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John Sheppard Whump

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    Thanks for the great fics everyone...I really enjoyed them all!

    Congrats on 700 GateGeek!


      Congratulations Gate Geek!!!!!

      I have noticed that The New Atlantis site has been updated now. Not with new SGA pics but the SG-1 pics that were released last week. Okay not that it helps us but at least it means that there is someone there now and maybe when the SGA pics are released they will post them quickly!!!


        Morning all


          Originally posted by SLC
          Congratulations Gate Geek!!!!!

          I have noticed that The New Atlantis site has been updated now. Not with new SGA pics but the SG-1 pics that were released last week. Okay not that it helps us but at least it means that there is someone there now and maybe when the SGA pics are released they will post them quickly!!!
          Here's hoping! It's about time we got some more SGA pics! I'm getting pretty desperate now!


            Originally posted by Alipeeps
            Morning all
            Morning Ali! How's you?


              Originally posted by Linzi
              Morning Ali! How's you?
              Okayish thanks. Trying not to stress but it's not helping that the person I need to speak to still hasn't called me back yet - and I need to get this sorted really within the next 24 hours...


                Originally posted by Alipeeps
                Okayish thanks. Trying not to stress but it's not helping that the person I need to speak to still hasn't called me back yet - and I need to get this sorted really within the next 24 hours...
                That is so frustrating! Poor you. Chin up honey! I loved your ficcie, butI really need some!

                Anyway. Here's Chapter 2 of Failure.



                  Hi Guys!

                  CONGRADULATIONS ON 700 GATEGEEK!!

                  GG and JG: with the whump war!

                  And I must share- a momemt of sheer Lauriel stupidity. I looked at my photobucket account and thought 'That's not my name!' The word...? 'Username'.

                  You guessed it folks.. I hadn't signed in yet. *facepalm*

                  I even astounded myself with that one.
                  My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                    CONGRATULATIONS ON 700, GG!!!


                      Oh no, did you guys see the ratings for 'Irresistable'? They went down again one tenth of a point to 1.5

                      What are we gonna do?? I feel desperate! If I think about Atlantis being canceled, I have the lovesick kind of feeling.. You know? The feeling that something is missing...*not fair*

                      GateGeek: I LOVE you new sig!!!
                      *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*



                        I HATE the NHS!!

                        My Dr referred me to rheumatology a couple of months ago (I had previously been under the care of the rheumatology dept at the main local hospital but, due to their crap appt booking system, had not been seen for ages and so had been discharged back to my GP). Instead of just getting a damn appt you now get a stupid letter witha reference and a password to call a centralised booking system for an appt. I've lost the damn letter so I've had to call my GP to get the password (and it took them half an hour to find it - they had to call me back - because they haven't had any training on the new system!) and then I've had to call the stupid "choose and book" system and have been told I've been refered NOT to the main local hospital but to a bloody cottage hospital in the outskirts of the city!! Argh!! All I want is to go back and see the main rheumatology department - the ones who have my case notes and have been treating me for the past 5 years! - for a sodding review appt!

                        I used to get seen every 4 months - have my appt, make the next appt on the way out (which meant I could get it for a time convenient to me) and off I go. But no, no I have to go through all this fraking rigmarole and I'll now have to ask me GP to re-refer me to the correct damn hospital!




                          Congrats on 700 GG!! And LOL, I love your new sig!

                          Just read your fic, Linzi, it's great so far! I can't wait for the next chapter!!

                          But remember, Shep: If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off!


                            [QUOTE=blingaway]I'm here. I was capping my favorite frame from Defiant One.

                            [CENTER] Blood spatter hanging in the air! Too gruesome?

                            You know, someone has wayyyy too much time on their hands (thank goodness!). Keeping looking!


                              I'm sorry to hear that, Ali... RL is not so nice to us the last few weeks, is it? We've all had our fair share of problems, so it seems...

                              Let's do a group hug! *hug*
                              *Sig by the wonderful and talented Pegasus_SGA*


                                You poor thing, you're having a rough time of it lately from the sounds of it. Let us know if we can do anything to help?

                                Some whump for you:

                                PS: I really am having an attack of the sillies tonight. DON'T leave the 'w' off 'whump' guys- it changes the whole ballgame.
                                My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward

