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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
    I have not. I left a message for you last night, didn't you get it? I'm working at five and my mum has me doing chores. bleh.

    Yeah. My throat is all swollen and dry, my voice is pretty much gone and I feel like I've been hit with an articulated lorry. My head is pretty jumbled too.

    I knew that meant the farmer... heh, I know more dutch than I though
    I saw your message in the thread, if that's what you mean. Don't worry about my fic, focus on getting better instead. *hugs* I'm real sorry that you feel bad. I hope it'll pass soon...

    Really? How'd you know?
    *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

    “Because you can.”



      Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
      Hi and WELCOME !
      Hey you're totally right How did you come in SGA ? I started SGA only because I watched SG1 and as I have nothing better to do I decided to give it a try to say how bad SGA was in comparison of SG1 and I became a total fan lol.
      Really glad you finally saw the JT was all over the place lol
      I only watched SGA because it was the closest thing I could get to SG1, especially after it finished, lol I use to say how bad it was, but would watch it anyway (Tried to watch Season 1- but I started watching it pretty regularly from season 2, by Season 3 I was hooked ) I regret saying bad things about it now. Hope you'll forgive me!

      I could never see any Weir/Shepperd ship happening, even though they tried to push it. It was definately John/Teyla all the way!!

      Oh- and thanks for the welcomes!!
      "Don't dis MacGyver, or before you know it he'll be at your door with some tinfoil, a whistle and a bag of marbles...and you'll be sorry then..."
      S/J all the way!
      Big Honkin' Resolution!
      John/Teyla Shipper!


        Great fic Sci!!! I'm looking forward to that ep!!!


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Thanks hun.

          I look forward to watching them.
          It's hard to listen to them with kids and their shows in the background.

          Thanks hun. Maybe during nap time I can do some more.

          Welcome to the JT Family Two L's!!!!!

          You don't need to sneak in. You can come in anytime.
          I hope they don't watch the same show over and over my little cousin liked Home on the Range in 2 days I saw it and listen to the same music all days, I tend to listen to a music sveral times without listening anything else but here I believed I've turned mad lol
          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
          I have not. I left a message for you last night, didn't you get it? I'm working at five and my mum has me doing chores. bleh.

          Yeah. My throat is all swollen and dry, my voice is pretty much gone and I feel like I've been hit with an articulated lorry. My head is pretty jumbled too.

          I knew that meant the farmer... heh, I know more dutch than I though

          The plague, it feels like, lol.
          sorry I know it's not fun because I have an headache since several times but the way you say it lol
          Sig by the Great Linda06


            Originally posted by Two_L's View Post
            I only watched SGA because it was the closest thing I could get to SG1, especially after it finished, lol I use to say how bad it was, but would watch it anyway (Tried to watch Season 1- but I started watching it pretty regularly from season 2, by Season 3 I was hooked ) I regret saying bad things about it now. Hope you'll forgive me!

            I could never see any Weir/Shepperd ship happening, even though they tried to push it. It was definately John/Teyla all the way!!

            Oh- and thanks for the welcomes!!
            Perhaps we will forgive you but only if you come to see us regularly lol I'm sure even in this thread there is people who thought even of SGA a bad show as I said, before it starts, I had no intention on watching it and yet I was hooked at the end of the first part of Rising lol
            Sig by the Great Linda06


              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
              From: Teyilia & Li Fai Bing
              To: Yappichick
              MEMO: HAPPY BIRTHDAY one day early as we are going ot be in a plane most of the morning and the after noon mostly driving! No internet access from Teyilia nor Li untill the 15/16th Sept for Teyilia and the 18th Oct for Li Fai Bing

              Hope you have a good day!
              Teyilia & Li
              Thank you!

              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
              Happy *early* Birthday Yappi!

              Made some icons for you... I hope you like some of them!
              Are you crazy? I love them all...the Rodney, the Carson, the Sateda! Thank you! SQUEE!!

              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              Happy Early Birthday Yappi:


              Happy Birthday Hope:


              The lights flickered one last time; like the final gasp of air before death as darkness engulfed them completely, freezing them in place.

              “Dammit!” Sheppard cursed loudly. He quickly reached into his weapons belt and located the small thin flashlight that all the team members carried there for such a situation.

              He quickly scanned the room with the small beam of light searching for the door, finding it hurriedly. He turned back towards the still immobile Teyla and shined the light directly onto her face.

              “Teyla?” he whispered.

              Her face had paled considerably and her eyes seemed glazed as if she were staring deep into her own thoughts and could see or hear nothing else.

              She did not reply.

              “Teyla!” he said louder, grabbing her forearm roughly to seize her attention.

              “I know why he is here,” she whispered, her lower lip trembling.

              “What?” Sheppard said in a loud hushed voice as his hand released her. “How do you know why Michael is – “

              “He comes to claim me….and my son,” she said, her voice a mangled cacophony of broken octaves.

              Sheppard’s jaw clamped shut, the muscles tightening around his face as he fought to control his emotions.

              “Nothing is going to happen to you Teyla, or your son. Not now, not ever again,” he paused, replacing his hands on her shaky arms and forcing her to meet his gaze. “Do you understand me?”

              Her tear filled eyes nearly broke his resolve to maintain confidence and he forced himself to continue staring into her face silently proving to her he was telling the absolute truth.

              Her gaze seemed farther away than his own eyes though but she soon nodded in agreement as the tears slid back somewhere beneath her panicked eyes. Sheppard nodded in return and rubbed his thumb once comfortingly across the smooth skin of her arm before instructing her to unholster her weapon while he did the same.

              The two of them crept quietly in the dark through the endless maze of hallways in Atlantis; the halls only they could know so well. Through the night, the moons lit up much of the structure and so they resorted to hiding stealthily behind every corner and lingering only in the darkest of shadows.

              The control room was eerily quiet though they still used caution to approach it from the north.

              Sheppard held his breath as he counted ten of Michael’s minions at different stations across the control room with Michael standing proudly in the center.

              He signaled Teyla to pull back and he began doing the same when he noticed she wasn’t moving. In fact, even her face seemed fixed in a strange position.

              “What?” he mouthed to her silently.

              She said nothing and started to rise from her crouch and it was then that Sheppard noticed the gun pressed against the back of her head and the leering warped face of another of Michael’s consorts.

              Sheppard grimaced and immediately placed his gun on the floor then raised his long lean arms high above his head. The assailant waved his gun for Sheppard to move towards the control room and he did so hesitantly, giving Teyla one last long look before it was all he could do to turn away.

              I failed her…..

              Michael’s face when they approached was nothing as Sheppard expected. No surprise, just elation as he looked upon them, his near human eyes lingering awfully long on Teyla.

              “Colonel Sheppard. Teyla. So glad you could join us. I suspect neither of you are surprised to see me, just as I am not surprised to have found you.”

              Sheppard decided to keep up his confidence level using a tired voice, appearing as this was no more than a casual inconvenience. “What do want Michael?”

              Michael seemed slightly amused. “Isn’t it obvious, Colonel?”

              Sheppard made an annoyed face as he answered, “Well I’m a little slow so why don’t you spell it out for me.”

              “I’m here for my family.”


              Michael’s simple matter-of-fact tone frightened Sheppard more than his actual words. The twisted delusions of a madman were one thing, but Sheppard felt there was something more to what Michael was saying; something more than just his urgent desire for kinship with Teyla and her son.

              Michael seemed to register the thought process as it ran askew across Sheppard’s face and he beamed proudly. “That’s right Colonel. My own flesh and blood family.”

              Sheppard’s heart caught and seized painfully as the truth he had pondered so many times over suddenly hit him with a force as strong as steel.

              Michael had injected his own D.N.A, his own blood, his own life into Teyla’s son while he still rested inside her. That was what was in the mysterious syringe that Teyla had accounted for when she was his prisoner. No way around it, Sheppard knew for certain at this moment that Torren John had, without a doubt, a part of Michael in him.

              Sheppard moved to rush towards Michael but the grimy arms of two minions grabbed him by either elbow and kept him in place.

              Teyla had been eerily silent and Sheppard knew she had come to the same conclusion as he did. The moment he looked at her with pure torment in his eyes, all the colored drained from her face and she fell limp; only just barely caught in a slumped heap by the minion guarding her right.

              Sheppard turned back towards Michael, the hateful sneer on his face completely morphing his defined features, making him appear monstrous.

              “Make no mistake, I will kill you for this Michael. And I’ll make it the most painful, agonizing death this galaxy has ever dreamt of and for you? I’ll do it with a smile on my face and a song in my heart, you sick freak.”

              Michael only smirked and Sheppard knew his own circumstance was the one that was truly grim. With Teyla out of commission and Atlantis under siege, he knew he had his work cut out for him. But nothing, nothing, would stop him this time from killing Michael; even if it meant losing his own life in the process.
              Thank you! And I love Hope's ficlet!!

              Originally posted by scifan View Post

              Heroes and Heroines: Chapter 1


              Dr. Jennifer Keller walks into the infirmary to check on Teyla, who was seriously injured after her last altercation with Michael. As she walks in Keller sees John sitting by Teyla’s bed and holding her hand in his. His head is on the edge of the bed and he is fast asleep.

              Keller has tried countless times to keep him in his own bed, because of the injuries he sustained with his own encounter with Michael, but to no avail.
              Keller carefully checks Teyla’s vitals. She smiles at John’s tenderness towards Teyla and after seeing him like this she doesn’t have the heart to make him go back to his bed. At least he was still in the infirmary where she can monitor them both.

              A few hours later, Teyla begins to stir. John feels her hand moving slightly under his and looks up sleepily. He sees Teyla move slightly then wince.

              “Doc!” John shouts and looks back down to Teyla.

              “Teyla? Teyla, can you hear me?” John asks as he squeezes her hand a little tighter.

              Teyla begins to open her eyes but the lights in the infirmary are too bright and closes them again. She flutters them until they get used to the light.

              When her eyes adjust she looks up and sees John standing over her.
              Keller joins John at Teyla's bedside. The doctor checks Teyla's vitals. Once she is satisfied that everything is ok she looks down at Teyla and sees that she is in a little bit of pain and discomfort.

              “Teyla?” Keller says and waits for a response.

              “What.........” Teyla tries to say but her throat is very dry and she starts to cough.

              John and Keller see how much that hurts her by the look on her face. Once she stops coughing, John grabs a glass of water from the bedside table and lifts Teyla's head up slightly with his free hand and gives her a drink which she accepts very gratefully. John slowly puts her head back down on the pillow and puts the glass back on the table.

              “What happened?” Teyla manages to say this time in almost a whisper.

              “Don't you remember?” asks a worried John.

              She frowns slightly. “Everything seems a bit unclear right now.”

              Teyla notices John’s slightly pale complexion, “John?”

              Her eyes quickly scans him, “You are injured as well?”

              John silently nods, “I will be fine. What is the last thing you remember?”

              Teyla’s eyes sadden and she sighs, “I…I recall that Michael somehow used the stolen jumper to get into Atlantis. He erected a force field as well.”

              John gives her a warm smile, “That’s right. He said that he had captured as well. What happened that allowed you to escape?”

              Teyla’s winces in pain and she pauses briefly, “He was overly confident of his accomplishments. So much so that he didn’t watch me constantly. When his shield started to fail, he became distracted and irate towards his men. I took advantage of it.”

              Keller notices that John is turning paler and that he is holding his side where she had to stitch a deep laceration. Teyla sees the color drain from his face as well and that he is trying to fight off his fatigue.

              “Ok, Colonel. I let you stay out of bed way too long,” Keller reprimands.

              She also sees that there is blood coming through his scrubs. She carefully helps him back to his bed.

              She releases a deep sigh, “And it looks like I’ll have to stitch you up again. Now, stay here and I’ll be right back.”

              Keller gives Teyla a look, as if to hint to her to keep an eye on him. Teyla nods to acknowledge that she understands.

              John turns to look at Teyla, fighting as hard as he can to keep his eyes open. He sees that Teyla is growing worried.

              He forces a smile, “Don’t worry, Teyla. You know me. I’ve been through much worse.”

              Teyla can’t help but smile.

              In a short while, Keller comes back with a nurse. The redo John’s stitches and redress his wound. She gives him some medicine for his pain and in no time he falls asleep.

              Teyla is tired too, but her mind keeps racing. She tries to think about what had happened when she was fighting Michael and what led up to it. She sighs in frustration and eventually falls back to sleep.

              Thanks to TF for betaing. I finally thought of a title, sorry TF.
              Love it, Lea! Can't wait for the next part!
              Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                And TF, check your mail!
                Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                  Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                  Another birthday, another pic fic...

                  The Secret's Out

                  Happy birthday Hope!!! I hope you have a wonderful, great day!
                  You are crazy Caldwell huh... compared to John that guy just doesn't got hair *lol*

                  Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                  Happy Birthday Hope!!


                  I hope you like it! I wrote a ficlet too, but I'll post that one later. *hugs* Have a great birthday sweetheart!!
                  Great work

                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Thanks hun and I feel the same way. Even JF refers John ans more of an Indiana Jones kinda character.

                  Thanks for the fic rec.

                  Exactly and that would be awesome!!!!

                  I dying laughing. I so loved it. I thought you were going in a totally different direction.

                  Awesome job TF!!!!

                  Awesome quotes Padme!!! Thank you.

                  Instead of doing a fic for each person this month, I'm planning on only doing one for all of Sept's Bdays. I hope you don't mind.

                  I'll try to post some of it today or tomorrow. Any one willing to beta it as I go along? It just doesn't seem right to have Jess beta her own gift.

                  Happy Birthday Hope



                  Awesome as always

                  Awesome work as always... *sigh* just can't stop looking at the S&R one..gosh do I love that scene and the look on their faces.. their feelings for one another .. *happy sigh*

                  Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                  Great work

                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  Happy Early Birthday Yappi:


                  Happy Birthday Hope:


                  The lights flickered one last time; like the final gasp of air before death as darkness engulfed them completely, freezing them in place.

                  “Dammit!” Sheppard cursed loudly. He quickly reached into his weapons belt and located the small thin flashlight that all the team members carried there for such a situation.

                  He quickly scanned the room with the small beam of light searching for the door, finding it hurriedly. He turned back towards the still immobile Teyla and shined the light directly onto her face.

                  “Teyla?” he whispered.

                  Her face had paled considerably and her eyes seemed glazed as if she were staring deep into her own thoughts and could see or hear nothing else.

                  She did not reply.

                  “Teyla!” he said louder, grabbing her forearm roughly to seize her attention.

                  “I know why he is here,” she whispered, her lower lip trembling.

                  “What?” Sheppard said in a loud hushed voice as his hand released her. “How do you know why Michael is – “

                  “He comes to claim me….and my son,” she said, her voice a mangled cacophony of broken octaves.

                  Sheppard’s jaw clamped shut, the muscles tightening around his face as he fought to control his emotions.

                  “Nothing is going to happen to you Teyla, or your son. Not now, not ever again,” he paused, replacing his hands on her shaky arms and forcing her to meet his gaze. “Do you understand me?”

                  Her tear filled eyes nearly broke his resolve to maintain confidence and he forced himself to continue staring into her face silently proving to her he was telling the absolute truth.

                  Her gaze seemed farther away than his own eyes though but she soon nodded in agreement as the tears slid back somewhere beneath her panicked eyes. Sheppard nodded in return and rubbed his thumb once comfortingly across the smooth skin of her arm before instructing her to unholster her weapon while he did the same.

                  The two of them crept quietly in the dark through the endless maze of hallways in Atlantis; the halls only they could know so well. Through the night, the moons lit up much of the structure and so they resorted to hiding stealthily behind every corner and lingering only in the darkest of shadows.

                  The control room was eerily quiet though they still used caution to approach it from the north.

                  Sheppard held his breath as he counted ten of Michael’s minions at different stations across the control room with Michael standing proudly in the center.

                  He signaled Teyla to pull back and he began doing the same when he noticed she wasn’t moving. In fact, even her face seemed fixed in a strange position.

                  “What?” he mouthed to her silently.

                  She said nothing and started to rise from her crouch and it was then that Sheppard noticed the gun pressed against the back of her head and the leering warped face of another of Michael’s consorts.

                  Sheppard grimaced and immediately placed his gun on the floor then raised his long lean arms high above his head. The assailant waved his gun for Sheppard to move towards the control room and he did so hesitantly, giving Teyla one last long look before it was all he could do to turn away.

                  I failed her…..

                  Michael’s face when they approached was nothing as Sheppard expected. No surprise, just elation as he looked upon them, his near human eyes lingering awfully long on Teyla.

                  “Colonel Sheppard. Teyla. So glad you could join us. I suspect neither of you are surprised to see me, just as I am not surprised to have found you.”

                  Sheppard decided to keep up his confidence level using a tired voice, appearing as this was no more than a casual inconvenience. “What do want Michael?”

                  Michael seemed slightly amused. “Isn’t it obvious, Colonel?”

                  Sheppard made an annoyed face as he answered, “Well I’m a little slow so why don’t you spell it out for me.”

                  “I’m here for my family.”


                  Michael’s simple matter-of-fact tone frightened Sheppard more than his actual words. The twisted delusions of a madman were one thing, but Sheppard felt there was something more to what Michael was saying; something more than just his urgent desire for kinship with Teyla and her son.

                  Michael seemed to register the thought process as it ran askew across Sheppard’s face and he beamed proudly. “That’s right Colonel. My own flesh and blood family.”

                  Sheppard’s heart caught and seized painfully as the truth he had pondered so many times over suddenly hit him with a force as strong as steel.

                  Michael had injected his own D.N.A, his own blood, his own life into Teyla’s son while he still rested inside her. That was what was in the mysterious syringe that Teyla had accounted for when she was his prisoner. No way around it, Sheppard knew for certain at this moment that Torren John had, without a doubt, a part of Michael in him.

                  Sheppard moved to rush towards Michael but the grimy arms of two minions grabbed him by either elbow and kept him in place.

                  Teyla had been eerily silent and Sheppard knew she had come to the same conclusion as he did. The moment he looked at her with pure torment in his eyes, all the colored drained from her face and she fell limp; only just barely caught in a slumped heap by the minion guarding her right.

                  Sheppard turned back towards Michael, the hateful sneer on his face completely morphing his defined features, making him appear monstrous.

                  “Make no mistake, I will kill you for this Michael. And I’ll make it the most painful, agonizing death this galaxy has ever dreamt of and for you? I’ll do it with a smile on my face and a song in my heart, you sick freak.”

                  Michael only smirked and Sheppard knew his own circumstance was the one that was truly grim. With Teyla out of commission and Atlantis under siege, he knew he had his work cut out for him. But nothing, nothing, would stop him this time from killing Michael; even if it meant losing his own life in the process.
                  Awesome work on both artwork and the fic
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    NP MrsB and thanks hun.

                    Thanks Asgard for link to Enemy at the Gate.
                    I'll try to watch the vids later. I miss Sheppynette and Sariana.

                    Oh no. I hope you feel better soon.

                    September Birthday fic.
                    Hope you guys like it.

                    Heroes and Heroines: Chapter 1


                    Dr. Jennifer Keller walks into the infirmary to check on Teyla, who was seriously injured after her last altercation with Michael. As she walks in Keller sees John sitting by Teyla’s bed and holding her hand in his. His head is on the edge of the bed and he is fast asleep.

                    Keller has tried countless times to keep him in his own bed, because of the injuries he sustained with his own encounter with Michael, but to no avail.
                    Keller carefully checks Teyla’s vitals. She smiles at John’s tenderness towards Teyla and after seeing him like this she doesn’t have the heart to make him go back to his bed. At least he was still in the infirmary where she can monitor them both.

                    A few hours later, Teyla begins to stir. John feels her hand moving slightly under his and looks up sleepily. He sees Teyla move slightly then wince.

                    “Doc!” John shouts and looks back down to Teyla.

                    “Teyla? Teyla, can you hear me?” John asks as he squeezes her hand a little tighter.

                    Teyla begins to open her eyes but the lights in the infirmary are too bright and closes them again. She flutters them until they get used to the light.

                    When her eyes adjust she looks up and sees John standing over her.
                    Keller joins John at Teyla's bedside. The doctor checks Teyla's vitals. Once she is satisfied that everything is ok she looks down at Teyla and sees that she is in a little bit of pain and discomfort.

                    “Teyla?” Keller says and waits for a response.

                    “What.........” Teyla tries to say but her throat is very dry and she starts to cough.

                    John and Keller see how much that hurts her by the look on her face. Once she stops coughing, John grabs a glass of water from the bedside table and lifts Teyla's head up slightly with his free hand and gives her a drink which she accepts very gratefully. John slowly puts her head back down on the pillow and puts the glass back on the table.

                    “What happened?” Teyla manages to say this time in almost a whisper.

                    “Don't you remember?” asks a worried John.

                    She frowns slightly. “Everything seems a bit unclear right now.”

                    Teyla notices John’s slightly pale complexion, “John?”

                    Her eyes quickly scans him, “You are injured as well?”

                    John silently nods, “I will be fine. What is the last thing you remember?”

                    Teyla’s eyes sadden and she sighs, “I…I recall that Michael somehow used the stolen jumper to get into Atlantis. He erected a force field as well.”

                    John gives her a warm smile, “That’s right. He said that he had captured as well. What happened that allowed you to escape?”

                    Teyla’s winces in pain and she pauses briefly, “He was overly confident of his accomplishments. So much so that he didn’t watch me constantly. When his shield started to fail, he became distracted and irate towards his men. I took advantage of it.”

                    Keller notices that John is turning paler and that he is holding his side where she had to stitch a deep laceration. Teyla sees the color drain from his face as well and that he is trying to fight off his fatigue.

                    “Ok, Colonel. I let you stay out of bed way too long,” Keller reprimands.

                    She also sees that there is blood coming through his scrubs. She carefully helps him back to his bed.

                    She releases a deep sigh, “And it looks like I’ll have to stitch you up again. Now, stay here and I’ll be right back.”

                    Keller gives Teyla a look, as if to hint to her to keep an eye on him. Teyla nods to acknowledge that she understands.

                    John turns to look at Teyla, fighting as hard as he can to keep his eyes open. He sees that Teyla is growing worried.

                    He forces a smile, “Don’t worry, Teyla. You know me. I’ve been through much worse.”

                    Teyla can’t help but smile.

                    In a short while, Keller comes back with a nurse. The redo John’s stitches and redress his wound. She gives him some medicine for his pain and in no time he falls asleep.

                    Teyla is tired too, but her mind keeps racing. She tries to think about what had happened when she was fighting Michael and what led up to it. She sighs in frustration and eventually falls back to sleep.

                    Thanks to TF for betaing. I finally thought of a title, sorry TF.
                    another set of great work..

                    John is hopeless.. *lol* though it's typical John...thinking about Teyla and her pain before his own... the same thing we keep seeing over and over on the show as well.. just thinking back to 38 Minutes...he is the one in pain, having a bug attached to his neck yet he asks Teyla if she is okay when they end up getting stuck in the gate...

                    Originally posted by Two_L's View Post
                    *Sneaks into the thread*

                    Hi all- just wanted to proclaim that I am also a John/Teyla shipper!!

                    It took me a while to get into Stargate Atlantis (I was/am a crazy SG1 fan), but I've been watching Season 4 now and I really, really like it! I noticed the John/Teyla chemistry a while back and was an instant shipper

                    Better late than never that I've admitted it, right?
                    Welcome to our JT family... stop by anytime and join in with our conversations..
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                      I saw your message in the thread, if that's what you mean. Don't worry about my fic, focus on getting better instead. *hugs* I'm real sorry that you feel bad. I hope it'll pass soon...

                      Really? How'd you know?
                      We did the Boer war in history.
                      Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                      sorry I know it's not fun because I have an headache since several times but the way you say it lol
                      Lol. One must laugh in the face of such pain.
                      don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                      facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                        Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                        Are you crazy? I love them all...the Rodney, the Carson, the Sateda! Thank you! SQUEE!!
                        Really?? Yay! You're welcome! I wasn't sure what you'd like... so I just looked through your fav eps.

                        Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                        And TF, check your mail!
                        Just did. Thanks a ton!!!!

                        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                        Great work
                        Thank you.

                        Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                        We did the Boer war in history.
                        *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                        “Because you can.”



                          Originally posted by Two_L's View Post
                          I only watched SGA because it was the closest thing I could get to SG1, especially after it finished, lol I use to say how bad it was, but would watch it anyway (Tried to watch Season 1- but I started watching it pretty regularly from season 2, by Season 3 I was hooked ) I regret saying bad things about it now. Hope you'll forgive me!
                          I could never see any Weir/Shepperd ship happening, even though they tried to push it. It was definately John/Teyla all the way!!

                          Oh- and thanks for the welcomes!!
                          I was the same way. Season 3 was what did it for me too.

                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          Great fic Sci!!! I'm looking forward to that ep!!!
                          Thanks hun.
                          Me too. I'm sure the angst will be way up there.

                          Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                          I hope they don't watch the same show over and over my little cousin liked Home on the Range in 2 days I saw it and listen to the same music all days, I tend to listen to a music sveral times without listening anything else but here I believed I've turned mad lol

                          sorry I know it's not fun because I have an headache since several times but the way you say it lol
                          LOL. The boys use to do that with any new movie, but not so much now. *phew* Thanks goodness. There was only so much Toy Story, Cars, etc. I could handle.

                          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                          Thank you!

                          Are you crazy? I love them all...the Rodney, the Carson, the Sateda! Thank you! SQUEE!!

                          Thank you! And I love Hope's ficlet!!

                          Love it, Lea! Can't wait for the next part!
                          Thanks hun. I'm hoping to do it soon.

                          Are you going to be on at all tomorrow??

                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                          You are crazy Caldwell huh... compared to John that guy just doesn't got hair *lol*

                          Great work

                          Awesome as always

                          Awesome work as always... *sigh* just can't stop looking at the S&R one..gosh do I love that scene and the look on their faces.. their feelings for one another .. *happy sigh*

                          Great work

                          Awesome work on both artwork and the fic
                          Thanks Nina!!

                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                          another set of great work..

                          John is hopeless.. *lol* though it's typical John...thinking about Teyla and her pain before his own... the same thing we keep seeing over and over on the show as well.. just thinking back to 38 Minutes...he is the one in pain, having a bug attached to his neck yet he asks Teyla if she is okay when they end up getting stuck in the gate...

                          Welcome to our JT family... stop by anytime and join in with our conversations..
                          Hee hee. Thanks.
                          Awww. I love Classic JT

                          Here's a new JT welcome banner.


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Cute!! I like it.
                            *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                            “Because you can.”



                              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                              You are crazy Caldwell huh... compared to John that guy just doesn't got hair *lol*

                              Great work

                              Awesome as always

                              Awesome work as always... *sigh* just can't stop looking at the S&R one..gosh do I love that scene and the look on their faces.. their feelings for one another .. *happy sigh*

                              Great work

                              Awesome work on both artwork and the fic
                              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                              We did the Boer war in history.

                              Lol. One must laugh in the face of such pain.
                              Apparently there were french too with the nederlands who formed the Boers lol I didn't even know it, it's certainly a page of history that we prefer to forgot lol

                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              I was the same way. Season 3 was what did it for me too.

                              Thanks hun.
                              Me too. I'm sure the angst will be way up there.

                              LOL. The boys use to do that with any new movie, but not so much now. *phew* Thanks goodness. There was only so much Toy Story, Cars, etc. I could handle.

                              Thanks hun. I'm hoping to do it soon.

                              Are you going to be on at all tomorrow??

                              Thanks Nina!!

                              Hee hee. Thanks.
                              Awww. I love Classic JT

                              Here's a new JT welcome banner.

                              I feel sorr yfortunately they didn't do it anymore lol
                              This banner is awesome besides I like the effects
                              Sig by the Great Linda06


                                Mornin' Y'all!

                                Go ahead! You know you want to look and peek anyway! Don't fight it!
                                Man oh man! I think Ronon needs to stun with his gun a few times just knock some sense into me! Especially, not to stay away for 2 days without any computer at all! I miss to much in here and y'all can seriously post and type up a storm! Sheesh!

                                I've been reading everyone's thoughts and feedback on Whispers. Which, btw, I'm still doing since there are so many good detailed ones.

                                It was ok. It was not one of my fave eps. I miss the team. They should've had the team with Carson on the mission or whatever. The thing that gets me is that even Beckett, who is not the real Beckett, is even sparkin' some possible action with the lady Mckay: Dr. Alison Porter. And, they can't even let JT's arms touch or even remotely get any action. But, alas, it was kinda boring for me.

                                I did enjoy that they found one of Mikey's lab that was before Carson's experimentation on him and even he couldn't control the subjects.

                                Now, I noticed that on JM's blog that MrsB asked a question about unhappiness or something and JM answered yes. So, I imagine that they are entirely going to make JT out as something that wasn't suppose to be or they honestly think that we the fans are going to spark a mass abundance of tears at demise of Kanaan. NOT!

                                What would be pure torture and hell is if they let him live and then have Teyla and him be married! I will so stop watching the show. Seriously. As much as I love the show, that will kill me. Maybe in the Queen it will be alot better.

                                I did like the Carson and Sheppard in the ep. It was really a very welcoming change to all the John/Rodney stuff. Oh, and nice that Keller wasn't in it at all. I had my fill in the Shrine.

                                I liked the fact the Sheppard didn't even flirt with any of the women on the team. That was nice. Vega bit the dust. I guess after Travellers they 'learned' their lesson. We all know that's not true. Boys will by boys. They don't want to seriously write anything remotely with any type 'feeling' except for Mckay.

                                Oh and did any of think of our RR fic during The Shrine? I so did! Especially,
                                'A Slug Among Us', Ronon shooting the parasite!! That was so ours especially, when he did and Sheppy said you could've stepped on it! But, only it him and Carson and he was be called 'Big Mon'!! I so love how we did ours way better than BW, BABY!!

                                Check it out for yourselves! You know you will love it!

                                A Slug Amoung Us

                                They should've let us write the ep! We would've rocked the house!

                                I really want to see the Queen! I want to see who Teyla, wraith queen, is telling who she wants destroyed! It would be kinda nice if John was the one that could get her pull out of it. That would be something wouldn't it? Especially, since, you have the father of her child who can't in the first place. But, of course, there is nothing between JT. Who knows, we will have to wait and see. I'm not really expecting that though. That is being realistic, but, if we even get a hint, I taking what I can get, Baby!

                                But, more than the Queen, I want to see Prodigal!

                                For Gator! This will help you feel better, I hope!

                                Don't forget you've got to have plenty of liquids!

                                HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAPPI AND HOPE!



                                Here you go! I'll leave this to your imaginations!


                                Congrats, it's a boy with a really big gun! That was one hellva of a bite, baby!

                                Enjoy! Forgive my crappy spoiler usage!!
                                sig by Sci!

                                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..

