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John Sheppard Whump

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    I would say my favorite emotional whump would be the scene where Sheppard has to shoot Sumner.


    Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
    AVI by *ERIKA*


      Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
      Sounds good to me



      Emotional whump 4/10

      For me there were a couple of emotional scenes in Rising. This pic is when Jack tells him that if he doesn't volunteer then he doesn't want him on the team to go to Pegasus. For me, I think it means a lot that someone like Jack who has a good reputation wants him on the team. And even though it's initially for his 'ata gene' I don't think Jack would have asked him to go if he wasn't worthy of it, and we know how picky Jack can be. So I think, Shep doesn't want to let him down and it's here he starts realising (for whatever reason) that he's needed for something big and better, but he's not to sure whether to take that risk or not. I have a feeling that being in the antarctic was Shep punishing himself rather than his bosses punishing him....

      Oh my so long winded and that was only the first one

      *sniff* I love this pic, it makes my heart go out to him. It's like he has purposely seperated himself from the rest of the world. And this pic makes me really sad to think that he hasn't got anyone to share this moment with. So he's torn between doing something worthwhile or staying behind and continue torturing himself for maybe mistakes or hurt that's taken place in the past.

      Emotional whump 4/10

      Oh that was fun Thanks SD and Linz for coming up with this

      Oh I agree Peg - he certainly went through lots of turmoil in this epsiode. There was certainly a lot of angst involved. I guess the whole epsiode ended in loads of emotional whumpage too- on the basis that he realised that he has woken up the Wraith.

      Shall we each do one overall rating at the end of the discussions- so that it is easy for me to keep count?


        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
        Hey I have another idea - since we havent had any spoilers or anything new to squee about we need something to keep the thread going with some on topic chat.

        A while ago Linzi and I went through all the seasons to work out which was the whumpiest and it was good fun along the way.

        We could do something similar. Take each episode one by one starting with some relevant pics chat about the whump in each and then all award it a whump mark out of say 10. I will then average all the scores for each episode and we will have a final star rating for each epidsode and then get to find out the best whump season according to the whumpers.

        The scores out of 10 would not be how much we liked the ep but the quality of any physical/emotional whumpage.

        Anyone interested? We could do a couple of eps a day?
        Excellent idea I don't think I have many ep pics from season one so my post might just be text

        Originally posted by sherryw View Post
        I greened her for the story. I'm feeling great, still a bit tender, but it's getting better and better everyday. Hopefully it will be fully healed by the time I leave on vacation.

        That's a great idea. I was just about to throw a question out to get something going myself.

        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
        Ok, I found it!

        Spoilered in case it's OT, tee hee!:

        Oh my word, I've come over all unnecessary!!!


          I know this is OT, but can someone tell me why at the bottom of the page some posters have a + by their names? I've never seen that before!


            Finally a good conversation going and the kid wants to use the computer.

            I look forward to reading what you whumpers put up. TTFN!!!

            Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
            AVI by *ERIKA*


              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
              I agree for Rising parts I and II, 4/10. I also wondered how it was Shep seemed to recover so quickly and didn't appear numb. Maybe it was just a glancing shot, or maybe TPTB hadn't decided how stunners would make people feel then!
              I think that they are still yet to decide!


                Originally posted by Listy View Post
                Excellent idea I don't think I have many ep pics from season one so my post might just be text


                Oh my word, I've come over all unnecessary!!!
                You've come over all unnecessary? That's not what happened to me when I saw that piccie!


                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  I know this is OT, but can someone tell me why at the bottom of the page some posters have a + by their names? I've never seen that before!
                  They will be people that you have friended!


                    Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                    I think that they are still yet to decide!
                    Even now the stunning vary from episode to episode don't they? It's the same with the 'Zat stunnings in SG1. Talk about lack of continuity!



                      I have no rising pics so just imagine one here:

                      *rising pic*

                      OK firstly doing a header into the snow - darn not a scratch
                      Emotional whump when he was trying to decide whether to go or not.
                      Physical whump when he was stunned, and then dumped like a sack of spuds onto the table - far too quick recovery
                      Emotional whump when he had to shoot his CO
                      Emotional whump when he realised he was responsible for waking the wraith.

                      I would go with a four maybe four and a half out of ten for this ep. more emotional whump than physical, for me


                        Originally posted by Listy View Post

                        I have no rising pics so just imagine one here:

                        *rising pic*

                        OK firstly doing a header into the snow - darn not a scratch
                        Emotional whump when he was trying to decide whether to go or not.
                        Physical whump when he was stunned, and then dumped like a sack of spuds onto the table - far too quick recovery
                        Emotional whump when he had to shoot his CO
                        Emotional whump when he realised he was responsible for waking the wraith.

                        I would go with a four maybe four and a half out of ten for this ep. more emotional whump than physical, for me

                        Oh what about the falling down when he is following Teyla!


                          Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                          They will be people that you have friended!
                          Ok, I so should have known that, shouldn't I? I just discovered the add as a buddy feature recently, and didn't realise it actually did something!


                            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post

                            Oh what about the falling down when he is following Teyla!
                            I love that scene - and it's all Joe!!


                              It seems that we all agree that there is probably more emotional whumpage than physical in Rising.

                              So far we have the following scores

                              SGA 4
                              Me 4
                              Linzi 4
                              Sherry 5
                              Listy 4

                              Unless anyone wants to change - or we have any other votes to come????


                                Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post

                                Oh what about the falling down when he is following Teyla!
                                oh god yeah that was funny!! and didn't she push him out of the way of the dart so he ended up on the floor?

