I do want my daughter to have her feedom but there's a part of me that's screaming 'DON'T LET HER OUT OF YOUR SIGHT' oh the joys of being a mother to a daughter
I do want my daughter to have her feedom but there's a part of me that's screaming 'DON'T LET HER OUT OF YOUR SIGHT' oh the joys of being a mother to a daughter
The thought of never having children seems more and more appealing to me