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John Sheppard Whump

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    Just catching up!

    Harmony Q&As


    1 Here we are, buxom women with low cut, medieval gowns. Are you all excited and happy to see it for the umpteenth time? OMG! By this episode I was ready to give TPTB money so that they could make some different clothes for the female characters. It was just more of the same puerile, post-pubescent, little boy garbage. So predictable and unimaginative.

    2 Would John and Rodney really be on missions like this or shouldn’t it be diplomats of some kind? I just cannot see that these two characters would reasonably be on this kind of mission. The relationship with the people was well beyond the point where anyone of their rank and importance was needed.

    3 Also, are these guys really going to spend their time thinking they are going to score with every woman with big assets and low cut gowns? See #1 above. Poor, hormone driven writing. To me, this type of writing was indicative of the disinterest the show runners had in SGA. They were just throwing in every bit of self satisfying titillation they could. There are magazines and movies in certain stores for that kind of thing.

    Also, Rodney doesn't seem to be so broken up by Katie leaving, does he?

    4 Do you think John really believed Harmony about the power bar or was he just trying to get her stop doing a Rodney? I think this was just another in a long list of cheap, time wasting. However, to answer the question, I think John knew what actually happened. Rodney was not a good liar, even about stealing food.

    5 There were drones whining about at various times. How did they get launched? If they were programmed so that only the person wearing the pendant could get close, couldn’t the Ancients have programmed other drones to attacked Wraith ships? This always had me confused. The drones on Atlantis, where the Ancients lived and breathed and battled the Wraith until their last day in Pegasus, needed someone in the chair, guiding them yet these almost prototype drones could launch and guide themselves.

    6 According to Flora, they had been trading for more than a year – “Another fine year of trading”. Wouldn’t you think somewhere, at sometime, someone might have mentioned the Genii had been previous trading partners who had been banished for cheating? No-one, in more than a year of trading, ever mentioned that the Genii had been partners who cheated them? Dumb thing to overlook, wasn’t it?

    7 Following that, did no-one else see all these Genii running around and not let anyone in charge know? I have no answer for this except “Doh!”

    8 What did you think of John’s commando skills? More, please! We should have seen far more action in the military, fighting the bad guys than we did. Apparently low cut dresses and big assets were cheaper and took the writers to their happy places faster than making a science fiction show did.

    9 How is it that John could detect and outwit a bunch of Genii but not notice that Harmony had taken off or even find her? She wasn’t thinking about being sneaky or quiet. Yet another failure by the writers to think things through.

    10 How did she catch, kill, butcher a bird, find a place to cook it, build a fire and then cook it in under an hour? I think new watches were needed upstairs at the studio.

    11 Shouldn’t they have left the cave immediately? If John and Rodney could find it from the smell, the Genii might as well. **shrugs** By now, I had pretty much given up.

    12 The drones have apparently been protecting the place for thousands of years. How big was the stockpile? By now, I had totally given up.

    BTW, I am loving all the lovely, whumpy pics, everyone! Thanks!


      Originally posted by Twinchy View Post
      I couldn't have summed it up any better, neither visually nor verbally, Lady.
      That is why Edvard Munch Remains a genius in the world of art.

      Glad you like =D
      The Breeding Ground of Ships.


        Okay, guys... I'm off to bed now. Good nighty night!
        FanFic---------------------------------------------------Twinchy's Lair


          Hi all! I just wanted to post and say HI before I go back however many pages I missed and catch up!

          Coming January 2017


            FINALLY posted chapter 14 for Friend or Foe?.. Now all I have to do is figure out how to start chapter 15.

            Coming January 2017


              Originally posted by joaniexjony View Post
              Sorry to hear that things are stressful at the moment, and I really hope you feel better soon *hugs*
              Thanks hun. I don't think the stress is going away anytime soon. Something pretty bad happened at work yesterday and now I really want to just crawl under the covers and never come out.

              Originally posted by Twinchy View Post
              Angsty, you are trying to kill me with whumped Sheppy, right? I am practically clinging onto the final straw.
              You got me

              Originally posted by Twinchy View Post
              Congrats on posts, !
              Thanks Twinchy!

              And thanks to all the whumpers for brightening up a pretty lousy morning with all your cheerful chatter and glorious whumpage pics. Now if only I didn't have to go face the real world....


                Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                Just catching up!

                Harmony Q&As


                1 Here we are, buxom women with low cut, medieval gowns. Are you all excited and happy to see it for the umpteenth time? OMG! By this episode I was ready to give TPTB money so that they could make some different clothes for the female characters. It was just more of the same puerile, post-pubescent, little boy garbage. So predictable and unimaginative.

                2 Would John and Rodney really be on missions like this or shouldn’t it be diplomats of some kind? I just cannot see that these two characters would reasonably be on this kind of mission. The relationship with the people was well beyond the point where anyone of their rank and importance was needed.

                3 Also, are these guys really going to spend their time thinking they are going to score with every woman with big assets and low cut gowns? See #1 above. Poor, hormone driven writing. To me, this type of writing was indicative of the disinterest the show runners had in SGA. They were just throwing in every bit of self satisfying titillation they could. There are magazines and movies in certain stores for that kind of thing.

                Also, Rodney doesn't seem to be so broken up by Katie leaving, does he?

                4 Do you think John really believed Harmony about the power bar or was he just trying to get her stop doing a Rodney? I think this was just another in a long list of cheap, time wasting. However, to answer the question, I think John knew what actually happened. Rodney was not a good liar, even about stealing food.

                5 There were drones whining about at various times. How did they get launched? If they were programmed so that only the person wearing the pendant could get close, couldn’t the Ancients have programmed other drones to attacked Wraith ships? This always had me confused. The drones on Atlantis, where the Ancients lived and breathed and battled the Wraith until their last day in Pegasus, needed someone in the chair, guiding them yet these almost prototype drones could launch and guide themselves.

                6 According to Flora, they had been trading for more than a year – “Another fine year of trading”. Wouldn’t you think somewhere, at sometime, someone might have mentioned the Genii had been previous trading partners who had been banished for cheating? No-one, in more than a year of trading, ever mentioned that the Genii had been partners who cheated them? Dumb thing to overlook, wasn’t it?

                7 Following that, did no-one else see all these Genii running around and not let anyone in charge know? I have no answer for this except “Doh!”

                8 What did you think of John’s commando skills? More, please! We should have seen far more action in the military, fighting the bad guys than we did. Apparently low cut dresses and big assets were cheaper and took the writers to their happy places faster than making a science fiction show did.

                9 How is it that John could detect and outwit a bunch of Genii but not notice that Harmony had taken off or even find her? She wasn’t thinking about being sneaky or quiet. Yet another failure by the writers to think things through.

                10 How did she catch, kill, butcher a bird, find a place to cook it, build a fire and then cook it in under an hour? I think new watches were needed upstairs at the studio.

                11 Shouldn’t they have left the cave immediately? If John and Rodney could find it from the smell, the Genii might as well. **shrugs** By now, I had pretty much given up.

                12 The drones have apparently been protecting the place for thousands of years. How big was the stockpile? By now, I had totally given up.

                BTW, I am loving all the lovely, whumpy pics, everyone! Thanks!
                Where are the Q&A's from? Are there some for every episode?


                  (((HUGS))) Angsty I do hope things improve soon.

                  Copter we are doing a Rewatch of the whole series. Every Friday starts a new ep for the week. This week is Trio. If you watch and come up with some questions, PM them to me and I post them on Sunday night. Lorr is our Question Queen! Anyone can answer them. We also like to see pics and artwork and fics based on the eps.


                    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                    (((HUGS))) Angsty I do hope things improve soon.

                    Copter we are doing a Rewatch of the whole series. Every Friday starts a new ep for the week. This week is Trio. If you watch and come up with some questions, PM them to me and I post them on Sunday night. Lorr is our Question Queen! Anyone can answer them. We also like to see pics and artwork and fics based on the eps.
                    interesting I am trying to make a Sheppy sig of every episode. I started with season 5 and am working backwards, I have no idea why There was no good pics of Sheppy for Trio so I have nothing from that one


                      Did you see any of the pics SGAFan just posted a page or two back? She gets the best pics. I am sure if you asked, she wouldn't mind you making a sig using a pic from her.


                        Copter here are the pics SGAFan posted. She works hard to get us good stuff.

                        Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                        Discussion Questions for Trio

                        1-14 from Lorr. The rest from me!


                        Just for the record, I really did NOT like this episode. The only one that was worse was Brain Storm. So, my answers might be a little… tainted by that.

                        1 If there was such extreme danger and the locals were resistant, why did they not take at least one or two marines or other back-up personnel?

                        Because Carter could kick all their butts and look good doing it all by herself. At least that’s how she was written in this episode. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against Carter and I ADORE Amanda Tapping, but Carter was written as a flat out Mary Sue in this episode, so blatantly, that by about halfway through, I was grinding my teeth.

                        2 Why did both women need to crawl up to the edge of the cave in and do it so close together?

                        Because it was convenient and the writer didn’t seem to exercise imagination to come up with another way to strand them all in the hole together, so this was contrived. At the very least they all could’ve fallen together. That would’ve made more sense. Though, in fairness they did get down on their stomachs and yes, they probably needed to find out the situation before getting help….

                        3 How the heck did the Genii create the vast underground mining complex in 20 years and there still to be time for the complex to decay so much?

                        Maybe there was something in the dirt *she says dryly*

                        4 The tremors were strong enough to cause significant damage to the mining complex. Shouldn’t they have been felt even more above ground or at least also cause big holes in the ground?

                        You’d think, but considering we were stranded in that damned hole with the three of them for the ENTIRE episode, we never found out if that was happening on the surface.

                        5 The three of them were worried about the weight they added to the unstable floor. Shouldn’t they have been more careful about all standing around the crates at the same time?

                        Ayup. But that’s one of those inconvenient facts rearing its ugly head again….

                        6 What did you think of the game Jennifer thought up to play she and Sam were tying the rope?

                        Totally predictable and a complete, unimaginative stereotype, but funny when they roped McKay into it and actually got him to answer.

                        7 Given Rodney’s complete a**-like behavior, what does it say about Jennifer to be attracted to him, especially on this day and she learns how he dumped Katie (which he so did)?

                        That the writers were hell bent on getting the two of them together, no matter how contrived, unbelievable and ultimately utterly boring an idea it was. Though I don’t think he was particularly a**-like, at least no more than usual, in this ep.

                        8 Couldn’t they have suggested that the kids say they just saw them fall in as they walked across the field? Or offer a real reward for rescuing them?

                        I thought the entire thing with the kids was unbelievable, badly handled and ultimately a pointless waste of time that felt like filler for an episode that was coming in short. The kids “arc” did nothing to further the storyline whatsoever and was pointless and annoying.

                        9 Was it really necessary for Rodney to tell Sam to show off her assets to the kids?

                        Not at all. In fact that was totally out of character, even for Rodney and was actually a bit insulting to Sam and to women in general. I found it to not be funny whatsoever, (though I guess the writers entertained themselves with it) and totally inappropriate and in bad taste especially for what I’d come to enjoy about Stargate and its handling of competent female characters. Though it seemed this sort of crap popped up more frequently on Atlantis than SG1, but usually not as bad as this… and NEVER to the credit of the writing staff.

                        10 Shouldn’t Sam or Keller at least warn the kids to stay back from the edge of the hole?

                        You’d think. Oh yeah, another inconvenient fact that got in the way of the pointless filler of having the kids around in the first place.

                        11 I may not be remembering this quite right but didn’t Jennifer say at one time that she led a fairly lonely life because she was a genius? If so, how does she know drinking games?

                        Even recluses get pulled into wild college life at least once in a while… LOL

                        12 Shouldn’t Sam, at least, have known to do a thorough survey of their surroundings to find out what resources they had and figure out the best course of action before trying any kind of self rescue?

                        But that would get in the way of her Mary Sue status in this episode, so I guess not.

                        13 It just came to me – Jennifer falls in love with Rodney just like Harmony did because she feels Rodney saves her life by holding onto the rope! I’m a bit surprised the writers didn’t have Sam fall in love with him as well. Agree? Disagree?

                        LOL! Funny! But really, now that you mention it I’m more disappointed that they couldn’t come up with some other reason, but had to recycle an old one.

                        14 How would you have paired Rodney and Jennifer if you had such a burning desire to do so?

                        I wouldn’t have. I can’t have that burning desire, can’t fathom it and therefore have no idea. LOL

                        15. Sheppard with a Lollipop? Yum? Silly?

                        Adorkable. Hehehe… silly, yes. Definitely. Could I see Sheppard swiping one and doing it? Absolutely.

                        16. Anyone else cringe when Keller started acting so Kellerish as soon as they fell in the hole?

                        Yes! Definitely had a “Gads not AGAIN!” reaction. At least it was toned down a bit after that, or I definitely wouldn’t have been able to stomach the ep at all.

                        17. Was Keller a little quick to start removing clothes? No arguments or complaints or alternatives offered?

                        Yep. Gratuitous skin.

                        18. Was that Zalenka bashing? Thoughts?

                        Yep. And completely inappropriate for Carter to be doing, as the commanding officer, especially in the presence of other people under her command.

                        19. Did you see Sam's Pink toenails?

                        Yep. LOL Whatever.

                        20. Shouldn't Keller's Med kit already have morphine in it?

                        You’d think.

                        21. There seemed to be a lot of "adult" themes/conversations in this ep (Keller's game, Rodney's suggestion and then later bumbling about bodies) Is this the type of conversation you would expect from these people?

                        Not in the real world, no. But surprisingly not unexpected from certain Atlantis writers, unfortunately.

                        22. Thoughts on the characters in this ep. Interesting choices? Believable interactions?

                        Not impressed by the characters, the writing or the stories. It could’ve been decent, I would’ve liked to see more of a rescue and less of the high school boring conversations and antics in a potentially life threatening situation and certainly the writing overall was weak at best.

                        Not exactly my favorite episode. *frowns*

                        Trio Art? (Hey, I do have a few here…)


                        Trio Caps (I have a couple from Sheppard’s 1.5 seconds of screen time…)
                        Last edited by Rosehawk; 05 February 2011, 07:42 PM. Reason: Remove IMG tags


                          thanks pocus! SGAFan, do you mind if I snurch? I will attempt to make a sig from them if I can, but no promises. I think I need to go back a few pages and find these questions....


                            Here they are Copter

                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                            Discussion Questions for Trio

                            1-14 from Lorr. The rest from me!

                            1 If there was such extreme danger and the locals were resistant, why did they not take at least one or two marines or other back-up personnel?

                            2 Why did both women need to crawl up to the edge of the cave in and do it so close together?

                            3 How the heck did the Genii create the vast underground mining complex in 20 years and there still to be time for the complex to decay so much?

                            4 The tremors were strong enough to cause significant damage to the mining complex. Shouldn’t they have been felt even more above ground or at least also cause big holes in the ground?

                            5 The three of them were worried about the weight they added to the unstable floor. Shouldn’t they have been more careful about all standing around the crates at the same time?

                            6 What did you think of the game Jennifer thought up to play she and Sam were tying the rope?

                            7 Given Rodney’s complete a**-like behavior, what does it say about Jennifer to be attracted to him, especially on this day and she learns how he dumped Katie (which he so did)?

                            8 Couldn’t they have suggested that the kids say they just saw them fall in as they walked across the field? Or offer a real reward for rescuing them?

                            9 Was it really necessary for Rodney to tell Sam to show off her assets to the kids?

                            10 Shouldn’t Sam or Keller at least warn the kids to stay back from the edge of the hole?

                            11 I may not be remembering this quite right but didn’t Jennifer say at one time that she led a fairly lonely life because she was a genius? If so, how does she know drinking games?

                            12 Shouldn’t Sam, at least, have known to do a thorough survey of their surroundings to find out what resources they had and figure out the best course of action before trying any kind of self rescue?

                            13 It just came to me – Jennifer falls in love with Rodney just like Harmony did because she feels Rodney saves her life by holding onto the rope! I’m a bit surprised the writers didn’t have Sam fall in love with him as well. Agree? Disagree?

                            14 How would you have paired Rodney and Jennifer if you had such a burning desire to do so?

                            15. Sheppard with a Lollipop? Yum? Silly?

                            16. Anyone else cringe when Keller started acting so Kellerish as soon as they fell in the hole?

                            17. Was Keller a little quick to start removing clothes? No arguments or complaints or alternatives offered?

                            18. Was that Zalenka bashing? Thoughts?

                            19. Did you see Sam's Pink toenails?

                            20. Shouldn't Keller's Med kit already have morphine in it?

                            21. There seemed to be a lot of "adult" themes/conversations in this ep (Keller's game, Rodney's suggestion and then later bumbling about bodies) Is this the type of conversation you would expect from these people?

                            22. Thoughts on the characters in this ep. Interesting choices? Believable interactions?


                              thanks pocus you are awesome! You have done questions for every single episode up to Trio just like this?


                                Yes we have. Anyone can contribute questions. Most of them are from Lorr though. RL has interfered with me lately and all I have been doing is posting them. I hardly have time to answer them. Things seem to be slowing down so hopefully I can participate a bit more now.

                                The whole idea behind this was to keep the thread alive when the show stopped. It has been fun. Rewatching the eps and trying to come up with questions has made me look at them differently. If I watch the ep after the questions are posted, I find that I am noticing things I missed before.

                                Lorr and I are working on an idea for when we are done the eps. I think it will be fun. We might start it before the rewatch is over so we might attract more people to show their whumper tendencies.

