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GG, I was okay with that, because me, I don't like confrontation LOL! I didn't want it to get too rough.
It was ok the way it played out. I guess I was expecting a bit more drama. But that's me. I can't believe the team building this episode had. I wish they would have done something like this sooner.
I know, they really weren't kidding when they said they were going to really go more into the characters this season, so far it's been amazing, and you know what...that scene with Teyla, makes me wonder
how that angle is going to play out in Common Ground, what they'll feel/show in regards to Sheppard's team knowing he's in the hands of Kolya?
Anyway, I've got to go to bed, it's 130am for me and I've been going to bed at 3 am too much! Coffee only takes you so far.