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John Sheppard Whump

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    Hello Whumpers, I just made a video with pleanty of Whumpage involved so I hope you enjoy:

    The Breeding Ground of Ships.


      Originally posted by Pocus View Post
      Love the artwork. Thanks for sharing those with us.

      Time for bed. Might have company tomorrow and might have to start baking cookies for our Christmas Party.

      Night all!
      Thanks! have fun tomorrow

      Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
      Hello Whumpers, I just made a video with pleanty of Whumpage involved so I hope you enjoy:
      Hmmm.. telling me its blocked. YouTube's copyright thingy.
      My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


        Love the art & caps, SGAFan! Your answers always give food for thought, too.

        Spoils of War tomorrow, and I need to go back and swer 2 eps worth of questions. Tonight, however, I am just too tired to think.

        Happy whumpy Shep dreams!


          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
          Love the art & caps, SGAFan! Your answers always give food for thought, too.

          Spoils of War tomorrow, and I need to go back and swer 2 eps worth of questions. Tonight, however, I am just too tired to think.

          Happy whumpy Shep dreams!
          *hugs* thanks!

          sleep well. I'm off to bed myself. Surprised I lasted this long but I'm falling asleep at the keyboard
          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


            Howdy whumpers! Long time no chat!

            Feels like ages since I've popped in here. Hang on, it IS ages!!

            Unfortunately, I've been ill for like a month in total and so haven't been around much online in general! I started off with labyrinthitis in November, that turned into a lingering cough and cold and that turned into an awful sinus infection and I even ended up in hospital overnight on a drip due to - I think - a bad reaction to the codeine the doctor prescribed me for the sinus pressure pain! Argh!

            Pleased to report though that I am now - finally! - feeling pretty much back to normal again... and Boo2 is doing fine! Yup, am still pregnant! I made it to full-term this time around! Am 38 weeks and counting... hoping Boo2 turns up a little bit before xmas... but knowing my luck I will be spending xmas day in labour!

            Hope all the whumpers are well? Have I missed anything exciting/important over the last few weeks?


              Yay to hear from Ali! I have been thinking of you and looking for posts from you all over. I am so sorry to hear that you have been so sick. You forgot to transfer all that nastiness to
              Shep. I am glad you made it through and that you and baby are doing well.

              Now I am just waiting for the next post that the little one has arrived safely!


                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                Yay to hear from Ali! I have been thinking of you and looking for posts from you all over. I am so sorry to hear that you have been so sick. You forgot to transfer all that nastiness to
                Shep. I am glad you made it through and that you and baby are doing well.

                Now I am just waiting for the next post that the little one has arrived safely!
                Yup, I was obviously being a bad whumper and had forgotten that all-important motto... "Whump Shep, not self!"

                It's weird how this pregnancy has been kind of the exact opposite of last time... with AJ I felt fine but kept having problems (bleeding etc) that meant I had to go in and be monitored and make sure she was okay etc... this time around the pregnancy has been totally straightforward with no problems at all... but I've been ill/feeling flipping awful! And of course, with being pregnant, there's very little you can take in the way of meds to help out when you are feeling ill!

                Am just so glad to have finally recovered in time for Boo2's arrival... I really was starting to dread going into labour while still feeling ill!

                Oooh hey, wanna see some totally cute, if completely OT, pics? We had a "bump photo" session done a few weeks ago.. thought it would be nice to have memento of my pregnant figure! We went along as a family and ended up with some lovely pics of us all together...




                  Great pictures Ali! Thanks for sharing. Sorry to hear you've been under the weather. Hope all goes well with Boo2's arrival. And hope she doesn't make her appearance on Xmas Day for your sake.

                  Most of the news these last few weeks has concerned Joe's Swedish con appearance and promo for Change of Plans. And he's filming a spoof comedy called Spore in the UK after Easter. No other news apart from that.
                  Last edited by Astraldust; 12 December 2010, 06:03 AM.


                    Morning Whumpers!

                    I feel bad again....the weather changed yet again and it's freezing now! weather whump

                    ALI!!! OT
                    Awwww! Lovely family! AJ's adorable. BTW.....I don't know if you know your new baby's sex or not....but I think it's a boy. {{{HUGS}}}

                    We got "Quarantine" last night. I love catching all those Shep moments that seem so the opening scene with Rodney's ring. LOL What's even more shocking is we get SGA here on the weekends. Veddy SQUEEE!



                      Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                      Great pictures Ali! Thanks for sharing. Sorry to hear you've been under the weather. Hope all goes well with Boo2's arrival. And hope she doesn't make her appearance on Xmas Day for your sake.

                      Most of the news these last few weeks has concerned Joe's Swedish con appearance and promo for Change of Plans. And he's filming a spoof comedy called Spore in the UK after Easter. No other news apart from that.
                      Thanks for the update! I had a brief trawl through some of the more recent pages and saw the link to the COP page (my word, Joe looks so young and skinny in that promo pic!!!) but not checked out any vids etc yet. And a spoof comedy called Spore? Hmm. Intriguing.

                      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                      ALI!!! OT
                      Awwww! Lovely family! AJ's adorable. BTW.....I don't know if you know your new baby's sex or not....but I think it's a boy. {{{HUGS}}}
                      Aww thanks hon!

                      Oddly... at the scan the sonographer said she thought it was another girl (although they can never be entirely sure) but I can't shake the feeling that it might just turn out to be a boy!

                      I'll be happy either way.


                        Those pics are fabulous Ali!! What a gorgeous family you make!!


                        Hmmm boy? I hope you have names picked out for both just in case


                          Hey there Ali!!!! I've been thinking a lot about you!!! Is so good to know you're just fine after that infection, and that the baby is fine too! I was prety sure you had her by this time.

                          Anyways, those are lovely pics, lovely indeed!!!

                          I'm on the 36 week, but everything now point to a C surgery so, only good thing is I might get to choose the birth date.
                          So, I'm very glad you're fine and still pregnant!
                          Left a message on you box some weeks ago.

                          Well, take care. !


                            Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
                            Hey there Ali!!!! I've been thinking a lot about you!!! Is so good to know you're just fine after that infection, and that the baby is fine too! I was prety sure you had her by this time.

                            Anyways, those are lovely pics, lovely indeed!!!

                            I'm on the 36 week, but everything now point to a C surgery so, only good thing is I might get to choose the birth date.
                            So, I'm very glad you're fine and still pregnant!
                            Left a message on you box some weeks ago.

                            Well, take care. !
                            Great to see you posting SA. Not long for you now. Hope all goes well.

                            I know you mentioned at the time that the bump was probably a girl Ali. Whatever hope all goes well for you too. Boys aren't all bad. I have two. (All grown up now).


                              Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
                              Hey there Ali!!!! I've been thinking a lot about you!!! Is so good to know you're just fine after that infection, and that the baby is fine too! I was prety sure you had her by this time.

                              Anyways, those are lovely pics, lovely indeed!!!

                              I'm on the 36 week, but everything now point to a C surgery so, only good thing is I might get to choose the birth date.
                              So, I'm very glad you're fine and still pregnant!
                              Left a message on you box some weeks ago.

                              Well, take care. !
                              Aww hiya hon! Glad you are doing okay... how come they are thinking c-section for you? I guess you need to go with whatever is safest for you and baby though... and there are advantages, as you say, like knowing when baby will be born and being able to make plans! It's quite hard trying to make plans for christmas etc when we've no idea when baby will arrive!


                                Morning whumpers,

                                A bit upset that my video didnt work, but as I go throug SGA I am still squeeing at the whumpage. It is totally making my rainny day. As for me I am writing some whumpage, maybe I will share =D
                                The Breeding Ground of Ships.

