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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
    LOL, yeah - Ziva's funny.


    OT~ Where's Nicole de Boer from anyway? It's funny that her last name is Dutch.
    lol I don't know I ask myself in which country people use the 'de' in name as in France lol

    Finally I've found french song thias author made a lot in french but they are totally depressing lol but I love the song (problem it's a traingle (?) song so it's a love triangle she has another one really great but it's only on download lol
    Last edited by asgard30; 08 September 2008, 05:16 AM.
    Sig by the Great Linda06


      Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
      *chuckles* Thanks!
      Any time love.
      don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

      facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


        I'm ill
        don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

        facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


          Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
          lol I don't know I ask myself in which country people use the 'de' in name as in France lol
          In the Netherlands, they speak some French and have some French words don't they? It's the same with Belgium.

          de Boer is definitely Dutch Frank and Ronal de Boer... nothing to do with the fact they were Rangers players

          Also the Boer war.
          don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

          facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


            OT - Feel better gator


              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
              Any time love.
              Hey, just wondering... You have time to peek at my fic yet?

              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
              I'm ill
              You're sick??

              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
              In the Netherlands, they speak some French and have some French words don't they? It's the same with Belgium.

              de Boer is definitely Dutch Frank and Ronald de Boer... nothing to do with the fact they were Rangers players

              Also the Boer war.
              Not really... A couple of words, that's it. Belgium is way different.

              Yeah, it means 'the farmer'
              *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

              “Because you can.”



                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                I'm ill
                Oh no. What do you have ?
                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                In the Netherlands, they speak some French and have some French words don't they? It's the same with Belgium.

                de Boer is definitely Dutch Frank and Ronal de Boer... nothing to do with the fact they were Rangers players

                Also the Boer war.
                Yeah I knew for Belgium not so much about Dutch but you're probably right we have common history after all we aren't far lol
                Sig by the Great Linda06


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  Thanks guys!!! And I saw your art before I left for work - outstanding, all of you!!!

                  NP MrsB and thanks hun.

                  Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                  Thanks a lot and yeah it would be cool but just take your time and have fun I don't put a knife under your throat (?) lol

                  Thank you so much and yeah I'm starving too it's really long now

                  It's really too great sas for the story it's awesome is there a next aprt ? It's totally angsty it's beautiful

                  I don't remember if it was posted before sorry or if anyone care but SQUEE spoiler for Enemy at the Gate

                  I find too a beautiful fanvid on The Ark
                  It's from Tessa a french writer and vid creator and I really like what she did
                  Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                  Thank you so much
                  Here another link to a vid that I find well done but Sheppynette is really talented too Sorry if I spam you with vid in fact I'm searching ones with french songs (I have a lot in mind) and I can't find one lol
                  Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                  Absolutely and I try to translate french expression directly in english but I think a lot of time it didn't work I make me think of Ziva
                  Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                  lol I don't know I ask myself in which country people use the 'de' in name as in France lol

                  Finally I've found french song thias author made a lot in french but they are totally depressing lol but I love the song (problem it's a traingle (?) song so it's a love triangle she has another one really great but it's only on download lol
                  Thanks Asgard for link to Enemy at the Gate.
                  I'll try to watch the vids later. I miss Sheppynette and Sariana.

                  Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                  I'm ill
                  Oh no. I hope you feel better soon.

                  September Birthday fic.
                  Hope you guys like it.

                  Heroes and Heroines: Chapter 1


                  Dr. Jennifer Keller walks into the infirmary to check on Teyla, who was seriously injured after her last altercation with Michael. As she walks in Keller sees John sitting by Teyla’s bed and holding her hand in his. His head is on the edge of the bed and he is fast asleep.

                  Keller has tried countless times to keep him in his own bed, because of the injuries he sustained with his own encounter with Michael, but to no avail.
                  Keller carefully checks Teyla’s vitals. She smiles at John’s tenderness towards Teyla and after seeing him like this she doesn’t have the heart to make him go back to his bed. At least he was still in the infirmary where she can monitor them both.

                  A few hours later, Teyla begins to stir. John feels her hand moving slightly under his and looks up sleepily. He sees Teyla move slightly then wince.

                  “Doc!” John shouts and looks back down to Teyla.

                  “Teyla? Teyla, can you hear me?” John asks as he squeezes her hand a little tighter.

                  Teyla begins to open her eyes but the lights in the infirmary are too bright and closes them again. She flutters them until they get used to the light.

                  When her eyes adjust she looks up and sees John standing over her.
                  Keller joins John at Teyla's bedside. The doctor checks Teyla's vitals. Once she is satisfied that everything is ok she looks down at Teyla and sees that she is in a little bit of pain and discomfort.

                  “Teyla?” Keller says and waits for a response.

                  “What.........” Teyla tries to say but her throat is very dry and she starts to cough.

                  John and Keller see how much that hurts her by the look on her face. Once she stops coughing, John grabs a glass of water from the bedside table and lifts Teyla's head up slightly with his free hand and gives her a drink which she accepts very gratefully. John slowly puts her head back down on the pillow and puts the glass back on the table.

                  “What happened?” Teyla manages to say this time in almost a whisper.

                  “Don't you remember?” asks a worried John.

                  She frowns slightly. “Everything seems a bit unclear right now.”

                  Teyla notices John’s slightly pale complexion, “John?”

                  Her eyes quickly scans him, “You are injured as well?”

                  John silently nods, “I will be fine. What is the last thing you remember?”

                  Teyla’s eyes sadden and she sighs, “I…I recall that Michael somehow used the stolen jumper to get into Atlantis. He erected a force field as well.”

                  John gives her a warm smile, “That’s right. He said that he had captured as well. What happened that allowed you to escape?”

                  Teyla’s winces in pain and she pauses briefly, “He was overly confident of his accomplishments. So much so that he didn’t watch me constantly. When his shield started to fail, he became distracted and irate towards his men. I took advantage of it.”

                  Keller notices that John is turning paler and that he is holding his side where she had to stitch a deep laceration. Teyla sees the color drain from his face as well and that he is trying to fight off his fatigue.

                  “Ok, Colonel. I let you stay out of bed way too long,” Keller reprimands.

                  She also sees that there is blood coming through his scrubs. She carefully helps him back to his bed.

                  She releases a deep sigh, “And it looks like I’ll have to stitch you up again. Now, stay here and I’ll be right back.”

                  Keller gives Teyla a look, as if to hint to her to keep an eye on him. Teyla nods to acknowledge that she understands.

                  John turns to look at Teyla, fighting as hard as he can to keep his eyes open. He sees that Teyla is growing worried.

                  He forces a smile, “Don’t worry, Teyla. You know me. I’ve been through much worse.”

                  Teyla can’t help but smile.

                  In a short while, Keller comes back with a nurse. The redo John’s stitches and redress his wound. She gives him some medicine for his pain and in no time he falls asleep.

                  Teyla is tired too, but her mind keeps racing. She tries to think about what had happened when she was fighting Michael and what led up to it. She sighs in frustration and eventually falls back to sleep.

                  Thanks to TF for betaing. I finally thought of a title, sorry TF.


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    September Birthday fic.
                    Hope you guys like it.

                    Heroes and Heroines: Chapter 1


                    Dr. Jennifer Keller walks into the infirmary to check on Teyla, who was seriously injured after her last altercation with Michael. As she walks in Keller sees John sitting by Teyla’s bed and holding her hand in his. His head is on the edge of the bed and he is fast asleep.

                    Keller has tried countless times to keep him in his own bed, because of the injuries he sustained with his own encounter with Michael, but to no avail.
                    Keller carefully checks Teyla’s vitals. She smiles at John’s tenderness towards Teyla and after seeing him like this she doesn’t have the heart to make him go back to his bed. At least he was still in the infirmary where she can monitor them both.

                    A few hours later, Teyla begins to stir. John feels her hand moving slightly under his and looks up sleepily. He sees Teyla move slightly then wince.

                    “Doc!” John shouts and looks back down to Teyla.

                    “Teyla? Teyla, can you hear me?” John asks as he squeezes her hand a little tighter.

                    Teyla begins to open her eyes but the lights in the infirmary are too bright and closes them again. She flutters them until they get used to the light.

                    When her eyes adjust she looks up and sees John standing over her.
                    Keller joins John at Teyla's bedside. The doctor checks Teyla's vitals. Once she is satisfied that everything is ok she looks down at Teyla and sees that she is in a little bit of pain and discomfort.

                    “Teyla?” Keller says and waits for a response.

                    “What.........” Teyla tries to say but her throat is very dry and she starts to cough.

                    John and Keller see how much that hurts her by the look on her face. Once she stops coughing, John grabs a glass of water from the bedside table and lifts Teyla's head up slightly with his free hand and gives her a drink which she accepts very gratefully. John slowly puts her head back down on the pillow and puts the glass back on the table.

                    “What happened?” Teyla manages to say this time in almost a whisper.

                    “Don't you remember?” asks a worried John.

                    She frowns slightly. “Everything seems a bit unclear right now.”

                    Teyla notices John’s slightly pale complexion, “John?”

                    Her eyes quickly scans him, “You are injured as well?”

                    John silently nods, “I will be fine. What is the last thing you remember?”

                    Teyla’s eyes sadden and she sighs, “I…I recall that Michael somehow used the stolen jumper to get into Atlantis. He erected a force field as well.”

                    John gives her a warm smile, “That’s right. He said that he had captured as well. What happened that allowed you to escape?”

                    Teyla’s winces in pain and she pauses briefly, “He was overly confident of his accomplishments. So much so that he didn’t watch me constantly. When his shield started to fail, he became distracted and irate towards his men. I took advantage of it.”

                    Keller notices that John is turning paler and that he is holding his side where she had to stitch a deep laceration. Teyla sees the color drain from his face as well and that he is trying to fight off his fatigue.

                    “Ok, Colonel. I let you stay out of bed way too long,” Keller reprimands.

                    She also sees that there is blood coming through his scrubs. She carefully helps him back to his bed.

                    She releases a deep sigh, “And it looks like I’ll have to stitch you up again. Now, stay here and I’ll be right back.”

                    Keller gives Teyla a look, as if to hint to her to keep an eye on him. Teyla nods to acknowledge that she understands.

                    John turns to look at Teyla, fighting as hard as he can to keep his eyes open. He sees that Teyla is growing worried.

                    He forces a smile, “Don’t worry, Teyla. You know me. I’ve been through much worse.”

                    Teyla can’t help but smile.

                    In a short while, Keller comes back with a nurse. The redo John’s stitches and redress his wound. She gives him some medicine for his pain and in no time he falls asleep.

                    Teyla is tired too, but her mind keeps racing. She tries to think about what had happened when she was fighting Michael and what led up to it. She sighs in frustration and eventually falls back to sleep.

                    Thanks to TF for betaing. I finally thought of a title, sorry TF.
                    Great job Lea. Love the title!
                    *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                    “Because you can.”



                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      NP MrsB and thanks hun.

                      Thanks Asgard for link to Enemy at the Gate.
                      I'll try to watch the vids later. I miss Sheppynette and Sariana.

                      Oh no. I hope you feel better soon.

                      September Birthday fic.
                      Hope you guys like it.

                      Heroes and Heroines: Chapter 1


                      Dr. Jennifer Keller walks into the infirmary to check on Teyla, who was seriously injured after her last altercation with Michael. As she walks in Keller sees John sitting by Teyla’s bed and holding her hand in his. His head is on the edge of the bed and he is fast asleep.

                      Keller has tried countless times to keep him in his own bed, because of the injuries he sustained with his own encounter with Michael, but to no avail.
                      Keller carefully checks Teyla’s vitals. She smiles at John’s tenderness towards Teyla and after seeing him like this she doesn’t have the heart to make him go back to his bed. At least he was still in the infirmary where she can monitor them both.

                      A few hours later, Teyla begins to stir. John feels her hand moving slightly under his and looks up sleepily. He sees Teyla move slightly then wince.

                      “Doc!” John shouts and looks back down to Teyla.

                      “Teyla? Teyla, can you hear me?” John asks as he squeezes her hand a little tighter.

                      Teyla begins to open her eyes but the lights in the infirmary are too bright and closes them again. She flutters them until they get used to the light.

                      When her eyes adjust she looks up and sees John standing over her.
                      Keller joins John at Teyla's bedside. The doctor checks Teyla's vitals. Once she is satisfied that everything is ok she looks down at Teyla and sees that she is in a little bit of pain and discomfort.

                      “Teyla?” Keller says and waits for a response.

                      “What.........” Teyla tries to say but her throat is very dry and she starts to cough.

                      John and Keller see how much that hurts her by the look on her face. Once she stops coughing, John grabs a glass of water from the bedside table and lifts Teyla's head up slightly with his free hand and gives her a drink which she accepts very gratefully. John slowly puts her head back down on the pillow and puts the glass back on the table.

                      “What happened?” Teyla manages to say this time in almost a whisper.

                      “Don't you remember?” asks a worried John.

                      She frowns slightly. “Everything seems a bit unclear right now.”

                      Teyla notices John’s slightly pale complexion, “John?”

                      Her eyes quickly scans him, “You are injured as well?”

                      John silently nods, “I will be fine. What is the last thing you remember?”

                      Teyla’s eyes sadden and she sighs, “I…I recall that Michael somehow used the stolen jumper to get into Atlantis. He erected a force field as well.”

                      John gives her a warm smile, “That’s right. He said that he had captured as well. What happened that allowed you to escape?”

                      Teyla’s winces in pain and she pauses briefly, “He was overly confident of his accomplishments. So much so that he didn’t watch me constantly. When his shield started to fail, he became distracted and irate towards his men. I took advantage of it.”

                      Keller notices that John is turning paler and that he is holding his side where she had to stitch a deep laceration. Teyla sees the color drain from his face as well and that he is trying to fight off his fatigue.

                      “Ok, Colonel. I let you stay out of bed way too long,” Keller reprimands.

                      She also sees that there is blood coming through his scrubs. She carefully helps him back to his bed.

                      She releases a deep sigh, “And it looks like I’ll have to stitch you up again. Now, stay here and I’ll be right back.”

                      Keller gives Teyla a look, as if to hint to her to keep an eye on him. Teyla nods to acknowledge that she understands.

                      John turns to look at Teyla, fighting as hard as he can to keep his eyes open. He sees that Teyla is growing worried.

                      He forces a smile, “Don’t worry, Teyla. You know me. I’ve been through much worse.”

                      Teyla can’t help but smile.

                      In a short while, Keller comes back with a nurse. The redo John’s stitches and redress his wound. She gives him some medicine for his pain and in no time he falls asleep.

                      Teyla is tired too, but her mind keeps racing. She tries to think about what had happened when she was fighting Michael and what led up to it. She sighs in frustration and eventually falls back to sleep.

                      Thanks to TF for betaing. I finally thought of a title, sorry TF.
                      Thanks I don't know I'm in a music and moreover french music mood so I miss Sheyla vid particularly with the amount of Sheyla that we had lol
                      I wasn't sure but I thought that Sheppynette too was here

                      Great story I can't wait for the next part.
                      You write so well the interaction between the characters I can totally picture this in my head besides it's so sweet
                      Sig by the Great Linda06


                        *Sneaks into the thread*

                        Hi all- just wanted to proclaim that I am also a John/Teyla shipper!!

                        It took me a while to get into Stargate Atlantis (I was/am a crazy SG1 fan), but I've been watching Season 4 now and I really, really like it! I noticed the John/Teyla chemistry a while back and was an instant shipper

                        Better late than never that I've admitted it, right?
                        "Don't dis MacGyver, or before you know it he'll be at your door with some tinfoil, a whistle and a bag of marbles...and you'll be sorry then..."
                        S/J all the way!
                        Big Honkin' Resolution!
                        John/Teyla Shipper!
                        SAVE STARGATE ATLANTIS!!!!


                          Originally posted by Two_L's View Post
                          *Sneaks into the thread*

                          Hi all- just wanted to proclaim that I am also a John/Teyla shipper!!

                          It took me a while to get into Stargate Atlantis (I was/am a crazy SG1 fan), but I've been watching Season 4 now and I really, really like it! I noticed the John/Teyla chemistry a while back and was an instant shipper

                          Better late than never that I've admitted it, right?
                          Hi and WELCOME !
                          Hey you're totally right How did you come in SGA ? I started SGA only because I watched SG1 and as I have nothing better to do I decided to give it a try to say how bad SGA was in comparison of SG1 and I became a total fan lol.
                          Really glad you finally saw the JT was all over the place lol
                          Sig by the Great Linda06


                            Originally posted by Two_L's View Post
                            *Sneaks into the thread*

                            Hi all- just wanted to proclaim that I am also a John/Teyla shipper!!

                            It took me a while to get into Stargate Atlantis (I was/am a crazy SG1 fan), but I've been watching Season 4 now and I really, really like it! I noticed the John/Teyla chemistry a while back and was an instant shipper

                            Better late than never that I've admitted it, right?
                            Welcome to the thread Two L's!
                            *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                            “Because you can.”



                              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                              Great job Lea. Love the title!
                              Thanks hun.

                              Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                              Thanks I don't know I'm in a music and moreover french music mood so I miss Sheyla vid particularly with the amount of Sheyla that we had lol
                              I wasn't sure but I thought that Sheppynette too was here

                              Great story I can't wait for the next part.
                              You write so well the interaction between the characters I can totally picture this in my head besides it's so sweet
                              I look forward to watching them.
                              It's hard to listen to them with kids and their shows in the background.

                              Thanks hun. Maybe during nap time I can do some more.

                              Originally posted by Two_L's View Post
                              *Sneaks into the thread*

                              Hi all- just wanted to proclaim that I am also a John/Teyla shipper!!

                              It took me a while to get into Stargate Atlantis (I was/am a crazy SG1 fan), but I've been watching Season 4 now and I really, really like it! I noticed the John/Teyla chemistry a while back and was an instant shipper

                              Better late than never that I've admitted it, right?
                              Welcome to the JT Family Two L's!!!!!

                              You don't need to sneak in. You can come in anytime.


                                Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                                Hey, just wondering... You have time to peek at my fic yet?

                                You're sick??

                                Not really... A couple of words, that's it. Belgium is way different.

                                Yeah, it means 'the farmer'
                                I have not. I left a message for you last night, didn't you get it? I'm working at five and my mum has me doing chores. bleh.

                                Yeah. My throat is all swollen and dry, my voice is pretty much gone and I feel like I've been hit with an articulated lorry. My head is pretty jumbled too.

                                I knew that meant the farmer... heh, I know more dutch than I though
                                Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                                Oh no. What do you have ?

                                Yeah I knew for Belgium not so much about Dutch but you're probably right we have common history after all we aren't far lol

                                The plague, it feels like, lol.
                                don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                                facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal

