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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
    *tacklehugs* LINZI!!!! Yay we are on at the same time!!!!
    *Squishes* and then *squishes* again!

    How are you, sweetie?


      Doing well!! Having a lazy day. Just got brunch started and will start on laundry soon. Making it a pajama day. Hubby did a lot yesterday and needs the time to recuperate today.

      Hope you had a wonderful day! How is the Puppy? Give her some pets for me.


        Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post

        You´re welcome. I wasn´t entirely sure about, but I do remember another fic with somebody moving in with Shep too. Am just not able to recall the title. Looks like I´ve read far too many fanfics over the past two years!!
        I remember one with someone moving in too, but I have no idea which on it is.
        Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post

        Are you mocking us??
        Oh, no! It's comments like ' What happened to Shep's clothes, did Teer hide them, then?' And such things which just crack me up! And loads of other comments, some of them a bit cheeky I love them! Also, some whumpers have pointed out things and I've gone to myself 'Goodness, why didn't I notice that??? I've seen that episode 50 times and never noticed!' Then I just get embarrassed!
        Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post

        I hope you enjoy it. I know I did.

        Sorry hun. I´ll keep looking. Some more details would be helpful though. LOL. Why was he in a wheelchair? Did it involve poor eyesight? But then, that one didn´t have Carson in it either.....
        Not sure about the picnic or wheelchair parts in these ones, but I did enjoy a reread of them recently.

        You don´t mean Castles in the Sky, do you?

        Or Hound of hell you cry?
        I know those stories well.
        Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
        Nope, pretty sure you don´t mean them. But our new whumper friends should check them out, it´s a MUST READ. I cannot recommend them both hard enough.
        I remember squeeing wildly when I first read those!


          oh, been in the fandom for some while now - ok, two years but only now found out that has a whumper community!

          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          I remember one with someone moving in too, but I have no idea which on it is.
          Am now as desperate as her to find it.

          Oh, no! It's comments like ' What happened to Shep's clothes, did Teer hide them, then?' And such things which just crack me up! And loads of other comments, some of them a bit cheeky I love them! Also, some whumpers have pointed out things and I've gone to myself 'Goodness, why didn't I notice that??? I've seen that episode 50 times and never noticed!' Then I just get embarrassed!
          Hehe. Same here actually.

          I know those stories well.

          I remember squeeing wildly when I first read those!
          I think these were ones of the first I read. *sends a big chocolate cake to Cazz for sharing links back then*
          Last edited by SheppAddictedFangirl; 07 March 2010, 09:30 AM. Reason: deleted link as a potential danger.

          Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
          picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


            Linzi's Questions for Epiphany

            Why, oh, why, oh why did BW think it was a good idea to have a little Ancient healer in the episode? (Because she kept making Sheppy better, damn it! )

            Where did Sheppard's pants and boots go? Seriously, I want to know!!!

            Why did Shep wear those boots?

            Why didn't he shave when other men there had clean shaven faces? Was it to show us he'd sort of given up and was depressed? Was it a rebellion at being in the AF and having to be, well, relatively clean shaven all the time?

            One thing did impress me about the episode though. I mean, Shep sure must have some stamina if he can make nice with Teer after a TEN HOUR RUN. Seriously, I'm impressed!

            The time dilation thing seems pretty floored to me, so I give up with asking questions about that.


              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
              Oh, you don't have to be nice about them. I really dislike them - honestly. I want to delete them all, but keep getting people marking some as favourites and I know how annoyed I get when people delete stories I've marked as favourites when I go to read them, and they've gone, so I wouldn't do it to anyone else
              I know I don't HAVE to be nice, that doesn't change my opinion. *hugs*

              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
              I remember Kodiak writing one of the letters to Shep, refusing him leave to not get whumped. But it was a series, as I remember. I'll have to try and think where it was.... yes, you might be waiting a long time!
              LOL I think I might remember something about that, but barely....

              Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
              oh, been in the fandom for some while now - ok, two years but only now found out that has a whumper community!

              Its´a list of whumpy fanfics in re to SGA fics, collected by a whumper.
              Ok, umm.. I clicked on that, got redirected to a ad (I HATE those and LJ has started doing it too...) my graphics were promptly changed to Vista basic and my antivirus alarms went off about infected files.

              Nice. running ads that come across as viruses?!

              *wanders off to run a scan*
              Last edited by SGAFan; 07 March 2010, 01:38 PM.
              My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                Linzi's Questions for Epiphany

                One thing did impress me about the episode though. I mean, Shep sure must have some stamina if he can make nice with Teer after a TEN HOUR RUN. Seriously, I'm impressed!
                That's our... *ahem* very FIT Colonel. Has to be (and not to mention have a lot of stamina) to survive the whumpers.... heheheheh
                My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                  Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                  *tacklehugs* LINZI!!!! Yay we are on at the same time!!!!

                  I am here too now!!!

                  Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post

                  You´re welcome. I wasn´t entirely sure about, but I do remember another fic with somebody moving in with Shep too. Am just not able to recall the title. Looks like I´ve read far too many fanfics over the past two years!!

                  Sorry hun. I´ll keep looking. Some more details would be helpful though. LOL. Why was he in a wheelchair? Did it involve poor eyesight? But then, that one didn´t have Carson in it either.....

                  Not sure about the picnic or wheelchair parts in these ones, but I did enjoy a reread of them recently.

                  You don´t mean Castles in the Sky, do you?

                  Or Hound of Hell you Cry?
                  whumped!hero fic. Seriously, the guy is whumped deliciously and still manages to be a big hero!

                  Oh they are fab - I will re-read them! Yes maybe it was an eyesight one? Or maybe I am getting two confused and thet is the one where someone moves in with him and the picnic is another one

                  Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                  oh, been in the fandom for some while now - ok, two years but only now found out that has a whumper community!

                  Its´a list of whumpy fanfics in re to SGA fics, collected by a whumper.

                  Maybe you get lucky there, SheppyD.

                  I think these were ones of the first I read. *sends a big chocolate cake to Cazz for sharing links back then*

                  I am going to have a good reread of all the oldies and find what I am looking for :0


                    Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                    oohh, pancakes *mouth waters*. Haven´t had any in a while.
                    *sends some virtual ones SAF's way Had a been a while for me too. Mum made special ones with soya milk for me
                    I had a good cry about that, that´s for sure!
                    I did too
                    Yeah, was sitting on the edge of my seat the whole time, thinking OMGOMGOMG, how are they going to make THAT right?! Until the escape and . Yeah, that scene against the tree settled it for me. Which reminds me, it´s really not a good idea for Sheppard to be sitting under a tree, is it? Bad things always happen to him under there...
                    Very true
                    Ooooh, why don´t I feel sorry for the guy one bit?? LOL. I tried a short ficlet where Shep is kinda poisoned by something related to nanites. Unfinished yet, but it´s just gotten into 1000 words. Hmmm. Not sure if I should post it. Nor any idea (yet) how it would develope further. Plot needs inspiration. But it was an idea I had while playing around with a possible explanation to why the whole new Galaxy speaks perfect English. That Shep just begged to be whumped by it. LOL
                    You should post it!!!!!
                    Honey, you´re a whumper! "Weird" doesn´t even begin to cover us.
                    Why don't I feel the slightest bit insulted?
                    I lost San´s quote!!
                    *shakes head*
                    I agree there. Though I still think it hurt (the feeding) but I guess the rush of getting the life back was enough to get addicted. Oooh, to have Sheppy go through withdrawal or craving that kind of treatment...
                    Probably yes. I'd still think the pain of the feeding is more interesting than the addiction though

                    Off now! *waves*
                    Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                    Save Our Seeker!
                    LotS on LJ.


                      Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                      Doing well!! Having a lazy day. Just got brunch started and will start on laundry soon. Making it a pajama day. Hubby did a lot yesterday and needs the time to recuperate today.

                      Hope you had a wonderful day! How is the Puppy? Give her some pets for me.
                      I'm having a pyjama day too, but mainly because I've got a stinking cold! I need to recuperate before being bombarded by more germs at school tomorrow! Watched some whumpy stuff, played with the puppy; she's fine thanks. Doesn't like it that I'm poorly. She keeps cuddling me and licking my face when I cough, well, trying to. Otherwise she's good. A little monkey! I've been trying to track down some fanfiction stories and totally failed! How about you, how's your little puppy ?


                        Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                        Linzi's Questions for Epiphany

                        Why, oh, why, oh why did BW think it was a good idea to have a little Ancient healer in the episode? (Because she kept making Sheppy better, damn it! )

                        Where did Sheppard's pants and boots go? Seriously, I want to know!!!

                        Why did Shep wear those boots?

                        Why didn't he shave when other men there had clean shaven faces? Was it to show us he'd sort of given up and was depressed? Was it a rebellion at being in the AF and having to be, well, relatively clean shaven all the time?

                        One thing did impress me about the episode though. I mean, Shep sure must have some stamina if he can make nice with Teer after a TEN HOUR RUN. Seriously, I'm impressed!

                        The time dilation thing seems pretty floored to me, so I give up with asking questions about that.
                        - little healer girl, because they were lazy and didn't want to show us his healing. For goodness sake he was in there for 6 months. He had time to heal.

                        - Teer has them in her treasure chest at her place.

                        - those boots were to keep the ankle biter healing kid away.

                        -I think he didn't shave because he wanted to be his own person. He was trying to distance himself from the cloister people and from his past life. OR.....he didn't like using a knife and soap to shave so he just trimmed up with scissors. He did say it was going to be the first thing to go when he got back.

                        -goes off into gutter land~~~~~~~~


                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          I'm having a pyjama day too, but mainly because I've got a stinking cold! I need to recuperate before being bombarded by more germs at school tomorrow! Watched some whumpy stuff, played with the puppy; she's fine thanks. Doesn't like it that I'm poorly. She keeps cuddling me and licking my face when I cough, well, trying to. Otherwise she's good. A little monkey! I've been trying to track down some fanfiction stories and totally failed! How about you, how's your little puppy ?
                          Sorry you are still sick. At least it is just a cold. Our school is filled with fevers and tummy issues (involving both ends) YUCK!!

                          Puppies are so intuitive. My boys didn't like it one bit when I had the stomach virus a few weeks back. They were fighting over who would sit next to me. When Hubby had it, they knew to avoid him. He prefers to not be touched when sick.

                          My puppies are good. Connor had a little trouble last week when he hurt his paw jumping off the bed. He is just fine now.

                          *tacklehugs* SHEPPYD!!!!!!!!!!!


                            Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                            I know I don't HAVE to be nice, that doesn't change my opinion. *hugs*
                            AWWWWW! Thanks! *squishes* You sure you read my stories and not somebody else's?
                            Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                            LOL I think I might remember something about that, but barely....
                            Ok, umm.. I clicked on that, got redirected to a ad (I HATE those and LJ has started doing it too...) my graphics were promptly changed to Vista basic and my antivirus alarms went off about infected files.
                            Nice. running ads that come across as viruses?!

                            *wanders off to run a scan*
                            I've been on FF net trying to track down stories and read some too, and ads pop up every 5 minutes! It's so annoying!

                            Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                            That's our... *ahem* very FIT Colonel. Has to be (and not to mention have a lot of stamina) to survive the whumpers.... heheheheh
                            I'm not saying anything more. I'm thinking a WHOLE lot, but not actually opening my mouth! I know, that makes a refreshing change!
                            Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                            I am here too now!!!
                            I give up looking for you fic. I'm going to ask on lj.

                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                            - little healer girl, because they were lazy and didn't want to show us his healing. For goodness sake he was in there for 6 months. He had time to heal.
                            I know! Grrrrrrr!
                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                            - Teer has them in her treasure chest at her place.

                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                            - those boots were to keep the ankle biter healing kid away.

                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post

                            -I think he didn't shave because he wanted to be his own person. He was trying to distance himself from the cloister people and from his past life. OR.....he didn't like using a knife and soap to shave so he just trimmed up with scissors. He did say it was going to be the first thing to go when he got back.
                            Now that's a good answer! If only I thought the writers actually thought of that!
                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                            -goes off into gutter land~~~~~~~~
                            I know I keep saying this, but have any of us ever climbed out???

                            Edit: I forgot you had two boys! Give them hugs from me! Glad Connor's ok.


                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              I've been on FF net trying to track down stories and read some too, and ads pop up every 5 minutes! It's so annoying!
                              First time that happened to me though. Found the little bugger and got rid of it. Luckily it was quarantined, but still.. annoying!

                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              I'm not saying anything more. I'm thinking a WHOLE lot, but not actually opening my mouth! I know, that makes a refreshing change!
                              LOL!! Well, I'm not saying anymore on the topic either. I might get into trouble.. *adjusts halo*

                              Ok, then. have some writing to do and I'm off to do it.

                              My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                                SGA - hopefully these will inspire you:

                                Poppered up surgical gown! Sigh...

