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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    While we're on the subject of emo whump, here's some Sunday/Carson death whump, with the added extra of dress blues! Does anyone think poor Sheppy needs a hug?
    I do yes! I'm standing third in line after you guys!

    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
    I adore that scene between him and Rodney! Both men are really hurting, and it's so unusual to see Shep really upset at Rodney and so angry with him. I love the apology scene too. I love the way Shep accepts Rodney's apology and they move forward even though they're both grieving. It's also interesting to me that Sheppard thinks what Weir would have wanted. It'd be easy to do anything to keep her alive, which Rodney obviously believe was the right thing to do. Sheppard doesn't think so as he knows Weir wouldn't want that. So despite his pain, he orders Rodney to shut down the nanites. Those are such powerful scenes, IMO. Sigh...
    Very true! Indeed, they really are hurting severely, and I was amazed at seeing Shep like this. We've seen Rodney scream before, but Shep was really upset here (not sure if angry is the right word.. he probably was when he heard they had gone through with the plan) and it was so painful to watch, yet beautiful at the same time to see them both struggle so badly with their emotions. Because of course Shep wanted to save Weir, but he knew it was impossible.
    Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
    Save Our Seeker!
    LotS on LJ.


      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
      I seem to remember that the secret of making a convincing Wraith was dropping the eyebrows so low down that they ended up on his cheeks.

      I really liked my Ronon, too, but I found it impossible to make a convincing McKay. Some people are really hard to do. I've got about 20 of my gaming friends on mine, and with some, the resemblance is uncanny, but with others, I have no idea who they're supposed to be without reading the name. Though some of these are due to unleashing a 5 year old on the Wii and getting her to create her parents. Her five foot tall, brown-haired, glasses-wearing mother ended up as a six foot willowy blonde.

      And now I really must go story-telling. After a week of half-term storytelling, I think I'll be so thoroughly into storytime mode than I'll start trying to lead all the guests at Bedford in animal noises and noisy, stompy bear hunts.
      Aha, thanks for the tip! I'll give that a go tonight (i really have no life...)

      And i'm so looking forward to seeing that in Bedford.

      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      While we're on the subject of emo whump, here's some Sunday/Carson death whump, with the added extra of dress blues! Does anyone think poor Sheppy needs a hug?
      Guh - i think it's this scene that finishes me off in Sunday. Shep and McKay's faces, just... guh!

      We have had some nice emo moments over the years. Could have done with more drippy blood moments, but the emo was fantastic.
      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        Originally posted by rhymer View Post
        I seem to remember that the secret of making a convincing Wraith was dropping the eyebrows so low down that they ended up on his cheeks.

        I really liked my Ronon, too, but I found it impossible to make a convincing McKay. Some people are really hard to do. I've got about 20 of my gaming friends on mine, and with some, the resemblance is uncanny, but with others, I have no idea who they're supposed to be without reading the name. Though some of these are due to unleashing a 5 year old on the Wii and getting her to create her parents. Her five foot tall, brown-haired, glasses-wearing mother ended up as a six foot willowy blonde. And now I really must go story-telling. After a week of half-term storytelling, I think I'll be so thoroughly into storytime mode than I'll start trying to lead all the guests at Bedford in animal noises and noisy, stompy bear hunts.
        So, there's hope for me yet?


          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
          While we're on the subject of emo whump, here's some Sunday/Carson death whump, with the added extra of dress blues! Does anyone think poor Sheppy needs a hug?
          I'll be in line behind you guys!

          'Remnants' for me was a disappointment, aside from watching JF's face and reactions - I would love to know what he thought when first handed the script!


            Love the pics and whump talk. Wish I could stay, but I'm at work and must go do some. Now that's whump!


              Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
              I'll be in line behind you guys!

              'Remnants' for me was a disappointment, aside from watching JF's face and reactions - I would love to know what he thought when first handed the script!
              Re. Remnants -
              a huge disappointment. I'm quite happy with gratuitous Shep whump and just watching Joe do the whole angst thing as brilliantly as ever, and I luffs me some drippy blood, but - once back in Atlantis he should have broken down a la fanfic. We should have had a veritable outpouring of emotion from Shep, a cathartic meltdown, team luff, but noooo. Oh, I won't rattle on. We hashed this one out ages ago, so I'm not really adding anything new. *sigh* Perhaps they'll give Joe something meaty in the movie.


                Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
                Good Morning Whumpers!

                Just checking in as I get ready to leave for vacation later today. Just in time too as we're getting hit with a snowstorm!

                I'll be thinking of all of ya. Hopefully when I get back, I'll have more time for the whump. It's been forever since I've been here for any length of time. I miss the stories, the pixs and the whump could've beens!
                have a GRRREEEAAAAT vacation!

                Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                After some rummaging I found my cap of that scene!


                Sniff! I love emo whump!
                mmmm.. emo whump! Love that scene. SO well done by JF!

                Thanks for all the well wishes on the back, its about normal again which is good (I always get a little apprehensive that I'm having some sort of permanent relapse when that happens, but thankfully no! )

                Really just a "flyby" posting I have to scoot to work! *hugs* TTYL!
                My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                  Well, that really was a horde of children. Any more, and I think the library would have burst. *wilts with exhaustion*

                  Originally posted by Strey View Post
                  Ten-Shep bowling. Ten Sheps tied to a stake, and - wham! - drippy blood...
                  Think I'd improve my game a tad.
                  Trouble is, would you want to knock down all ten Sheps in a single go, or would you want to prolong the agony, by having nine Sheps stand there untouched while the tenth one fell over in agony. All the angst of knowing that they couldn't save him... All the angst of knowing that they might be next...

                  Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                  It's also interesting to me that Sheppard thinks what Weir would have wanted. It'd be easy to do anything to keep her alive, which Rodney obviously believed was the right thing to do. Sheppard doesn't think so as he knows Weir wouldn't want that. So despite his pain, he orders Rodney to shut down the nanites. Those are such powerful scenes, IMO. Sigh...
                  What I find so fascinating about the situation is that we've already heard Sheppard say that he'd "do anything, for any one of you." However, this shows that there are limits. He won't literally do anything, not if it endangers other people under his care. I think he means that he, personally, would risk anything for his team and his friends and those under his command, but when it comes to risking others, there are limits. I think it's a fascinating issue to explore. I keep meaning to write a fanfic delving into it - something that really does present Sheppard with a stark choice between the "I'd do anything" thing for one of his team-mates, and his responsibilities to the rest of the expedition. With his heightened sense of responsibility and protectiveness, he would feel either choice very deeply.

                  It's interesting comparing it with Miller's Crossing, too. In that, he does go against Rodney's wishes and resorted to extreme measures in order to save Rodney's life, while in Adrift he respected Weir's wishes and argued against resorting to extreme measures to save her. Of course, the circumstances were different, but, still, comparing the situations provides interesting food for fanfic, I think.


                    Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                    Well, that really was a horde of children. Any more, and I think the library would have burst. *wilts with exhaustion*

                    Trouble is, would you want to knock down all ten Sheps in a single go, or would you want to prolong the agony, by having nine Sheps stand there untouched while the tenth one fell over in agony. All the angst of knowing that they couldn't save him... All the angst of knowing that they might be next...

                    What I find so fascinating about the situation is that we've already heard Sheppard say that he'd "do anything, for any one of you." However, this shows that there are limits. He won't literally do anything, not if it endangers other people under his care. I think he means that he, personally, would risk anything for his team and his friends and those under his command, but when it comes to risking others, there are limits. I think it's a fascinating issue to explore. I keep meaning to write a fanfic delving into it - something that really does present Sheppard with a stark choice between the "I'd do anything" thing for one of his team-mates, and his responsibilities to the rest of the expedition. With his heightened sense of responsibility and protectiveness, he would feel either choice very deeply.

                    It's interesting comparing it with Miller's Crossing, too. In that, he does go against Rodney's wishes and resorted to extreme measures in order to save Rodney's life, while in Adrift he respected Weir's wishes and argued against resorting to extreme measures to save her. Of course, the circumstances were different, but, still, comparing the situations provides interesting food for fanfic, I think.
                    Er, um, uh - hitting one would be improving my game. The bowling ball usually ends up in the gutter... So, I'm good to go!


                      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                      What I find so fascinating about the situation is that we've already heard Sheppard say that he'd "do anything, for any one of you." However, this shows that there are limits. He won't literally do anything, not if it endangers other people under his care. I think he means that he, personally, would risk anything for his team and his friends and those under his command, but when it comes to risking others, there are limits. I think it's a fascinating issue to explore. I keep meaning to write a fanfic delving into it - something that really does present Sheppard with a stark choice between the "I'd do anything" thing for one of his team-mates, and his responsibilities to the rest of the expedition. With his heightened sense of responsibility and protectiveness, he would feel either choice very deeply.

                      It's interesting comparing it with Miller's Crossing, too. In that, he does go against Rodney's wishes and resorted to extreme measures in order to save Rodney's life, while in Adrift he respected Weir's wishes and argued against resorting to extreme measures to save her. Of course, the circumstances were different, but, still, comparing the situations provides interesting food for fanfic, I think.
                      Now you have my mind whirling with these thoughts!

                      ...or is it the meds I'm on!!


                        Originally posted by Strey View Post
                        Er, um, uh - hitting one would be improving my game. The bowling ball usually ends up in the gutter... So, I'm good to go!
                        Oooh so you'd be going for psychological whumping of Shep then.. the torture of standing there waiting, on tenterhooks, as the huge, heavy ball is flung towards him... cringing in anticipation of the pain... which never comes as time after time it misses... but always with the fear that the next one... or maybe the next one... won't miss....


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          Oooh so you'd be going for psychological whumping of Shep then.. the torture of standing there waiting, on tenterhooks, as the huge, heavy ball is flung towards him... cringing in anticipation of the pain... which never comes as time after time it misses... but always with the fear that the next one... or maybe the next one... won't miss....
                          It is amazing that we have the ability to turn any innocent activity into whump for Shep. He is probably afraid to brush his teeth, but the alternative is cavities and broken teeth with infections!!

                          Luffs this thread.

                          Well must deal with our future world leaders now. We are learning the letter Q. ooohhh ahhhhh


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            Oooh so you'd be going for psychological whumping of Shep then.. the torture of standing there waiting, on tenterhooks, as the huge, heavy ball is flung towards him... cringing in anticipation of the pain... which never comes as time after time it misses... but always with the fear that the next one... or maybe the next one... won't miss....
                            Oh, I'll miss over and over again. Then, once they're all lulled into a false sense of security - I'm sure I'd spot the visibly relaxed body language - then, thwack! - the bowling ball wings one of them...
                            OMG, I'll never be able to go bowling again. As it is I grin inanely these days at the most innocent of scenarios. Of course, any joy I express when, say, mentally dangling Sheppy over an acid bath/whirlpool washing dishes, can only be interpreted as an exhuberance for life. That or schizophrenia.

                            Back to ten-Shep bowling. I could always replace 3 of them with the rest of the team, thereby adding some emo-whump to the mix...


                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

                              *note to self, watch what SAF points out at the con... it could kill me* :-p
                              no no, just sharing love for whump, the possibilities... past, present and future whump that might be bestowed upon dear Shep

                              Yep! You're gonna love it! ;-)

                              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                              Love the pic fic, SAF! Now that's a present.

                              (((HUGS))) SGAFan!
                              thank you

                              Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
                              Good evening,

                              I think I missed Salty's birthday! eek:

                              Hey Salty!!! Happy birthday girl!!!!!!!!!

                              SAF, you really know how to give the best present for a whumper!!!!! wow! I was so impressed!
                              Love that story!
                              Lucky Salty!:-)
                              Favorite hobby : whumping Sheppard! LOL Thanks

                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                              LOL, the curse of being admin I guess!! :-p

                              At least we know accounts will be activated that way...yay!!! :-D

                              Hey SA :-)

                              This is what happens when idle chit-chat inspires acting on impulse!! :-o I wouldn't envisage loads and loads of traffic on it (although it would be great! :-D) as GW is the main one for all of us, but variety is the spice of life!! ;-)
                              Yeah, tell me about it! Last time I did that, I ended up signing myself up for a con but meeting Shep whumpers along the way, even rooming with one, makes it all worth it!! LOL.

                              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                              They help me!!!

                              How about a butt smack?

                              Love that gif!! You know, first time I watched "hot Zone" - I can´t even recall how long I was stuck on that scene until I remembered there´s a next scene

                              Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                              Nothing I can talk about here, its probably the culmination of a lot of things and you know... broken brain and all that. Just feeling a bit ignored and unappreciated. Need a little company its late but I need to calm myself down before I go to bed.
                              ((((((( hugs)))))))))))

                              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                              whoops! Sorry! I'm one of the guilty parties for con talk (not chi con but con... )

                              *dives into photobucket accounts for on topic pics*

                              spoiler for Remnants

                              spoiler for EatG


                              love the picspam!!!

                              Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                              Happy birthday Salty!!!!
                              I hope you had a lovely day

                              Hehe, all for meeeeeeeeeee? *huggles SAF*
                              *huggles back*

                              I hope this wave will go away quickly hun! *huggles gently*

                              *lies beside her chair from laughing* Fantastic SAF , you completely topped yourself with this one
                              thanks hun! Best ep of the entire season ... those pictures keep popping into my head as favs!!

                              *huggles Josie tight* I'm so sorry you feel crappy Can a cup of bad coffee maybe produce a smile on your face?

                              *has a laughing fit at the first one!!! I mean, they BOTH look too funny here!!! *

                              my fav Shep!! :-P

                              Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                              I'll be in line behind you guys!

                              'Remnants' for me was a disappointment, aside from watching JF's face and reactions - I would love to know what he thought when first handed the script!
                              ITA! I still liked the ep somewhat, but not for the reason I first thought I would. Which is weird, cause you´d think I hate it after the initial disappointment.....but well, there were worse episodes that season

                              but I still think it felt rushed in the Sheppard scenes, every time it got tense, it switched to other characters *grrrr* Sooo much potential... plus, I liked the original idea of having Nancy (Shep´s ex wife) doing the questioning rather than that other woman (forgot the name...) -

                              Originally posted by Strey View Post
                              Re. Remnants -
                              a huge disappointment. I'm quite happy with gratuitous Shep whump and just watching Joe do the whole angst thing as brilliantly as ever, and I luffs me some drippy blood, but - once back in Atlantis he should have broken down a la fanfic. We should have had a veritable outpouring of emotion from Shep, a cathartic meltdown, team luff, but noooo. Oh, I won't rattle on. We hashed this one out ages ago, so I'm not really adding anything new. *sigh* Perhaps they'll give Joe something meaty in the movie.

                              Originally posted by rhymer View Post

                              What I find so fascinating about the situation is that we've already heard Sheppard say that he'd "do anything, for any one of you." However, this shows that there are limits. He won't literally do anything, not if it endangers other people under his care. I think he means that he, personally, would risk anything for his team and his friends and those under his command, but when it comes to risking others, there are limits. I think it's a fascinating issue to explore. I keep meaning to write a fanfic delving into it - something that really does present Sheppard with a stark choice between the "I'd do anything" thing for one of his team-mates, and his responsibilities to the rest of the expedition. With his heightened sense of responsibility and protectiveness, he would feel either choice very deeply.

                              It's interesting comparing it with Miller's Crossing, too. In that, he does go against Rodney's wishes and resorted to extreme measures in order to save Rodney's life, while in Adrift he respected Weir's wishes and argued against resorting to extreme measures to save her. Of course, the circumstances were different, but, still, comparing the situations provides interesting food for fanfic, I think.
                              He´s also the one who knew best what she went through the last time those nasty things were active (well, the end of "The Real World" kind of suggested they discussed it in more detail), so perhaps that played a part as well. Love the tension in ADRIFT too.

                              though, in all honesty. It was probably just the fact they wanted to get rid of the Weir character . They´d never do that to Rodney

                              Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                              picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                                Just caught up a bit and saw the request from the mods to keep con talk to the con thread. Totally understand but wanted to make a plea to all those attending Bedford to OT a note when/if there is some great Flan news out of there. Just so we know to pop over there. Hope that is cool.

                                Now... on to some whump - watched Spoils of War last night. Love that Wraith Queen moment when Shep is forced to his knees and while he's fighting her he says "I've had alot of practice." I'm a sucker for smart assed but essentially whumped Shep. Any pics of that lovely moment?

