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Team Flyboy (thunking, shipping, discussion) - Lorne/Mitchell/Sheppard/O'Neill

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    Sounds like an enjoyable way to spend the day.

    I don't know what its like to have both my kids gone for the night, but it seems like it would be peaceful.

    Glad you are doing so well with your goal.



      It is very peaceful.

      And thanks. I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to finish the story in time due to issues with getting it off the ground. But the characters sort of yank the keyboard out of my hands every time I sit down to write.


        Originally posted by ladygris View Post
        My daughter's "little lg."

        Yeah my husband works tomorrow, and my daughter is gone for the afternoon. I looked at Mr. lg and said, "Might go to the coffee shop!" Here, I can order a glass of iced tea for a whole dollar and get free refills as long as I'm there. Give me a dollar, my laptop, and that coffee shop, and there goes an entire day!

        Re spending the night....
        Little lg actually spent the night last night with my parents. It's kind of a Thanksgiving tradition. She spends the night Wednesday night and gets up early to help Pawpaw (what she calls my dad) with stuff and then help Mawmaw (my mom) with cooking.

        Well, today, she was playing outside with my three-year-old niece and, without realizing it, set my niece on top of a board that held a recently finished puzzle that she and my father had put together. The board overturned, and the puzzle went to pieces. I found her outside (in the shop) crouched next to this board desperately trying to reassemble a 600 piece puzzle that would have taken ME days to figure out!

        I got a text asking if she could stay tomorrow night, too.
        I love the sound of that day in the coffee shop!
        Wow, did she get much of that puzzle done? Poor girl!she must have felt really bad!
        Last edited by Dellruby; 23 November 2012, 07:48 AM.


          Ok, got to go, movie time, and I'm getting pizza on the key board!
          Catch ya tomorrow!


            Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
            I love the sound of that day in the coffee shop!
            Wow, did she much of that puzzle done? Poor girl!she must have felt really bad!
            She got the top part done, but she still felt horrible. So did I!

            Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
            Ok, got to go, movie time, and I'm getting pizza on the key board!
            Catch ya tomorrow!
            Enjoy pizza and movie! *waves*


              Well, hubby and kids have decided that we should go for a drive and check out the chaos at the stores. We won't get out and shop. I'm pretty sure my youngest will probably fall asleep, but it will be fun to view the chaos.

              Check back in later. Have a great night ~lg and Dell.



                Have fun, Bay!

                I'm ignoring all stores until after noon tomorrow.


                  Still storming here. We could get up to 6 inches of snow.

                  Finally getting to bed.



                    Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                    How fun! Did anyone have to travel home, though? Here's a sweater for you, to keep you warm.

                    Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                    Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


                      Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                      Are you guys all done with the eating now, and snoozing the turkey off?
                      We ate late here. Hubby drove around 400 miles, round trip, to pick up his sister so that she could spend Thanksgiving with us. We were all very happy he did that, but we wound up eating the dinner closer to 6 p.m. than the usual 3 or 4 p.m. After dinner, dessert and coffee, we chatted for a bit before hubby loaded up SIL in the car with PT WW & drove them over to my in-law's house (they're visiting their younger daughter in Macau). That was another 50 or so miles round trip. Hubby went to bed shortly after getting home.

                      Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                      Hi Bailey. It's been good, sunny and warm. Quiet during the day, but have a line up of movies for ones! And pizza will be the birthday dinner. When I picked Ds up from school she told me about all the chocolate her friends had given her through the day, and she ate the lot, I don't know why that girl isn't the size of a house! I would be!
                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LITTLE DELL!!!!!

                      Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                      She says "hey I've got a nick name"

                      I love it when the kids go away for an over nighter, hard to get rid of both at the same time though!

                      Teen WW used to spend every Friday night at my in-law's house when he was a toddler. Now, if he goes anywhere, it's to a friend's house.

                      Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                      It does seem as if there is always one home.

                      With us, it's usually PT WW--his friends don't do the overnight thing as much as teen WW's friends do.

                      Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                      Well, hubby and kids have decided that we should go for a drive and check out the chaos at the stores. We won't get out and shop. I'm pretty sure my youngest will probably fall asleep, but it will be fun to view the chaos.

                      Check back in later. Have a great night ~lg and Dell.

                      That's as close as I get to stores on Black Friday; don't care what I'm out of, I limp through until Saturday. Today is Mr WW's b-day and we realized yesterday that in all the chaos of Thanksgiving prep, we hadn't gotten him cards or gifts (I did get his cake and ice cream, though). I found a gift that I had forgotten to give him last Christmas, plus am telling him to order the winch for his car that he wants. The teen went for a walk after dinner and found a grill that someone was throwing out, but it's in fine shape and we needed a new one, so that's his present. PT WW is going to decorate the house for Christmas this week-end with the teen--a chore that Mr WW hates and I usually wind up nagging him into, to the point where he sets his heel in and claims he won't decorate at all if I don't stop bugging him. We all made cards for him.
                      Sig by Bay, for my birthday. Find me on, AO3, or If you are over 18, I invite you to read my blogs. On Blogger: Other Worlds, Other Loves On Wordpress: Other Worlds, Other Loves.
                      Fennyman: "Who is that?" Henslowe: "Nobody. The author." (From Shakespeare in Love)


                        I don't go anywhere near stores on Black Friday either. Course I'm probably going to have to pick up Bran as he had to work at Walmart today, poor kid. I'm at work today. It's a lot quieter here than it would be at Mom's.


                          Wow that sounds like it was a long day for your Dh WW!
                          Little Dells Birthday continues over to today, we are off to "The Berry Farm" It's the first day of the season (closed over winter) Strawberry Sundays all round, and she will get presents from her Nana, Granddad and Cousin. Second cousin might even be there.
                          Poor Mum and Dad, their kids grow up, and move away and they get lumbered with 2 teens from the next generation!
                          Hmm, never heard of your Black Friday before, if it is anything like Boxing Day, I would stay well clear!


                            Sounds like your hubby had a long day there, WW. Bet your SiL was grateful though.

                            Sorry to hear you had to work today, Cam. I was just thinking about how quiet it would be at work today and that I could probably get a lot done. I should have considered trading it for a day next week. hmmmmm..... something to think about for next year.

                            I like the sound of Strawberry sundays Dell, they are my favorite kind of sunday.



                              I love that new sig Bailey, Ronon doesn't look to happy though!
                              Strawberry are the only ones my girls will eat


                                Thanks Dell.

                                I prefer chocolate for everything typically, except sundays.


