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    Hmmm let's see what happy/excited smilies I have.....




      and this one sometimes hurts the eyes



        Oh Pocus! Those are so cute!
        *sneaks a couple*




            Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
            Bwahahahaha LOVE IT!!


              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
              Bwahahahaha LOVE IT!!

              trying to decide what to do much on my list no idea where to start


                Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post

                trying to decide what to do much on my list no idea where to start
                I have decided to actually pick up a book and read. I am reading Eragon. One of my kids had suggested I read it to them over the summer....a chapter a day. No way. 10 people dead in the first page and a half. I read it years ago, but not before the third book was complete. Now I am hooked on it again. Bought all three last night.

                It is funny though... now that I do a little writing (very little) I read differently. I wonder why they set up scenes the way they do or how does one action lead or relate to another. Maybe by reading again I will become a better writer for my little fics. I used to read ALL the time. The internet has lured me away from it. *sigh*


                  I think little copter has read all those books and she liked them. She is a writer too. I will have to ask her if she reads differently since she writes. That is interesting. I guess it is the same in art in a way....I can see things in other's sigs that I never noticed before.

                  I am just vegging on the couch, doing nothing productive. *sigh* There is always tomorrow I guess.


                    Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                    I think little copter has read all those books and she liked them. She is a writer too. I will have to ask her if she reads differently since she writes. That is interesting. I guess it is the same in art in a way....I can see things in other's sigs that I never noticed before.

                    I am just vegging on the couch, doing nothing productive. *sigh* There is always tomorrow I guess.
                    I catch myself trying to figure out other people's art too. LOL! I guess it is just wishful thinking that I can get better. I have come a long way though.

                    Tomorrow is picking up the new laptops and then maybe friends coming over. They want to celebrate Hubby's job by treating us to dinner ....Steamed Crabs....YUM!! BUT we haven't heard from them all week so I don't know if they are still coming. I am not calling them either. It was their idea, but they tend to overplan and we get left behind. Oh well. More time to play with my new toy then.


                      I wish I could improve. I am in a rut, and there are times where I can't even look at Gimp. I finished my challenge today that was self imposed and had wore me out, maybe now I will be feel better.

                      New laptops! How exciting! Steamed crabs sounds yummy, but we have friends like that too. Oh well, if they forget you, more time you can spend here!


                        I think your stuff is great. I try to figure out how you do things all of the time. We never like our own work. Striving to improve is a natural thing.

                        I have never had a new laptop. All of ours were free from one of Hubby's old jobs. His boss would send them home for me since his job stopped financial bonuses. Plus some of them would have been troublesome since they were special (like a larger monitor and then everyone would want one)

                        Steamed Crabs are Yummy. I only eat 2 or 3 then I am done. Too messy for me. Part of me does hope they are busy with something else. I want to play with my new toy. I guess though I should do my Challenge icons before I get it. Hubby won't want me to download GIMP right away. He doesn't even know I have it on here. He gets picky about stuff like that. Having new laptop will make him even pickier. I can't complain too much since he is my Tech Support.


                          aww thanks!

                          That is cool that hubby's job would do that for you! But a new laptop is even better!

                          taris helped me with an idea earlier......I actually haven't done any of the art challenges except maybe two. So maybe I will go back and try to do them all finally.


                            Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                            aww thanks!

                            That is cool that hubby's job would do that for you! But a new laptop is even better!

                            taris helped me with an idea earlier......I actually haven't done any of the art challenges except maybe two. So maybe I will go back and try to do them all finally.
                            It was cool.

                            Taris has quite a talent too. I am so glad she decided to try to GIMP. I think we have the challenges to thank for that. I love how they encouraged some people to do things they hadn't done before. I hope that continues. I got some great ideas from Libero and Angsty today for questions and challenges.

                            Can't wait to see what you come up with.


                              I am glad that the challenges were so good for everyone And they are fun, so double bonus!

                              I hope my muse is kind to me tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll show you everything I make

                              I think I am going to call it a night. See you tomorrow!


                                Love seeing your stuff.

                                See you tomorrow!!!! Sleep well.

