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Yeah I think I know where Prague is... I had lived there for long time. ;-)
That must be cool that what you describe. I can't speak german too good to hold a quality conversation with anyone in that language.
nice to hear that you know where it is, well zelenka use to performe sometimes there,
as a matter of fact, i find that many czechs heard about prague :-O
"Maybe one day you will learn that your way is not the only way!"
well.. since he is not writing anything it doesn't really matter
Zelenka supposed to, he is a genius czech scientist LOL. But David Nykl does not know Czech grammar too well. There is no reason to blame him for it though, he never got a chance for czech education, he has lived in Canada since he was kid. And I must admit his parrents did a wonderful job because I know many immigrants who don't teach their kids as many languages as possible and stick with just the language of the country they immigrated into. And that is a great pity. I will teach my kids to speak czech once I have some... (and my husband and the society will teach them english) ... because I am convinced that being naturally billingual is a great gift.
People think that I am weird because I watch just and only sci-fi. He he he.
Yes I agree.... it's just funny when someone says Zelenka and really means David... I was talking about Zelenka, the character... and ehm... just because someone is a genius doesn't mean they have to know perfect grammar
ZELENKA: You know, you’re not pleasant when you’re like this, McKay. McKAY: I’m always like this. ZELENKA: My point exactly.
Zelenka supposed to, he is a genius czech scientist LOL. But David Nykl does not know Czech grammar too well. There is no reason to blame him for it though, he never got a chance for czech education, he has lived in Canada since he was kid. And I must admit his parrents did a wonderful job because I know many immigrants who don't teach their kids as many languages as possible and stick with just the language of the country they immigrated into. And that is a great pity. I will teach my kids to speak czech once I have some... (and my husband and the society will teach them english) ... because I am convinced that being naturally billingual is a great gift.
Is it? well i dunno, i was thought just czech and vietnamiese
"Maybe one day you will learn that your way is not the only way!"
Yes I agree.... it's just funny when someone says Zelenka and really means David... I was talking about Zelenka, the character... and ehm... just because someone is a genius doesn't mean they have to know perfect grammar
That is true... that is why I put the "LOL" there....
People think that I am weird because I watch just and only sci-fi. He he he.