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John Sheppard Whump

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    Night Lorr!
    My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
      Well, I made a miniscule amount of progress on my fic today. Too many other things to do.

      Goodnight, whumpers!
      Goodnight Lorr!


        Critical Mass Discussion (and art and caps... )


        1 Why was Cadman’s hair down? She is military and that definitely isn’t.

        That has ALWAYS bugged me, from the first time I saw the episode. It’s SO against regs it makes me grind my teeth every time. Realism bowing to TPTB’s desire for eye candy. *rolls eyes*

        Definitely a question I’ve asked as well.

        2 Was the scene with Dr. Lee just a way to waste time? Did you find the explanation of the message transfer to the Daedalus then Atlantis was more than silly?

        I thought it was hysterical, especially how no one caught on to the barking dogs but everyone remembered the beacon fires in Return of the King. Hehehehe… I don’t think it was a waste of time though, they had established that the Daedalus was out of range, to all the sudden communicate with them, without an explanation, would’ve been confusing.

        3 Why was Kavanagh still eligible to go to Pegasus? After his tirade against Weir in LFP, who the heck would want him back there? She says it was an urgent request from him, but would that request have even gone through?

        Well, from what little we knew about him, he was quite good (remember, he saved everyone’s butts in the Jumper in 38 Minutes, the bugger….) If he was good enough at his profession, she might have let him back for the scientific contribution he could’ve made.

        4 “There’s a bomb in Atlantis” *snerk* Do you think Joe said it just right to mock Speed?

        Oh… I never made that connection. LOL I thought he was being sarcastic at the lack of detail they got in the message, only that “there’s a bomb in Atlantis, do not dial the gate.”

        5 Did you find the searching scenes a little superficial?

        Yeah, definitely filler, though they gave nice views of the city. They could’ve portrayed that, and the information in the scenes differently, but I never really minded them.

        6 Did you find that him standing there talking about the distress beacon for a couple of precious seconds before he turned it off ridiculous? Shouldn’t he be able to talk and work at the same time?

        You’d think. It is Rodney after all, but he does that a lot. Still, yes, precious seconds, though I think once the signal was sent at all, with how close a proximity the Wraith were in, they’d detect it, no matter how brief.

        7 Did you think it was odd that Beckett didn’t appear to be following a DNR order for Charin?

        I don’t think he didn’t follow the DNR. When Charin was in her last minutes and actually died, he made no move to save her. I think what he did was to help her and ease her passing. His actions were very compassionate and still following the DNR. Never once did he resuscitate her, he only made her comfortable in her final hours.

        8 Why didn’t John radio the code to McKay instead of taking the time to write it down and run up the stairs with it?

        Possibility of misunderstanding a number/symbol/letter? Who knows what kinds of booby traps could’ve been there with the entry of the wrong code which would indicate a hacking attempt.

        9 How do you think Sheppard knew a Taser would work on Caldwell?

        SG Mission reports. He said that he’d read them, at least enough of them to know who and what the Goul’d were. It’s well established in SG1 that one shot from a Zat can suppress the Goul’d and allow the host to speak, if temporarily. SG1 used it on Skaara in one of the eps (and I can’t remember which one… you’ll have to ask an SG1 buff. LOL Just remember the scene).

        A taser is the closest thing they had to a Zat. Granted, he didn’t know Caldwell was a Goul’d before the interrogation, but I can see him having the taser as a non lethal method of restraint should things go.. awry with apprehending Caldwell, who at the time they believed was a traitor.

        10 Did you notice that we had the black t-shirt of yum for almost the entire episode?

        Oh yeah!! How could I NOT notice. Holy Cow! *fans self*

        11. Sheppard made mention that the bomber could still be on Atlantis, but as soon as Rodney mentions Cadman, he dismisses the idea. Shouldn't everyone have been suspected equally.

        Not with Sheppard. I think it was very in character for him. Once someone earns his trust, especially people under his command, they have it, period. If she was good and had earned that trust, he’d give it unconditionally. That’s just the way he is.

        Critical Mass Art? (lots of Critical Mass art… love this episode. Some old, some new [but nothing borrowed or blue! LOL] )

        Spoiler for a little scrolling…

        And for question 9, I included the Drabble Wallpaper I did that relates to the question

        Caps in the next post.....
        My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


          I just noticed the new Stargate stuff has been put up on ebay.

          There is one piece that every whumper knows:

          I'd love to get it, but I 'know' it will go for more than I can afford. Darn it.



            Critical Mass Caps? (speaking of the Black Tshirt of Yum!!)
            Spoiler for scrolling a little…

            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


              ooh, yes for sure!
              My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                Ok, that's exactly what was going to say
                I believe quite a lot of people do, from what I've seen.
                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post

                Wow! Congrats Linz!! *salutes General Linzi*
                and thanks!

                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                One good thing to come out of my laptop issues is that I've started using Google Chrome, and it spell checks everything!
                Well, the reason I had a problem with the trojan was because my 'virus vault' was full of cookies. Well, I didn't even know I had a virus vault! Hubby sorted it out, thank goodness and I don't think it was a nasty Trojan in a bad place on the comp. Thank goodness. Typical. I just say I've never had one, hear others have had problems after going to, where, might I add, I go often, AND I didn't use SAF's link, because I've got those stories bookmarked already and have read the loads of times. So it must be the whole site is awash with the trojan. But, if SGA hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have checked until my weekly scan had picked it up. So, thanks SGA! I've no idea what the trojan did or does, but it's a well known one because I googled it. So if anyone is going to FF.Net, be careful!

                Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                hmm.... anyone else notice that if you click on the little link next to "original post" that used to take you back to the post being quoted so you could read the conversation, now just redirects you to the first page of the thread?
                YES! I meant to say the other day. It takes you to the beginning of the thread each time. Maybe we should let Greg know? Glad you've been so productive on the writing front. That's a heck of a lot of words!

                Will think of some questions and answers for CM later. Don't have enough time before work. Thanks for the picspam! Black shirt of yum.... YUMMY! There are some beautiful caps in that batch, SGA. They're just... beyond words!
                Originally posted by syble View Post
                I just noticed the new Stargate stuff has been put up on ebay.

                There is one piece that every whumper knows:


                I'd love to get it, but I 'know' it will go for more than I can afford. Darn it.

                Wow! I wonder which eppie that's from? Could it be one we've just been discussing? I do hope a whumper buys it! That'd be so fitting!


                  Ok, far too much for me to wade through everything in detail again, so I'll just comment on those that caught my eye...

                  Originally posted by maggs View Post
                  Oh my - not sure how this is going to work. Wasn't away for that long but you all have been so chatty. I had so much fun catching up. I was able to multi quote but can't possibly include them all and finish by the end of the day.

                  It is raining today which I love. Only wish I could stay home snug, dry and warm but there's a little boy birthday party that has to be attended to. On the plus side - the parents of the boy are good friends so my guy and I will enjoy the adult company.
                  Urgh, I can sympathise on the party thing. We've got three on three consecutive Saturdays! Nothing like spending two hours with a bunch of hyperactive six years olds to blast those cobwebs away! Oh, well. Two down, only one to go next Saturday.

                  Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                  Strey - Well, okay then. I thought I had missed it! *puts pressure on you and runs out*

                  Shepsgirl *don´t tease!! Soo, when can we expect you start posting?
                  Yeah, add to that pressure! As for, add nine, subtract four, divide by the first number you thought of...I guess I'd have to say, I'm not sure. I'm hoping to start posting early April, but it depends how long it takes to edit. My kids are both at school/nursery for the next two days, so I'm hoping to finish the last four chapter and then the editing can begin in earnest. I've seen talk of poisoning here...there may be a bit of that, too...may be a lot of other things along the way as well...Okay, now I'm teasing!

                  Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                  I just got on image in my mind that was only half suitable for this thread but NOT for anyone under 17. Only slightly OT
                  I went to the Farmers' Market that the Ferry Building this morning and bought a whole lot of lovely vegees and things. I just finished cleaning baby carrots (true baby carrots, plucked from the ground yesterday and sold today with the tops still on), celery, sprouts, and other things. I just pictured Shep slicing up veges with a sharp knife and slaving over a hot stove with not much more than an apron to protect him.
                  Move over anyone in the gutter, here I come!
                  'Scuse me! I'd have to agree about the boxers. Grant him that much at least...especially because I find bums far too laughable! Thanks for the compliment on my sig, BTW.
                  Originally posted by ktebid View Post
                  aw...growing up in the country in Aus really means I'm not scared of any creepy crawlies....just don't tell hubby that...or the clones. They're having great fun trying to catch a giant huntsman's already jumped on one's head scaring the living daylights out of should have seen him jump oops hang he's complaining he's been bitten...brb
                  I don't mind bugs and spiders, they're not my first choice of companion or anything like that, but I don't mind them. We get more trouble from mice and shrews. Luckily, I don't mind them either. Mind you, if I had spiders the size of the ones you have in Australia, I think I migt be able to develope a phobia pretty quickly!

                  Originally posted by Strey View Post
                  Me, too. Plus in Remnants, Robert Davi as Kolya was given the green light to
                  totally beat the crap out of 'Sheppard', though not sure by whom. Hm. S5 DVD.

                  Makes you wonder...
                  Really? Well in that case he did a pretty poor job, apart from the chippety-chopping bit. Should have handed him over to me...or you for that matter. I think we can all make a guess at who gave the green light...

                  Originally posted by Sabine View Post
                  Wow, I can't keep up with you guys. I spent 3 hours yesterday taking my daughter and her friend to the school Fun Fair (little known fact - apparently in addition to the traditional meaning of 'fun', the word can also be used to mean 'astoundingly lame and tedious'), and I was 4 pages behind.

                  [One thing did impress me about the episode though. I mean, Shep sure must have some stamina if he can make nice with Teer after a TEN HOUR RUN. Seriously, I'm impressed!
                  Well, maybe it's better he was a bit tired. If he'd been fully rested, she'd probably have ascended right there.
                  *gigglesnort!* Too right, Missus!

                  Originally posted by syble View Post
                  I just noticed the new Stargate stuff has been put up on ebay.

                  There is one piece that every whumper knows:


                  I'd love to get it, but I 'know' it will go for more than I can afford. Darn it.

                  *checks piggy bank - sighs* Well if it stayed at the amount it is now, I could have it, but there is NO WAY it will. At least we know what happened to his uniform in Epiphany now. Some swine stole it to flog it on e-Bay! Have to admire the opportunistic nature of those ascended bods, though. And they claim to be so much better than us. Bunch of pilferers!

                  Thanks to everyone for all the loverly pics, especially the Submersion Queen whump and Critical Mass gun porn. Some of my favourites there.

                  So is handing out Trojans? Kind of them to share. Hmmm, I go there a lot and have noticed the annoying increase in ads, but haven't had any problems with viruses, Trojans or the like. Very strange.

                  Right, I'd best be off to go properly beat the crap out of Shep. None of this 'imaginary Kolya' nonsense.

                  Throws in a whumpy pic of her own for good measure...

                  'I...I think I may have crushed a small scientist as I fell...'
                  Last edited by shepsgirl72; 08 March 2010, 03:44 AM.
                  My Fan Fiction Page
                  My LJ Fics


                    evening whumpers...another week begins.

                    hubby might be home tomorrow, if not then some time this week.

                    Sigs by the lovely CSOM, Sonja and from the Tokrafans community on LJ.


                      Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                      Well, good luck with finding it.

                      Meanwhile, found one that plays between Epiphany and Critical Mass that deals heavily with 38 minutes and Conversion, and a not-so-funny-prank on a certain CO and his fear(s) gone wrong.

                      Memories or Nightmares by Titan5



                      We´ll see.

                      Yeah, but it could have made for some interesting storyline.
                      Though, Shep does look very hugworthy during the feeding. *swoon*

                      I didn´t have any problems - yet.

                      It´s probably the best idea. LOL
                      Titan5 did a sequel. Woot! Yer 'tis -




                        Originally posted by syble View Post
                        I just noticed the new Stargate stuff has been put up on ebay.

                        There is one piece that every whumper knows:


                        I'd love to get it, but I 'know' it will go for more than I can afford. Darn it.

                        OMG! I would love to have it, but better still, the torn shirt with the drippy blood around the collar. Sigh.


                          Originally posted by shepsgirl72 View Post
                          Ok, far too much for me to wade through everything in detail again, so I'll just comment on those that caught my eye...

                          Urgh, I can sympathise on the party thing. We've got three on three consecutive Saturdays! Nothing like spending two hours with a bunch of hyperactive six years olds to blast those cobwebs away! Oh, well. Two down, only one to go next Saturday.

                          Yeah, add to that pressure! As for, add nine, subtract four, divide by the first number you thought of...I guess I'd have to say, I'm not sure. I'm hoping to start posting early April, but it depends how long it takes to edit. My kids are both at school/nursery for the next two days, so I'm hoping to finish the last four chapter and then the editing can begin in earnest. I've seen talk of poisoning here...there may be a bit of that, too...may be a lot of other things along the way as well...Okay, now I'm teasing!

                          'Scuse me! I'd have to agree about the boxers. Grant him that much at least...especially because I find bums far too laughable! Thanks for the compliment on my sig, BTW.

                          I don't mind bugs and spiders, they're not my first choice of companion or anything like that, but I don't mind them. We get more trouble from mice and shrews. Luckily, I don't mind them either. Mind you, if I had spiders the size of the ones you have in Australia, I think I migt be able to develope a phobia pretty quickly!

                          Really? Well in that case he did a pretty poor job, apart from the chippety-chopping bit. Should have handed him over to me...or you for that matter. I think we can all make a guess at who gave the green light...

                          *gigglesnort!* Too right, Missus!

                          *checks piggy bank - sighs* Well if it stayed at the amount it is now, I could have it, but there is NO WAY it will. At least we know what happened to his uniform in Epiphany now. Some swine stole it to flog it on e-Bay! Have to admire the opportunistic nature of those ascended bods, though. And they claim to be so much better than us. Bunch of pilferers!

                          Thanks to everyone for all the loverly pics, especially the Submersion Queen whump and Critical Mass gun porn. Some of my favourites there.

                          So is handing out Trojans? Kind of them to share. Hmmm, I go there a lot and have noticed the annoying increase in ads, but haven't had any problems with viruses, Trojans or the like. Very strange.

                          Right, I'd best be off to go properly beat the crap out of Shep. None of this 'imaginary Kolya' nonsense.

                          Throws in a whumpy pic of her own for good measure...


                          'I...I think I may have crushed a small scientist as I fell...'
                          Crushed a small scientist? Bwah! You always get me cackling. Silly us for thinking Shep was in protective mode! The Green Glove of Doom tickles me every time. Oh, as for calculating - um - count the number of arms and legs in a football stadium and divide by four. Works every time. ITA re wading through posts. I'm scanning these days. Hope I didn't miss any gems! As for bums - I think I'd be busy admiring that particular one. All-over tan, anyone? Phwoar!

                          This is what I think I spotted but haven't responded to - Ali! Sorry to hear AJ's under the weather. Her birthday's coming up, right? SGAFan - luffs the pic spams as usual! Ktebid -
                          did I read that your dog passed? Sorry to hear that. Was he/she old? My elder daughter's collie is 7 now. I know she'll be devastated as and when the time comes. Hopefully he has a good few years left. She's studying to become a vet, so he's in good hands. Just going gray. Still charges around like a puppy, so - so far, so good. Wishing you well, poppet.
                          Last edited by Strey; 08 March 2010, 05:18 AM.


                            Glad to share, Strey Was going to spam last night but had a chatty muse that hijacked me for most of the day and turned my brain to goo by the time I was done. LOL

                            Off to work! Will try to check in but have a great day/night/etc, Whumpers!
                            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                              Had a busy day -been to the gym and done some shopping! Havent had much of a chance towhump Sheppy!

                              Seem maybe I should stay away from if there are trojans about


                                Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                                Glad to share, Strey Was going to spam last night but had a chatty muse that hijacked me for most of the day and turned my brain to goo by the time I was done. LOL

                                Off to work! Will try to check in but have a great day/night/etc, Whumpers!
                                Hope you have a great day!!

