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John Sheppard Whump

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    I was really tempted to put this movie idea on the speculation thread, but thought it might get modded - not a serious idea, maybe
    10. Lucius returns and the whole galaxy implodes!


      Well, it looks like the whumpers are busy, in bed dreaming lovely Sheppy dreams or watching whump. I'm not getting anything one, so I think I'm going to wander off. Nighty-night!


        Hey all - Hope everyone had a nice weekend...

        Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
        *waves* Hi all! Been away from the computer all day. LOVELY weather and yesterday was officially the last frost day for this area of the country so I was repotting and planting flowers Lovely day to get the hands in the dirt, but I'm bushed. LOL
        I so need to garden (or more accurately weed) my front and back yard. They are getting so overgrown and with no rain it is such a pain to pull weeds.

        Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
        JM's blog (movie title confirmation)

        Hee! His dogs giving away unsanctioned spoilers. He cracks me up.
        I thought his post was pretty darn funny too. Glad it was confirmed 100%.

        Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
        I know how popular Vegas is with a lot of people on this thread, so I thought I'd share my Vegas Quote wallpapers. Part of a series of wallpapers I've been working on pretty much for the run of the series, quotes by Sheppard from the ep in question, wallpapered
        as always, my stuff is also on my LJ linked in my sig
        Beautiful work. Those are lovely. Thanks for sharing.

        Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
        on a whumpy note...
        now if we could get this...

        Supernatural spoilers

        Those are great pics SAF. OT comment re: you Supernatural pics
        That ep is a good one... very dark and very whumpy. As an added bonus the guy beating for Dean is none other than CH/Todd the wraith.

        Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
        Think we could bribe JM's dogs into
        putting pics of JF up on their twitter page?

        That suggestion is not too crazy. Remember that JF has the same type of dog as one (maybe 2 of his dogs). I know he posted a pic or two of JF in his office with his little dog. Maybe he has a few more... that a few dog treats could coax out of the little dears...

        Here are the pics (spoilered for size and they are dangerously thunky)


        Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
        *waves weakly*

        Hey whumpers

        spoiler for OT

        Here we are halfways into the day and I"m finally able to be coherent. Headaches suck, especially those of the migraine variety. Finally able to sit up not curled up on the bed in pain Was going to write some today, but that's definitely not happening. Not sure what triggered the migraine but it had me half awake most of the night anyway, enough of my bellyaching...
        Migraines are truly the worst. So sorry you had to deal with one (or more?) this weekend. Hope you are feeling better.

        Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
        Shep in a tux? Um, I think I can manage that...
        So nice!!!

        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
        I am determined to amuse myself with movie speculation until we get solid info or the movie itself! At times, I will inject wild, far out in left field, crazed whumper ramblings. Just for the heck of it.
        It is fun for sure. I'll have to check out that thread. I am now officially very psyched about the movie prospects.
        Last edited by maggs; 17 May 2009, 08:36 PM. Reason: found the doggie pix!!!


          We SoCal Whumpers just had an earthquake. Measured 5.0. We felt it but it wasn't a real house rattler. My son did wake up thinking that his sister was kicking the bunk bed... she was fast asleep. As I will likely be very soon.


            Anyone else hear that JF will be at Dragon Con? What/where is Dragon Con? Searched and found a website but can't get it to load properly.


              Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
              My My Own Website


                Originally posted by maggs View Post
                I so need to garden (or more accurately weed) my front and back yard. They are getting so overgrown and with no rain it is such a pain to pull weeds.
                well, I live in a condo so its deck plants. Wish I had more land to plant in though!

                Originally posted by maggs View Post
                Beautiful work. Those are lovely. Thanks for sharing.

                Originally posted by maggs View Post
                Migraines are truly the worst. So sorry you had to deal with one (or more?) this weekend. Hope you are feeling better.
                They are. Its the only thing I can think of since it was so much more than a headache and was debilitating. It's faded away now, I'm just wrung out and tired. Bed is calling, so I'm headed that way

                Originally posted by maggs View Post
                We SoCal Whumpers just had an earthquake. Measured 5.0. We felt it but it wasn't a real house rattler. My son did wake up thinking that his sister was kicking the bunk bed... she was fast asleep. As I will likely be very soon.
                I heard! Hope everything is ok!
                My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                  Well, I've been up since 5.15 am with a son with tummy ache, so I thought I might as well catch up early here!

                  Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                  JM's blog (movie title confirmation)

                  Anyway – yeah. Stargate Extinction. It’s the working title but I kind of like it because a) it’s story appropriate, b) a dynamic title, and most importantly c) not “Dark Gambit”.
                  Ohhh! I like!
                  Kind of ominous!

                  Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                  I know how popular Vegas is with a lot of people on this thread, so I thought I'd share my Vegas Quote wallpapers. Part of a series of wallpapers I've been working on pretty much for the run of the series, quotes by Sheppard from the ep in question, wallpapered

                  as always, my stuff is also on my LJ linked in my sig
                  Those are some lovely wallies, SGAfan. Sorry to hear about the migraine, by the way.

                  Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                  just found this in another thread, sorry if it´s already been posted (didn´t see it though )

                  SGA movie /JM blog (older)



                  Quote:JoanieC writes: “Hi Paul,

                  A SGA question please:- Right from the pilot Shep was the natural ATA gene carrier. If a 2nd movie is made is there any chance he might meet an “ancient” relative?”

                  Answer: Interesting you should ask that question because in the Atlantis movie Sheppard does…uh, wait a sec. Who’s Paul?


                  tehee, wrong name but the answer? A joke or hint?


                  on a whumpy note...
                  now if we could get this...

                  I LOVE this show!!
                  and I haven´t even seen the ep yet
                  Spoilered for movie talk and SN

                  Unfortunately, I think JM was probably joking to wind up the person who got his name wrong! I would dearly love them the follow up the Ancient gene story line, and if the 'Extinction' in the title was talking about an attempt to wipe out anyone with the Ancient gene, that could lead to so much whump! Sadly, I think that's unlikely. Didn't I read on his blog some time back that they wouldn't follow up the ATA storyline in the series. Can't see them doing anything with it in the movie if that's the case, but would be pleasantly surprised if they did.

                  As for SN, just saw that eppie last week, and another one last night. Things are definitely getting very dark for the Winchester boys!

                  Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post

                  plants.....I blame the cat who decided one day to include them in his diet......not that I was the best at taking care of them either...though.

                  *rushes to study again*
                  Awww. A vegetarian cat! It can move in with me, we'll eat plants together.
                  I've still got three plants alive since someone bought them for us as a gift at Christmas. That's a record for me.

                  Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                  Apart from cleaning my flat, doing 3 loads of laundry and ironing work clothes, I have accomplished very little today. Oh, I am having fun over on the Stargate Extinction thread coming up with possible scenarios for the movie. I have listed 9 so far. Most of them are common suggestions. Can't be snarky there, though. Something about rules to play nice.

                  Here's the list so far...

                  1. The title is a red herring.
                  2. The Asgaard lost tribe is going bye-bye. They either have a sudden massive guilt trip for killing so many humans they off (top) themselves, or there are so few left they all die in a kamikaze raid on Atlantis or in attacking Earth (they have really souped up ships, ya know ).
                  3. Someone finds a way to kill all the Wraith - if this is accomplished in one movie, there's going to be some fancy dancing going on. I'd also miss Todd. He's so much fun!
                  4. The Asgaard lost tribe is going to try to exterminate all of the humans in the Pegasus Galaxy, possibly in retaliation of the interference with the Attero device.
                  5. The Asgaard lost tribe intends to exterminate all life that could threaten them in the Pegasus Galaxy. After isolation and cloning gone wrong for all these years, they're a little lacking in rationality.
                  6. Some other Wraith find a bunch of ZPMs, super-duper a few Hives and try to make the trek to the Milky Way, so all humans there are in dire straits. Lots of really fancy dancing for this one!
                  7. The Genii are up to no good.
                  8. Another bada$$ race suddenly pops up and goes on the rampage.
                  9. The humans in the Pegasus Galaxy are being threatened with extinction (Wraith, miffed Asgaard lost tribe, Michael's misfits, new black hats, whatever). Reluctantly, the IOA sends Atlantis back to stop the annihilation.
                  Some interesting ideas there, Lorr. Keep them coming. It gives us something to think about until we get something concrete.

                  Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                  I was really tempted to put this movie idea on the speculation thread, but thought it might get modded - not a serious idea, maybe
                  10. Lucius returns and the whole galaxy implodes!
                  Eeep! If Lucius returns, I will definitely implode!

                  Originally posted by maggs View Post
                  We SoCal Whumpers just had an earthquake. Measured 5.0. We felt it but it wasn't a real house rattler. My son did wake up thinking that his sister was kicking the bunk bed... she was fast asleep. As I will likely be very soon.
                  Spoilered for Earthquake talk...

                  We rarely get earthquakes worth mentioning in the UK - there have been one or two - but we had one in Market Rasen last year that woke me and my husband up because the house was shaking so much. I believe it was a 5.2. We woke up, listening to the rumbling for a minute, feeling the house shake, looked at each other and said 'was that an Earthquake?' decided it was, then went straight back to sleep. I was too tired to be bothered I'd experienced my first earthquake as it happened at about 1am. It takes a lot to impress me! I hope no one got hurt in your Earthquake, Maggs!

                  Lovely piccies BTW, Stargate78fan. That's a nice sight to help clear away the cobwebs in the morning.

                  Might have a couple here myself...


                  Last edited by shepsgirl72; 17 May 2009, 11:25 PM.
                  My Fan Fiction Page
                  My LJ Fics


                    Here for a quicky scan and post...

                    SGAFan - nice Vegas wallies!

                    IHS - Glad refi is finally done and closed. Not sure if it's related but I heard lenders are completely swamped. Since they let go a lot of their employees because of the slump, the turn around time for anything now takes weeks and for finalizing, months. What a nightmare!

                    Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                    ETA: What a nice selection of pics! Ah who else but Shep could make those blue nails look so enticing? ......
                    I finally focused on those nails. It's been what? 4+ years? Those nails are not sharp! Guess my eyes always lingered some place else. I think I prefer the fanfic version with sharp claws... These blue regular nails don't look like they can dish out whump.

                    Originally posted by maggs View Post
                    We SoCal Whumpers just had an earthquake. Measured 5.0. We felt it but it wasn't a real house rattler. My son did wake up thinking that his sister was kicking the bunk bed... she was fast asleep. As I will likely be very soon.
                    I was in the Inland Empire in my hotel when it hit. Only rattled for ~5 sec.

                    Congrats on picking a winning trifecta!

                    And now... back to whumping Shep.
                    Let me introduce you to Thing.

                    Weirded out?

                    Our Sheppy behind lockup... that Brat!


                      Another busy weekend. All i'll say about Saturday is STAR TREK!!!!! and leave it there.
                      Sunday - i had to work. Boo!

                      maggs - glad you're ok after the Earthquake.

                      Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                      Response to your OT
                      Cool about 'Castle.' The mysteries could be better, but I love the characters. I'm just waiting to hear about 'Chuck.' (fingers crossed it gets renewed) I'm not sure how I feel about 'V' although I read the actress who plays Juliet on 'Lost' is one of the leads.

                      My own good, OT news:
                      Got the paperwork from my now former lender. I'm officially refinanced and my new bank has the note. As bad as the re-fi process was, this lender was horrible to deal with and I may join the class action law suit against them.
                      Yay for Castle - shame Life didn't get the same.

                      Good news on your re-fi. Go for it on the lawsuit.

                      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                      Has anyone seen GW's front page? Possible movie news...
                      Ooo, that's certainly very interesting. *trys not to start speculating*

                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      I once killed a cactus. That takes some doing!
                      Heh - i've done that. Died of thirst of all things...

                      The second cactus fared a little better. Still going strong after 10 years and about 5 times a big as when i got it! But i have trouble repotting the things because i'm allergic to it! lol

                      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                      Apart from cleaning my flat, doing 3 loads of laundry and ironing work clothes, I have accomplished very little today. Oh, I am having fun over on the Stargate Extinction thread coming up with possible scenarios for the movie. I have listed 9 so far. Most of them are common suggestions. Can't be snarky there, though. Something about rules to play nice.

                      Here's the list so far...

                      1. The title is a red herring.
                      2. The Asgaard lost tribe is going bye-bye. They either have a sudden massive guilt trip for killing so many humans they off (top) themselves, or there are so few left they all die in a kamikaze raid on Atlantis or in attacking Earth (they have really souped up ships, ya know ).
                      3. Someone finds a way to kill all the Wraith - if this is accomplished in one movie, there's going to be some fancy dancing going on. I'd also miss Todd. He's so much fun!
                      4. The Asgaard lost tribe is going to try to exterminate all of the humans in the Pegasus Galaxy, possibly in retaliation of the interference with the Attero device.
                      5. The Asgaard lost tribe intends to exterminate all life that could threaten them in the Pegasus Galaxy. After isolation and cloning gone wrong for all these years, they're a little lacking in rationality.
                      6. Some other Wraith find a bunch of ZPMs, super-duper a few Hives and try to make the trek to the Milky Way, so all humans there are in dire straits. Lots of really fancy dancing for this one!
                      7. The Genii are up to no good.
                      8. Another bada$$ race suddenly pops up and goes on the rampage.
                      9. The humans in the Pegasus Galaxy are being threatened with extinction (Wraith, miffed Asgaard lost tribe, Michael's misfits, new black hats, whatever). Reluctantly, the IOA sends Atlantis back to stop the annihilation.
                      Nice thoughts! Better than anything i could come up with anyway! lol

                      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                      I was really tempted to put this movie idea on the speculation thread, but thought it might get modded - not a serious idea, maybe
                      10. Lucius returns and the whole galaxy implodes!
                      I only got as far as the first two words before my "hell no!" response kicked in.
                      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                      l My LJ l


                        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                        I was really tempted to put this movie idea on the speculation thread, but thought it might get modded - not a serious idea, maybe
                        10. Lucius returns and the whole galaxy implodes!

                        That is all

                        Sorry for my absence lately. Got a busy month ahead with graduating from my BA, so lots of essays to hand in, exams to do, and a thesis to write I will be lurking though
                        Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                        Save Our Seeker!
                        LotS on LJ.


                          Originally posted by SanGate View Post

                          That is all

                          Sorry for my absence lately. Got a busy month ahead with graduating from my BA, so lots of essays to hand in, exams to do, and a thesis to write I will be lurking though
                          Don't worry San, enjoy the moment, and good luck!

                          Have a wonderful week start.

                          Same for all the whumpers.


                            Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                            Sorry for my absence lately. Got a busy month ahead with graduating from my BA, so lots of essays to hand in, exams to do, and a thesis to write I will be lurking though
                            No need to be sorry, sometimes RL really is more important. (shocking, i know!)

                            Best of luck with it all.
                            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                            l My LJ l


                              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                              Heh - i've done that. Died of thirst of all things...
                              I think I actually over-watered it!


                                Originally posted by maggs View Post
                                Anyone else hear that JF will be at Dragon Con? What/where is Dragon Con? Searched and found a website but can't get it to load properly.
                                It's in Atlanta, GA over Labor Day weekend. I don't see JF listed on the guest list, but the other guests are impressive.

                                Sig by Luciana
                                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics

