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John Sheppard Whump

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    Congrats to all the milestoners I missed overnight!!!!
    Lorr and Lauriel - excellent ficcies, well done!
    Ali - your caps made my heart skip a few beats. Thanks for sharing. I've tried to green you all, but I still need to spread it around.
    Off to read Wyndamfan's ficcie now!!!!
    I'm so pleased we've had so much to discuss and squee about in CG. It makes a change for us to get what we want, doesn't it?


      Originally posted by wyndhamfan
      Hi guys, (Waves shyly)

      I just wrote my first Stargate Atlantis fic. It's a Common Ground tag. And since I posted it here in this forum, that means it's a whump fic. Um, do read it and tell me what you think. ButI'm a little nervous however. I know I may have gotten a few details a bit wrong and stuff, and it's my first SGA fic. So, be gentle on this newbie! Oh yes, I would love reviews ...

      After effects
      By Wyndhamfan
      Summary: A Common Ground tag. Sheppard seems recovered after being fed on by the Wraith, but looks are deceiving. Also, Sheppard gets in trouble in more ways than one.

      Here it is:

      PS: I wanted to post it at the live journal, but my password keeps getting rejected. Oh well, will try again.
      Wonderful ficcie! Thanks for sharing!!!!!


        Oh, almost forgot. I saw BamBam's little hints for Phantoms. Could we be getting some more whump? Is anybody looking forward to Phantoms too???
        Josie, I agree with your possible scenario for Phantoms. That's what I guess will happen too. Well, that's certainly how I'd write it anyway. So, we'll both probably be wrong, lol!!!! I think it'll probably depend on budgetary issues to a certain extent. I'm getting excited about Phantoms!!!


          Hi all!

          Congrats to all you milestoners and hi and welcome to all the noobies!!

          Wasn't that great that BamBam texted Joe? Awww...I'm so glad he knows we all thought he was great!

          Fave moments from CG. There were so many weren't there and I agree with all that have been chosen. I also liked the end scene to.
          When Shep just stepped into the 'invisible' jumper, whilst the Wraith was turned away. He looks back and Shep is gone. The Wraith looks around for him, the force of the jumper taking off ruffles his hair....and he looks up.....THE END!
          Such a touching way to end a fabulous episode!


            Originally posted by Linzi
            Oh, almost forgot. I saw BamBam's little hints for Phantoms. Could we be getting some more whump? Is anybody looking forward to Phantoms too???
            Josie, I agree with your possible scenario for Phantoms. That's what I guess will happen too. Well, that's certainly how I'd write it anyway. So, we'll both probably be wrong, lol!!!! I think it'll probably depend on budgetary issues to a certain extent. I'm getting excited about Phantoms!!!
            Oh, could you tell me what hints BamBam gave?


              Originally posted by Linzi
              Oh, almost forgot. I saw BamBam's little hints for Phantoms. Could we be getting some more whump? Is anybody looking forward to Phantoms too???
              Josie, I agree with your possible scenario for Phantoms. That's what I guess will happen too. Well, that's certainly how I'd write it anyway. So, we'll both probably be wrong, lol!!!! I think it'll probably depend on budgetary issues to a certain extent. I'm getting excited about Phantoms!!!
              Oh yeah...looks like another great Shep episode! I'm very excited Linzi!

              Just read that there was boxer peekage in CG...darn...that means I'll have to watch it again 'cos I missed that! I have to say there is one thing that made me think this Wraith was different to the others. I mean,
              any decent Wraith would've ripped that zipper shirt right open to feed...not maneuvered his hand to just fit it that little v-neck area!

              ...what's it gonna take to get this bloke's shirt off eh??!! (I've been so good lately at not mentioning Shirtless Shep haven't I?!!!!)


                Originally posted by wyndhamfan
                Oh, could you tell me what hints BamBam gave?
                Of course!!! Possible spoilers for Phantoms
                well, BamBam used his little character's to show us Ronon firing his guns at Shep and Shep looking all confused. We're taking that to mean that Ronon shoots Shep - again - and that Shep has flashbacks, possibly as he's all confused and dazed!


                  Gosh it has taken me ages to catch up! Loved reading everyones comments about CG and Ali your caps were fabulous!!!

                  Thanks for all the congrats and congratulations to the milestoners that I missed!


                    *mutters*stupid board, stupid server*mutters*

                    Morning all.

                    SGAFan - I'd be careful about using CG pics in your sig, make sure they are absolutely not spoilerish in anyway.
                    That would include anything showing him restrained or held prisoner, anything featuring the Genii or the Wraith. If however you are just using pics of Shep that could be from any episode then it should be okay. Alternatively do what GG's doing and hide your sig under a spoiler tag.

                    Ali - Great caps, would it be okay for me to maybe snurch some of them for wallpaper experimentation purposes?


                      Originally posted by Linzi
                      Oh, almost forgot. I saw BamBam's little hints for Phantoms. Could we be getting some more whump? Is anybody looking forward to Phantoms too???
                      Josie, I agree with your possible scenario for Phantoms. That's what I guess will happen too. Well, that's certainly how I'd write it anyway. So, we'll both probably be wrong, lol!!!! I think it'll probably depend on budgetary issues to a certain extent. I'm getting excited about Phantoms!!!

                      Yep I'm really excited about Phantoms too.


                        Hi all! *waves madly*

                        Squeee! to this thread lately! So many great caps, and fics, and thoughts and observations! No wonder I spend so much time on here - it's home!

                        Hello to the newbies!

                        Congradulations to all the milestoners!

                        And great fic Lorr! I'm on my way to read Wyndhamfan's now. Did I miss any fic? If I did, do us a favour and repost it! There's too many pages to scan.
                        My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                          Originally posted by Josie

                          Ali - Great caps, would it be okay for me to maybe snurch some of them for wallpaper experimentation purposes?
                          Snurch away my dear..


                            Nice fic Wyndhamfan!
                            My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                              Good morning! Elinor, I agree with you completely about the ending shot in CG. There's just something about it that is very special, and it's what keeps me from whining about
                              not getting that 'aftermath' scene with his team.


                                Just a quick post because I am off out for a while but I just loved in Common Ground
                                the fact that as far as possible Shep kept eye contact with Koyla - after both the first and the second feeds he certainly looked Koyla in the eye and even Kolya looked a little uncomfortable about it !

