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When I close my eyes, this is the life I see around me *THUNK*
That is because you and your clone share a powerful connection through the FicForce. His presence overwhelms everything else around.
Yep, but only the really dirty stuff is worthy of a red one, eh my young apprentis
The apprentice gets to choose the color of his/her new weapon, however it would not be wise to tease High Master of the Smut, unless you are one yourself, Shesmetet.
oh and Pajus, heard on the news tonight that the Czech Republic now has vending machines for beers?? what's up with that??
I don't know, but come to think of it... It's possible they exist in Prague, Plzen (Pilsen) and Ceske Budejovice (Budweis), since these cities are known centers of our beer industry. I actually come from Moravia (eastern part of the Czech Republic), so I haven't seen any yet. We are more into wine and all sorts of brandys around here.
LoL! I thought I would just say something to you since you are from the Czech Republic (which I wanna go visit someday...perhaps I will go to Prague and then come visit you )
LoL! I thought I would just say something to you since you are from the Czech Republic (which I wanna go visit someday...perhaps I will go to Prague and then come visit you )
That would make you lose all your ilusions about my wisdom and niceness
They are not when there is training to be done, my young apprentice. Try and close your mind to him, for he blinds you to everything else.
You do realize that this is Zelenka's *THUNK* thread and what you ask is virtually impossible for one who is deep into the fanfic side of smut.
You must help me find a way to use my focus of my clone to aid in my training my teacher.
You do realize that this is Zelenka's *THUNK* thread and what you ask is virtually impossible for one who is deep into the fic side of smut.
You must help me find a way to use my focus of my clone to aid in my training my teacher.
Focus your mind inthe direction of my presence. Concetrate your attention on my voice. Try to close yourself to everything else...
Focus your mind inthe direction of my presence. Concetrate your attention on my voice. Try to close yourself to everything else...
Okay, you have a Czech accent, Radek has a Czech accent, do you really think that me concentrating on your voice is going to work, teacher. Because when I hear the Czech accent, I close my mind to everything but this
Okay, you have a Czech accent, Radek has a Czech accent, do you really think that me concentrating on your voice is going to work, teacher. Because when I hear the Czech accent, I close my mind to everything but this
My accent might be similar, but my voice surely is not