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John Sheppard Whump

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    Wonderful WP's LILY They're so beautiful. Thanks for sharing!


      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
      Well, that really was a horde of children. Any more, and I think the library would have burst. *wilts with exhaustion*
      It's certainly half term all right! It seems everyone is heading to free of charge places this time round. We usually get about 2000 people in a day, yesterday it was 6000!! And tradiatonally, Wednesday is the busiest day during school holidays for us, so i'm staying out of the main building if i can!

      Originally posted by Strey View Post
      Oh, I'll miss over and over again. Then, once they're all lulled into a false sense of security - I'm sure I'd spot the visibly relaxed body language - then, thwack! - the bowling ball wings one of them...
      OMG, I'll never be able to go bowling again. As it is I grin inanely these days at the most innocent of scenarios. Of course, any joy I express when, say, mentally dangling Sheppy over an acid bath/whirlpool washing dishes, can only be interpreted as an exhuberance for life. That or schizophrenia.

      Back to ten-Shep bowling. I could always replace 3 of them with the rest of the team, thereby adding some emo-whump to the mix...
      Haha, i like your style. And adding in the other team members is just inspired!

      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      Oooh and after the ad break we'll get grieving, shell-shocked Sheppy. *sighs happily*
      Guh - i always get major tummy flips at that scene *huggles poor grieving Shep*

      Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
      sorry.. serious picspam mood today
      NEVER apologise for posting the pretty!

      Some of those completely slayed me - Shep on his knees, Shep all angsty... *happy sigh*

      Originally posted by Iawen View Post
      Hi everyone! Wow I'm behind on this thread LOL.

      I just watched Letters from Pegasus. Some nice emo whump for Shep when he had to tape that video for Sumner's family. *sniff* JF played that really nicely.
      Damn i need to watch that ep again. In fact i need to watch all of S1 again!

      That is such a great episode, for all the reasons everyone's already mentioned. Clip show done how a clip show ought to be done - using the clips to illustrate a point. AND it's an episode that boyfy actually likes!

      lily - great wallies! Very pretty.
      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        Only 5 posts since I was on here last night! Yikes!

        I think I'm going to have to scroll back to look at a few pics. then, alas, it's time to work.

        Hope it's a quieter day for you, Rhuymer and Squonk.


          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
          Hope it's a quieter day for you, Rhuymer and Squonk.
          It's absolutely packed in the main museum - we had to go over to set up a room - you can barely move! At least i got to run a few kids over with the trolley...

          Still, they may have turned up cos we're free of chrage, but they're certainly spending in the shop - all time record takings yesterday. So that's good for us on the financial side of things.
          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

          l My LJ l


            Yargh. Actually got myself out of the house today and ran a few errands... and now I;m knackered!


              Page two

              Lilly I love your walls

              Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post


              Don´t take this the wrong way... but I kinda agree with them!


              Some commanding officer!!!

              (wonderful pic spams)

              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              Oooh and after the ad break we'll get grieving, shell-shocked Sheppy. *sighs happily*
              Is there anything better (apart from obviously being in the infirmary ect ect )

              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
              and just grazing the left bicept isn't allowed anymore. Enough with the teasing!

              ooh, those are lovely!

              *runs back to current story she's writing and crashing puddle jumpers...*
              The arms totally off limits

              Crashing puddlejumpers - interesting

              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
              Hey guys, flying visit. Hope everyone's ok and those getting ready to see Joe et al are getting ready!!

              See you tomorrow, and thanks to everyone who's joined Whumper's Paradise so far!
              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
              ooh, loved LFP! Even for a clip ep, It was surprisingly good (and then there's LFP!Shep... *rowr*)

              *feels a pic spam coming on and runs off to the JF thread...*
              Its on my todo list :0

              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
              LFP is one of the best clip shows I've seen. They used the clips to complete the story instead of fudging a "story" around the clips - see
              Inquisition - blech
              Agreed about LFP - it seems almost as though the clips are secondary - its a really well though out episode. Wasn't it RCC who wrote it - I cant think.
              That other episode is not worth mentioning - ever

              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
              It's absolutely packed in the main museum - we had to go over to set up a room - you can barely move! At least i got to run a few kids over with the trolley...

              Still, they may have turned up cos we're free of chrage, but they're certainly spending in the shop - all time record takings yesterday. So that's good for us on the financial side of things.

              I feel your pain -
              having to wait at the station for a bus this week has been horrendous not to mention trying to find somewhere to eat lunch. I seen plenty of parents I have wanted to shake and tell to watch the kids cause they wonder off everywhere - even the little tots


                Feel better all poorly whumpers *hugs*

                Lily beautiful walls.

                Just watched Travelers and now TR is on... oh groggy, confused, hot and sweaty Sheppy... it'll soon be the infirmary scene... that ep just never gets old.


                  Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                  Feel better all poorly whumpers *hugs*

                  Lily beautiful walls.

                  Just watched Travelers and now TR is on... oh groggy, confused, hot and sweaty Sheppy... it'll soon be the infirmary scene... that ep just never gets old.

                  btw , ITA

                  Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                  picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                    I watched that scene about 5 times.... It's just so yummy, and we never had any infirmary scene like that one before where Shep is literally just waking up, sometimes he's too damn perky. *sigh* My ultimate infirmary scene, that and the one in S5, well the two in S5.

                    And the bit where he asks about McKay... makes my lil whumpy heart go squee...

                    Oh squee how I miss thee....


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      Yargh. Actually got myself out of the house today and ran a few errands... and now I;m knackered!
                      Same here. With this weather, I want to do nothing but stay in bed. And Karneval starts tomorrow. I'm already freezing just thinking about it...
                      *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                        Feel better all poorly whumpers *hugs*

                        Lily beautiful walls.

                        Just watched Travelers and now TR is on... oh groggy, confused, hot and sweaty Sheppy... it'll soon be the infirmary scene... that ep just never gets old.
                        Oh infirmary scene hhhhmmmmm loves it.
                        Also love the eye roll Teyla gives at the end of Travelers.
                        Seem to never get to watch sga between 6-8pm

                        Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post

                        btw , ITA


                          *bounces into the thread*

                          Happy Belated Birthday Salty!!!
                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          After some rummaging I found my cap of that scene!


                          Sniff! I love emo whump!
                          *sniff sniff chin wibble* love that scene!

                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          I know San! That scene makes me go all teary eyed! It's a testament to Joe's acting that he makes me go all emotional like that, because as everyone knows, I'm not an emotional person... yeah, ok, so I am, but seriously I honestly nearly cry every time I see that scene. I mean it was heartbreaking seeing Joe make Sheppard react like that to finding out Weir's prognosis. Character moments are quite rare on SGA, and especially emotionally driven one's involving Sheppard. And what I love about Joe, is that he never goes over the top. That look says so much about his pain on potentially losing such a dear friend and colleague. Sniff
                          ITA its just so emotional it gives me goosebumps.

                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          While we're on the subject of emo whump, here's some Sunday/Carson death whump, with the added extra of dress blues! Does anyone think poor Sheppy needs a hug?

                          Wow not seen that one for a long time, it is a rather nice picture, and I always feel a little mixed up, I want to give him a hug because he is so sad but also want to just sit and look at him in those gorgeous dress blues!!

                          Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                          Well, that really was a horde of children. Any more, and I think the library would have burst. *wilts with exhaustion*
                          I feel your pain I was covering our office in the library today and it was horrific, loads of annoying teenagers who think they can do what they want, I hate being the grown up who has to tell them to behave, I had a headache by the end of the day, so glad I am not at work the rest of the week and will be off doing much more fun things

                          Trouble is, would you want to knock down all ten Sheps in a single go, or would you want to prolong the agony, by having nine Sheps stand there untouched while the tenth one fell over in agony. All the angst of knowing that they couldn't save him... All the angst of knowing that they might be next...
                          OMG I play this game with my family.... who don't know I am a whumper.... how weird am I gonna look when I start manic grinning at the tv screen imagining that the pins are Sheppy and start chucklign to myself, they will have no idea why and will think I am crazy

                          What I find so fascinating about the situation is that we've already heard Sheppard say that he'd "do anything, for any one of you." However, this shows that there are limits. He won't literally do anything, not if it endangers other people under his care. I think he means that he, personally, would risk anything for his team and his friends and those under his command, but when it comes to risking others, there are limits. I think it's a fascinating issue to explore. I keep meaning to write a fanfic delving into it - something that really does present Sheppard with a stark choice between the "I'd do anything" thing for one of his team-mates, and his responsibilities to the rest of the expedition. With his heightened sense of responsibility and protectiveness, he would feel either choice very deeply.

                          It's interesting comparing it with Miller's Crossing, too. In that, he does go against Rodney's wishes and resorted to extreme measures in order to save Rodney's life, while in Adrift he respected Weir's wishes and argued against resorting to extreme measures to save her. Of course, the circumstances were different, but, still, comparing the situations provides interesting food for fanfic, I think.
                          I think that adds more to the angst those kind of decisions must be impossible sometimes, and they must eat him up inside, I look forward to your writing and this subject would be very appealing I do love emo angst.

                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          Oooh so you'd be going for psychological whumping of Shep then.. the torture of standing there waiting, on tenterhooks, as the huge, heavy ball is flung towards him... cringing in anticipation of the pain... which never comes as time after time it misses... but always with the fear that the next one... or maybe the next one... won't miss....
                          Gah I am so not going to be able to keep a straight face next time I miss

                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          And thus was my AU DG fanfic born.

                          I'm watching it too. Ooooh look! It's Emo/Angsty Sheppy!!
                          I do love that fic. Its how it should have been.

                          Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
                          Oh! I read that one Ali! long time ago, actually it was one of my first fic encounters, so, from then I hooked with fic!

                 ....simply yummy!!!
                          Awesome! you saved me going hunting, I feel the need to re-read this thanks

                          Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                          and just grazing the left bicept isn't allowed anymore. Enough with the teasing!

                          ooh, those are lovely!

                          *runs back to current story she's writing and crashing puddle jumpers...*
                          YAY!!!!!!! crash it good and proper!!!!!!!!!........ wait Sheppy is in the puddle jumper.... or under it..... or pinned between it and a wall/tree isn't he??

                          oooo Wonderful WP's LILY they are fab!!!

                          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                          Feel better all poorly whumpers *hugs*

                          Lily beautiful walls.

                          Just watched Travelers and now TR is on... oh groggy, confused, hot and sweaty Sheppy... it'll soon be the infirmary scene... that ep just never gets old.
                          Ok so this really isn't helping my current excitment I am pretty much climbing the walls right now guh groggy.... and sweety.... words to make a girl happy

                          Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                          I watched that scene about 5 times.... It's just so yummy, and we never had any infirmary scene like that one before where Shep is literally just waking up, sometimes he's too damn perky. *sigh* My ultimate infirmary scene, that and the one in S5, well the two in S5.

                          And the bit where he asks about McKay... makes my lil whumpy heart go squee...

                          Oh squee how I miss thee....
                          It is the most wonderful infirmary scene ever, I have been known to pause it at just the right time


                            Afternoon Whumpers!

                            I am off to catch up.



                              That didn't take long! I'd ask where have all the Whumpers gone, but I think I know.....

                              Groggy!!!!!Shep! ***GUH-THUNK*** Saved! That's another one I didn't have saved yet. I ADORE how JF plays that scene!



                                Strey - Metro Detroit, US of A
                                Pocus - PA USA
                                Salty - Connecticut, US
                                sej2008- suburban Philadelphia US
                                Vecturist - Tempe AZ, US
                                Lorr - San Francisco, US
                                SGAFan - Post Falls, Idaho USA
                                Maggs - Los Angeles, CA USA
                                Knightie-Long Island , NY USA
                                sherryw -Aurora, IL USA
                                Lythisrose - near Los Angeles, CA USA
                                Elflinn- North of Houston, TX USA
                                IHS - SW Louisiana, US

                                RinkRat - Calgary, AB Canada

                                Steve Austin - Mexico City

                                Graceful Spirit - Australia

                                SanGate - The Netherlands
                                Marya - Rotterdam, Netherlands

                                SAF - Germany
                                caty - Bonn, Germany
                                Astraldust - Kaltenkirchen/Germany (another ex-Brummie)

                                Alipeeps - Leeds, UK
                                queen_hathor - York, N Yorks, UK
                                CazzBlade - Sheffield/York, UK
                                charlie24 - Hastings, UK
                                bandcat - nr Manchester, UK
                                Rhymer - Isle of Whump Wight, UK
                                Squonk - London, UK (originally Birmingham and proud of it!)

                                SGAFANITALY - Milan, Italy

                                Lily - Buenos Aires, Argentina

                                Thought I'd keep San company

