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If we're into double thunking here, get a load of these
*Industrial sized drool bucket at the ready*
Reefgirl, what are you trying to do to me
I came home from work to have lunch with my daughter, got onto GW for a few minutes and this is what I see, more double thunkin and now I have to go back to work with these unpure, ummm, wonderful thoughts of Zelenka and Loren. Man am I in trouble now
Thank you for the afternoon refresher
Last edited by Rosehawk; 02 January 2007, 05:44 PM.
Reefgirl, what are you trying to do to me
I came home from work to have lunch with my daughter, got onto GW for a few minutes and this is what I see, more double thunkin and now I have to go back to work with these unpure, ummm, wonderful thoughts of Zelenka and Loren. Man am I am trouble now
Thank you for the afternoon refresher
Thanks so much! The person in question is his ex-wife (well, his wife at the time), so it's easy to know which one to pick. I'm currently learning Russian, and slowly getting the hang of the formal vs. informal addresses....
There IS a thread for Radek! Couldnt find it earlier.
Imade this.. my first Radek wallpaper ever *G*
Lovely wallpaper! I might have to take the icon for use on my livejournal...will credit, naturally. You have a name there I can link it to, or will just SGAFan do?
And, Reef, I'm happy to double-thunk..mmmmmmm.....