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John Sheppard Whump

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    Thanks, Caty, and to everyone who left reviews for me. I appreciate you taking the time, and for FFnet allowing it! lol

    Ali, Josie, I hope you feels better soon!

    Congrats on 100, Erika!

    That was a fun little drabble, Lauriel!


      Originally posted by parisindy View Post
      ooo cool i liked that one good shep owies and angst
      and shep being a bit naughty
      I just love a naughty shep.

      Originally posted by mrskeeler View Post
      Wow, so many posts since I was last here, and so little time.
      Thanks everyone for the welcome.
      Yeah, I'm pretty new to it though and I'm still learning. I much prefer to read all the delicious whumpiness that's already out there.

      *is embarrassed*
      Hi there mrsk! I've read all your fics and I love them all!

      Great drabble Lauriel.
      Chicago Con Attendee 2011
      Chicago Con Attendee 2010
      GateCon Attendee 2008
      Vancouver Con Attendee 2007


        Wow it's quiet in here tonight.

        Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
        AVI by *ERIKA*


          Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
          *giggles @ giving Paris the giggles*

          hehehe i keep thinking chuck best hide once shep is mobile


          darnit i can't even green you

          *mental giggle green*

          "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
          ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
          Card designed by Falcon Horus


            Originally posted by sherryw View Post
            Wow it's quiet in here tonight.
            I'm fixing my moms dresser

            man only in canada would someone think figure skating to the barenaked ladies music would be a good idea hehehehehe... i don't mind the band but this may drive me to dig out my metallica cd's hehe

            oh its over now...little mosque on the prairies is on now

            pleaseeeeeeee any one got any good whump me from CANADIAN TV!

            "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
            ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
            Card designed by Falcon Horus


              Ali and Josie - I hope you both feel better soon.

              GG - great new siggie!

              Did some of you say you saw David Tennat's movie Recovery last night? How was it?

              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              I believe the due date listed is March sometime... but given recent experience, I'll believe it when I see it!
              It'll probably come out in August

              Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
              And he slips in the snow and breaks the other leg, and is lying in the snow getting hypothermia and worried that no one will find him before he dies a cold and lonely death. Then his team find him and has to lie in an infirmary bed with both legs in traction, getting cranky and impatient because he has to lie on his back without being able to move around too much.
              Originally posted by parisindy View Post
              ooo good one!

              but they find him finally they have to use heating blankets to slowly raise his temprature and he will get pneumonia and delirious but mostly acky and impatient...later on he might try to break out of the infirmary only the longer he is away the sicker he gets... and the crutches don't work well with two broken legs and he falls down the stairs and is too sick to call for help

              then he has complications becuase his one leg was only a minor break but now its something alot more serious
              Wow, all this from 'Shep shoveling snow'

              Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
              I'm not volunteering - I've got too many other plot bunnies hopping around me. Would a drabble do to tide you over?

              How do I wind up in situations like this? Oh, sure, taken on there own one incident seems normal and mundane, but then everything kind of snowballs (bad pun, John – really bad pun) and I end up near death on a godforsaken ice planet with two broken legs and a pair of useless crutches that I can’t even use to help me stand up, let alone walk with.

              How’d I end up like this again? Oh yeah, that stupid race against Ronon. (Where the hell is he, anyway?) What on earth possessed me to challenge him to a race? He kicks my ass every time. Damned McKay with his smirky little smirk and snarky little comments about getting old. Me? Old? Like hell. And I was doing really well before I slipped on the grill going down the causeway. Stupid causeway. **** its cold.

              Perhaps I should have listened to Elizabeth when she told me to stay on Atlantis instead of going to visit the Kirathens. But really, what harm could come of going to visit a planetful of pacifists? I was just so bored! Do you have any idea how boring it is to sit around a place like Atlantis when you can’t workout, can’t run, can’t go on missions, can’t do anything? Except stupid paperwork. I really hate paperwork. So I thought I’d visit Saylana and his village for an afternoon and just get out for a little bit. What could go wrong?

              Chuck apparently. I know no-one claims to know all of the ‘gate addresses, well, except Rodney, but come on! It’s not like he hasn’t dialled the address before, we’ve been back to M6G-204 heaps of times! So instead of stepping out into a sunny field within easy walk of the village (and the mango? dacqries they make there) I step out into a full on blizzard on a ****ty little planet that as far as I can see, the only thing it has going for it is that it reminds me of Hoth. Where the bloody hell is Han Solo when you need him? Hey! That crutch would make a really cool lightsaber! Neuong. Oh, God. I’ve officially lost it. I’m dying in the snow with two broken legs and I’m pretending to be Luke Skywalker. ****. Where was I? Oh yeah.

              I step into the middle of this blizzard. I could barely see the DHD and it was a few yards away! Who was the idiot that put the Stargate on a raised platform on a planet where it gets covered in snow so you can’t see it? So of course I innocently hobble over to the DHD on my crutches only to have them fly out from underneath me as I go rolling down the icy hill and wind up with my other foot landing against a bolder and snapping like a damn twig. Crap, crap, crap. What the hell is taking them so long?
              Love it! hehehe...Neuong

              Originally posted by sherryw View Post
              You do realize that half the people on SG were on MacGyver. I know that CJ was in one of the episodes and so was Siler.
              X-Files, too. you can't go two episodes of that without seeing a Stargate actor. I guess Vancouver is a small world

              That was great. All these great drabbles. *sighs* Now all I have to do is catch up with all my FF alerts. *cringes*
              At least you're getting the alerts, those never work for me. Although it is so things not working is to be expected


                Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                I'm fixing my moms dresser

                man only in canada would someone think figure skating to the barenaked ladies music would be a good idea hehehehehe... i don't mind the band but this may drive me to dig out my metallica cd's hehe

                oh its over now...little mosque on the prairies is on now

                pleaseeeeeeee any one got any good whump me from CANADIAN TV!
                What kind of whump are you looking for?

                Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                AVI by *ERIKA*


                  Originally posted by pisces27 View Post
                  I just love a naughty shep.
                  ooo me two those are always some of my favorite bits

                  "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                  ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                  Card designed by Falcon Horus


                    Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                    I'm fixing my moms dresser

                    man only in canada would someone think figure skating to the barenaked ladies music would be a good idea hehehehehe... i don't mind the band but this may drive me to dig out my metallica cd's hehe

                    oh its over now...little mosque on the prairies is on now

                    pleaseeeeeeee any one got any good whump me from CANADIAN TV!
                    How about these...

                    Irresistable whump:
                    some coughing whump...

                    38 Minutes whump:

                    gutter whump:

                    cabbage whump:

                    Phantoms whump:

                    Those good?


                      ooo...some nice big Epiphany pics too!


                        Sheppy, Paris wants whumpy pix.
                        LSC: No. I don’t want to be whumped.

                        Lauriel: Aww, come on Sheppy. It’s for a good cause.
                        LSC: What good cause?! Uh, what was that?

                        Lauriel: The sound of a high speed whumpage. *smirks*

                        My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                          heheh great minds think alike!

                          well, guys, I'm off to bed. Have fun whumping!


                            Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                            Loved it Paris...keep going!
                            *blushes* thank you

                            i actually have about 15 pages but i don't like how its going and i i don't want it more then 25 pages

                            Originally posted by sherryw View Post
                            Actually Paris that was my husband and he's still for sale. I have to tell you though that he has vowed not to shovel anymore snow this year. Maybe I can have my Shep clone convince him.
                            ahhhh yes! i remember! i have the memory of a gnat! hehe and what good is a husband if he doesn't shovel? does he give foot massages?

                            "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                            ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                            Card designed by Falcon Horus


                              Originally posted by wraithkeeper View Post

                              cabbage whump:

                              Cabbage Whump :rotflmao: thats to good

                              By Kidwizz

                              By JessM


                                Originally posted by wraithkeeper View Post
                                Wow, all this from 'Shep shoveling snow'
                                hehe we were desperate for whump!

                                man i really got to learn multi quotes one day

                                "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                                ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                                Card designed by Falcon Horus

