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I want to give more green Thanks for the shep whumping pictures though.
Originally posted by emily_reich
i know!! me too!! it won't let me give anymore
but yes indeedles love the shep whump
Aw, thanks for trying, guys! LOL *gives green for the efforts* EDIT: Atleast to those of you it will let me give green to!
Originally posted by Salty
As much as The Defiant One was an awesome ep it fell short in the lasting effects category -
1. a bullet in the arm - no big deal Shep barely gave it a second thought after he spins around and rolls down the hill
2. thrown back by the shield - Shep gets up and runs back for cover, no after effects.
3. thrown what? twice by the Wraith through the air - bounces back up, ok, one time a little slowly
It DID give us dirty and tired Shep but I wanted more!! More, more, more! At least a little stumble at the end as he and Rodney head back to the jumper.
I know what you're saying. I guess I just really liked the atmosphere of TDO ep, how Shep had to use all he knew of his military training and whatever else to find ways to fight the Wraith, how he was pretty much at his wits end when McKay showed up. I liked that he was fallible---almost blowing himself up I agree that they didn't play up the physical whumping enough, I just have to use my imagination, I guess. I think I just liked that he was mobile in TDO and on the attack. Although, helpless and in pain Sheppard in 38mins was VERY nice. Especially when he told McKay to zip it and start thinkin'.
Originally posted by Salty
Now - 38 MINUTES - there was lasting effects! Pain, discomfort, concern from his team, despair, we even got bare chest and death! Ok, not that I want Shep death but if I KNOW he won't actually die, I'm ok with it. And an infirmary scene to boot!
I agree. Pretty much word for word. One little tidbit that rubbed me the wrong way was when they got Shep back to life that Beckett said right away: "He's going to be okay." What? Just like that? He's dead and then, he's okay? That bug had to have injected him with some kind of venom or something to cause his body to go numb and paralyzed... There's a good fanfic that explores that. I'm sure some of you are familiar with it! That's pretty much my only gripe about 38mins, but somehow TDO still edges it for the number one spot for me. *shrugs* Ah, well, it just barely wins!
Why don't you write one....a good angst Shep ficcy?
Hmmm.... Might have to do that. I'm currently already working on a doozy of a fanfic now, though. Maybe when that is done, or maybe a short story? I'll have to think on that.
So, what will it be for Shep today? Shooting, stunning, life-sucking bug..?
They might have some new ones is season 2! There's nearly drowning (well there is a lot of water around Atlantis!), being attacked by nasty creature in so said water, being taken over by an alien entity, nasty things done with knives and poison and other stuff! This is getting decidedly weird now!!
Yeah, that and the fact he keeps fighting it until Teyla and Ford come along...then he just drops off...
~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig... "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."
I did! Not that I ever stare at that area or anything He stuns so well..
Heh heh... He just does doesn't he? I think Joe deliberately lands in these positions to be a little flirty with it...shy boy my ass!
~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig... "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."