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John Sheppard Whump

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    Well, seriously guys, the only romance Shep will have in any forthcoming season will be with Nurse Linzi, who will be arriving on the Daedalus very shortly... she'll become very close to him after nursing him through his many injuries and illnesses...

    On a more serious note, Spoilers for OT stuff:
    the two with the most chemistry on the show for me are Shep and McKay - though I don't see any romance there. But, they are an extremely odd couple, for sure, so I can see why they have such a large romantic following!


      Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
      Hello peeps! Popping in while at work waiting for my last school group to arrive.

      hows the whump? Did I miss anything good?

      For the record...I AM A GEEK AND I AM PROUD!!!
      Then you should join

      The Proud Atlantis Geek Alliance!! lol
      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        Originally posted by Josie View Post
        My workplace is just a total joke, they just do everything half-arsed.

        I don't think there will be but...
        ...I think there's a possibility that, if Larrin recurs in more than one episode, there maybe a certain amount of UST going on with these two characters in the future.
        ((HUGS)) to Josie!

        I would love to see
        some UST between Larrin and Shep. I don't want to go the way of any romantic interest, but some tension could be fun.


          Originally posted by Gate Geek View Post
          ((HUGS)) to Josie!

          I would love to see
          some UST between Larrin and Shep. I don't want to go the way of any romantic interest, but some tension could be fun.
          If she's as...
          ...kick ass as we all hope it could make for some fun scenes.


            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            13,000 piccie spam. Boy, I really have no life!
            Congrats on 13,000!!!

            Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
            hmmm thinking of watching conversion...why do i like that ep??!!!

            i remember.....WHUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            mmmmmm buggy shep ...... thunk!!! wait sorry wrong thread but guh, I love buggyshep

            Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
            its weird isnt it? i mean how can a bug look so hot!!! i fancied shep more as a bug than the way he was in CG...!!hehe

            conversion has some great whump though!!
            If all bugs looked that good, I wouldn't be scared of them

            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
            ticks **shudders** they are the only bug that totally freak me out! I have goose bumps just thinking about them right now.
            I have never even seen a tick can only imagine how ick they are so hugs to GG for having hitch-hikers

            Originally posted by sherryw View Post
            Hello whumpers. How goes it this evening? OK I just say that these stitches are itching so bad right now. It's driving me crazy.
            Itch them!!!! itch them go on!!! no wait don't I would get into trouble for scratching stitches

            Originally posted by Squonk View Post
            Still, England has some lovely W names....Weymouth, Willoughby, Weston-Super-Mare........

            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            I think I'm probably seen as something of a geek at work but I doubt they have any idea just how geeky I am - and I admit I don't go out of my way to tell them. They know I went to a convention this year and they already think I'm weird enough because of that.. you can see people getting that "humour the weirdo" look in their eyes when you mention it. If they knew I was a whumper, wrote fanfic and just recently spent most of my bank holiday weekend playing an online MMORPG (though, interestingly, computery-geekdom seems somehow more acceptable in mainstream eyes), they'd probably... well, I dunno. I doubt they'd even understand what half of that means.. *sigh*
            I managed to hide my inner geek for two years at work before it finalyl escaped and went on a rampage dragging a few colleagues down into the gutter with it

            My RL friends are the complete opposite of me, but accept me as a geek, however they don't quite know the extent of my obsession with SGA

            Originally posted by Tristen View Post
            *peeks in* Hi!

            Wow, I have so much to catch up on it's not even funny! I haven't been around for the past week or so, 'cause I've been sick. Food poisoning, just like JM. And the early stages of pneumonia. But I'm feeling much better now!

            Sooooooo, what'd I miss? Any new whumpy tidbits? Pics? Fics?

            Oh, weren't some people going to Expo? Was't that this past weekend? How was it? Hope you guys had a good time!

            *eyes thread* Hm...I think I'm gonna try to at least catch up to the last 10 pages or so. I'll be back!
            Oh that sucks hun hope you feel better!!

            Josie, sounds like your day has been pretty pants, hope your internet sorts its sodding self out so you can play more easily and hopefully the peeps on here can cher you up


              Yargh. Work today has melted my brain.


                Originally posted by Listy View Post
                I managed to hide my inner geek for two years at work before it finalyl escaped and went on a rampage dragging a few colleagues down into the gutter with it
                No-one at work would remotely understand/be interested in anything I am.. my team leader is into console games, that's about as far as it goes, geek-wise. No-one is remotely interested in Sci-Fi in any way beyond the superficial, "Oooh let's see the latest blockbuster movie" like The Matrix-type way. They don't even watch Dr Who which is a ******* British institution! One girl, if I even mention Dr Who, her reaction is, "Oooh no, don't watch that kind of stuff!"

                They all watch crap like The Apprentice and Big Brother. *sigh* I don't think a one of them even particularly watch scripted drama (I get blank looks when I mention Bones or Boston Legal!), let alone sci-fi/non-mainstream drama.

                Ah well. Their loss.

                P.S. I've even gotten blank looks and bored responses, with maybe a, "Yeah, he's not bad" at best when I've tried showing girls at work pics of Joe!! I mean... WTF?!!


                  Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                  Congrats on 3800 Eli!
                  Thanks Lorr!

                  Originally posted by Josie View Post
                  I don't think there will be but...
                  ...I think there's a possibility that, if Larrin recurs in more than one episode, there maybe a certain amount of UST going on with these two characters in the future.
                  Yes, I think the same.
                  Especially if Larrin is going to be this kick-ass kinda girl, it could be a lot of fun!

                  I've posted a link to some hi-res 'First Strike' pics in the thunk thread.


                    Good evening all

                    After such a day I thought I come here to cheer me up a little.... Sometimes my boss seems to think I have more than two hands....

                    Oh I'm in need of some shep whump....

                    Originally posted by Josie View Post
                    Don't get me started on Sex in the City - if I have to listen to one more woman going on about how it was so great "because you can really relate to the characters" I feel like screaming at them, I'm sorry but if you're a working class woman from the English countryside how the **** can you find anything to relate to in a bunch of vacuous American rich *****es whose most difficult decisions in life revolve around which pair of designer shoes to wear. Horrible, horrible show!
                    I know exatly what you mean. My colleagues tried to convice me how good the show is and that I have to watch it, because its so cool and everyone watches it yadda-yadda-yadda.


                      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                      No-one at work would remotely understand/be interested in anything I am.. my team leader is into console games, that's about as far as it goes, geek-wise. No-one is remotely interested in Sci-Fi in any way beyond the superficial, "Oooh let's see the latest blockbuster movie" like The Matrix-type way. They don't even watch Dr Who which is a ******* British institution! One girl, if I even mention Dr Who, her reaction is, "Oooh no, don't watch that kind of stuff!"

                      They all watch crap like The Apprentice and Big Brother. *sigh* I don't think a one of them even particularly watch scripted drama (I get blank looks when I mention Bones or Boston Legal!), let alone sci-fi/non-mainstream drama.

                      Ah well. Their loss.

                      P.S. I've even gotten blank looks and bored responses, with maybe a, "Yeah, he's not bad" at best when I've tried showing girls at work pics of Joe!! I mean... WTF?!!
                      WTF!! Blank and bored responses to.....JOE!! These people are human aren't they?! I mean, they have a pulse at least?!

                      I am dreading BB starting -it's all they'll talk about at work
                      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                      l My LJ l


                        Hello everyone, *waves madly*

                        WOW!! One day away and I had over 15 pages to catch up! You guys are very talkative.

                        However, I have a question.... why does everyone think that this pic belongs to Travelers?

                        I've read your comments about that, but in my opinion it belongs to DG.
                        He DOES look very 'evil' in that pic.

                        I've also read that there will be some
                        wire works in Adrift or Lifeline

                        and I say YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Finally some good whump!!!


                          Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                          WTF!! Blank and bored responses to.....JOE!! These people are human aren't they?! I mean, they have a pulse at least?!

                          I am dreading BB starting -it's all they'll talk about at work
                          You're not the only one and it's all they'll talk about on every other TV show and it'll be all over the radio.

                          Originally posted by John_S View Post
                          Hello everyone, *waves madly*

                          WOW!! One day away and I had over 15 pages to catch up! You guys are very talkative.

                          However, I have a question.... why does everyone think that this pic belongs to Travelers?

                          I've read your comments about that, but in my opinion it belongs to DG.
                          He DOES look very 'evil' in that pic.
                          The date the picture was taken coincides with the shooting schedule for Travellers. Doppelganger was the first episode to shoot back at the beginning of March but this pic was taken the second week of April.


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            No-one at work would remotely understand/be interested in anything I am.. my team leader is into console games, that's about as far as it goes, geek-wise. No-one is remotely interested in Sci-Fi in any way beyond the superficial, "Oooh let's see the latest blockbuster movie" like The Matrix-type way. They don't even watch Dr Who which is a ******* British institution! One girl, if I even mention Dr Who, her reaction is, "Oooh no, don't watch that kind of stuff!"

                            They all watch crap like The Apprentice and Big Brother. *sigh* I don't think a one of them even particularly watch scripted drama (I get blank looks when I mention Bones or Boston Legal!), let alone sci-fi/non-mainstream drama.

                            Ah well. Their loss.

                            P.S. I've even gotten blank looks and bored responses, with maybe a, "Yeah, he's not bad" at best when I've tried showing girls at work pics of Joe!! I mean... WTF?!!
                            My colleague who I share an office with has just ordered S2, I think I have
                            made her see the error of her ways other than that the other people jsut look at me with mild amusement and then their eyes glaze over and I could be talking about anything

                            However the ladies in my building always seem to pause when they walk past my notice board and PC desktop, they all appreciate the hawtness of Joe they just have no idea who he is

                            My mum still thinks he's Mulder off of the X-files *headdesks*

                            They don't watch Dr Who Just plain wrong!!!

                            I enjoy shep whump and to be honest coming on here is a kind of release from stress and sucky RL so I am glad in away that my RL friends don't come on here, they would just think I was more weird than they already do and I like that I have different interests to them sometimes.

                            I have to admit to owning all of the friends and Will and Grace dvd's though -sorry


                              Originally posted by Josie View Post
                              The date the picture was taken coincides with the shooting schedule for Travellers. Doppelganger was the first episode to shoot back at the beginning of March but this pic was taken the second week of April.
                              Oh thanks. I didn't know that. In this case it's very likeable it belongs to T (even if I've heard that often they shoot an episode in different moments with a long span time between takes).

                              However, I'm very excited for this S4. It seems there will be a fair number of whumpy-episodes for our Shep and I can't wait.


                                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                                No-one at work would remotely understand/be interested in anything I am.. my team leader is into console games, that's about as far as it goes, geek-wise.
                                Is it wrong of me to think that my brother is a geek only because he likes to play x-Box all day??? I think he's more geekly than I am

                                I wanna join the Proud Atlantis Geek Alliance.. What do I have to do??
                                *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*

