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Radek Zelenka/David Nykl Appreciation, Thunk, Translation Thread

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    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
      Lovely pic Ever. many times did Radek wear casual clothes? Isn't research fun? More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O
      Research is fun indeed!

      I believe the only time Radek was seen wearing casual attair was in Sunday. In Vegas Sunday he was in a suit and he wore a suit at the end of Sunday.

      Mostly he was in those lovely blue shirts - you know.....the ones that matched his eyes!


        He was also wearing something casual (I seem to remember) at the beginning of Echoes.
        Last edited by Rosehawk; 12 April 2012, 03:06 PM.

        Click here daily to give free mammograms

        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


          Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
          He was also wearing something casual (I seem to remember) at the beginning of Echoes.
          Oh yeah...that's right! How could I forget...he and Ronan were so cute!




            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
              The SuperNova one? I believe that is 1/2 of Hypercaz's photo op with David when he was in Australia, I think last year. He's actually been to conventions in Australia/New Zealand a few times. She has a joke with him about looking like a bunnyboy in a photo op he did with her at one of the first conventions he attended in Australia. It became a running joke here in the threads for a few years. She finally had the chance to tell David about it and now he just goes along with the joke....
              Oddly enough, I think I've heard or read about that before somehow. xD

              Great pics, as always, guys! ^^
              FireflySunrise on youtube. (:


                Wicked pix gang!! More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                  Hullo gang! Got another installment of my fic. Remember my disclaimer:unbetaed,whump,snark,minor foul language,team luff,and it all came from my brain. Enjoy!! }:O

                  Four days later, Radek grins happily as he bounces around Atlantis’ science labs. His staff smile indulgently at his happiness. Small birthday presents and well wishes greeted his arrival that morning. Radek snickers as he considers the absence of Rodney McKay as a wonderful birthday gift. The afternoon flies by without the cranky Chief of Science poking his head into the labs. Well into the evening, Radek and his team conduct their research with quiet efficiency. Humming a little ditty, the Czech doesn’t hear the arrival of Lt. Hamilton.
                  “Uh…hey Doc?” Radek whirls around and grins at the lieutenant.
                  “Hello Adam. How are you doing? I see Carson’s Ancient healing ‘doodad’ worked for your leg. How is the arm?” Adam shrugs then hisses when his stiff neck muscles protest.
                  “It’s getting there. My damn arm itches like crazy though. So this is your lab huh? Cool.” Adam casually glances around the lab, nodding at several techs. Radek turns away to fiddle with his laptop and misses the minute head shake one of the techs gives Adam.
                  “So…whatcha working on?” Radek grins at the innocent question.
                  “Do you want long, complicated version or short and sweet version?” Adam pauses to think for a moment.
                  “How about the short and sweet version?” Radek motions for Adam to come over to his laptop. Data scrolls quickly across the screen.
                  “Is that Ancient script?”
                  “We are not sure. This script was written on many of the walls in the facility. After our unfortunate accident, my engineering team managed to refortify several areas and this script was on many of the walls. Teyla actually documented this same script in the lab where we…got squished.” Both men shudder at the memory.
                  “So it’s Ancient but not Ancient. Hmm…I’m taking the basic Ancient Script 101 class right now since my injuries have me grounded. The professor, Dr. Angela Stevens, has so much knowledge about the Ancients’ language, it’s kinda freaky. Maybe she’d know about this Not Ancient script.” Radek nods appreciatively.
                  “Yes, Dr. Stevens is quite good with Ancient. She and linguistic department are salivating over this script.” Adam bobs his head and chews on his lower lip.
                  “Could I ask you a stupid question Radek?”
                  “No such thing as a stupid question Adam.”
                  “Right. Um..could you maybe print out a basic part of this Not Ancient script? Dr. Stevens says I’m picking up the language pretty quick and back home I could pick up languages really easily. It’s kinda a hobby of mine.” Radek grins and pulls up another section of the Not Ancient script then prints it out.
                  “Here Adam. Does Dr. Stevens know about your ‘hobby’?” Adam blushes slightly.
                  “Yeah. She’d like it if I would take a few more Ancient classes. The…uh…more upper level courses actually.”
                  “Adam, that is fantastic!! You have not been in Atlantis for very long correct?”
                  “Yeah. Just under three months. Came in the last Daedulus run.”
                  “That is impressive. Is not often Dr. Stevens asks for Ancient Script 101 attendees to move so quickly onto the advanced courses.” Radek grabs the ten page section then hands them to Adam. A loud sneeze interrupts the men’s conversation and a whispered ‘yeah sorry, allergies’ comes from one of the lab techs.
                  “Hey Doc, you eat dinner yet?”
                  “Too much to do. But is much quieter here with Dr. McKay no where to be seen…or heard.”
                  “Oh c’mon. I hear they served real lasagna tonight with Earth cheese and noodles plus Earth meats for the carnivores and veggies for the tofu crowd.” Radek’s eyes widen.
                  “Real cheese? Not the green cheese from Narak? It glows…is most disturbing.”
                  “Seriously? Nope. No glowing green cheese.”
                  “Hmm…what about dessert?”
                  “Uh…chocolate cake and ice cream I think.”
                  “Earth ingredients or Pegasus ingredients?”
                  “Earth I think.” Radek sighs and shakes his head.
                  “Is too bad I didn’t know this beforehand. I would’ve stopped in time to get my share. Is almost eight pm and I know for a fact Rodney and Ronon would’ve licked the lasagna pans clean and the ice cream cartons too.”
                  “Ah..Dr. Zelenka? I saved a few pieces of lasagna and hid them in a secret spot in the kitchen refrigerators,” pipes up a red headed lab tech.
                  “Really Marcus?”
                  “Yeah. I was gonna bring ‘em here to surprise you but I got busy with the simulation. It was supposed to be a surprise for your birthday. Sorry.” Radek and Adam grin.
                  “Is fine Marcus. Adam and I will enjoy your birthday gift. Shall we lieutenant?”
                  “Hell yeah. Let’s go Doc.”

                  If anyone who's published stories on could give me some advice on how to post chapters for my story,I'd appreciate it. I've read the 'info and guidelines' section countless times and I'm still confused. Thanks a bunch lovelies. More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                    Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                    Hullo gang! Got another installment of my fic. Remember my disclaimer:unbetaed,whump,snark,minor foul language,team luff,and it all came from my brain. Enjoy!! }:O

                    Four days later, Radek grins happily as he bounces around Atlantis’ science labs. His staff smile indulgently at his happiness. Small birthday presents and well wishes greeted his arrival that morning. Radek snickers as he considers the absence of Rodney McKay as a wonderful birthday gift. The afternoon flies by without the cranky Chief of Science poking his head into the labs. Well into the evening, Radek and his team conduct their research with quiet efficiency. Humming a little ditty, the Czech doesn’t hear the arrival of Lt. Hamilton.
                    “Uh…hey Doc?” Radek whirls around and grins at the lieutenant.
                    “Hello Adam. How are you doing? I see Carson’s Ancient healing ‘doodad’ worked for your leg. How is the arm?” Adam shrugs then hisses when his stiff neck muscles protest.
                    “It’s getting there. My damn arm itches like crazy though. So this is your lab huh? Cool.” Adam casually glances around the lab, nodding at several techs. Radek turns away to fiddle with his laptop and misses the minute head shake one of the techs gives Adam.
                    “So…whatcha working on?” Radek grins at the innocent question.
                    “Do you want long, complicated version or short and sweet version?” Adam pauses to think for a moment.
                    “How about the short and sweet version?” Radek motions for Adam to come over to his laptop. Data scrolls quickly across the screen.
                    “Is that Ancient script?”
                    “We are not sure. This script was written on many of the walls in the facility. After our unfortunate accident, my engineering team managed to refortify several areas and this script was on many of the walls. Teyla actually documented this same script in the lab where we…got squished.” Both men shudder at the memory.
                    “So it’s Ancient but not Ancient. Hmm…I’m taking the basic Ancient Script 101 class right now since my injuries have me grounded. The professor, Dr. Angela Stevens, has so much knowledge about the Ancients’ language, it’s kinda freaky. Maybe she’d know about this Not Ancient script.” Radek nods appreciatively.
                    “Yes, Dr. Stevens is quite good with Ancient. She and linguistic department are salivating over this script.” Adam bobs his head and chews on his lower lip.
                    “Could I ask you a stupid question Radek?”
                    “No such thing as a stupid question Adam.”
                    “Right. Um..could you maybe print out a basic part of this Not Ancient script? Dr. Stevens says I’m picking up the language pretty quick and back home I could pick up languages really easily. It’s kinda a hobby of mine.” Radek grins and pulls up another section of the Not Ancient script then prints it out.
                    “Here Adam. Does Dr. Stevens know about your ‘hobby’?” Adam blushes slightly.
                    “Yeah. She’d like it if I would take a few more Ancient classes. The…uh…more upper level courses actually.”
                    “Adam, that is fantastic!! You have not been in Atlantis for very long correct?”
                    “Yeah. Just under three months. Came in the last Daedulus run.”
                    “That is impressive. Is not often Dr. Stevens asks for Ancient Script 101 attendees to move so quickly onto the advanced courses.” Radek grabs the ten page section then hands them to Adam. A loud sneeze interrupts the men’s conversation and a whispered ‘yeah sorry, allergies’ comes from one of the lab techs.
                    “Hey Doc, you eat dinner yet?”
                    “Too much to do. But is much quieter here with Dr. McKay no where to be seen…or heard.”
                    “Oh c’mon. I hear they served real lasagna tonight with Earth cheese and noodles plus Earth meats for the carnivores and veggies for the tofu crowd.” Radek’s eyes widen.
                    “Real cheese? Not the green cheese from Narak? It glows…is most disturbing.”
                    “Seriously? Nope. No glowing green cheese.”
                    “Hmm…what about dessert?”
                    “Uh…chocolate cake and ice cream I think.”
                    “Earth ingredients or Pegasus ingredients?”
                    “Earth I think.” Radek sighs and shakes his head.
                    “Is too bad I didn’t know this beforehand. I would’ve stopped in time to get my share. Is almost eight pm and I know for a fact Rodney and Ronon would’ve licked the lasagna pans clean and the ice cream cartons too.”
                    “Ah..Dr. Zelenka? I saved a few pieces of lasagna and hid them in a secret spot in the kitchen refrigerators,” pipes up a red headed lab tech.
                    “Really Marcus?”
                    “Yeah. I was gonna bring ‘em here to surprise you but I got busy with the simulation. It was supposed to be a surprise for your birthday. Sorry.” Radek and Adam grin.
                    “Is fine Marcus. Adam and I will enjoy your birthday gift. Shall we lieutenant?”
                    “Hell yeah. Let’s go Doc.”

                    If anyone who's published stories on could give me some advice on how to post chapters for my story,I'd appreciate it. I've read the 'info and guidelines' section countless times and I'm still confused. Thanks a bunch lovelies. More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O
                    Stories on -
                    Are you trying to add chapters? Go to the Publish Stories section of your user page. In there you will see a "Manage Stories" tab. From there it ought to be fairly self explainatory, but just ask questions if you still need.

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                      Hullo gang! Got another installment of my fic. Remember my disclaimer:unbetaed,whump,snark,minor foul language,team luff,and it all came from my brain. Enjoy!! }:O

                      Four days later, Radek grins happily as he bounces around Atlantis’ science labs. His staff smile indulgently at his happiness. Small birthday presents and well wishes greeted his arrival that morning. Radek snickers as he considers the absence of Rodney McKay as a wonderful birthday gift. The afternoon flies by without the cranky Chief of Science poking his head into the labs. Well into the evening, Radek and his team conduct their research with quiet efficiency. Humming a little ditty, the Czech doesn’t hear the arrival of Lt. Hamilton.
                      “Uh…hey Doc?” Radek whirls around and grins at the lieutenant.
                      “Hello Adam. How are you doing? I see Carson’s Ancient healing ‘doodad’ worked for your leg. How is the arm?” Adam shrugs then hisses when his stiff neck muscles protest.
                      “It’s getting there. My damn arm itches like crazy though. So this is your lab huh? Cool.” Adam casually glances around the lab, nodding at several techs. Radek turns away to fiddle with his laptop and misses the minute head shake one of the techs gives Adam.
                      “So…whatcha working on?” Radek grins at the innocent question.
                      “Do you want long, complicated version or short and sweet version?” Adam pauses to think for a moment.
                      “How about the short and sweet version?” Radek motions for Adam to come over to his laptop. Data scrolls quickly across the screen.
                      “Is that Ancient script?”
                      “We are not sure. This script was written on many of the walls in the facility. After our unfortunate accident, my engineering team managed to refortify several areas and this script was on many of the walls. Teyla actually documented this same script in the lab where we…got squished.” Both men shudder at the memory.
                      “So it’s Ancient but not Ancient. Hmm…I’m taking the basic Ancient Script 101 class right now since my injuries have me grounded. The professor, Dr. Angela Stevens, has so much knowledge about the Ancients’ language, it’s kinda freaky. Maybe she’d know about this Not Ancient script.” Radek nods appreciatively.
                      “Yes, Dr. Stevens is quite good with Ancient. She and linguistic department are salivating over this script.” Adam bobs his head and chews on his lower lip.
                      “Could I ask you a stupid question Radek?”
                      “No such thing as a stupid question Adam.”
                      “Right. Um..could you maybe print out a basic part of this Not Ancient script? Dr. Stevens says I’m picking up the language pretty quick and back home I could pick up languages really easily. It’s kinda a hobby of mine.” Radek grins and pulls up another section of the Not Ancient script then prints it out.
                      “Here Adam. Does Dr. Stevens know about your ‘hobby’?” Adam blushes slightly.
                      “Yeah. She’d like it if I would take a few more Ancient classes. The…uh…more upper level courses actually.”
                      “Adam, that is fantastic!! You have not been in Atlantis for very long correct?”
                      “Yeah. Just under three months. Came in the last Daedulus run.”
                      “That is impressive. Is not often Dr. Stevens asks for Ancient Script 101 attendees to move so quickly onto the advanced courses.” Radek grabs the ten page section then hands them to Adam. A loud sneeze interrupts the men’s conversation and a whispered ‘yeah sorry, allergies’ comes from one of the lab techs.
                      “Hey Doc, you eat dinner yet?”
                      “Too much to do. But is much quieter here with Dr. McKay no where to be seen…or heard.”
                      “Oh c’mon. I hear they served real lasagna tonight with Earth cheese and noodles plus Earth meats for the carnivores and veggies for the tofu crowd.” Radek’s eyes widen.
                      “Real cheese? Not the green cheese from Narak? It glows…is most disturbing.”
                      “Seriously? Nope. No glowing green cheese.”
                      “Hmm…what about dessert?”
                      “Uh…chocolate cake and ice cream I think.”
                      “Earth ingredients or Pegasus ingredients?”
                      “Earth I think.” Radek sighs and shakes his head.
                      “Is too bad I didn’t know this beforehand. I would’ve stopped in time to get my share. Is almost eight pm and I know for a fact Rodney and Ronon would’ve licked the lasagna pans clean and the ice cream cartons too.”
                      “Ah..Dr. Zelenka? I saved a few pieces of lasagna and hid them in a secret spot in the kitchen refrigerators,” pipes up a red headed lab tech.
                      “Really Marcus?”
                      “Yeah. I was gonna bring ‘em here to surprise you but I got busy with the simulation. It was supposed to be a surprise for your birthday. Sorry.” Radek and Adam grin.
                      “Is fine Marcus. Adam and I will enjoy your birthday gift. Shall we lieutenant?”
                      “Hell yeah. Let’s go Doc.”

                      If anyone who's published stories on could give me some advice on how to post chapters for my story,I'd appreciate it. I've read the 'info and guidelines' section countless times and I'm still confused. Thanks a bunch lovelies. More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O
                      wow, another piece of amazing fan writing Crimson!


                        *collapses into the thread* Okay, why have I stopped receiving notifications that people are posting in this thing? GOD! SO NOT FAIR! And apparently I have personal messages - my apologies for not replying, is there some kind of thingy I can turn on so I get an email when I get a new one so I can keep up with you people more?

                        I'm curious, if I posted up a bunch of scenes involving OCs AND Atlantis people doing karaoke and then a wedding between two Atlantis people that included some kissing, would you read it? Some of it is OBVIOUSLY fangirl stuff and it's mostly just scenes - the scenes are complete but the fanfic is not - but I'm just curious.....I was having a LOT of fun for a couple weeks writing all of this.....


                          *glomps Nayari* Hiya hon!! Glad ya could drop into the thread. Don't be a stranger 'kay? I'd read your scenes;you've got a great writing style and as long as Radek's got a strong presence in your scenes,then bring 'em on. Especially if Radek sings karaoke. lol Thanks for your compliment Replicator Fifth!! Glad it's still making sense and you didn't pull out your hair after you read it. hehe Ever:

                          Yeah,I read that section too (several dozen times) and it didn't make a lick of sense to me. My hair's no longer blonde but my brain is. I tried to do it according to the instructions and bogged it royally. It just reposted what I already had with the "new" chapter added at the end. Any tips or advice from you or other fanfic writers would be greatly appreciated. *hugs*

                          More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O


                            Originally posted by Nayari View Post
                            And apparently I have personal messages - my apologies for not replying, is there some kind of thingy I can turn on so I get an email when I get a new one so I can keep up with you people more?
                            There's an option in the general settings of your my controls to do that.

                            Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


                              Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                              *glomps Nayari* Hiya hon!! Glad ya could drop into the thread. Don't be a stranger 'kay? I'd read your scenes;you've got a great writing style and as long as Radek's got a strong presence in your scenes,then bring 'em on. Especially if Radek sings karaoke. lol Thanks for your compliment Replicator Fifth!! Glad it's still making sense and you didn't pull out your hair after you read it. hehe Ever:

                              Yeah,I read that section too (several dozen times) and it didn't make a lick of sense to me. My hair's no longer blonde but my brain is. I tried to do it according to the instructions and bogged it royally. It just reposted what I already had with the "new" chapter added at the end. Any tips or advice from you or other fanfic writers would be greatly appreciated. *hugs*

                              More Czech shots please!! Woohoo!! }:O
                              Ok, I just went over there to refresh my mind and had to wade through an update or two to get to a page I understood! Anyways!
                              Click on the story you want to update. Across the top, you'll see different options of how to adjust your story. Click on the one that says "Content/Chapters". From there you can just add a new chapter.

                              Hope that helps you out more! Holler if you need more help!

                              Click here daily to give free mammograms

                              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                                Originally posted by Nayari View Post
                                *collapses into the thread* Okay, why have I stopped receiving notifications that people are posting in this thing? GOD! SO NOT FAIR! And apparently I have personal messages - my apologies for not replying, is there some kind of thingy I can turn on so I get an email when I get a new one so I can keep up with you people more?
                                Go to Thread tools and go through the process of unsubscribing and then subscribe again and see if that helps. That's the only way to get e-mail notifications. Also, check your spam filter on your e-mail address to be sure any notices you do get, are not going into the 'junk' drawer. When someone uses the PM, you should also be getting an e-mail notice so I suspect your stuff from GW might be getting label as spam.

                                Originally posted by Nayari
                                I'm curious, if I posted up a bunch of scenes involving OCs AND Atlantis people doing karaoke and then a wedding between two Atlantis people that included some kissing, would you read it? Some of it is OBVIOUSLY fangirl stuff and it's mostly just scenes - the scenes are complete but the fanfic is not - but I'm just curious.....I was having a LOT of fun for a couple weeks writing all of this.....
                                As long as it's got Zelenka in it...go for it!


