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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    FG- I just saw the Captain Hawkeye location. Hilarious!
    Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


      Originally posted by Morgania View Post
      FG- I just saw the Captain Hawkeye location. Hilarious!
      Thanks! I didn't like my GoT character so I was dubbed Captain Hawkeye of Asgard. Wild!!!


        Originally posted by FanGirl View Post
        Thanks! I didn't like my GoT character so I was dubbed Captain Hawkeye of Asgard. Wild!!!
        You should keep that until your next promotion.
        Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


          Originally posted by FanGirl View Post
          30,000 to the next one after that.

          Eta : Ranks .
          0-24: Probie
          25-49: Airman
          50 -99: Staff Sergeant
          100-249: Chief Master Sergeant
          250-499: Second Lieutenant
          500-999: First Lieutenant
          1000-1999: Captain
          2000-2999: Major
          3000-4999: Lieutenant Colonel
          5000-7999: Colonel
          8000-9999: Brigadier General
          10000-14999: Major General
          15000-19999: Lieutenant General
          20000-49999: General
          50000+: Air Force Chief of Staff
          wow, so almost as high as it goes then.
          I'll be here a while I think. (at least a year)

          Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
          Much less messy or smelly than on the chest.

          That "old saying" had me grinning.

          Yep but it is about right.


            Time for the big reveal in the "learn to love your artwork" challenge! There were SO many comments, they are all in spoilers. And if I missed your comment, please forgive me. I was monitoring 8 threads and I did the best I could.

            I hope this shows everyone that even if no one actually says anything, we all do admire and appreciate all the hard work and effort that goes into artwork/writing. Remember that next time you want to say "ugh! my artwork/fan fic is terrible!"



            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Nice to see some OUAT ideas!
            Great atmosphere to the background, and the positioning of the moon gives a balance between the 2 versions of Ruby. Personally, I would have added some words, something extra to tie the two togeather, but that is merely a personal preference and not a real critique of the picture as it stands. 2 thumbs up!!
            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
            This sig is beautiful! I love that we see the moon peeking out between the trees as apposed to seeing the whole moon. And wolves are always awesome. Not sure who the woman is though, sorry.
            Originally posted by FanGirl View Post
            Oh, wow! That really is amazing! So powerful yet vulnerable. Red looks as if she's calling to the wolf.
            Originally posted by Falcon Horus
            "Seamless composition. Fine use of dark/light balance. Lovely theme."
            Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
            Nice, love the colours.
            Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
            Ok, I know I've already commented, but I can't get this out of my head.

            The wolf is telling me stories, so the art is speaking to me.
            I like it
            Originally posted by taris-eirien View Post
            I like how the images realistically blend together and really illustrate a story.
            Originally posted by Little Creek View Post
            I love wolves! The background is beautiful, with the moonlight shining through the trees, and gives the sig an almost spooky look.
            Originally posted by bailey1ak
            The quality is great, but what I love about it though is that the Wolf seems to be the focal point... even for Ruby/Red.
            Originally posted by Libero View Post
            I love the sig! Great atmosphere, very mysterious, like a good Grimm fairy-tale.
            Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
            Kind of scary with the misty background, howling wolf and full moon.
            The combination of all the different elements is very good.

            This is very well done, I like it!
            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
            It has a soulful/haunted look which is cool. I do notice some branches behind the moon but other than that good composition
            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
            Very atmospheric. I like the remote, otherworldly quality.
            Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
            I love how flawlessly all the pictures are intertwined. I can never make pictures fade/meld together well like that. I might want to pick this person's brain afterwards.



            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
            Entry no 2

            Very pretty. I like the contrast of texture between Shep and the pebbles on a beach. Bit of a metaphor perhaps?!
            Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
            I love that it looks like Shep's attention is turning toward the observer. I like the contrast of the white stones, the warm tones of Shep and the red brush strokes that were added.
            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
            That new set of artwork is very pretty, by the way! Love the use of white and red to contrast with John's penchant for wearing black.
            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
            I like it too. John looks so mad... It's actually kinda hot.
            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
            I like it, it has a deep feeling to it. Maybe like there is something beneath the pebbles and maybe Sheppy is hiding something
            Originally posted by Libero View Post
            Wow, beautiful set!
            It has my favorite Sheppard expressions in it: so very, very dangerous!
            Love the stony background too.
            Originally posted by FanGirl View Post
            The contrast of the muted tones of Shepp and the stones with the small splash of red is sort of understated drama.

            It's almost as if the bit of red is what tells him that he's being "watched" by the observer and he's not sure if he likes it.
            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
            Very nice. Particularly love the use of brushes. And the background pic (rocks), I think, goes well. And I love that the (Sheppard) pics are positioned away from the cirlce (brush?), leaving to stand on it's own. It works!
            Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
            Oooh, pretty. I like the 3 pictures being in a series, in the way he turns his head around.
            Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
            OMG! Shep is staring right at me in that last picture!
            I like the different contrasts and textures and colours used, they go very good together.
            The three expressions.... the look to kill....
            I Love It!
            Originally posted by Little Creek View Post

            I love the way the pics show how the character is moving! And the swirly grey brushes across the bottom of the pictures help blend the pics into the rest of the art.
            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            I am having issues with this pic, not because it is bad, cause it isn't, but because I am personally far more interested in the background rather than the foreground.
            When I see that circle and the "splash" in it, I am mentally more drawn to a more "transformative" aspects of the idea, and think more about stuff where John turns into a bug, or stuff from Vegas where it's not exactly "our John" and I sort of expect to see a "non-John, John"
            I know, I know, too much metaphysics, but that's just the way my brain works.
            Originally posted by Falcon Horus
            Perfect blend of light colors in the background, and dark in the front. Attention is immediately drawn to Sheppard. I also LOVE the image used for the background, it really sets the mood.


              post #2



              Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
              It reminds me of the new entrance to California Adventure at Disneyland.
              I like the way to picture is on a bit of an angle, makes it look old.
              The use of colour also makes it look old.

              Wish we had palm trees here..........
              Originally posted by Libero View Post
              This is cool!
              Looks like an old photograph you found in a box back in the cabinet.
              I like the coloring.
              Originally posted by Little Creek View Post

              Beautiful colouring and texture!
              Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post

              I forgot to comment on that Los Angeles sig so, here it is... Love the coloring and whatever the effect is is just wonderful. Plus, it's LA...a good thing/place in my book.
              Originally posted by FanGirl View Post
              The coloring is amazing. I haven't been able to do that yet. It looks a faded poster from the '50s.
              Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
              I love the colours!
              Love time travel, it's the only way to go!
              Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
              Love the coloring that was used. The whites and pinks kind of give it the old Spanish style look of the area. Love the old cars and things too. It would make a great travel poster.
              Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
              I love the Los Angeles 1954 photo. It looks like you could be going to the Oscars back in the day!
              Originally posted by Falcon Horus

              I assume a texture or filter was used to get the grainy result, which adds an extra layer of age to the image. This could have easily been the front of a postcard. I would have sent it.
              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post

              Gorgeous! I love classic LA.
              Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
              I love that LA Confidential era picture!
              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
              Very pretty sig. I like the colouring. It gives off a vintage vibe.

              fan fic
              Not surprisingly, Elizabeth Weir was still working when John Sheppard walked in.

              “Hey,” he greeted, leaning against the door frame.

              She looked up, a glimmer of a smile flashing across her face as she replied. “Hey yourself,” she said, immediately bowing her head again.

              “You had dinner yet?”

              “Do I ever?”

              John exhaled. “No, usually not. Which is probably the reason that Carson has resorted to sending me memos about your health.”

              Elizabeth sighed. “I know he’s only looking out for my best interests, but I’m fine. By the time I’m done going through mission reports and status reports, it’s all I can do to drag myself to quarters and pass out.”

              John nodded, almost ready to concede the point, until he noticed a silver tumbler on her desk. Steam was escaping, almost imperceptibly, through the spout.

              He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his black uniform pants. “Seeing as how that’s probably your fifth cup of coffee today, something tells me that you’re not gonna hit the sack any time soon.”

              Elizabeth shut her eyes, then closed her laptop and looked back at John. “What do you want, John?”

              “Honestly, I want you to keep your job. And by that, I mean you doing this and not me because you’re not taking any breaks.”

              Elizabeth leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. “I took a break this evening. Ask Chuck.”

              “Bathrooms breaks don’t count.”

              Elizabeth grunted.

              “I just want you to come out to the balcony for five minutes, and then you can work until your hands fall off.”

              She gave him a suspicious glare. “For what?”

              “No questions, just come with me for a few minutes. That's all I ask."

              Elizabeth frowned. "Five minutes."

              "Not a second more."

              She got up and followed him out, walking behind Chuck's station towards the sliding doors.

              When they got there, she was surprised that they weren't alone.

              Rodney McKay, Teyla, Carson, and even Ronon stood on the balcony. When they heard the doors open, they turned slightly to face them. Teyla smiled. "I'm glad that you were able to make it, Elizabeth."

              She smiled awkwardly. "Made it for what?"

              Behind her, John leaned his head inside. "Hit it, Chuck."

              A question formed in her mind as the door shut behind them but was silenced as the reflection of the city's lights on the water began to dim.

              John tapped his earpiece. "Looks good, Chuck. Sheppard out."

              "All right, what's going on?" Elizabeth finally asked, looking at every person standing next to her for an answer.

              McKay spoke up. "So earlier today, I was doing a calibration on the long range sensors and I noticed a large debris cloud that intersected with the planet's orbit. Probably left over from a destroyed asteroid or a comet or maybe even a small moon. You know, it's actually interesting--"

              "McKay," John hissed through grated teeth.

              McKay gave him his patented glare, then looked back at Elizabeth. "The debris cloud should be coming in contact with the atmosphere ... now."

              The sky suddenly flashed.

              Elizabeth stared at the sky, making her way to the railing. A fireball streamed across the sky, followed by three smaller ones that quickly burnt out. The sky seemed to fizzle as the dust made contact with the outer atmosphere, looking like a golden wave. Shooting stars flooded the night sky.

              She gasped. "This is amazing," she murmured, more to herself than anyone.

              John's voice suddenly whispered in her ear. "Worth leaving your office for more than five minutes?"

              "Yes," she immediately replied before narrowing her eyes. "You said five minutes, no longer."

              "Children, stop bickering and enjoy the bloody show," Carson whispered sharply, effectively shutting them up.

              For five seconds.

              "Yes, Dad."

              Elizabeth punched him in the arm.


              Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
              Wondered if I should spoiler my thoughts so I don't give away anything in the fic... and so I did.

              That was a fun ficlet! Made me remember how much I miss SGA and the Expedition members. I love the thought that Carson sends Shep memos of Weir's health. Also had to grin at him calling them children when they were bickering. Great job, I enjoyed it.
              Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
              Great little fic! I was, obviously, pleased to see Rodney make an appearance. The characters were so spot on I felt like I was watching an episode of the show!
              Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
              I like it...very nice little piece!
              Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
              Loved the dad remark too.
              Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
              A very nice John and Elizabeth story. I like the way the team was included as well.
              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
              That is a wonderful little scene - full of character definition
              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              Great ficlet, captures the feel of the characters quite well and is the sort of thing that the SGA crew would do to Weir to get her away from her desk for a bit. My only observation would be that I would have just used "Weir" and "Sheppard" or "John" and "Elizabeth" instead of their full names simply because I don't think they "see" each other as "John Sheppard" or "Elizabeth Weir", it just seems a tad too formal.
              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
              I like that fic too.
              Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
              Oh that's nice! I miss SGA too. Wish we'd seen more scenes like this onscreen. This would've been a great closing scene.
              Originally posted by Little Creek View Post
              This was sweet, and well written! I especially loved the last line.
              Originally posted by FanGirl View Post
              Hahaha! Love it. So cute!
              Originally posted by Libero View Post
              Love the little story!
              So very John and Elizabeth - oh, I remember the good old times ...
              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
              Fun fic. Everyone is characterised very well. I like Rodney's "patented glare". I can imagine that very well.

              Originally posted by zbir View Post
              Ref.the fan fic: It was lovely written, and it was so great because it was about the team. I loved the deep sensors explanation, and all of their banter!
              But the sparky in me kind of hoped he was going to propose her, under the meteor shower
              Great job, nevertheless
              (I will continue the scene inside my head )
              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
              Awww, that ficlet is so cute!


                post #3



                Originally posted by FanGirl View Post
                Very nice. Love the coloring and intense look on KB's face. Love the night scene in the BG.
                Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                Love it! Love it! Love it! Great show too!
                Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                The coloring is great and I like the city sceen behind her.
                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                It looks like she is there watching over the city. Very cool
                Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
                Nice use of colour and black and white.
                The background looks great in B&W and the person is good in colour.
                Nice font as well!
                Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                I like it...don't know the show, but that makes me want to find out about it.
                I love the lights in the back ground.
                Originally posted by mandogater View Post
                I love this!! But anything from my favorite show that's still on the air is welcome.
                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                I like it! It feels like Kate is keeping watch over the entire city and protecting it, both as a NYPD detective and as Castle's fiancee.
                Originally posted by Falcon Horus

                Though a little on the dark side of light and dark, the blending is nicely done. And I really like the placement of the name, and especially the font.
                Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                Lovely sig. She gives off a sense of mystery.
                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post

                Entry A
                Beautiful pic of Kate, but with her as the subject, not too hard......... GOWARROR
                Great background as well and nice overlay of the headshot as well. Very nicely crafted pic



                Originally posted by Falcon Horus


                Squee, I love horses. Nice placement of horses, and text. Good use of font, not too light to be unreadible which does tend to happen sometimes (even when not intended). And I have to admit that the text is very uplifting to me, as is the whole image. It brings comfort at just the right time... A really enjoyable combination of image and text -- they fit and inspire confidence and peace.
                Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                This one is beautiful!!! Love the pics chosen for it.
                Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                The image itself is wonderful, but what makes it all great is the wording. I love that the horses can symbolize the "wander" and the birds the "fly". Great coloring too... love it.
                Originally posted by RinkRat View Post
                I LOVE this entry!!!
                The sunset or is it a sunrise, eagles and horses, I love it all.
                I like the quote as well, just wish I could follow it.
                I would like to live where this is, in the country.
                The use of colour is very dramatic.
                Originally posted by Libero View Post
                Beautiful entry "B" - so lovely, and the quote so true.
                Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                I love this sig!
                The subject, the colour the quote, perfect!
                It sings to me of stories running wild!
                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                Entry B
                Definitely more my speed. Everything in the picture serves to tell the story of the quote. Wild dreams, wild horses. Starting somewhere, the animals are all on the left to begin a journey. Time and space, the image is at dusk indicating passage of time and the open plains show space. The horses are wandering, the eagles are flying, like the imagination. I adore the whole thing.


                  This was a great idea for a challenge, Copter! Love that there was so much response to each piece of art as well.


                    Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                    post #3
                    I forgot to comment on this one. I loved the quote and the horses. They're always a symbol of power. The birds symbolize freedom to me.


                      The horse one looks like it should be a book cover for an exciting near modern historical novel.
                      Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                        Originally posted by Morgania View Post
                        The horse one looks like it should be a book cover for an exciting near modern historical novel.
                        Oh, now that's an idea!! A good one!!


                          Morgania, how's the cold?


                            Originally posted by FanGirl View Post
                            Oh, now that's an idea!! A good one!!
                            Somebody should write a story (not me though). The cold is still here. And getting rained on didn't help. My sore throat went away... mostly.
                            Save a Man-of-War, ride a Commodore.


                              Thanks for all the wonderful things you guys said about my art!
                              My head has swelled and now I'm sure I won't be able to get out the door!.

                              For any who are interested to know, the background used was a photo I took of the pebbles on Pebble Beach CA, when I was there a year ago.


                                Sorry to hear that you are still suffering, Morgania!


