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Knowing our luck we won't even notice it and it will have to be explained by Beckett right at the end.....
"oh and it was your cold, Colonel, that prevented you from being affected by Lucius"
and we are all scratching our heads saying "he had a cold?!?!?!"
This is one for the older UK whumpers -
there used to be programme on the telly called The Tomorrow People (late 1970's) and they were advanced children/teenagers with special powers! (It was a kid's programme!) They could 'jaunt' (teleport) themselves and were telepathic and I think were telekinetics too! Well I remember one ep when something awful was affecting everyone except for one of the Tomorrow People (I think it was their leader - John!) and the reason he was not affected was because he had a cold!! Do you think TPTB might have got the inspiration for Irresistable from that!!!!!
sig by SheppyD
Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality
I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain So he just looks crazy
I'm using paint cause I feel like an idiot in Photoshop!!
Could I put those in PS then resize?
Absolutely but something simple like that you could do in PS from scratch and then you'd get anti-aliasing on your type which would make it look much nicer.
I'm trying to be helpful if I'm actually just being annoying then ignore me.
Thanks Josie for the tip!!! You're help isn't annoying it's.....helpful
Good, if ever you want help with anything sig related feel free to pm me, there's a lot I don't know but I'm more than happy to help you, or anyone else, if I can.