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John Sheppard Whump

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    You's funny. Last night hubby asked me clear out of the blue, "So, how much coffee does JF drink anyway?" This coming from Mr. Coffee himself! I guess one coffee junkie can spot another one a mile away. I think I said something like, "I don't know, but when I meet him I'll be sure to ask!" (I am subtle aren't I?) *snort*

    He even knows about the coffee gif! When I was looking at it yesterday, he passed by and commented about that scene. He asked what episode it was from.



      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
      See, if I was a coffee hound (love chocolate covered espresso beans, can't stand coffee - yeah, go figure), I would have my own coffee press, special blend, filtered water, etc. at my desk.

      I do love that bit, though. It is so unexpected and it's out of context, for the story and Shep's more serious behavior in later seasons.

      not a whumpy pic, I know but I think it´s too cute not to post
      And if you insist... maybe he´s got a headache he´s trying to hide from Teyla.. there - made it whumpy

      Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
      OMG I'm nuts!!! LOL

      spoiler for OT

      I bought a VIP backstage pass for ChicagoCon! hehehe I seriously considered a ticket for the JF cocktail party but that was starting to get spendy! LOL

      Back stage private chats with the guests, including JF and front of the line for autographs and photo ops (nice but I really am looking forward to the backstage time)
      I'm nuts! LOL But this will most likely be my last Con so I may as well do it in style!

      JF! Squeee!!!
      Really happy for you!!! And can´t wait for details!!

      Originally posted by maggs View Post
      Hey SA - sorry RL is bogging you down.

      JF was supposed to do a live chat on AXN (Hungarian TV Channel website) today but after seemingly hundreds of ?s were posted - AXN added this statement...
      Well, some of those questions -let´s just say I hope he never had to see those
      Others were good though, maybe they fished those out

      Originally posted by knightie View Post
      Ok, I was one of the crazy's who bought the cocktail party . IT jumped from 500 to 900 in less than 5 minutes. It did go for 1000 but that's 559 less than Vancouver.

      I was going to buy the backstage pass but I know my own personality. I would be so worried the entire con of meeting folks or getting time with them or not meeting them etc that I would drive myself crazy. I was going to go for dinner with Conner (i think it went for 300) but now that I am thinking about going to Dragoncon (if I canfind a hotel room) I decided to pass on that one.

      So let us know how the backstage pass works. They did say no autographs or photograhps allowed back stage. Salty and I talked to one who had the pass in NJ. They got to speak to most of the guest but not all. That was not guarenteed . They did say it was a good deal.
      Very happy for you, too!!

      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
      I think I am going to have to start making my own little con fund.

      Yes, reports, please! Take notes, take pics, let's start a list of the most burning questions we have!

      1. Have you (Joe) signed up for anything, including the movie? Anything else?
      2. How did that meeting at SyFy go?
      3. What was in that coffee cup?

      Oops, brain suddenly called time out. I'm ultra tired tonight, so I'm going to go veg in front of the TV. Goodnight!
      Yep, I second those!!

      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      Yeah baby! Go out with a bang!!

      Because we a) are philistines and b) only drink coffee to try and fit in with you folks... we prefer tea really....

      Originally posted by shepsgirl72 View Post
      Lots of coffee and con talk. Iz very lealous of everyone going to a con, particularly those of you who will meet JF in the flesh! The only way I could afford it is to discover a long lost wealthy realitive or win the lottery - neither of which seems likely. :
      Never say never. I didn´t really count on it either, but Bedford was actually manageable. Maybe he comes to a con near you soon

      My own take on that little gif of Joe with the coffee is that it looks like a pretty realistic reaction, and the camera just happened to be on him at that point so they caught it. I guess we'll have to wait and see if he answers the question.
      Well, if it was scripted, it was well damn good acted

      Oh, and I really enjoy your
      It´s a WIP (well, PIP really = posting in process..) (3 chapters now) but
      lovely whump!

      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
      You's funny. Last night hubby asked me clear out of the blue, "So, how much coffee does JF drink anyway?" This coming from Mr. Coffee himself! I guess one coffee junkie can spot another one a mile away. I think I said something like, "I don't know, but when I meet him I'll be sure to ask!" (I am subtle aren't I?) *snort*

      He even knows about the coffee gif! When I was looking at it yesterday, he passed by and commented about that scene. He asked what episode it was from.

      A big fan there, I´d say

      Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
      picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


        Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
        That would be what I, my brother, and BIL do (actually I have an espresso maker in my office because the Starbucks in the student union cannot pull a decent shot). There are a couple people on the thread who will verify I brought my coffee press to England for the Bedford con (why the English think coffee is instant, I have no idea).
        Well when i could drink coffee, i always bought the proper ground stuff and used a cafetiere - i could never stand instant.
        The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

        l My LJ l


          Originally posted by Squonk View Post
          That's fairly easy - there's a "post to" option (near the "post" button" with a drop down menu, choose "Friends Only" and away you go.
          thank you for that "Tip of the Day"!

          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          Yeah baby! Go out with a bang!!

          Because we a) are philistines and b) only drink coffee to try and fit in with you folks... we prefer tea really....
          I have my own special teas. people see the tea nad food in my cubicle at work and laugh. I'm very particular, just like when it comes to whump.

          Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
          Its the way the shot was set up, the fact that he was in the foreground and the camera swept over him as he made the face that makes me believe it was either scripted or planned in advance.

          Coffee (and any other caffeine based substance) makes me vomit. I used to love strong, black, fresh coffee, still adore the smell of it but can't drink it. I actually miss the coffee more than the tea.
          I wonder if he made a face during rehearsal and they decided to add it to the scene.

          Ouch on the reaction to caffeine. I can take it or leave it, but I don't care for decaf anything.


            Originally posted by Lorr View Post
            thank you for that "Tip of the Day"!

            I have my own special teas. people see the tea nad food in my cubicle at work and laugh. I'm very particular, just like when it comes to whump.

            I wonder if he made a face during rehearsal and they decided to add it to the scene.

            Ouch on the reaction to caffeine. I can take it or leave it, but I don't care for decaf anything.
            Decaf is just bad (talk about your whump). I will say I've cut down a little coffee drinking - the look on the nurse's face at student health when I corrected her much was priceless (cups, no pots).


              Originally posted by knightie View Post
              SGAFAN so excited to meet you. Will just look for that special badge. I am looking foward to meeting all the folks at the Con. Hopefully we can get together. I am actually coming in Thur and Leaving Monday.
              so am I, but I'll be in late on Thursday. Excited to meet ya!

              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
              Oh lucky you... I wish I'd know about that. I think I would have bid as well and the prices werent too bad.. and I'm so annoyed at missing the bidding for dinner with Connor....

              Look forward to meeting you and Knightie... lucky girls... you can share your experiences with us..
              You too! I'm on the email list for Creation thats how I found out. Are you on that?

              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              Yeah baby! Go out with a bang!!

              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              Because we a) are philistines and b) only drink coffee to try and fit in with you folks... we prefer tea really....

              *leaps back on topic*

              spoiler for The Seed

              My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
                Congrats to knightie and SGAFan on your purchases!!

                I am rather jealous at the moment.
                I could not even hope to bid on these things due to my jobless situation at the moment and the exchange rate between the US and Canada.

                I know you both (and Lady from the Thunk thread) and Deb will have an AWESOME time!!!
                Is it polite for me to HATE YOU right now? ;-) Congrats. I put bids on the opening prices for both, hee hee. I was clicking refresh the whole last hour, curious about what they would go for and who would get it. Thought REAL hard about the backstage pass, but I'm going with a friend so it seemed weird. Just be sure to tell all!

                One stupid question from a newbie: WHEN DOES THE CON START? They don't post times at all, just dates so I don't know when to get there on Friday? We're going to buy plane tickets soon, etc... Same question for when it ends on Sun. Sunday is Joe day, so I will NOT leave too early ha! What if he whumps himself leaving the hotel? I must see every last blessed second of his presence.


                  Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                  ooh, thankies! I will definitely check them out! Probably a long fic, I dont think I can write a less than 5K story anymore. *rolls eyes and glares at muse*


                  Ha! Then I guess I do need to check it out... Going forth and Writing now! LOL

                  *Cracks knuckles and wonders what trouble she can get Shep into...*
                  Woo hoo!

                  And a little from JM's blog:
                  Stargate Extinction = Still unread.

                  DasNdanger writes: “I was referring to the similarities between Shep and Todd (’you’re more like Wraith than you know’), and whether or not that idea is carried over into how the characters are written… are they considered to be doppelgangers – is Todd Sheppard’s ‘twin’ – and if so, is his presence an omen that something bad is going to happen?”

                  Answer: There is a definite sense that Sheppard and Todd are two sides of the same coin although I can’t really say whether this is foremost in our minds when writing the characters and their relationship. I’ve often said that I’m less a fun of black and white than I am a fan of grey, characters who fall somewhere off-center between good and evil – the broken anti-hero, the charismatic and admirable adversary. In other words, protagonists with a hint of darkness and antagonists with a touch of honor.

                  [I had never considered Sheppard and Todd being two sides of the same coin. What do y'all think?]

                  Ruffles writes: “1. The Stargate movies have identified themselves with the franchise (Stargate: Extinction, Stargate: Continuum) instead of with their specific show (SG-1, Atlantis). Is that an attempt to reach a larger audience?

                  2. In Outcast, Nancy mentioned a man named Grant. Is he her husband? Any plans for her to appear in the movie?

                  3. If you could change one episode of season 5, what would it be and why?”

                  Answers: 1. Nope. I just think that Stargate: Extinction sounds better than Stargate Atlantis: Extinction. Also, it’s in keeping with the titles of the preceding movies.

                  2. Don’t recall. I believe he was her boyfriend.

                  3. No sense in second-guessing yourself. Unless you have a time machine. Uh, you don’t have a time machine, do you?

                  [Rats! I've asked about Nancy being in the movie at least 3 times and still no answer.]
                  Sig by Luciana
                  My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                    Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                    Woo hoo!

                    And a little from JM's blog:

                    I thought that Nancy
                    was married. My impression was she had remarried. Am I wrong?

                    T'Pring: Usually there is preregisteration for the Gold passes on Fri afternoon. In NJ is started around 1pm with the dealers room opening but I don't anything happened on stage prior to 3 or 4.

                    Sunday ended around 6 pm I think.

                    Hope that helps.


                      Hi all...this is my weekly flyby post! Ha ha!

                      SGA movie: I quite like the idea of
                      Nancy reappearing in the movie. I like her. Wonder if JM is not answering your questions Ruffles 'cos she might be in it. I daren't speculate any more!

                      Oooo...lots of lucky people going to see Joe! Looking forward to hearing all about it. It's great we have whumpers in different countries who can attend these cons. We never miss out on anything then!

                      Right...let's see if the college 'puter will let me watch that Joe interview with Gateworld now. I'm not banking on it!


                        And for my RL whump of the week - my lovely univ. has decided to try to save money by setting the temps in the offices and the labs at 80F. Unfortunately my office is warmer than that right now and I need to decide if some of the (expensive) chemicals in the lab will be ok.


                          Originally posted by knightie View Post
                          I thought that Nancy
                          was married. My impression was she had remarried. Am I wrong?

                          T'Pring: Usually there is preregisteration for the Gold passes on Fri afternoon. In NJ is started around 1pm with the dealers room opening but I don't anything happened on stage prior to 3 or 4.

                          Sunday ended around 6 pm I think.

                          Hope that helps.
                          Thanks! Even ballpark is really helpful, sheesh! We're trying to decide whether to fly up Thursday evening or Friday morning. As for Nancy...

                          I certainly interpreted it that way, but it wasn't stated. Hey, if they're not going to tell us, we get to make it up ourselves, right? ha! Most of my stories have been contradicted eventually by canon. Doesn't mean it's not fun to speculate.


                            Originally posted by knightie View Post
                            I thought that Nancy
                            was married. My impression was she had remarried. Am I wrong?
                            I think they gave that impression, but it was never stated explicitly that he was her husband. The same with Simon and Weir. I believe he was intended to be her husband (in Rising) but they never stated it so when Intruder rolled around, they changed it.

                            Grant being her boyfriend gives me hope for Shep and Nancy to get together. Hee!

                            Originally posted by t'pring View Post
                            Thanks! Even ballpark is really helpful, sheesh! We're trying to decide whether to fly up Thursday evening or Friday morning. As for Nancy...

                            I certainly interpreted it that way, but it wasn't stated. Hey, if they're not going to tell us, we get to make it up ourselves, right? ha! Most of my stories have been contradicted eventually by canon. Doesn't mean it's not fun to speculate.
                            So very true. Speculating is half the fun.
                            Sig by Luciana
                            My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                              OMG I'm nuts!!! LOL

                              spoiler for OT

                              I bought a VIP backstage pass for ChicagoCon! hehehe I seriously considered a ticket for the JF cocktail party but that was starting to get spendy! LOL

                              Back stage private chats with the guests, including JF and front of the line for autographs and photo ops (nice but I really am looking forward to the backstage time)
                              I'm nuts! LOL But this will most likely be my last Con so I may as well do it in style!

                              JF! Squeee!!!
                              OMG your coming. I can't wait to meet you. I just read this. I'm slacking off with keeping up. Congrats on your win.

                              Originally posted by knightie View Post
                              Ok, I was one of the crazy's who bought the cocktail party . IT jumped from 500 to 900 in less than 5 minutes. It did go for 1000 but that's 559 less than Vancouver.

                              I was going to buy the backstage pass but I know my own personality. I would be so worried the entire con of meeting folks or getting time with them or not meeting them etc that I would drive myself crazy. I was going to go for dinner with Conner (i think it went for 300) but now that I am thinking about going to Dragoncon (if I canfind a hotel room) I decided to pass on that one.

                              So let us know how the backstage pass works. They did say no autographs or photograhps allowed back stage. Salty and I talked to one who had the pass in NJ. They got to speak to most of the guest but not all. That was not guarenteed . They did say it was a good deal.
                              You got it. Good for you. Looking forward to hearing all about it. Don't forget to give me your flight info as soon as you have it, so I can get there and pick you up.

                              Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                              AVI by *ERIKA*


                                Originally posted by knightie View Post
                                Maggs I will ask the coffee question for you. Curious myself. Your job is to remind me a few days before the con.
                                Yipppeeee!!! I will of course, remind you. Thanks Knightie. So excited for you... and everyone who is convention bound in the next few months.

                                Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                                Woo hoo!

                                And a little from JM's blog:

                                JM's response regarding Todd and Sheppard were very interesting and great questions Ruffles.

                                More movie spec

                                I now feel with near certainty that Nancy is in the movie. Something about the way JM strategically avoids some ?s and answers others tells me that this is true. His answer to the Grant ? was just a little too flip and then the fact that he keeps ignoring the other ?. I may be wrong but I kinda like my little imaginary scenario and will hold onto it until I'm proven wrong.

                                Gotta run now so no time for more comments. Will be heading out of town to Palm Springs for the long weekend so I may be absent for a while.

                                Stay well whumpers.

