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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by angstydaydreams View Post
    Afternoon whumpers!

    Some of you asked for me to let you know when I finished my fic. So, a little self pimping: Things That Go Whump in the Night is now complete if you want to read it over at It's gratuitous Shep whump. Maybe it'll appeal to some of you...

    Here's the link:

    Hope you enjoy it.
    Bookmarked and will read as soon as I've finished Shepgirl's wonderful story 'The Three Gates'. Looking forward to reading your story.

    Originally posted by taris-eirien View Post
    Oh good - bookmarked. I never start reading anything until it's complete. I'm too impatient and then if it never gets finished ... Aaggghhh.
    Same here. Been disappointed on too many occasions.


      Originally posted by maneth View Post

      How does this Q&A work, do we post the answers in this thread?
      Yes. You just quote the post and answer away. We love having lots of people answer.


        Cool! Here's the first ten.

        1 Was this episode worth the wait between seasons?

        Definitely. An awesome start to the final season.

        2 Why was John dreaming about a seemingly romantic, candlelit dinner with Teyla?

        He was in pain and wanted to take his mind off it.

        3 John tells Ronon to try the others on the radio. Wouldn’t he have already tried it, or was this just a way to segue to Rodney and Evan?
        Depends on who you mean would have tried it. If Ronon, one would expect so, he's a do things that need to be done type of guy, not one who'll necessarily wait for orders. John himself probably couldn't reach his radio while he was trapped.

        4 The transition to Michael’s ship seems to imply that he is a very, very long way away. He certainly gets there awfully fast, doesn’t he?
        He does. Exigencies of the plot I expect. Maybe they shouldn't have implied that he was so far away, after all, Teyla was a few weeks from her due date, and if Michael wanted to make sure she'd give birth in the lab, he would have taken her there in time. That said, I don't expect male writers, or childless female writers for that matter, to take such things into account.

        5 Lt. Edison (?) comes back with injuries so he was in the explosion. Given that it was one of Michael’s compounds, shouldn’t there have been a team or at least one Marine left at the Gate to warn of anyone coming through or to dial for help if needed? (They get Rodney and Evan out in about an hour. One can assume that it doesn’t take more than 30 minutes for the rescue team to get there. Michael arrives immediately after that.)
        Definitely there should have been a few marines left at the gate. But the crew expected to find Teyla and Michael in the lab, didn't they? Even so, leaving at least one man at the gate would be standard procedure in the MW...

        6 Rodney seems to take an awfully long time to figure out that not only had Michael set a booby trap, but he also had a beacon set up in the event it was sprung?

        He does, but that wouldn't be the first time Rodney realizes something obvious after the fact. I guess they needed the excuse to trap the Atlantis crew in the explosion.

        7 Know Rodney would be yelling loud and clear if he was injured and that Evan has a broken leg, was Jennifer’s focus on Rodney appropriate?

        Not really. Certainly Rodney didn't think so, since he directed her attention away from himself to Evan. Unusually for him, given that he'll complain if he gets a blister on his finger.

        8 Was there no way for the rescue team to try to make John and Ronon aware of their presence and the arrival of Michael? Were they buried so deep?
        That's my guess, they were buried too deep in the remains of reinforced concrete and steel to hear the radio, and didn't hear Michael's crew until they'd dug their way down a bit.

        9 Why was John thinking of quitting on Ronon?

        He was so badly injured and thought that if he'd be dead, Ronon would dig his way out rather than stay with him.

        10 How did John know to test the rescuers?
        The sign of a man in command of his faculties. Quite some time had passed, he was unsure whether any other Atlantis folks were alive in the rubble, and he knew that Michael would get there eventually thanks to the booby-trap.


          11 Why does no-one think about targeting the hyperdrive of a Wraith ship as soon as they drop out of hyperspace?
          Good question! They always seem to wait for hostilities first. Probably some protocol says not to shoot unless you're shot at.

          12 What did you think about the scenes with John and Ronon while they were buried and throughout the episode?

          Loved them. I like the friendship and respect growing between the two. Each would die for the other.

          13 I do not have any questions about the scene with Jennifer “cleaning” John’s wound. Feel free to comment if you want.

          She was just doing her job as a doctor. I saw nothing shippable in that scene I'm afraid.

          14 Does Sam outrank Caldwell? He allows the rescue mission for Teyla at her insistence.
          Teyla is under her command, so in issues related to her I expect Sam would outrank Caldwell. However, Caldwell is still in command of the Daedalus, so when both are aboard, Caldwell gives orders about when to engage the enemy for example.

          15 Does your heart melt when John sighs while he’s flying the Jumper?
          My heart melts almost whenever John appears on the screen. But yeah.

          16 Did Michael have a remote to uncloak the Jumper?
          I expect he stole one either when they were abandoned on the planet with the other half-human Wraith or when he visited Atlantis.

          17 What would you have rather seen than Rodney’s babbling during the birth of Teyla’s baby?
          Rodney's babbling was very much in character. But I think John would have handled the birth better, at least he wouldn't have panicked. Unfortunately he wasn't there and Teyla was stuck with Rodney.

          18 Why do TV shows and movies always gloss over the mess of a birth?
          Good question. It's probably as well that most women don't know what a real birth looks like until they go through it themselves (or for that matter most men until their SO gives birth to their child), if they did, more would remain voluntarily childless.

          19 Why would Sam joke with Rodney that Teyla would name the baby after him?
          I don't know. I thought it was a bit out of character for Sam to play such a cruel joke on him. Maybe it was payback for all the annoyance she suffered because of him at the SGC.

          20 John has been running around yet the surgery is supposed to take a few hours. What would take that long?
          I suspect that he shouldn't have been able to move around as much as he did. At the very least he was lucky not to have broken any bones while he was crushed badly enough that he couldn't move.

          21 Shouldn’t John have had a transfusion going or at least an IV while waiting for surgery?
          Yeah. He looked pretty bloody, so one can assume some blood loss.

          22 She names the baby after Torren, her father. I know there have been discussions about this before, and despite the fact that GW has Tagan as her father, do you think Teyla being the “daughter of Tagan” means her mother?
          Sounds reasonable to me. Can't remember if they mentioned her parents' names in The Rising, when Teyla said her father had been taken in a culling when she was a child.

          23 Thoughts on the way Sam was removed as commander?

          Can't say I liked it much. They should have told her before she left Atlantis that her trip was going to be one-way. At the very least, she deserved a send-off party! And her own ship to command.

          24 Was the make-up for John’s condition realistic to you?

          Pretty much. I'm not in the medical profession so I can't say anything more than that. But I do think he moved about a bit too easily once they'd planted the explosives in Michaels Wraith cruiser.

          25 Do you think the fact that John dreamt precisely how Teyla thanked him in infirmary in the end was prescient ?
          I'm certainly not ruling it out.

          26 Overall thoughts, coherent, please, of the Shep whump?
          Adorable. Lots of great caps to be taken from this one. Poor Shep, he really went through the wringer. But I wouldn't have minded being in the shoes of Keller or the nurse in this one...

          27 How was Joe’s performance?
          Stellar as always, but then I'm biased.

          28 Now, overall thoughts of the episode?
          A pretty good start to what turned out to be the final season.


            great answers maneth!
            My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


              Morning Whumpers!



                Hi IHS and SGAFan!


                  I've decided to put my answers in a spoiler so the post isn't so long.

                  1 Was this episode worth the wait between seasons?

                  Thankfully I didn't have to wait between seasons. I went straight from Season 4 to season 5. Thank god for Netflix instant!

                  2 Why was John dreaming about a seemingly romantic, candlelit dinner with Teyla?

                  I think his mind created a safe place that John desires to escape the trauma of what really happened.

                  3 John tells Ronon to try the others on the radio. Wouldn’t he have already tried it, or was this just a way to segue to Rodney and Evan?

                  If by he you mean Ronon, maybe not since he didn't seem to have his radio with him while he was trying to dig Shep out. OR it could also have been just a way to segue to R/E.

                  4 The transition to Michael’s ship seems to imply that he is a very, very long way away. He certainly gets there awfully fast, doesn’t he?

                  Not when you consider hyper-drive. You never know how quickly someone can get someplace else when you don't exactly know how far away they are AND they have a hyper-drive. Plus, I get the feeling that they weren't actually THAT far, they're just making it seem like it.

                  5 Lt. Edison (?) comes back with injuries so he was in the explosion. Given that it was one of Michael’s compounds, shouldn’t there have been a team or at least one Marine left at the Gate to warn of anyone coming through or to dial for help if needed? (They get Rodney and Evan out in about an hour. One can assume that it doesn’t take more than 30 minutes for the rescue team to get there. Michael arrives immediately after that.)

                  I honestly don't think they thought that far. Besides Edison was the one who was supposed to be the look-out, that's why he got away alive and only with minor injuries. I think that when Shep told them he knew where to find Teyla, they left ASAP w/o fully thinking things through and therefore didn't come up w/a contingency plan.

                  6 Rodney seems to take an awfully long time to figure out that not only had Michael set a booby trap, but he also had a beacon set up in the event it was sprung?

                  I can understand the booby trap, Wraith are cunning and know how to hide things and that was the whole point of it. After the explosion, Rodney was more concerned with getting out and/or just getting as much fresh air as possible rather than going through the debris and waiting. I can understand it. I'm not a fan of closed off spaces myself, got to have fresh air constantly.

                  7 Know Rodney would be yelling loud and clear if he was injured and that Evan has a broken leg, was Jennifer’s focus on Rodney appropriate?

                  I think that, if all else, this was a way to warn the viewers that there was spark happening. However, I think that since he had come out of the of hole first, yes it's appropriate. She was focused on Rodney after that, like any good doctor, and didn't notice that they had gotten Lorne out.

                  8 Was there no way for the rescue team to try to make John and Ronon aware of their presence and the arrival of Michael? Were they buried so deep?

                  I'm not sure there was enough time to try to get close enough to them to communicate and their radios would work. Plus the rescuers probably assumed that Shep and Ronon didn't have their radios AND since Rodney alerted them to Michael's presence they didn't think they had enough time to stop for a chat with them and were focusing on getting Rodney and Lorne out. The idea for rescuing "the other two" (since they didn't know WHO they were at the time) was "we'll get to them if we can."

                  9 Why was John thinking of quitting on Ronon?

                  I think a part of him just wanted to make sure that Ronon made it to safety, his own health and safety be damned. I also think that a SMALL part of him didn't expect to be rescued any time soon.

                  10 How did John know to test the rescuers?

                  Leader training? Or maybe it's the MENSA thing, I don't know. He's smarter than the average Military Commander!

                  11 Why does no-one think about targeting the hyperdrive of a Wraith ship as soon as they drop out of hyperspace?

                  Maybe because no one wants to immediately announce their presence. I think that if it hadn't been for The Daedulus showing up, they would have just watched on the sidelines bc they were too small to take the ship on. If you managed to take on a wraith ship with just a limited amount of firepower, taking out the hyper-drive wouldn't do much except to ensure that you are able to be shot out of the sky. By allowing them to keep it, you're also allowing your ship a small break when they rabbit.

                  12 What did you think about the scenes with John and Ronon while they were buried and throughout the episode?

                  During the first half of the ep, that's all I watch. I tend to skip over Rodney and Lorne's scenes.

                  13 I do not have any questions about the scene with Jennifer “cleaning” John’s wound. Feel free to comment if you want.

                  JF did an amazing job with the acting in that scene. IF one didn't know any better one would think he actually was hurt.

                  14 Does Sam outrank Caldwell? He allows the rescue mission for Teyla at her insistence.

                  Caldwell outranks Sam I think. Either that or they're the same rank, one of the two. I think that Maneth had a good point when she mentioned that Teyla is Sam's responsibility and I think that in that instance Caldwell was deferring to Sam's authority in this bc she was Sam's responsibility. Plus, maybe he has a certain respect for her that allows him to take into account Sam's opinion. As much as the show leads the audience to believe, Caldwell isn't actually a bad guy, just military.

                  15 Does your heart melt when John sighs while he’s flying the Jumper?

                  It definitely flutters a little. It's like he's trying to gather his strength and push aside his pain in order to prepare for the rescue. LOVE it!

                  16 Did Michael have a remote to uncloak the Jumper?

                  I'm not sure he needed one. I mean the landing docks (for lack of a better term) in wraith ships seem to always have smoke which, when it goes around the Jumper, would indicate where the Jumper is and since the jumper doesn't actually seem to be shield protected, all he'd need to know is where it is so that he could enter it. They really should stop leaving jumpers open while they're away.

                  Although, my question is. How did he fly it? He doesn't have the gene.

                  17 What would you have rather seen than Rodney’s babbling during the birth of Teyla’s baby?

                  I thought that Rodney's babbling made the whole birth scenes bearable. As it is, I tend to skip over them anyways. Only interested in Shep.

                  18 Why do TV shows and movies always gloss over the mess of a birth?

                  Bc otherwise it's too graphic for the network to actually put on tv w/o changing the rating of the show? That would be my guess. Besides, no one really wants to see it. If they're already parents, they know what it's actually like and if they're not, there's no need for them to know what it's like yet. ALSO, they can't have the blood and stuff diminishing the actor's looks.

                  19 Why would Sam joke with Rodney that Teyla would name the baby after him?

                  I thought it seemed IC for them. They always seem to enjoy teasing each other and if she DIDN'T joke with Rodney, I'd be worried.

                  20 John has been running around yet the surgery is supposed to take a few hours. What would take that long?

                  Well, it takes awhile to prep him and then they have the actual opening and stitching up to do which takes awhile as well since they have to be careful, plus while they're in there they're probably making sure he didn't do more damage to himself and want to make sure everything else is ok.

                  21 Shouldn’t John have had a transfusion going or at least an IV while waiting for surgery?

                  They probably gave him the transfusion AND IV fluids before he went to go find Rodney and Carter. Then when they got "rescued" again, they repeated the process so that by the time he was waiting for the surgery, he didn't need it as badly.

                  22 She names the baby after Torren, her father. I know there have been discussions about this before, and despite the fact that GW has Tagan as her father, do you think Teyla being the “daughter of Tagan” means her mother?

                  I would assume Tagan is her mother. Maybe it's the women of the "tribe" that are the leaders and therefore that's why she announces herself as the daughter of her mother instead of her father. I will admit that when she first said that Torren was after her father I was like "But she said "Daughter of Tagan"" but I just wrote it off that Tagan was her mother.

                  23 Thoughts on the way Sam was removed as commander?

                  Happy. NOT a fan of Carter as the leader. Granted, I didn't really like anyone but Weir. Though, I will say that the more the 5th season went on, the more I liked Woolsey.

                  24 Was the make-up for John’s condition realistic to you?

                  Yes but I will say that I agree, once again, with Maneth. The point after they blew up the hyper-drive, Shep seemed to be moving too easily. Now that may be attributed to adrenaline from almost completing the mission or now having Teyla and a newborn to protect but I think that after the point where he tries to attach C-4 to the hyper-drive, he doesn't move or act like he's in pain at all and I find a little annoying and disappointing.

                  25 Do you think the fact that John dreamt precisely how Teyla thanked him in infirmary in the end was prescient ?

                  I think that it comes from years of knowledge about Teyla and a silent understanding (and feeling) between the two.

                  26 Overall thoughts, coherent, please, of the Shep whump?

                  LOVED it. This ep has actually passed 38 Minutes in favoritism for me. I refer to this one first, then 38m and CG next. Like I said earlier, I do think that he was moving too painlessly at the end but what can you do?

                  27 How was Joe’s performance?

                  Amazing as always!

                  28 Now, overall thoughts of the episode?

                  Maybe it's just the whumper in me but I would have liked Shep to be in more pain but still able to move around to rescue Teyla.
                  Last edited by m&mnm317; 28 February 2011, 07:52 PM.

                  Coming January 2017


                    Quiet in here today!

                    Guess everyone is busy Whumping poor Shep.


                      Quick whump pic spam...






                                Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
                                Quiet in here today!

                                Guess everyone is busy Whumping poor Shep.
                                Well I'm busy whumping someone but alas it isn't Shep.

                                Coming January 2017

