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John Sheppard Whump

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    Ah, thanks.

    Sigh...wounded, determined Sheppy...sigh. OMG, that sigh in the Jumper just make me a puddle of goo every time!


      Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
      That is a very cool espresso maker!
      I want one!

      My posts are doing something weird! Sorry for any duplicates


        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
        I want one!

        My posts are doing something weird! Sorry for any duplicates
        Looks like I've converted you. The price isn't bad - maybe in six months when I need to replace my current one.


          Pocus, I just sent you a few questions for Coup D'etat. It was very nice to see Sheppy all groggy.


            Originally posted by Lorr View Post
            Pocus, I just sent you a few questions for Coup D'etat. It was very nice to see Sheppy all groggy.
            Got 'em. Will post soon. Gotta eat dinner first. Thanks for them.


              Vec, did you feel the earthquake? My brother in Palm Springs said he was in the garden and was almost knocked over! No damage there, though.


                Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                Vec, did you feel the earthquake? My brother in Palm Springs said he was in the garden and was almost knocked over! No damage there, though.
                Just posted on LJ - felt it, but no damage, thankfully.


                  Discussion Questions for Coup d'etat

                  Sabine sent in 1-6 Lorr had 7-13

                  1. Okay, let me just get the Negative Nellie stuff out of the way - Did anyone in Atlantis do anything smart for this entire episode? I mean, they were all played so hard by the Genii that the alternate title might have been It's Better To Be Lucky Than Good, and by the Way, We Are Nowhere Close to Good.

                  2. Ronon clearly thought Lindsey was a limp noodle. Is he expecting too much from a scientist?

                  3. Teyla's collection of tops - yay or nay?

                  4. Does John look good in the yellow glasses or in spite of the yellow glasses?

                  5. Ladon was going to let the Atlantis hostages die along with the Genii when the nuke went off. Why? Wouldn't it have been better to gain some points with Atlantis by returning Sheppard, Lorne and the others?

                  6. After seeing Cowan's revolting last meal, do you feel like it was actually a mercy to nuke him?

                  7 Shouldn’t the MALP or Rodney’s handheld sensor be able to tell if a live ZPM is nearby as soon as they come through the Gate?

                  8 Teyla and Ronon knew that the bodies weren't Lorne and his team. Why did he ask the bartender he and Teyla wanted to know why his friends were killed? Why not ask about where they were taken?

                  9 Cowen wanted Sheppard and McKay. Why not just snatch them when they went to the Genii home world? If Weir was going to cave and send the Jumpers she would do it for Sheppard, McKay, Lorne and his team. The sending of hostages seemed to be a waste of time and effort.

                  10 Didn’t Sheppard fall very prettily when he was gassed?

                  11 Is the timeline strange again? Beckett seemed be able to diagnose the hostages and work out a treatment regimen very, very quickly.

                  12 Did Cowan dismiss Ladon’s bond with his sister a little too easily?

                  13 Do you think Ladon would really have intent, or even admitted such intention, to leave Sheppard and the others to die? Wouldn’t he have realized keeping them alive gave him a better shot at having an alliance with Atlantis?

                  any mistakes are mine due to alcohol induced numb fingers sorry!
                  Last edited by Pocus; 04 April 2010, 04:50 PM.


                    I cannot claim alcohol induced typos. Q8 should have read - Teyla and Ronon knew that the bodies weren't Lorne and his team.

                    There is at least one other, but it doesn't change the meaning of the question. Sorry!


                      Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                      I cannot claim alcohol induced typos. Q8 should have read - Teyla and Ronon knew that the bodies weren't Lorne and his team.

                      There is at least one other, but it doesn't change the meaning of the question. Sorry!
                      Fixed. Thought that question was a bit off, but couldn't figure out why. I guess I need to unfuzzy the brain and watch the ep. Well, I will watch it tomorrow. Hubby has his first day back to work and I actually have off. It will be the first time I have the house to myself in 6 months. WooHoo!


                        Just got home from dinner at my mom's. I've got a lot to catch up on I see.

                        The earthquake was fun. Yes, fun - I know, I'm weird. From my mom's house it was a gentle swaying motion, so not all that tramatising. I hope everyone else in the area felt not worst.

                        Okay, off to go catch up....


                          Coup d' Etat Discussion Questions (and caps... and art... )


                          1. Okay, let me just get the Negative Nellie stuff out of the way - Did anyone in Atlantis do anything smart for this entire episode? I mean, they were all played so hard by the Genii that the alternate title might have been It's Better To Be Lucky Than Good, and by the Way, We Are Nowhere Close to Good.

                          Carson saving Ladon’s sister was smart (and compassionate) But really I don’t think that John would’ve gone in trying to take back the ZPM unless he was relatively certain they could handle it. I think the Genii played them all really well, but I don’t think the Lanteans acted overly dumb anywhere. The Genii to their credit, knew exactly how the Lanteans would react. I think they knew Sheppard would send reconnaissance to check out the planet Ladon went to. Did the Lanteans underestimate the Genii? Yes. A mistake I don’t think they made ever again. But I also think that they wanted to believe that Cowen had changed due to the culling of their homeworld, and they’ve always wanted an alliance with the Genii. Cowen fed them intelligence that seemed accurate to validate his claim. I think Cowen and especially Ladon planned carefully and VERY well.

                          2. Ronon clearly thought Lindsey was a limp noodle. Is he expecting too much from a scientist?

                          Well, he’s just being Ronon, but yes. I think at this point he’s still learning the ins and outs of the Lanteans, but they had to have had the non-military types on Sateda. I think he didn’t show much patience.

                          3. Teyla's collection of tops - yay or nay?

                          Yay. I liked the top she wore off world to inquire on the ambush.

                          4. Does John look good in the yellow glasses or in spite of the yellow glasses?

                          I liked the yellow glasses, they sort of made sense, but were out of place because all the sudden they were using them, and then they never used them again.

                          5. Ladon was going to let the Atlantis hostages die along with the Genii when the nuke went off. Why? Wouldn't it have been better to gain some points with Atlantis by returning Sheppard, Lorne and the others?

                          I wondered about that a little myself. He might have had some preconceived notions about the Atlantis people from his experience as a member of Kolya’s team. I think Carson saving Dahlia did a lot to change his mind, or at least to show him an olive branch which he wisely took.

                          6. After seeing Cowan's revolting last meal, do you feel like it was actually a mercy to nuke him?

                          LOL! At the very least as punishment for his table manners….

                          7 Shouldn’t the MALP or Rodney’s handheld sensor be able to tell if a live ZPM is nearby as soon as they come through the Gate?

                          Oooh, good point! I didn’t think of that at all. Do ZPMs go dormant? We know the Atlantis sensors can detect them, McKay was pretty sure that there weren’t any in Atlantis in Rising because they couldn’t detect any, but can MALPs? You’d think they’d have them calibrated to detect ZPMs when they send them through gates, and do hand helds? Hmmm….

                          8 Teyla and Ronon knew that the bodies weren't Lorne and his team. Why did he ask the bartender he and Teyla wanted to know why his friends were killed? Why not ask about where they were taken?

                          I think because if the guy was an informant or if any informant overheard the conversation, they didn’t want whoever had set up the ploy, to know that they were on to them and that they still thought their friends were dead. It’s possible that if whoever did this, knew they’d figured this much out, that it might have been even harder to get information on who took Lorne’s team and why. They needed the “ruse” on their end.

                          9 Cowen wanted Sheppard and McKay. Why not just snatch them when they went to the Genii home world? If Weir was going to cave and send the Jumpers she would do it for Sheppard, McKay, Lorne and his team. The sending of hostages seemed to be a waste of time and effort.

                          I wonder if at some level, Ladon had something to do with that. He needed Cowen and very few of his guards alone and vulnerable. Not to mention where he’d planted a nuclear bomb to kill all of them, and I’m not sure he’d want to do that on the Genii homeworld. He needed to be able to kill them cleanly for his coup to work. So, I think that part was all Ladon and he convinced Cowen, for some reason or another, to do it that way.

                          10 Didn’t Sheppard fall very prettily when he was gassed?

                          Oh my yes!!! See below for caps. hehe

                          11 Is the timeline strange again? Beckett seemed be able to diagnose the hostages and work out a treatment regimen very, very quickly.

                          Well, considering McKay said in Underground that we were about 60 years ahead of the Genii in nuclear technology, it also means so is our medical knowledge of radiation from it. I think, especially with Ancient technology at their hands as well, that they were able to diagnose the issue that fast. The surgery on Dahlia seemed pretty speedy though…

                          12 Did Cowan dismiss Ladon’s bond with his sister a little too easily?

                          No, because Ladon had as well. The people sent were believed to be terminally ill from radiation. I think Ladon and Dahlia had said their goodbyes. But when Ladon found out that his sister was alive and her condition was treatable, that one thing, at that moment, changed everything.

                          13 Do you think Ladon would really have intent, or even admitted such intention, to leave Sheppard and the others to die? Wouldn’t he have realized keeping them alive gave him a better shot at having an alliance with Atlantis?

                          I’m not sure he was interested in it because of what he might have had in the way of preconceived notions about the Lanteans planted in him by Cowen, Sora, Kolya and whoever. I think his interest in an alliance came only when his sister was saved, not only to get her back but because he might have seen who the Lanteans really were and a possibility for an alliance with them. Before that, I don’t believe it ever crossed his mind.

                          CdE Art? (some old, some newer...)

                          CdE Caps?

                          good grief... he can come perch on the edge of my desk *any* time....

                          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                            LOL, SGAFan! He can sit on my desk, chair, bed, erm, whatever, too! Thank you for the drabbles and picspam!

                            Syble, I'm with you about earthquakes. Except for the damage, pain and injury, I find them rather fun. For me, it's all about the power of nature. It just gets to me!

                            I need to go phone my younger brother. He and my parents have finally booked their flights to come over later in the year and I want to chat with him. See y'all tomorrow!


                              Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                              I always think of Shep's laugh and muppets. Love watching the Hewletts play off each other - wonder what went on bts.
                              Now that's the kind of extra's and out takes I'd love to see.

                              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                              OMG! There is someone showing an iPad on the shw I'm watching. McKay would be salivating. I know I am, and I'm not a Mac user! Just for information on the go it looks to be worth the money. I wonder if Joe has one on order?
                              LOL someone will have to ask that.
                              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                              Agonized Sheppy (Agony and whump galore! )

                              intentional repost - Okay, here's a question for all the whumpers. I always thought the tentacle went all the way through Shep, but others don't think so. What do you all think?

                              I think that covered all the requests? Now, I'm off to bed. falling asleep at the keyboard
                              Oh My God, you broke my brain! That was so much yum at one time, I'm still drying off my keyboard. Thank you!!

                              Originally posted by lanaganp View Post
                              Hair Whump, look if you dare.............

                              Eeek!! No, no, no, I need 'the hair'!


                                Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                                LOL, SGAFan! He can sit on my desk, chair, bed, erm, whatever, too! Thank you for the drabbles and picspam!
                                Hehehe..... oh yes all of that too

                                YW! Fun to share
                                Originally posted by syble View Post
                                intentional repost - Okay, here's a question for all the whumpers. I always thought the tentacle went all the way through Shep, but others don't think so. What do you all think?
                                I thought it just impaled him but did not go all the way through. Just IMHO, no proof.

                                Originally posted by syble View Post
                                Oh My God, you broke my brain! That was so much yum at one time, I'm still drying off my keyboard. Thank you!!
                                LOL YW
                                My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ

