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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
    Every time someone posts in a thread, like the whump thread, it moves to the top of page one. As more people post in other threads it moves the other threads down. When we end up on page 2 it is because we haven't posted in a while and/or other threads are busy.

    Love whenever Shep gets hit by a blast of something.
    Oh excellent. Thanks for filling me in on that.

    How's about we reminisce about our favorite Shep wraith blast hits?

    Can't remember the episode title but it is an early one when he gets hit on Atlantis and the wraith kneels at his side and pulls him close. Shep is groggy but can't move or protect himself. Of course Teyla and Ford come to the rescue but it is quite a great moment. One of my all time faves.


      Originally posted by maggs View Post
      Oh excellent. Thanks for filling me in on that.

      How's about we reminisce about our favorite Shep wraith blast hits?

      Can't remember the episode title but it is an early one when he gets hit on Atlantis and the wraith kneels at his side and pulls him close. Shep is groggy but can't move or protect himself. Of course Teyla and Ford come to the rescue but it is quite a great moment. One of my all time faves.
      That would be Seige (can't remember which one though)

      As Ronon says in Tabula Rasa "It never gets old"


        Originally posted by Pocus View Post
        That would be Seige (can't remember which one though)

        As Ronon says in Tabula Rasa "It never gets old"
        Oh my Pocus. How can I thank you. Those pics are awesome. Such quick response. Makes my whumpy heart skip a beat.

        My response to Ronon - were I actually on that planet with him as he stunned poor Sheppy would have been "no it does not". Then I'm pretty sure I would have helped him restrain Shep... for his own safety of course.


          Originally posted by maggs View Post
          Oh my Pocus. How can I thank you. Those pics are awesome. Such quick response. Makes my whumpy heart skip a beat.

          My response to Ronon - were I actually on that planet with him as he stunned poor Sheppy would have been "no it does not". Then I'm pretty sure I would have helped him restrain Shep... for his own safety of course.
          Don't forget to remove the [img] tags around pics when you quote a post. It slows down the page loading for those on dial up and sometimes the mods get picky about it. They might delete your post!!

          I just watched this one today!!


            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
            Don't forget to remove the [img] tags around pics when you quote a post. It slows down the page loading for those on dial up and sometimes the mods get picky about it. They might delete your post!!




            I just watched this one today!!
            Thanks for the advice. Still learning lots here.

            Again with the pics. You spoil me. More More More!!!!

            I just love when Ronon grabs him by the hair before he leaves him. Those 2 are so great together.


              Good evening whumpers!

              the few of them here.....

              So....I've never ask before.....'cause I was asuming another different thing, and now I am confused, so what/where is the P4? I suposse it was some kind of Con, but what exactly?....

              Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
              Have a great day Steve!
              I had it thanks!

              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
              Happy Birthday, Strey!!

              Page 2! Ah, so many of the whumpers have gone to P4! Have fun!

              Now I have to work. Not fun.
              Not fun, at all....good wishes there.....

              Originally posted by maggs View Post
              Why is the Shep Wump on page 2? Can someone explain how the status of each thread is decided? Sorry to be so thick. Could probably read the rules/guidelines.

              Slow today. I find myself again a little empty with no new SGA to occupy my time. Anyone have a shep whumpyness written or piccies to chase away the blues?
              I am reading probably the best, best fic I ever read.....and I have read just good onesn (all very gifted writters around), I think this is super good:
              it is from Kristen999

              I hope the link has no problems...

              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
              That would be Seige (can't remember which one though)

              thanks Pocus, there are some of us that are here...enjoying!!!!!


                Originally posted by maggs View Post
                Thanks for the advice. Still learning lots here.

                Again with the pics. You spoil me. More More More!!!!

                I just love when Ronon grabs him by the hair before he leaves him. Those 2 are so great together.
                We were all new once. I just didn't want you to get modded for something simple to fix.

                SA P4 is a convention in London (I believe) it is Pegasus Convention and it is the fourth year so P4 is what most people call it. Lots of whumpers in attendance. There might be a thread in the fandom section to tell you what guests are in attendance.

                I'm glad you guys are enjoying the pics. It is fun to collect them and post them.


                  Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                  We were all new once. I just didn't want you to get modded for something simple to fix.

                  SA P4 is a convention in London (I believe) it is Pegasus Convention and it is the fourth year so P4 is what most people call it. Lots of whumpers in attendance. There might be a thread in the fandom section to tell you what guests are in attendance.

                  I'm glad you guys are enjoying the pics. It is fun to collect them and post them.

                  oh!...and thanks for P4 info.


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    Greetings one and all from sunny (okay, well, damp and dreary) Thistle Heathrow!! Most of the whumpers seem to have arrived safely and the MnG kicks off in about 3 hours. Further updates as events warrant!
                    *waits for more comments* Have fun!

                    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                    Thanks for the sig compliment. I did drool a bit when I made that!
                    ooh... ooh That is lovely!! *thunk*

                    Originally posted by maggs View Post
                    Slow today. I find myself again a little empty with no new SGA to occupy my time. Anyone have a shep whumpyness written or piccies to chase away the blues?
                    Always do.... will circle back with a few in a couple minutes

                    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                    That would be Seige (can't remember which one though)
                    Siege I. to this day, one of my all time favorite eps of SGA.
                    My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                      Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                      *waits for more comments* Have fun!

                      ooh... ooh That is lovely!! *thunk*

                      Always do.... will circle back with a few in a couple minutes

                      Siege I. to this day, one of my all time favorite eps of SGA.
                      **waves at SGAFan** How's Cold Silence coming along?


                        I have a question that came up when y'all were talking about the blast in the Seige.
                        I seem to remember when people got stunned in the beginning seasons, they were awake, but just couldn't move. I always thought it was because the Wraith wanted their prey to be awake and terrorized, just not able to flee.
                        But in later years, the stunners seem to knock people unconscious, no?
                        Or am I seeing/interpreting something wrong?
                        I just think there is something more whumpy about being unable to move but knowing your doom is approaching, that just getting knocked out.



                          oookay... whump pics...

                          I *always* have whump pics... hehehehe....

                          little from season 4?

                          emotional whump...

                          and whump... whump...

                          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                            Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
                            I have a question that came up when y'all were talking about the blast in the Seige.
                            I seem to remember when people got stunned in the beginning seasons, they were awake, but just couldn't move. I always thought it was because the Wraith wanted their prey to be awake and terrorized, just not able to flee.
                            But in later years, the stunners seem to knock people unconscious, no?
                            Or am I seeing/interpreting something wrong?
                            I just think there is something more whumpy about being unable to move but knowing your doom is approaching, that just getting knocked out.
                            Well, he was knocked cold in Suspicion and that was before The Siege. Tyrus was knocked cold in Underground as well.

                            I do believe there are different settings on Wraith stunners (I've done some things with that idea on my fanfics) but I think they were knocked out by stun blasts before The Siege.
                            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                              Well, he was knocked cold in Suspicion and that was before The Siege. Tyrus was knocked cold in Underground as well.

                              I do believe there are different settings on Wraith stunners (I've done some things with that idea on my fanfics) but I think they were knocked out by stun blasts before The Siege.
                              Interesting concept. I feel like that stun in Suspicion is the only one that didn't make the intended fully unconscious but I could be wrong. I'm no wraithologist

                              My gut on the wraith is that first and foremost humans are food. They seem to just stun so they can collect and store... for later. I'm no expert though and I like the idea that they like like to torment their victims / food.


                                P4 (Pegasus 4) is an Atlantis con put on by Wolf in London. It's a weekend con - starting with a meet and greet Friday evening if you get one of the first 300 tickets. There's usually 5-6 guests and each guest does two panels (one on Sat., one on Sunday). It's pretty causal - some of the guests will actually hang out and chat in the hotel bar. Wolf is a little different from most cons in that all tickets are the same price and it's open seating.

                                This year's guest are : Paul McG, Kavan Smith, Chuck, Chris H (Halling and Todd) and BamBam (the stunt coordinator).

                                I went to P3 last year, had a ton of fun, and met quite a few people. The hotel that the Pegasus cons have been held at has a reputation of its own.

