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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    Night and i will

    WP....How come everytime you come on i go off these days well catch you later!
    Sorry . . . It's these danged time zones, I say!

    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    Sci - That Iron Man sig is bomb....
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      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      Sci - That Iron Man sig is bomb....
      Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
      Sorry . . . It's these danged time zones, I say!

      Thanks MrsB and WP.
      I did an Iron Man and Spidey sig for Teal'c's Bday. I posted them this morning.
      I really enjoyed the Iron Man movie.


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Thanks MrsB and WP.
        I did an Iron Man and Spidey sig for Teal'c's Bday. I posted them this morning.
        I really enjoyed the Iron Man movie.
        Babe has been begging asking me to go. He watches the trailers online with a puppy dog face, but things have been so hectic here we haven't had the time.
        Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
          Babe has been begging asking me to go. He watches the trailers online with a puppy dog face, but things have been so hectic here we haven't had the time.
          Get a babysitter and go. It's worth seeing especially on big screen. RDJ was awesome in it and Marvel's best yet. Don't tell him I told you, he might pout more.
          It's one of those movies though that should be see on a big screen.


            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            Oh good. I'm starting to feel better that I'm not crazy.

            Thanks Linda and I think you were right about Outsiders. Hmmm. I don't know.

            Poor Rodney and Teyla.

            Our Time: Chapter 18(It's kinda long)

            Ever since Betham was a little child she was a shadow to Teera. She loved learning about all the different herbs and remedies that would help relieve people’s different ailments. John and Teyla even took the time to teach her CPR and she picked it up fairly quickly. She was one that was never interested in learning combat maneuvers. So, when John heard Dex explain what he saw in his vision and what Betham’s gift would be, he knew this was her calling.
            Betham had just come of age to begin her mediation lessons with her mother and since it’s rare that anyone would get severely injured or ill, there was no way for Betham to know that she had this gift. John was going to tell her about Dex’s premonition and then tell Tomis when he was done, but he heard Dex yelling for them from outside.
            Betham and John run quickly out the door, Teyla and Cadney are not to far behind. As soon as John sees Dex’s face he follows his look toward Tomis, who is lying still on the ground. Immediately, he drops to the floor and kneels next to his friend and checks for a pulse. When he doesn’t find one, he yells to Betham to help him.
            “Betham, you do the compressions while I do the resuscitation,” he says urgently. She nods and without hesitation she goes right to it.
            John’s heart is racing and even though he knew that it would happen, eventually, he still isn’t prepared to see a close friend fall ill. Now, he has to see if Betham can heal him, but at the same time he is worried. He remembers the strain it put on him when he healed Teyla and how long it took him to recover. He cringes at the thought of Betham going through that.
            He can see the fear in her eyes, “Just relax Betham. You know how to do this.”
            “I know dad, but I never had to do it for real,” her voice cracks in response.
            “You’re doing great,” he encourages her.
            He knows he has to get her relaxed, but nothing is coming to his mind. Teyla starts to persuade her to take deep breathes and if she gets too tired, she will take over. John struggles to tell her of Dex’s vision. What if he didn’t see it correctly? She’d be devastated if she knew she had the gift of healing, but failed.
            Just as she begins to relax and brushes away her fears, they begin to see a glow come from her hands. They awing stares volleyed back and forth from her to John. Except for the younger ones, most of them remembered what John did for Teyla.
            Tomis begins to breath and immediately John and Betham stop doing CPR. Slowly Tomis’s eyes start to open and Teera and his children embrace him with relief. John looks over to his daughter to see if she is showing any signs of being drained, but instead he see her glowing with pride because of what she was able to do. If she was feeling any weakness, he couldn’t see it.
            John helps Tomis up and gives hug, “Good to have you back buddy.”
            Tomis is too overwhelmed to say any thing and just nods with a grateful smile.
            John walks up to Teyla, who is close to tears, “You ok?”
            She nods yes, “I am so proud of her and also relieved that Tomis is all right.”
            John smiles, “Dex knew this was going to happen. He just told me, but I didn’t get a chance to talk to Betham and Tomis.”
            Teyla looks at him with amazement, “It is truly wonderful that are children possess these gifts.”
            John smiles briefly, “Now we have to see what Cadney might get. Being the practical jokester that he is, I hope it’s nothing like telekinesis.”
            Teyla smirks at John, “If he does, then you will have to refrain yourself from encouraging him to using it to entertain yourselves.”
            John gives her a mischievous look, “It hurts me that you know me so well.”
            They both chuckle lightly before they go to their children and gather for a group hug.

            “Mother, when will I get my super powers?” Cadney innocently asks after they get home from Tomis and Teera’s house.
            Teyla looks at John with a raised eyebrow and he sucks in his lips to prevent himself from laughing. Betham and Dex start giggling in the corner of the room.
            “Super powers?” she questions with a loving look and tries to ignore the snickering from behind her.
            Cadney smiles, “Yes, like the stories that dad would tell and how Uncle Rodney and him would talk about the different ones. Since Betham and Dex have them, they were asking me when I would.”
            John tries to compose himself after Teyla give him a stern look. He clears his throat, “Cadney, those are just stories from comic books. They were never really people. What your sister and brother have are...”
            “Gifts,” Teyla interrupts.
            “Yes, gifts,” John continues. “And I’m sorry to say this, but we won’t know if you will get anything for a couple of years. Even then, you might not get any. I don’t have any.”
            Cadney sighs, “Why won’t you know until then?”
            Teyla puts a loving hand on his arm, “Your father and I believe that the mediation may be what has helped your brother and sister.”
            Cadney looks at John for confirmation and John nods yes.
            “Look buddy,” John squats in front of him. “If you don’t that ok and if you do, then great, but either way we will love you. Oh, and if you do, it won’t be something to play around with.”
            John gives him a serious look and Cadney shows he understands. He turns to go to his room with a disappointed look on his face.
            “I think calling them super powers it better then calling them gifts,” Cadney grumbles as he heads to bed.
            Teyla backhands John on his upper arm.
            “Ow!” John tries not to yell too loudly. “What was that for?”
            Teyla simply gives him a look.
            “You mean what just happened? How was suppose to know that me telling him about comic book heroes would give him that idea?” John tries to sound innocent and hurtful at the same time.
            She crosses her arms and gives him a little smirk. He walks by her with a small smile and kisses her on the cheek before heading to their bedroom.
            “I think super powers sounds cooler too,” he says mischievously.
            Teyla sighs with a grin and shakes her head.

            Cadney was not a patient boy and secretly started to meditate while visiting his friends. They helped encourage him. So, in no time he found out that he had the ability to move things with his thought. He finally had his super powers.
            Dex knew that Cadney had been doing this for a while, but didn’t tell his parents. Instead, he talks to Cadney himself.
            Dex brings him to a quiet place, “I know what you’ve been doing and I know that you got your gift, but you need to tell mom and dad.”
            Cadney looks a little scared, “How did you? Oh, right. I almost forgot. You didn’t tell them? They are going to be mad.”
            Dex puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder, “They will be upset that you did it behind their backs, but they know how you are and they will understand.”
            He gives Cadney a disciplinary look. “They’re going to find eventually, you know that. Especially with all the practical jokes you’ve been doing with it. Like taking food when mother isn’t looking.”
            Cadney lowers his head, “Ok, I’ll go tell them.”
            Just like Dex told Cadney, they were upset at first, but they also knew how impatient he was and how much he loved to clown around. Teyla made sure to tell him that he shouldn’t do wrongful thing with his gift and that he will continue his meditation under her supervision.
            Most of the time Cadney used is gift to benefit others and be helpful. John told him that it was what super heroes would do, but there were time Cadney would stray to have fun and occasionally John was the one behind his playfulness.

            The years fly by. The children all find themselves spouses and have children of them own. Dex is expecting his first grandchild in a few months. John and Teyla have trouble getting around, but they try not to let the grandchildren know that.
            “It’s hard to imagine that it’s almost been forty years that we have been here,” John says with a hint of nostalgia.
            Teyla snuggles up against him, “I know. I can not believe all that has happen and I would not have it any other way.”
            Dex walks up quickly to John and looks worried, “Father, can I speak to you for a moment.”
            John and Teyla look at each other with concern, “Sure Dex. I’ll be right there.”
            John gives Teyla a kiss on her forehead and meets up with Dex, “You’ve had a vision about something bad, didn’t ya?”
            Dex nods yes, “I saw the portal dad. You and mother even go through it, but…”
            “But you don’t want us to go,” John interjects. “I understand that. We were debating whether or not…”
            “No!” Dex interrupts. “You have to go. That’s the problem.” He pauses and struggles to get the words out. “If you don’t, mom will die.”
            Great update...
            Gosh so many years has already gone by...hrmm are they going back to Atlantis,,and if not Teyla will die...okay now it's official ,,I hate cliffhangers
            Sigs by Scifan


              Title: The Other Side
              Summary: He does not understand. But he accepts.
              Characters: Teyla, John [Rodney & Ronon]
              Pairing: John/Teyla
              Rating: K

              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                JM BLOG UPDATE

                McWraith writes: “Is Chuck still around?”

                Answer: Yep.

                Shawna writes: “Black belt gate tech, eh? I would love to see that come into play at some point.”

                Answer: Oh, it will.

                Belcouchi writes: “1. What happened to the Camulus Zpm? Did you guys ever creating a cool atlantis story arc revolving around it?
                2. Will there be new wraith ships or ship designs in season 5?
                3. Will we get to find a little more about the Wraith - Ancients war that occured 10000 years ago?”

                Answers: 1. We have no plans to do a Camulus story in Atlantis. 2. Several new ship designs upcoming. 3. Perhaps.

                AscendedTauri writes: “Is Amelia Banks the lady we saw have some screen time in “Quarantine” talking with Radek, Sheppard, and Carter?”

                Answer: Yep.

                MrsB108 writes: “In Season Five, will any of the crew be manipulated or involuntarily used as a tool for evil?”

                Answer: Depends on what you mean by “evil”. Broken Ties would be an episode I’d suggest checking out.

                LB writes: “Is there a chance that you will be writing another poem any time soon?”

                Answer: Nope.

                Jenn writes: “In S4 we got to see some lovely vulnerable and emotional moments for Shep (i.e. Adrift/Lifeline, Outcast), will we get to see some vulnerable Shep moments in S5 as well?”

                Answer: Yes.

                For Gator:
                Gater101 writes: “I’m coming to Vancouver in June for six weeks… wondered if you could tell me A) what the weather SHOULD be like and B) anywhere I must visit?”

                Answers: A) It should be nice. B) You’re asking the wrong guy. I’m a homebody. But I hear Stanley Park is very nice.

                "This is your chance to take home a piece of Stargate Atlantis history! And by take home I mean buy. And by Stargate Atlantis I mean Jason Momoa. And by history I mean the couch set he’s selling. “Hey, Mallozzi!”he called as I was making my way across the lot. “Get a couple of shots of this for your blog!” I was, of course, more than happy to oblige. And by happy I mean not at all inclined to having the six foot four bruiser annoyed with me. And by oblige I mean snap pics of him in various manner of recline and, in one memorable instant, doing his best Tom Cruise imitation.

                Speaking of Jason, the dreaded one gives what is by far his best performance of the series in season five’s Broken Ties. It’s an episode he is extremely proud of, and justifiably so. We watched the Day One mix the other day and were very, very impressed - not only with Jason’s tour-de-force, but with Joel Goldsmith’s terrific score.

                Another praiseworthy performance comes compliments of Rachel Luttrell in The Queen. A really nice range of emotions for Teyla in an episode chock full o’ crosses, double-crosses, and an atypically ruthless turn for the new mom. Throw in Todd, an intriguing proposal, and that creepy new-look wraith and you’ve got one of the best episodes of the front half.

                Along with Tracker, of course. We screened Will’s director’s cut this morning and, boy, this one is a lot of fun. McKay and Ronon team up, Keller kicks ass, and guest star Mike Dopud squares off with Jason in a particularly memorable throw-down.

                Well, after receiving some thoughts from the other writers, I’m off and running on Remnants. I hit the 12-page mark today and hope to make some progress this weekend - at least until I hit the top of the third act where one of those blasted TBD place-holder beats awaits. Nevertheless, I hope to have a first draft done before we head off for hiatus (in two weeks) which would allow me to spend my July researching alternate SF sources and focusing on other pursuits. And by researching alternate SF sources I mean read more books."

                and more pics of Jason Momoa on the blog.....


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  JM BLOG UPDATE

                  McWraith writes: “Is Chuck still around?”

                  Answer: Yep.

                  Shawna writes: “Black belt gate tech, eh? I would love to see that come into play at some point.”

                  Answer: Oh, it will.

                  Belcouchi writes: “1. What happened to the Camulus Zpm? Did you guys ever creating a cool atlantis story arc revolving around it?
                  2. Will there be new wraith ships or ship designs in season 5?
                  3. Will we get to find a little more about the Wraith - Ancients war that occured 10000 years ago?”

                  Answers: 1. We have no plans to do a Camulus story in Atlantis. 2. Several new ship designs upcoming. 3. Perhaps.

                  AscendedTauri writes: “Is Amelia Banks the lady we saw have some screen time in “Quarantine” talking with Radek, Sheppard, and Carter?”

                  Answer: Yep.

                  MrsB108 writes: “In Season Five, will any of the crew be manipulated or involuntarily used as a tool for evil?”

                  Answer: Depends on what you mean by “evil”. Broken Ties would be an episode I’d suggest checking out.

                  LB writes: “Is there a chance that you will be writing another poem any time soon?”

                  Answer: Nope.

                  Jenn writes: “In S4 we got to see some lovely vulnerable and emotional moments for Shep (i.e. Adrift/Lifeline, Outcast), will we get to see some vulnerable Shep moments in S5 as well?”

                  Answer: Yes.

                  For Gator:
                  Gater101 writes: “I’m coming to Vancouver in June for six weeks… wondered if you could tell me A) what the weather SHOULD be like and B) anywhere I must visit?”

                  Answers: A) It should be nice. B) You’re asking the wrong guy. I’m a homebody. But I hear Stanley Park is very nice.

                  "This is your chance to take home a piece of Stargate Atlantis history! And by take home I mean buy. And by Stargate Atlantis I mean Jason Momoa. And by history I mean the couch set he’s selling. “Hey, Mallozzi!”he called as I was making my way across the lot. “Get a couple of shots of this for your blog!” I was, of course, more than happy to oblige. And by happy I mean not at all inclined to having the six foot four bruiser annoyed with me. And by oblige I mean snap pics of him in various manner of recline and, in one memorable instant, doing his best Tom Cruise imitation.

                  Speaking of Jason, the dreaded one gives what is by far his best performance of the series in season five’s Broken Ties. It’s an episode he is extremely proud of, and justifiably so. We watched the Day One mix the other day and were very, very impressed - not only with Jason’s tour-de-force, but with Joel Goldsmith’s terrific score.

                  Another praiseworthy performance comes compliments of Rachel Luttrell in The Queen. A really nice range of emotions for Teyla in an episode chock full o’ crosses, double-crosses, and an atypically ruthless turn for the new mom. Throw in Todd, an intriguing proposal, and that creepy new-look wraith and you’ve got one of the best episodes of the front half.

                  Along with Tracker, of course. We screened Will’s director’s cut this morning and, boy, this one is a lot of fun. McKay and Ronon team up, Keller kicks ass, and guest star Mike Dopud squares off with Jason in a particularly memorable throw-down.

                  Well, after receiving some thoughts from the other writers, I’m off and running on Remnants. I hit the 12-page mark today and hope to make some progress this weekend - at least until I hit the top of the third act where one of those blasted TBD place-holder beats awaits. Nevertheless, I hope to have a first draft done before we head off for hiatus (in two weeks) which would allow me to spend my July researching alternate SF sources and focusing on other pursuits. And by researching alternate SF sources I mean read more books."

                  and more pics of Jason Momoa on the blog.....
                  Wicked! I just forgot to mention it's June next year I was going. Ha. I'm doing all my research just now.

                  Notice how he didn't mention the Studios!
                  don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                  facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    Great update...
                    Gosh so many years has already gone by...hrmm are they going back to Atlantis,,and if not Teyla will die...okay now it's official ,,I hate cliffhangers
                    Thanks Nina.
                    I know it seems rushed a little. I thought that if I did all the years it would take forever. I'm working on the last chpt. now.

                    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                    Title: The Other Side
                    Summary: He does not understand. But he accepts.
                    Characters: Teyla, John [Rodney & Ronon]
                    Pairing: John/Teyla
                    Rating: K

                    I will read shortly Laura.

                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    JM BLOG UPDATE

                    McWraith writes: “Is Chuck still around?”

                    Answer: Yep.

                    Shawna writes: “Black belt gate tech, eh? I would love to see that come into play at some point.”

                    Answer: Oh, it will.

                    Belcouchi writes: “1. What happened to the Camulus Zpm? Did you guys ever creating a cool atlantis story arc revolving around it?
                    2. Will there be new wraith ships or ship designs in season 5?
                    3. Will we get to find a little more about the Wraith - Ancients war that occured 10000 years ago?”

                    Answers: 1. We have no plans to do a Camulus story in Atlantis. 2. Several new ship designs upcoming. 3. Perhaps.

                    AscendedTauri writes: “Is Amelia Banks the lady we saw have some screen time in “Quarantine” talking with Radek, Sheppard, and Carter?”

                    Answer: Yep.

                    MrsB108 writes: “In Season Five, will any of the crew be manipulated or involuntarily used as a tool for evil?”

                    Answer: Depends on what you mean by “evil”. Broken Ties would be an episode I’d suggest checking out.

                    LB writes: “Is there a chance that you will be writing another poem any time soon?”

                    Answer: Nope.

                    Jenn writes: “In S4 we got to see some lovely vulnerable and emotional moments for Shep (i.e. Adrift/Lifeline, Outcast), will we get to see some vulnerable Shep moments in S5 as well?”

                    Answer: Yes.

                    For Gator:
                    Gater101 writes: “I’m coming to Vancouver in June for six weeks… wondered if you could tell me A) what the weather SHOULD be like and B) anywhere I must visit?”

                    Answers: A) It should be nice. B) You’re asking the wrong guy. I’m a homebody. But I hear Stanley Park is very nice.

                    "This is your chance to take home a piece of Stargate Atlantis history! And by take home I mean buy. And by Stargate Atlantis I mean Jason Momoa. And by history I mean the couch set he’s selling. “Hey, Mallozzi!”he called as I was making my way across the lot. “Get a couple of shots of this for your blog!” I was, of course, more than happy to oblige. And by happy I mean not at all inclined to having the six foot four bruiser annoyed with me. And by oblige I mean snap pics of him in various manner of recline and, in one memorable instant, doing his best Tom Cruise imitation.

                    Speaking of Jason, the dreaded one gives what is by far his best performance of the series in season five’s Broken Ties. It’s an episode he is extremely proud of, and justifiably so. We watched the Day One mix the other day and were very, very impressed - not only with Jason’s tour-de-force, but with Joel Goldsmith’s terrific score.

                    Another praiseworthy performance comes compliments of Rachel Luttrell in The Queen. A really nice range of emotions for Teyla in an episode chock full o’ crosses, double-crosses, and an atypically ruthless turn for the new mom. Throw in Todd, an intriguing proposal, and that creepy new-look wraith and you’ve got one of the best episodes of the front half.

                    Along with Tracker, of course. We screened Will’s director’s cut this morning and, boy, this one is a lot of fun. McKay and Ronon team up, Keller kicks ass, and guest star Mike Dopud squares off with Jason in a particularly memorable throw-down.

                    Well, after receiving some thoughts from the other writers, I’m off and running on Remnants. I hit the 12-page mark today and hope to make some progress this weekend - at least until I hit the top of the third act where one of those blasted TBD place-holder beats awaits. Nevertheless, I hope to have a first draft done before we head off for hiatus (in two weeks) which would allow me to spend my July researching alternate SF sources and focusing on other pursuits. And by researching alternate SF sources I mean read more books."

                    and more pics of Jason Momoa on the blog.....
                    Thanks MrsB.
                    Woohooo for Jason and RL. I can't wait to see those eps.
                    Man. I thought I had some great questions. I think I some how got on is **it list.

                    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                    Wicked! I just forgot to mention it's June next year I was going. Ha. I'm doing all my research just now.

                    Notice how he didn't mention the Studios!
                    He probably didn't mention the studio because they will be on hiatus some time in June.
                    At least he answered your question.


                      1. Count me in on this month's RR!
                      2. Would someone be kind enough to point me to the last RR in full? I've skipped many pages in trying to catch up, & I have a feeling I may have missed some of it. (but just to be sure, I would like a link to the full thing)

                      "Lost" isn't on tonight in Aus- they've decided to have it off for a week, but making up for it by saying "Lost returns in 2 weeks at 8:30 for a double episode finalie!" over the ad at the end of last week. Good to see they've decided to boot "Trinny & Susannah" off the schedule so "Lost" can be back on at 8:30.

                      On SG news, Aussies take 1 step closer to the end of s3, & closer to the "Sunday" episode. After tonight, we've only got 2 more eps before "Sunday" is up. "Tao of Rodney" is tonight, followed by "the Game" & "the Ark".
                      Including tonight's ep, that means we only have SEVEN EPISODES left in s3! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (now I'm freaking because ch 7 who airs it never goes from one season to the next straight after each other- which means s4 isn't going to air anytime soon on free-to-air tv in Aus.)


                      All Sigs Made By Me.


                        Originally posted by LandJrule View Post
                        1. Count me in on this month's RR!
                        2. Would someone be kind enough to point me to the last RR in full? I've skipped many pages in trying to catch up, & I have a feeling I may have missed some of it. (but just to be sure, I would like a link to the full thing)

                        "Lost" isn't on tonight in Aus- they've decided to have it off for a week, but making up for it by saying "Lost returns in 2 weeks at 8:30 for a double episode finalie!" over the ad at the end of last week. Good to see they've decided to boot "Trinny & Susannah" off the schedule so "Lost" can be back on at 8:30.

                        On SG news, Aussies take 1 step closer to the end of s3, & closer to the "Sunday" episode. After tonight, we've only got 2 more eps before "Sunday" is up. "Tao of Rodney" is tonight, followed by "the Game" & "the Ark".
                        Including tonight's ep, that means we only have SEVEN EPISODES left in s3! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (now I'm freaking because ch 7 who airs it never goes from one season to the next straight after each other- which means s4 isn't going to air anytime soon on free-to-air tv in Aus.)
                        I'm sure you'll enjoy the eps and it's too bad that you just can't buy S4 when it comes out.

                        Here is May's RRfic links.

                        Round Robin May: Parts 1-18, Finale

                        Are you going to join us WP for June too.
                        Last edited by scifan; 28 May 2008, 06:29 PM.


                          I read your ficlet Laura. Nicely done. I would love to read a prequel to it.



                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            I'm sure you'll enjoy the eps and it's too bad that you just can't buy S4 when it comes out.

                            Here is May's RRfic links.

                            Round Robin May: Parts 1-18, Finale

                            Are you going to join us WP for June too.
                            *points to self and mouths the words "Me?"*
                            || twitter || tumblr ||


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Oh good. So, I'm not crazy.

                              Here you go Mayra. It's very vague on it.
                              Thank you scifan...yeah, kinda vague. I guess we'll find out when we actually see it!.

                              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                              I don't think anybody has posted this yet: Outsiders

                              Not particularly exciting but it does sound like a team ep!

                              I made it through the first round of the LIMS (Last icon maker standing) contest!

                              This is the one I submitted:

                              and these were the others I made:

                              Those are soooo awesome Cazz!!!!. The Weir one came out cute! and i love the one you submitted! good luck!

                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Thanks Cazz for the link.
                              Maybe it will be a nice surprise.
                              I didn't think I would like Harmony, but I did.

                              Awesome Icons. I really like the one you submitted. Weir's icon is pretty too.

                              MrsB. I did what you suggested. Thanks again.

                              Totally OT: I made these sigs for Teal'c B-day.

                              Wow! i love them!...they came out great!

                              Happy Birthday Teal'c!

                              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                              Another day, another pic fic...

                              Hunger Pains: Home Cookin'

                              As usual, sarcasm abounds.
                              LOL! another hilarious one YC!

                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Oh good. I'm starting to feel better that I'm not crazy.

                              Thanks Linda and I think you were right about Outsiders. Hmmm. I don't know.

                              Poor Rodney and Teyla.

                              Our Time: Chapter 18(It's kinda long)

                              Ever since Betham was a little child she was a shadow to Teera. She loved learning about all the different herbs and remedies that would help relieve people’s different ailments. John and Teyla even took the time to teach her CPR and she picked it up fairly quickly. She was one that was never interested in learning combat maneuvers. So, when John heard Dex explain what he saw in his vision and what Betham’s gift would be, he knew this was her calling.
                              Betham had just come of age to begin her mediation lessons with her mother and since it’s rare that anyone would get severely injured or ill, there was no way for Betham to know that she had this gift. John was going to tell her about Dex’s premonition and then tell Tomis when he was done, but he heard Dex yelling for them from outside.
                              Betham and John run quickly out the door, Teyla and Cadney are not to far behind. As soon as John sees Dex’s face he follows his look toward Tomis, who is lying still on the ground. Immediately, he drops to the floor and kneels next to his friend and checks for a pulse. When he doesn’t find one, he yells to Betham to help him.
                              “Betham, you do the compressions while I do the resuscitation,” he says urgently. She nods and without hesitation she goes right to it.
                              John’s heart is racing and even though he knew that it would happen, eventually, he still isn’t prepared to see a close friend fall ill. Now, he has to see if Betham can heal him, but at the same time he is worried. He remembers the strain it put on him when he healed Teyla and how long it took him to recover. He cringes at the thought of Betham going through that.
                              He can see the fear in her eyes, “Just relax Betham. You know how to do this.”
                              “I know dad, but I never had to do it for real,” her voice cracks in response.
                              “You’re doing great,” he encourages her.
                              He knows he has to get her relaxed, but nothing is coming to his mind. Teyla starts to persuade her to take deep breathes and if she gets too tired, she will take over. John struggles to tell her of Dex’s vision. What if he didn’t see it correctly? She’d be devastated if she knew she had the gift of healing, but failed.
                              Just as she begins to relax and brushes away her fears, they begin to see a glow come from her hands. They awing stares volleyed back and forth from her to John. Except for the younger ones, most of them remembered what John did for Teyla.
                              Tomis begins to breath and immediately John and Betham stop doing CPR. Slowly Tomis’s eyes start to open and Teera and his children embrace him with relief. John looks over to his daughter to see if she is showing any signs of being drained, but instead he see her glowing with pride because of what she was able to do. If she was feeling any weakness, he couldn’t see it.
                              John helps Tomis up and gives hug, “Good to have you back buddy.”
                              Tomis is too overwhelmed to say any thing and just nods with a grateful smile.
                              John walks up to Teyla, who is close to tears, “You ok?”
                              She nods yes, “I am so proud of her and also relieved that Tomis is all right.”
                              John smiles, “Dex knew this was going to happen. He just told me, but I didn’t get a chance to talk to Betham and Tomis.”
                              Teyla looks at him with amazement, “It is truly wonderful that are children possess these gifts.”
                              John smiles briefly, “Now we have to see what Cadney might get. Being the practical jokester that he is, I hope it’s nothing like telekinesis.”
                              Teyla smirks at John, “If he does, then you will have to refrain yourself from encouraging him to using it to entertain yourselves.”
                              John gives her a mischievous look, “It hurts me that you know me so well.”
                              They both chuckle lightly before they go to their children and gather for a group hug.

                              “Mother, when will I get my super powers?” Cadney innocently asks after they get home from Tomis and Teera’s house.
                              Teyla looks at John with a raised eyebrow and he sucks in his lips to prevent himself from laughing. Betham and Dex start giggling in the corner of the room.
                              “Super powers?” she questions with a loving look and tries to ignore the snickering from behind her.
                              Cadney smiles, “Yes, like the stories that dad would tell and how Uncle Rodney and him would talk about the different ones. Since Betham and Dex have them, they were asking me when I would.”
                              John tries to compose himself after Teyla give him a stern look. He clears his throat, “Cadney, those are just stories from comic books. They were never really people. What your sister and brother have are...”
                              “Gifts,” Teyla interrupts.
                              “Yes, gifts,” John continues. “And I’m sorry to say this, but we won’t know if you will get anything for a couple of years. Even then, you might not get any. I don’t have any.”
                              Cadney sighs, “Why won’t you know until then?”
                              Teyla puts a loving hand on his arm, “Your father and I believe that the mediation may be what has helped your brother and sister.”
                              Cadney looks at John for confirmation and John nods yes.
                              “Look buddy,” John squats in front of him. “If you don’t that ok and if you do, then great, but either way we will love you. Oh, and if you do, it won’t be something to play around with.”
                              John gives him a serious look and Cadney shows he understands. He turns to go to his room with a disappointed look on his face.
                              “I think calling them super powers it better then calling them gifts,” Cadney grumbles as he heads to bed.
                              Teyla backhands John on his upper arm.
                              “Ow!” John tries not to yell too loudly. “What was that for?”
                              Teyla simply gives him a look.
                              “You mean what just happened? How was suppose to know that me telling him about comic book heroes would give him that idea?” John tries to sound innocent and hurtful at the same time.
                              She crosses her arms and gives him a little smirk. He walks by her with a small smile and kisses her on the cheek before heading to their bedroom.
                              “I think super powers sounds cooler too,” he says mischievously.
                              Teyla sighs with a grin and shakes her head.

                              Cadney was not a patient boy and secretly started to meditate while visiting his friends. They helped encourage him. So, in no time he found out that he had the ability to move things with his thought. He finally had his super powers.
                              Dex knew that Cadney had been doing this for a while, but didn’t tell his parents. Instead, he talks to Cadney himself.
                              Dex brings him to a quiet place, “I know what you’ve been doing and I know that you got your gift, but you need to tell mom and dad.”
                              Cadney looks a little scared, “How did you? Oh, right. I almost forgot. You didn’t tell them? They are going to be mad.”
                              Dex puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder, “They will be upset that you did it behind their backs, but they know how you are and they will understand.”
                              He gives Cadney a disciplinary look. “They’re going to find eventually, you know that. Especially with all the practical jokes you’ve been doing with it. Like taking food when mother isn’t looking.”
                              Cadney lowers his head, “Ok, I’ll go tell them.”
                              Just like Dex told Cadney, they were upset at first, but they also knew how impatient he was and how much he loved to clown around. Teyla made sure to tell him that he shouldn’t do wrongful thing with his gift and that he will continue his meditation under her supervision.
                              Most of the time Cadney used is gift to benefit others and be helpful. John told him that it was what super heroes would do, but there were time Cadney would stray to have fun and occasionally John was the one behind his playfulness.

                              The years fly by. The children all find themselves spouses and have children of them own. Dex is expecting his first grandchild in a few months. John and Teyla have trouble getting around, but they try not to let the grandchildren know that.
                              “It’s hard to imagine that it’s almost been forty years that we have been here,” John says with a hint of nostalgia.
                              Teyla snuggles up against him, “I know. I can not believe all that has happen and I would not have it any other way.”
                              Dex walks up quickly to John and looks worried, “Father, can I speak to you for a moment.”
                              John and Teyla look at each other with concern, “Sure Dex. I’ll be right there.”
                              John gives Teyla a kiss on her forehead and meets up with Dex, “You’ve had a vision about something bad, didn’t ya?”
                              Dex nods yes, “I saw the portal dad. You and mother even go through it, but…”
                              “But you don’t want us to go,” John interjects. “I understand that. We were debating whether or not…”
                              “No!” Dex interrupts. “You have to go. That’s the problem.” He pauses and struggles to get the words out. “If you don’t, mom will die.”
                              if they don't go through Teyla dies!!!...hope you update soon!

                              Sig by Camy


                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post







                                LOL!!! you sooo had me cracking up with these!!! cool MrsB!.

                                Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                                Not exactly hilarious . . man I haven't done this in a while.

                                LOL!...definitely a good one WP!.

                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                Short Dark Planet Update:

                                Off to read Sci's update!!
                                Great update MrsB!.
                                What the heck happened to Major Lorne!!!...and now they want to turn John into one of those things! AH!

                                Sig by Camy

