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John Sheppard Whump

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    **iz ded** but happy! SGAFan, you are a star! I need to check those out on my big monitor at work tomorrow! It will be a good way to start the day. I was able to green you for that! thank you

    Must go. Dishes, chocolate, bed.


      YW you guys! Enjoy them I"m off to bed myself.

      My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


        Drive by Vid Rec (with scenes from Vegas)


          Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
          Is anyone still looking for a fanfic topic? I have one if someone wants to take a stab at it.
          Well, I was the one who initially asked, and I'm happily working on a story at the moment and not in need of ideas, but why not post it, anyway, in case someone else wants to bite.

          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
          T'was me. However,you are by far the better and faster writer. Go for it! If you don't get to it, I'll give it a twirl when I finish the one I'm working on.
          Nah. I'm busily immersed in my slave story at the moment, and I've had my "next long story" lined up for literally months, and really need to get around to writing it one day. After lots of other stories elbowing their way in and displacing it, it finally came to the top of my "to write" list in mid-December, but I decided to wait until the final episode aired, but now this other story has come along and pushed it out.


            Wow, EATG went out strong... But after reading the article, I am even madder than before!! How can they cancel a show whose nw season had 15% more viewers than the previous season? I don't get it!

            Actually, maybe I do. I think it was planned long ago to pull the plug on Atlantis and it had nothing to do with ratings. As BW (I have to shudder just mentioning him) said, they weren't crazy about doing two shows at once again. And since Universe is the new baby....
            *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


              Originally posted by Strey View Post
              For the movie I want - spoilered for shipping and 'shirting' -
              Shep to be kitted out in green. Yummm! As for Kanananaaaanananaaaaaaanannaan- red. Mos' def. He's the biggest redshirt around. That frees up Teyla. I want Shep to 'get the girl'! Hello?! Both beautiful, both stoic, genes to die for.
              No, I'm not a shipper, but seriously, when is Sheppy going to get a break? I mean, whump the crap out of him, sure, but at least let him have someone to love... Of course, it would necessitate a serious, death's door, drippy blood scenario for Teyla to realise how much she cares...
              ITA! Though, be careful what you wish for

              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
              *waves at Lorr too* come to think of it, I might have some HD "lovlies" from EatG
              love your lovlies!! :-)))

              Originally posted by Salty View Post

              You know, back at the beginning of the Keller affair, I kinda wanted Shep to be shipped with Keller. Wouldn't that have been much better to have her fawning over him while stitching up his wounds, or worrying all the time when he's dragged in dripping blood all over, or the "med team to the gateroom" calls knowing it's Shep draped over Ronon's and McKay's shoulders? I mean, where's the fun in the CMO having a non-whumpery relationship? At least she could have served a better purpose than she did!
              no no no no!!!!!!!

              I am so down at the thought of never getting really awesome whump for Shep on screen now. There was always hope and I think the best we got was in
              Search & Rescue.
              I wanted torturous whump, the kind he doesn't get right back up from. Kept prisoner, beaten daily, suffering kind of whump. And I doubt we'll get it in the movie. Sigh.
              You´re not alone there! Although I do think we got quite a nice bunch, but for a whumper... it´s never enough, is it

              MiniSalty turns 6 tomorrow and I'm convinced she's trapped in a boy's mind! She finds nothing funnier than passing gas, or talking poop stuff and laughs hysterically at anything vaguely potty-related. Her latest comment when I continue to go on and on and on about how depressed I am over SGA ending, and mentioned the new SG Universe series......"you mean, SG-poop-iverse?" From the mouths of babes!
              She´s got it right

              meanwhile, I was in a silly mood and played with some EatG screencaps as well as BTS ones from after the finale....

              But you´ll be there for me, right?!
              Last edited by SheppAddictedFangirl; 13 January 2009, 01:21 AM.

              Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
              picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                *hugs* to Ali and Pocus, hope you both feel better soon.

                And CONGRATS TO THE MILESTONERS!! you know who you are

                Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                Ah, yes. And, in addition, some new Marine or other who's just been assigned to Atlantis, and who's totally biased against Shep for some reason - perhaps a big brother who disliked him in Afghanistan, or an uncle who was always outclassed by Shep when they were both baby newbie pilots, and who has resented him ever since, and told stories - and who is disgusted by the fact that Shep spends an entire battle not leading from the front, but lounging around in some magic chair. I mean, yes, of course Sheppard says it's important, but he knows better.

                And then, one day, he will glimpse a staggering, almost-fainting Shep being led from the chair, barely able to stand, but pushing support away, determined to rush to the control room and do his bit there.

                And after he's gone, the Marine sees just how much blood is pooled on the seat of the chair...

                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                Watching The Defiant One atm... Sky2 showed The Eye and now TDO. Shep's just about to run headfirst into a forcefield.
                *happy sigh* the good old days. I do love that episode.

                Originally posted by Salty View Post
                You know, back at the beginning of the Keller affair, I kinda wanted Shep to be shipped with Keller. Wouldn't that have been much better to have her fawning over him while stitching up his wounds, or worrying all the time when he's dragged in dripping blood all over, or the "med team to the gateroom" calls knowing it's Shep draped over Ronon's and McKay's shoulders? I mean, where's the fun in the CMO having a non-whumpery relationship? At least she could have served a better purpose than she did!

                Originally posted by Salty View Post
                I am so down at the thought of never getting really awesome whump for Shep on screen now. There was always hope and I think the best we got was in
                Search & Rescue.
                I wanted torturous whump, the kind he doesn't get right back up from. Kept prisoner, beaten daily, suffering kind of whump. And I doubt we'll get it in the movie. Sigh.
                It did thake JM a long time to cotton onto our whumpy ways, so fingers crossed they'll put something in there for us.

                But yes, so many wasted oppotunities...

                Originally posted by Salty View Post
                MiniSalty turns 6 tomorrow and I'm convinced she's trapped in a boy's mind! She finds nothing funnier than passing gas, or talking poop stuff and laughs hysterically at anything vaguely potty-related. Her latest comment when I continue to go on and on and on about how depressed I am over SGA ending, and mentioned the new SG Universe series......"you mean, SG-poop-iverse?" From the mouths of babes!
                good girl!

                Happy Birthday to her from me

                Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                Wow - everyone's quiet. I am tired - long weekend of cleaning the house and yard for the appraiser's visit today. Fingers crossed the numbers are good so I can re-finance.
                Best of luck, hope it works out for you.

                Originally posted by caty View Post
                Wow, EATG went out strong... But after reading the article, I am even madder than before!! How can they cancel a show whose nw season had 15% more viewers than the previous season? I don't get it!

                Actually, maybe I do. I think it was planned long ago to pull the plug on Atlantis and it had nothing to do with ratings. As BW (I have to shudder just mentioning him) said, they weren't crazy about doing two shows at once again. And since Universe is the new baby....
                It does feel a bit like they've got a new toy doesn't it. Let's hope they don't neglect their old toys for too long eh?

                Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                meanwhile, I was in a silly mood and played with some EatG screencaps as well as BTS ones from after the finale....

                But you´ll be there for me, right?!
                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                l My LJ l


                  Originally posted by Squonk View Post

                  It does feel a bit like they've got a new toy doesn't it. Let's hope they don't neglect their old toys for too long eh?
                  Well, they threw the old toys away and there is no getting them back. It's too late
                  *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                    Originally posted by caty View Post
                    Wow, EATG went out strong... But after reading the article, I am even madder than before!! How can they cancel a show whose nw season had 15% more viewers than the previous season? I don't get it!

                    Actually, maybe I do. I think it was planned long ago to pull the plug on Atlantis and it had nothing to do with ratings. As BW (I have to shudder just mentioning him) said, they weren't crazy about doing two shows at once again. And since Universe is the new baby....
                    Convo between me and my dad yesterday after seeing trailor for EatG
                    Dad: 'How are they going to end it all in one ep?'

                    Me: 'They're not ending it, ending it. There's a movie.'

                    Dad: 'If they're making a movie why can't they make another season?'

                    Me: 'Cos they don't want to make two series at the same time.'

                    Dad: 'Why can't we keep Atlantis then? Why do we need the new one?'

                    Me: 'Umm..'

                    What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                      Originally posted by caty View Post
                      Wow, EATG went out strong... But after reading the article, I am even madder than before!! How can they cancel a show whose nw season had 15% more viewers than the previous season? I don't get it!

                      Actually, maybe I do. I think it was planned long ago to pull the plug on Atlantis and it had nothing to do with ratings. As BW (I have to shudder just mentioning him) said, they weren't crazy about doing two shows at once again. And since Universe is the new baby....
                      Although they continue to deny it I'm still convinced that SGA had to go because of SGU, and I think the deal was made as far back as SG-1's cancellation. I could be wrong but that's the way it looks. It certainly wasn't because of ever lower ratings and the show proved that by bringing in such a great final rating. Of course now the show has ended people start to watch it. What's the old saying, you don't know what you've got until it's gone. Well now it's too late.

                      Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                      ITA! Though, be careful what you wish for

                      love your lovlies!! :-)))

                      no no no no!!!!!!!

                      You´re not alone there! Although I do think we got quite a nice bunch, but for a whumper... it´s never enough, is it

                      She´s got it right

                      meanwhile, I was in a silly mood and played with some EatG screencaps as well as BTS ones from after the finale....

                      But you´ll be there for me, right?!
                      Loved it. Tried to green you but I can't. So a mental green to you.

                      Cazz your dad is a wise man. I wish he was in charge of MGM and Scifi.


                        Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                        Wow - everyone's quiet. I am tired - long weekend of cleaning the house and yard for the appraiser's visit today. Fingers crossed the numbers are good so I can re-finance.
                        Good luck with that!!!
                        Originally posted by Salty View Post

                        You know, back at the beginning of the Keller affair, I kinda wanted Shep to be shipped with Keller. Wouldn't that have been much better to have her fawning over him while stitching up his wounds, or worrying all the time when he's dragged in dripping blood all over, or the "med team to the gateroom" calls knowing it's Shep draped over Ronon's and McKay's shoulders? I mean, where's the fun in the CMO having a non-whumpery relationship? At least she could have served a better purpose than she did!

                        I am so down at the thought of never getting really awesome whump for Shep on screen now. There was always hope and I think the best we got was in
                        Search & Rescue.
                        I wanted torturous whump, the kind he doesn't get right back up from. Kept prisoner, beaten daily, suffering kind of whump. And I doubt we'll get it in the movie. Sigh.

                        MiniSalty turns 6 tomorrow and I'm convinced she's trapped in a boy's mind! She finds nothing funnier than passing gas, or talking poop stuff and laughs hysterically at anything vaguely potty-related. Her latest comment when I continue to go on and on and on about how depressed I am over SGA ending, and mentioned the new SG Universe series......"you mean, SG-poop-iverse?" From the mouths of babes!
                        Happy Birthday to MiniSalty. She isn't the only girl into those things. Believe me. I have a class full of them.

                        Originally posted by SGAFan View Post

                        spoiler for EatG and size if you click the thumbnails
                        There's those lovelies I was hoping for. I kept waking up all night and I had to talk myself into staying in bed and not come check to see if you did post some. I am glad I waited. Thanks for brightening the morning!

                        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                        Convo between me and my dad yesterday after seeing trailor for EatG
                        Dad: 'How are they going to end it all in one ep?'

                        Me: 'They're not ending it, ending it. There's a movie.'

                        Dad: 'If they're making a movie why can't they make another season?'

                        Me: 'Cos they don't want to make two series at the same time.'

                        Dad: 'Why can't we keep Atlantis then? Why do we need the new one?'

                        Me: 'Umm..'

                        From the mouth of someone not in fandom -- wisdom!!!!!

                        We have one set of friends that watch Atlantis every week, but are not into fandom and all that. They were surprised that the show was ending. The new one doesn't sound thrilling to them either. They already said they will give it a chance but aren't hopeful.

                        We have another set of friends that the wife was just getting into the show as were their 2 boys ( 6 and 9). They are bitterly disappointed that Atlantis is gone.


                        Off to try to get more sleep when Hubby leaves for work. Thank goodness it is my late day at work.



                          Finally watched EATG, and WOW! I loved it! What an awesome ep!

                          I agree that there was so much happening in this ep that it would've been better if they'd made it a two-partner, but I'm just happy they didn't end it on a cliffhanger so I'm not really complaining

                          I would've liked to have seen more of Shep's reaction to Ronon's "death" though. I mean, he either refused to believe that Ronon really was dead or refused to leave Ronon's body behind. Either way, Shep would have been pretty fierce about going back for him, I think. I hope there'll be some EATG-related fics coming out soon!

                          Also, I loved Rodney's and Teyla's reaction to Ronon's dying. I want to have that for Shep! I mean, not that he'd die for real, of course, but that it seemed like he had and his team witnessing his "death" and freaking out over it. Only to realize Shep wasn't actually dead, of course

                          Altogether I thought it was an awesome ep. Everyone had something to do, there was team, angst, action, suspense, space battles, and the McKeller was kept to a minimum. What more could you want? (Well, aside from huge amounts of Shep whump, of course )

                          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                          Convo between me and my dad yesterday after seeing trailor for EatG
                          Dad: 'How are they going to end it all in one ep?'

                          Me: 'They're not ending it, ending it. There's a movie.'

                          Dad: 'If they're making a movie why can't they make another season?'

                          Me: 'Cos they don't want to make two series at the same time.'

                          Dad: 'Why can't we keep Atlantis then? Why do we need the new one?'

                          Me: 'Umm..'

                          LOL! I agree with Astral, your dad is indeed a very wise man, Cazz!

                          Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                          Although they continue to deny it I'm still convinced that SGA had to go because of SGU, and I think the deal was made as far back as SG-1's cancellation. I could be wrong but that's the way it looks. It certainly wasn't because of ever lower ratings and the show proved that by bringing in such a great final rating. Of course now the show has ended people start to watch it. What's the old saying, you don't know what you've got until it's gone. Well now it's too late.
                          Yeah, it's always like that, isn't it? I'm just glad SGA went out with a bang and it'll hopefully spur more people to get the movie when it comes out. And I also hope that these ratings will be cause for some suits at MGM and SciFi to scratch their heads and regret their decision to cancel the show.

                          Thanks to the lovely Pegasus SGA for the awesome sig!


                            Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                            Convo between me and my dad yesterday after seeing trailor for EatG
                            Dad: 'How are they going to end it all in one ep?'

                            Me: 'They're not ending it, ending it. There's a movie.'

                            Dad: 'If they're making a movie why can't they make another season?'

                            Me: 'Cos they don't want to make two series at the same time.'

                            Dad: 'Why can't we keep Atlantis then? Why do we need the new one?'

                            Me: 'Umm..'

                            Exactly! Mental green for your dad!
                            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                            l My LJ l


                              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                              *hugs* to Ali and Pocus, hope you both feel better soon.

                              And CONGRATS TO THE MILESTONERS!! you know who you are


                              *happy sigh* the good old days. I do love that episode.

                              eek: *shudders*

                              It did thake JM a long time to cotton onto our whumpy ways, so fingers crossed they'll put something in there for us.

                              But yes, so many wasted oppotunities...

                              lol: good girl!

                              Happy Birthday to her from me

                              Best of luck, hope it works out for you.

                              It does feel a bit like they've got a new toy doesn't it. Let's hope they don't neglect their old toys for too long eh?

                              I wonder if this won´t majorly backfire on them. Anyway, I just hope the success of SGU won´t be vital for the SGA movies, cause that´d mean trouble

                              Originally posted by caty View Post
                              Well, they threw the old toys away and there is no getting them back. It's too late
                              Not thrown away, just stuffed in the corner. And who knows... bigger budget for the movie: bigger and better set.

                              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                              Convo between me and my dad yesterday after seeing trailor for EatG
                              Dad: 'How are they going to end it all in one ep?'

                              Me: 'They're not ending it, ending it. There's a movie.'

                              Dad: 'If they're making a movie why can't they make another season?'

                              Me: 'Cos they don't want to make two series at the same time.'

                              Dad: 'Why can't we keep Atlantis then? Why do we need the new one?'

                              Me: 'Umm..'

                              I love your dad!

                              Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                              Although they continue to deny it I'm still convinced that SGA had to go because of SGU, and I think the deal was made as far back as SG-1's cancellation. I could be wrong but that's the way it looks. It certainly wasn't because of ever lower ratings and the show proved that by bringing in such a great final rating. Of course now the show has ended people start to watch it. What's the old saying, you don't know what you've got until it's gone. Well now it's too late.
                              true. I wasn´t into the show until early last year and I stumbled upon it because I was bored at home. Now I wish I hadn´t refused to give it a chance so many years ago but still, SGA didn´t kill SG1. SGU did kill SGA though. At least in that regard, I agree!

                              Loved it. Tried to green you but I can't. So a mental green to you.
                              thank you

                              Cazz your dad is a wise man. I wish he was in charge of MGM and Scifi.

                              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                              Good luck with that!!!

                              Happy Birthday to MiniSalty. She isn't the only girl into those things. Believe me. I have a class full of them.

                              There's those lovelies I was hoping for. I kept waking up all night and I had to talk myself into staying in bed and not come check to see if you did post some. I am glad I waited. Thanks for brightening the morning!

                              From the mouth of someone not in fandom -- wisdom!!!!!

                              We have one set of friends that watch Atlantis every week, but are not into fandom and all that. They were surprised that the show was ending. The new one doesn't sound thrilling to them either. They already said they will give it a chance but aren't hopeful.

                              We have another set of friends that the wife was just getting into the show as were their 2 boys ( 6 and 9). They are bitterly disappointed that Atlantis is gone.


                              Off to try to get more sleep when Hubby leaves for work. Thank goodness it is my late day at work.
                              Wow, even little kids (younger viewers) hate that decision. Truly a smart move, huh?

                              Originally posted by Tristen View Post

                              Finally watched EATG, and WOW! I loved it! What an awesome ep!

                              I agree that there was so much happening in this ep that it would've been better if they'd made it a two-partner, but I'm just happy they didn't end it on a cliffhanger so I'm not really complaining

                              I would've liked to have seen more of Shep's reaction to Ronon's "death" though. I mean, he either refused to believe that Ronon really was dead or refused to leave Ronon's body behind. Either way, Shep would have been pretty fierce about going back for him, I think. I hope there'll be some EATG-related fics coming out soon!

                              Also, I loved Rodney's and Teyla's reaction to Ronon's dying. I want to have that for Shep! I mean, not that he'd die for real, of course, but that it seemed like he had and his team witnessing his "death" and freaking out over it. Only to realize Shep wasn't actually dead, of course

                              Altogether I thought it was an awesome ep. Everyone had something to do, there was team, angst, action, suspense, space battles, and the McKeller was kept to a minimum. What more could you want? (Well, aside from huge amounts of Shep whump, of course )
                              season 5
                              I loved Teyla´s frantic "John?!?!" in The Lost Tribe right after the explosion, but I see what you mean. Guess it didn´t take me much by surprise (well, a VEGAS spoiler was full of EatG ones without extra warning in direct relation to that. Unfortunately, our Shep doesn´t seem deserving of team angst. Even Common Ground was lacking that somewhat .. (although I do love Ronon´s reaction to the "final" feeding(witnessed, that is) Now if we could only have a "pretty dying guy" (and NOT like
                              Vegas, but actually with a nice rescue

                              Thank God for fanfic writers, eh?
                              Last edited by SheppAddictedFangirl; 13 January 2009, 03:52 AM.

                              Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                              picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                                Congrats to all the milestoners!

                                Ali and Pocus - feel better soon!

                                I love all these fanfic whumpy ideas I've been reading about. I do hope some kind soul is going to write ALL OF THEM!?

                                Interesting talk on the cancellation of SGA. I still think that BW and MGM handed over season 4 of SGA to Mallozzi/Mullie to concentrate on SGU and really thought SGA would not make a 5th season because SGU would be made instead. So SGA was palmed off to Mallozzi/Mullie for its final year. Then, oh no! We had the writers strike. SGU had to be put on hold. In the meantime, wow, JM/PM did a damn fine job of season 4 and MGM and SciFi were pretty ok with renewing it. After all, no SGU yet, as it had only just been pitched and was delayed because of the writers' strike, and they needed to further the franchise until the new shiny toy was ready.

                                Then, low and behold, shiny toy is ready, SGA? Hmmm, another season and maybe people will be tired of Stargate. No chance of SGA moving to movies and SGU might not be wanted to fill the void (Well it still isn't by me! ).

                                Thus, let's move SGA to, ahem, and I quote: 'The bigger canvas' of tv movies and let's go with a new show, which whilst still appealing to all the old fans, who, after all, like anything with a Stargate in it , will also appeal to a younger demographic owing to the fact that there are some younger characters and the show will be more character based, (I know, I know, SGA fans NEVER asked for that, did they? ) and more edgy and darker...(yeah SGA fans NEVER asked for that either... )

                                Now, put that all together with the fact that SGA had only solid ratings. Sure, they were better, but were they stellar? Nope. They weren't. If SGA had Eureka's ratings we wouldnt' be here now having this discussion.

                                Basically, it's about money, and furthering the franchise. It was a business decision to benefit both MGM and the producers. And on that front, it's perfectly understandable, of course. However, for me, as a fan of SGA, it isn't and it sucks!

