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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by taris-eirien View Post
    I haven't read any of the novels. Most reviews I've seen make me believe I'd be dissappointed. I've more than enough excellent fanfic to read.

    I would rather MGM made the SGA movie without BW and JM involved at all.
    Wasn't Joe negotiating on snagging the rights? Now, that would be bloody brill. Esp if he has a lot of clout, as we know he seems to like Sheppard being whumped, methinks esp by wimminfolk. What a sweetie he is! There for us whumpers. Sigh.


      Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
      You're right the novels have been disappointing. I had high hopes for Death Game but somehow it just didn't deliver. I found the story a little flat. In the fact I could easily put it down and not be anxious to read more for a day or so. I ordered Homecoming last week amd it's in the post. Just hope its better.

      Currently reading Reunion. A much better offering by JoaniexJony.

      It never ceases to amaze me how some folks twist things around. I've just read Syfy's announcement on their website and nowhere does it say that the whole Stargate franchise is dead. Yet most people think it's the end and that includes JM. Surely it would be in his interest to try and push for the long promised movie, after all he's supposed to be producing it. Whether we actually get the movie will probably come out in the next few months once MGM's problems have been finally solved.
      Thanks very much for the rec, and I'm glad you like the story. I haven't been on the forum for quite a bit, mainly because I have been busy writing...sharing pc time with my hubby, because my own computer has been sick.

      As for the demise of SGU, I have to say I agree that the franchise died when SGA did, and I honestly don't think they ever intended to make a SGA film. My reason for saying that is that JM is known to be a bit of a joker, and the proposed film was to be called 'Extinction'!


        Good morning guys,

        about SGU...well, I am so sorry for them, and I mean the cast and crew. FInally, I just hope the SGA movie can see the light in the future, 'cause I'm one of the persones that truly believes it can be green light eventually. Specially after what Joe said on that COP interview, about playing the role again.

        So...SGAFan, I hope you feel better and more relax about your job soon.

        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Hee! The way things are going, you could very well end up having your baby before I have mine! about that uh? I just hope we make a good choice as for the birth date...I don't want her to developt any premature problems besides, I was really hoping for she to grow up as much as she could. We'll see.

        Originally posted by Strey View Post
        Ali and SA -- looking forward to hearing your news of the arrival of our latest mini-whumpers! I remember you both had names lined up? What did you both have in mind?
        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Our choice for a girl at the moment is Mia and if it does surprise us and turn out to be a boy, the favourite name at the moment (left over from our "just in case" boy's name choices from when I was pregnant with Aimee) is Felix.
        We chose her name long time ago, even before we knew I was pregnant actually, we always had the names, for girl and boy. Since she turn out to be a girl, Husband just look at me and told me "Helena Dalí it is". And, well...always wanted to have a boy myself but doc said he was 100% sure about it, so, I'm not really expecting any last minute surprises, no...but the name we chose for a boy was Bastian Humberto. Here in Mexico it is very common for people to give their children two names, so, that was it.


          Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
          We chose her name long time ago, even before we knew I was pregnant actually, we always had the names, for girl and boy. Since she turn out to be a girl, Husband just look at me and told me "Helena Dalí it is". And, well...always wanted to have a boy myself but doc said he was 100% sure about it, so, I'm not really expecting any last minute surprises, no...but the name we chose for a boy was Bastian Humberto. Here in Mexico it is very common for people to give their children two names, so, that was it.
          Helena is one of my favorite names (I am planning to name my child that but thats a while from now) and on a side note is the name of my favorite songs! Great choice dear!
          The Breeding Ground of Ships.


            Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
            Helena is one of my favorite names (I am planning to name my child that but thats a while from now) and on a side note is the name of my favorite songs! Great choice dear!
            Really!? well, I'm glad you like it thanks.


              Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
              Really!? well, I'm glad you like it thanks.
              Yup! You can thank MCR for that one!
              The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                Afternoon Whumpers!

                I hope SGA Fan that you're doing better today. ~~~healing vibes~~~ I've come to notice less and less people tend to even care about their jobs, and people that do care catch all kinds of hell. Why is that? It makes me even madder since I seem for whatever reason to be totally unemployable. Now I'm stressing out! Loooong story......

                WOW.......while I can't say
                I like SGU even though I've seen a few episodes late nights now since it's on before SGA, the way the cast found out about the cancellation is really classy! NOT.

                I had been buying the SGA novels but haven't since the one Daniel Jackson was in (can't even remember the name now). I've gotten a few from the library but have stopped purchasing them. The fan fics are better for my purposes....Shep Whump! mwahahaha



                  Originally posted by Strey View Post
                  Wasn't Joe negotiating on snagging the rights? Now, that would be bloody brill. Esp if he has a lot of clout, as we know he seems to like Sheppard being whumped, methinks esp by wimminfolk. What a sweetie he is! There for us whumpers. Sigh.
                  I don't think it was negotiations, more interest. There are so many issues in carving out just one part of the franchise that it would cost more time and money than they'd want to spend. Even then, it just may not be legally doable.

                  Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
                  Good morning guys,

         about that uh? I just hope we make a good choice as for the birth date...I don't want her to developt any premature problems besides, I was really hoping for she to grow up as much as she could. We'll see.

                  We chose her name long time ago, even before we knew I was pregnant actually, we always had the names, for girl and boy. Since she turn out to be a girl, Husband just look at me and told me "Helena Dalí it is". And, well...always wanted to have a boy myself but doc said he was 100% sure about it, so, I'm not really expecting any last minute surprises, no...but the name we chose for a boy was Bastian Humberto. Here in Mexico it is very common for people to give their children two names, so, that was it.
                  I doubt your doctors would schedule a date before Helena is ready. Would they?

                  I love the names you've chosen! Strong and full of character. Your husband sounds quite excited, too!

                  Originally posted by joaniexjony View Post
                  Thanks very much for the rec, and I'm glad you like the story. I haven't been on the forum for quite a bit, mainly because I have been busy writing...sharing pc time with my hubby, because my own computer has been sick.

                  As for the demise of SGU, I have to say I agree that the franchise died when SGA did, and I honestly don't think they ever intended to make a SGA film. My reason for saying that is that JM is known to be a bit of a joker, and the proposed film was to be called 'Extinction'!
                  JM wouldn't have spent the time and effort to write the movie if he wasn't interested. Despite all my issues with his writing, etc., I believe he is/was sincere in his desire to get the movie made.


                    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                    I don't think it was negotiations, more interest. There are so many issues in carving out just one part of the franchise that it would cost more time and money than they'd want to spend. Even then, it just may not be legally doable.

                    I doubt your doctors would schedule a date before Helena is ready. Would they?

                    I love the names you've chosen! Strong and full of character. Your husband sounds quite excited, too!

                    JM wouldn't have spent the time and effort to write the movie if he wasn't interested. Despite all my issues with his writing, etc., I believe he is/was sincere in his desire to get the movie made.
                    Well, I guess that was wishful thinking on my part, Lorr. Other than that, ITA re JM. The script was penned. He wanted the movie. Sigh. Well, I guess time will tell.


                      Be All My Sins Remember’d Q&As - still catching up!

                      1 Would Teyla, despite being a loyal team member, really risk her unborn child? I understand that she was eager to find her people but this was odd behavior. Maybe I would have accepted it more readily if Teyla had been seen to question her course of action before we actually saw it.

                      2 Should the teams evacuating planets have had a Jumper as a means of escape in case of an early arrival of the Replicators, even if they could only use the cloak? The device given to Atlantis by the friendly Asurans seemed to give them a fairly accurate picture of where the bad guys were. Suddenly, they were arriving early. If this was a hazard, away teams should have been called back with a margin for error or had a Jumper to attempt escape.

                      3 Don’t you love the look John and Rodney give Sam? This cracked me up! I also appreciate that Sam realized she goofed.

                      4 “Colonel” “Colonel” Colonels”, etc. - *snerk* would that really happen? I suppose it would happen in reality, but can you imagine the hallways in the Pentagon on a daily basis?

                      5 Ellis seems like a reasonable guy and he has met Rodney before. Is his disrespect of Rodney and his insults in front of Atlantis’ commander, as well as Caldwell and John, realistic? I do not understand Ellis’ behavior here. He has to know he is stepping all over Sam’s space and command as well as possibly alienating the people he needs to work with. A cheap and lame attempt to build tension.

                      6 Should Sam and John have been in the initial attack on the Replicator ship? They could not be sure of the outcome. I can see why they would both want to be there, but it was a risky thing to do.

                      7 How is it that the Wraith and everyone in the Pegasus Galaxy knows English so well? Example, Todd knowing ingeniouser is not a real word. ????? I wish we had seen just a little more confusion with slang and colloquialisms.

                      8 Is John’s leap of faith going with Todd to the Wraith ship a little high, especially given the rivalries amongst the Wraith? I was looking for the vaulting pole at this move. Take Ronon, maybe, but leave Teyla and Rodney in another, cloaked Jumper, out of harms way.

                      9 What did you think of Radek’s teasing Rodney about the “dry spell”? I loved this. It was nice to see Radek get a few barbs in!

                      10 Should John have cloaked the Jumper as soon as the hyperspace window was detected? Yes. He should have cloaked it as soon as he woke up. You never know who might happen by and the Jumpers seemed to lose power or weapons at the merest bump.

                      11 Apart from it being nice for the whumpers, was tying John up really necessary to the story? This was plain dumb. It added nothing to the story except to show Larrin was a total b**ch. I think it was more the hormonal dreams of the writers than anything.

                      12 Rodney preferred short haired blondes. Do you think the fact that Fran had long dark hair was and oversight on his part or the consistent preference of the writers? More schoolboy hormones in play.

                      13 I thought it was routine that away teams were routinely checked out in the infirmary upon return. I know they were on a Jumper, but the team was stunned. When did the practice change? Good question! (lol) An infirmary visit should have been mandatory if anyone lost consciousness for any reason.

                      14 Do you think John over-reacted at Teyla being pregnant? Also, was his reaction more from anger that he, as a friend, wasn’t told or that he was upset that he continued to put her in harm’s way or something more? I think his reaction was actually restrained. I also think it was for a variety of reasons, including being horrified at the idea that he had been putting the baby in danger without knowing it. There could have been a small measure of betrayal or hurt that Teyla hadn’t trusted him enough to tell him sooner.

                      15 Your thoughts on how Joe played the scene? I thought he was brilliant. It was restrained, quiet, filled with controlled yet real emotions, just like Sheppard.

                      16 Wasn’t it nice to see Ronon’s tender side? Awwwww. It was lovely to see!

                      17 Wouldn’t it have been incumbent upon the chief medical office to take Teyla off active duty once her pregnancy was determined? God, yes! Keller would have been required by SGC regs to take Teyla off at least off-world duties as soon as she knew of the pregnancy. She would have had no choice, either by regs or ethically.

                      18 Rodney gave Fran an awful lot of intelligence, didn’t he? She discovered the flaw in his calculations. Erm…yes. Amazing how quickly she determined the massive error in his thinking, wasn’t it? Also amazing that he would have given her intelligence to rival his own.

                      19 Can you really see John being so intimidated by Larrin? No. Not to the extent he demonstrated. The writers were really writing to their own behaviors. IMHO

                      20 Was having John hang back in Larrin’s ship the best use of his abilities? Hang back, maybe. But John had such a sure touch with the drones that he should have been able to contribute more to the fight, at least with the ships nearest his.

                      21 Would Rodney have really offered John the opportunity to delete the Replicator planet from the database? Should they have deleted the reference or just noted its destruction? As SGAFan said, deleting was an odd thing to do. Just a status note would have served better.

                      22 Shouldn’t Elizabeth’s ship have shown up on the Asuran sensor that tracked their ships? If so, it would have been detected as being separate from all the other Replicator ships. Yes. How would she know Atlantis had the device? Also, there should have been some kind of sensor left behind to monitor the debris just in case something unforeseen happened. Just a little energy sensor would have done. If Todd’s subspace tracker can be detected halfway across the galaxy (see SoW), this sensor didn’t need to be big or very sophisticated. I think the humans made an error very similar to the Ancients in just assuming all would go perfectly after they left the area and before the final blast happened!


                        Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                        I wasn't a fan of SGU, but I will say that letting your cast and crew know via Twitter is really classy. I'll be curious as to the spin JM and BW put on things.

                        I'm also wondering what GW will look like in a month.
                        Yeah, me too. I listen to the podcasts on a regular basis and follow the thread. Darren said yesterday:
                        Originally posted by Darren View Post
                        Exactly right, DigiFluid, and while David and I will ultimately be the ones to decide what GateWorld is without Stargate on the air, it's all a conversation that I would really like to have with our regular readers and forum members.

                        Maybe I'll start a thread in the next week or so.

                        Remember, though: we still have 10 episodes of SGU to cover in the spring, so it'll be business-as-usual for GW and the podcast for the first half of 2011. Fortunately, that gives us a good five or six months to have those conversations and start to make some movement forward.

                        I will definitely go there and post my 2 cents!

                        Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                        You're right the novels have been disappointing. I had high hopes for Death Game but somehow it just didn't deliver. I found the story a little flat. In the fact I could easily put it down and not be anxious to read more for a day or so. I ordered Homecoming last week amd it's in the post. Just hope its better.
                        I kinda liked "Death Game" and just finished "Homecoming".
                        It's a good story a little bit slow going ...
                        I think the novels can never be what fanfic is - they have to attract a large group of buyers. Fanfic is just for us and I'm glad there are tons of stories I like!

                        Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
                        We chose her name long time ago, even before we knew I was pregnant actually, we always had the names, for girl and boy. Since she turn out to be a girl, Husband just look at me and told me "Helena Dalí it is". And, well...always wanted to have a boy myself but doc said he was 100% sure about it, so, I'm not really expecting any last minute surprises, no...but the name we chose for a boy was Bastian Humberto. Here in Mexico it is very common for people to give their children two names, so, that was it.
                        They are great names - I like them all, Steve Austin!

                        Soon hubby will be back with our daughter. The poor kid startet yesterday from Lafayette and was stuck the whole night in Amsterdam - RL whumping ...



                          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                          I don't think it was negotiations, more interest. There are so many issues in carving out just one part of the franchise that it would cost more time and money than they'd want to spend. Even then, it just may not be legally doable.

                          I doubt your doctors would schedule a date before Helena is ready. Would they?

                          I love the names you've chosen! Strong and full of character. Your husband sounds quite excited, too!

                          JM wouldn't have spent the time and effort to write the movie if he wasn't interested. Despite all my issues with his writing, etc., I believe he is/was sincere in his desire to get the movie made.
                          Well you may be right, and I really hope that you are. I am just a bit of a synic, and don't really trust the Franchise thats all.


                            Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                            Afternoon Whumpers!

                            I hope SGA Fan that you're doing better today. ~~~healing vibes~~~ I've come to notice less and less people tend to even care about their jobs, and people that do care catch all kinds of hell. Why is that? It makes me even madder since I seem for whatever reason to be totally unemployable. Now I'm stressing out! Loooong story......

                            WOW.......while I can't say
                            I like SGU even though I've seen a few episodes late nights now since it's on before SGA, the way the cast found out about the cancellation is really classy! NOT.

                            I had been buying the SGA novels but haven't since the one Daniel Jackson was in (can't even remember the name now). I've gotten a few from the library but have stopped purchasing them. The fan fics are better for my purposes....Shep Whump! mwahahaha

                            I think the book with Daniel Jackson was called 'Blood Ties' The whump in that was actually not bad, but a bit too easily resolved for my liking! Having said that it was one of the better ones. In my view a lot of the latest offerings have been disappointing.


                              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                              I doubt your doctors would schedule a date before Helena is ready. Would they?
                              Anything from 37 weeks onwards is basically considered full term so there shouldn't be any prematurity issues. Do keep us updated on developments SA!


                                Afternoon Whumpers!

                                This is a bit of a drive-by as hubby needs presents wrapped for I'll be in and out.

                                What's going on?


