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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    OT~ Here's Allison Porter:

    It's the girl who Rodney can hear her thinking "He's cute" in Tao of Rodney and confuses who she meant, first him, then Ronon.

    At least this is what I think is the case....
    I'm not sure MrsB.
    She played a civilian/scientist in TOR. I dont' think she was military. I thought they didn't cast her yet?

    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    hmm,can't remember her in TOR...Gotta watche that ep again!
    She was the one that Rodney thought she was thinking he was hot,but it was actually her thing Ronon was.


      Originally posted by Mayra View Post
      Beautiful elephantgirl!!!. I love the colors and overlays that you used!

      AH!!! Gater!!!! why do you always want to kill me with your fics!!! sooo much angst! but i love it!. Now one small question
      Did i just read Teyla telling John she loves Kanan!!!...okay, which one is it Gater, does she love John or Kanan????...because that touching, sweet and sad moment they had in the end had to mean she loves John right?.
      Thanks, Mayra.

      Originally posted by gater101 View Post
      Hee hee hee. I see my spoon has grown in size again. Red the careful choice of words, love...
      “I have known for some time that women are the folly of men.” John frowned as she ducked her head, her fingers twisting around her ring finger and he felt his heart still. He glanced up to her eyes and found her staring back at her. “Kanan has known for some time and for that, he is less of a fool than you.” Her words stung and John blinked in momentary confusion. Kanan was never mentioned in their quiet time together, alone and he found her breaking those unspoken rules almost like blasphemy.


      “It was never my intention to deceive. I love Kanan.” John swallowed and looked down from her piercing gaze. “I was content with him.”...“While I was content...” She closed her eyes and John was sure he heard a catch in her voice. “I still found myself here, with you.”

      Take from that what you will

      Of course it isn't the end... there's Tonight You Are Mine...
      Hey gater! Is your spoon too big?

      Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
      Camy, congrats on 11.700 posts!

      Cabouse on 200 posts!

      And EG on 400 posts!
      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      Morning peeps...

      Congrats to any milestones......
      Only 1600 more posts to go...

      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Good Morning Everyone.

      Congrats on all Milestones!!

      Thanks Nina for links.

      This is for Camy's 100 Kisses Challenge

      And here's :
      Our Time part 3:

      Teyla finds herself liking the new bed. It was a lot better and warmer than where she was sleeping the other night. She nestles herself into a more comfortable position as she squeezes her pillow, but the pillow made a little groan.

      Her eyes flew open and she notices that she is nuzzled up with John. She almost panic, but then she remember that they must have fell asleep when she was crying. She carefully slides from under his arm and luckily he doesn’t wake up.

      She looks at her watch and it says it is after 11 am, but it is still dark in the cabin. A small hint of light peers through the closed shutters, but Teyla doesn’t want to wake up John. She knows that they hadn’t received that much in a way of sleep since they arrived. So, she decides to get some wood for the fireplace instead. As she slowly opens the door it makes a creaking noise. She cringes at the sound.

      “Teyla?” John says with a groggy voice. “Are you ok?”

      Teyla cracks a weak smile, “Yes, John. I am fine. I was just going to get some firewood.”

      He clears his throat, “What time is it?”

      “It is after 11 am,” she answers.

      He quickly sits up, “What! Why didn’t you wake me up?”

      Teyla closes the door and walks toward the shutters to open them up, “I just go up myself and I did not want to wake you. I was not sure how well you slept last night.”

      John squints his eyes as light shines into the dark cabin, but soon his eyes adjust.

      “Speaking of sleep… I’m sorry that I fell asleep in your b…” he begins to say shyly.

      Teyla interrupts, “It is not a problem. You were a true… boy scout.”

      He smiles, “Well, good. I’m glad.”

      While they start to eat, John begins to read more of the Journal.

      Day 20:
      Haven’t taken the time to write anything. I’ve been too tired after working on my new home. They have been letting me stay in one of their barns, since I requested it. I didn’t want to put anyone out since they have been so kind. They have been nothing but kind and generous to me. And even though my new home is finish, I find myself feeling lonely at night. I can’t wait to see them in the morning.
      I finally told them how I got here. They did not seem too surprised. Sashon, the village leader, sat me down at told me a story that has been past down from generation to generation. Leamy, an elderly woman, was the daughter of a past visitor.
      They both sat me down to a meal and Leamy told me that her mother came many years ago from another world, another galaxy. She came from out of nowhere and after many months she search endlessly for a way out.
      She finally settled down and had a family of her own. She lived to be ninety-one years old, but ten years before that, she saw a way out back to her world, but she chose to stay instead. She was finally at a place that was peaceful and most importantly, she was happy.
      They continue to tell me of stories of others that have come from the outside and some have stayed, but others have not. They say that the opening appears randomly and the person has to choose to stay or go because it may never open for them again. They are not sure how it works.

      Teyla sees the color on his face turn pale and he looks worried. His eyes well up as he looks at her face and he gets up from his seat.

      He struggles to get the words out, “We need to see the villages now.”

      Teyla looks frighten. She has never seen John looks this way before, “John? What is it?”

      He can’t even utter the words. He simply slides the book to her and points the entry. She covers her mouth as she gasps in shock. Tears start to flow from her eyes. They give each other comfort briefly. They know they need to see the villagers for more answers, to try to find a way home. John grabs the journal and tucks it into is vest and they head off.

      Nice manip! Where did the caps come from?

      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      Oh deary me....The own worst critic syndrome strikes again!

      Aw freakin hecky holy moly.......
      That freakin hussy's gonna be back......I'd rather see Sheps ex-wife than that!!

      Welcome welcome welcome to the crazy Family!!!

      Oh yes,what you said
      We've had a gazzillion eps revolving around Rodney and a few with Shep....Now we need somemore with Teyla!

      Very nicesci and awesome update
      Oh i hope they can find a way home!

      Oh my
      now why is Kanaan or Kanan or......however you spell it part of Michael's Cruiser Crew.....hmmmmmm interesting!
      Hey, I can criticize myself as much as I want to! It's the only way I keep myself from swamping the Gateworld Forum with all my try-out art.


        Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
        Thanks, Mayra.

        Hey gater! Is your spoon too big?

        Only 1600 more posts to go...

        Nice manip! Where did the caps come from?

        Hey, I can criticize myself as much as I want to! It's the only way I keep myself from swamping the Gateworld Forum with all my try-out art.

        Ok,if it makes you feel better criticize away

        I'll BBL....Off to see Daddy!


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          OT~ Here's Allison Porter:

          It's the girl who Rodney can hear her thinking "He's cute" in Tao of Rodney and confuses who she meant, first him, then Ronon.

          At least this is what I think is the case....
          That is possible. But, really, we shouldn't have her at all. IMO. We've already got enough characters on the show. We do not need to keep bringing in new ones.
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            OK gang, I know it took me a month or so to write two (sadly somewhat short) chapters for New Birth (and the Death of kanan) but then again.... here is chapter number 10 or 11 (I forgot which) titled, "Feeling Old Friends"
            John still couldn't get the thoughts and butterflies out of his head and stomache as he held the ribbon and rank he had been given, It wasn't everyday that somebody in Atlantis made as far as General, heck Jack was now a three star General himself, but he had been on the SGC far longer then John had been even in the service.

            "OK Sir, what do you need us to do, and when do we do it?" John asked Hayes.

            "Well first off if you would be so kind as to introduce your family I think we can get you three working on the mission sooner then later." The President answered.

            "Oh, well, this is my wife Teyla, and our daughter, Kiro." John said introducing his family, "what do you want us to do? Other then reload a Puddlejumpers drone bays?"

            "Word from our deep space probes say that there is a ship in orbit of Earth right above the outpost, however nothing has happened thus far as we can tell. The three of you know this type of technoledgy now more then anyone else on the planet so we figure. . ."

            ". . . Send in a strike team in a cloaked Jumper see what's going on and use the drones there in case something gowes bad." John finished, it figured, he'd never get a bit of vacation time on his homeworld, or anywhere for that matter. "when do we leave?"

            "A few minutes ago you were to leave, why are you even still here?" Hayes asked confused. The three headed for the jumper and the surface.

            Once inside the jumper Kiro asked, "who was that? What did he give you Father?" She had no idea of the customs on Earth were like, even though she'd been living with the Ancients for so long, then several months to a year with the Dark Wraith on that one planet.

            "It's nothing to worry about, just a little something for my rank back at home." John said, knowing that Teyla had spoken with Kiro beforehand about the Atlantis Military and how they ranked themselves. "As to who that man is, he's my commanding officer, so to speak." John then explained as simply as he could to his daughter how the President had command of the Earth based military, to a point.

            John wasn't very good at explaining things so he said the simpe stuff he knew about how the Earth military worked, that way his daughter wouldn't get too confused like Teyla did. "To be simple, the presiodent has control over most of the miltary of Earth, so far so good I guess you could say, He can order me aroud, unless i'm offworld where he can't do a thing about it." he then explained what happened when he went back to Atlantis against orders. "Almost got fired from the military for that too."

            The jumper soon crossed over the water to the whiteness of Antartica. and sooner still came into view of the installation, thougnone saw the Ori warship far above, nor did the life signs dector on the jumper pick up any soldiers around. As soon as the jumper touched down John opened the weapons pods, the president had been right, the jumper was weaponless.

            But as John stood there wondering what to do next the drones came up from the ground and reloaded themselves into the jumper, So far so good. when that was done Kiro asked if she could go and see the outpost that was deep in the ice, John agreed even though Teyla had a odd feeling of the place.

            John though remained in the jumper as Teyla took Kiro into the top level of the installation, not knowing that seven Ori soldiers and one very well known Athosian were down there. John then nodded off, without really thinking of needing sleep, he knew that Teyla needed more then he did, so why bother to stay awake anyway.

            Down below Teyla watched as her daughter looked over the Ancient made outpost, it was oddly warm. Teyla even felt it, as if someone had been living there recently. then the lift started back up on its own. 'this can't be good' Teyla thought when shots rang out and Kiro screamed.

            Teyla felt something hit her from behind, and when she woke up she found herself no longer inside the outpost under the ice, instead she was inthe small globelike place above the opening. 'Kiro?! oh No!!' Geting up from where she sat she went to find John.

            She all but ran into the jumper, "John, wake up! It's Kiro, she's missing!" Teyla yelled into his ears.

            "That was my ear Teyla no need to yell so loud....." Then it hit John of what his wife just told him. "Kiro, where, when, how, who?!" he asked grabbing his gun from where he'd set it.

            "In the outpost under the ice, I was hit from behind, then woke up, up here." Teyla explained taking her own weapon with her. She knew she didn't have a need to be worried, but then Kiro was always armed, just like Ronon was. But then whomever fired, and knocked her out, made her worry, who were they, and how did they get there before the three man team arrived?

            "Lets go." John said leading the way into the first building, something was wrong, but then something always was. "You feel anyone?" John asked Teyla, who nodded, "What do you feel?"

            "Someone i haven't felt in a very long time." Teyla said.
            (next chapter in next post)

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              Sci - This is why people think its that actress:
              From JM BLOG ~ "We’ve pulled the trigger on Porter - who may well be in for yet another name change - casting an actress who had a blink-and-you’ll-miss-her part back in season 3’s Tao of Rodney but did a bang-up job and caught our attention. “We should bring that actress back,”I suggested at the time. And now we have."


                and the next one, titled, "The name is Sheppard, Genera Sheppard" (WARNING< ends in a cliffhangar)
                "Well, then it looks like we are going to find out who it is that you feel." John said going to the lift and starting it up, they headed downwards to the level of the outpost. "looks like this place had been lived in for a while before we got here." John said stepping out of the lift.

                Teyla looked around, this time in more of caution then in awe, her daughter was being held prisoner, but by whom she did not know.

                "What way?" John asked making a sweep of the entery area. his question couldn't have been timed as staff fire rang out and caught Teyla in the shin. John returned fire as Teyla hit the ground hard. a thud was heard as the one that fired was dead from the hail of fire John let out.

                Teyla dragged herself to a over turned table and laid behind it. When the firefight was over a male voice rang out. "One step and she dies!" Teyla peeked over the table and noticed her childhood friend Kanan holding a Ori hand staff to her daughters neck.

                "What do you want Kanan?" John asked, not backing down in the least. Teyla just looked on horrified at what her friend had become, he was dressed in the typical Ori captains armor, which all but made him simialr to Kolya, but then this man grew up with Teyla, how could he get to the Ori?

                "Simple." Kana said, "I want Teyla. In exchange, you get the girl." He told John.

                "No deal. Teyla is my wife, and you have our daughter." John said, he set his finger on the trigger of his P90, Teyla spotted a pair of Ori soldiers trying to get to John from his left, but said nothing as John seemed to sense them coming, and a drone apeared and blasted them apart. Teyla knew she had to do something before it became a bloodbath with their daughters blood.

                She stood up, "I am here Kanan" she said, "what do you want me for?"

                Kanan smiled "I know you flew the city of Atlantis Teyla, and killed my leader, Adra. So now I want you to help me get off this rock." He said making Kiro move with him as he started to backtrack towards the chair around the corner. "If you would be so kind as to follow me I think we would be fine and dandy about all this"

                "Let her go Kanan, nobody is willing to help Earths worst enemy. Not at this time at any rate." John said, things were going down hill fast, and he didn't like it at all. "How did you know that Teyla is the one that flew the city? How do you know it wasn't me?"

                "I had help" Kanan said, when he saw that John nor Teyla had moved from their spot he said to them, "Are you coming out not?" John looked to Teyla and she started forwards.

                "Just have your men stand down, and we will" John lied, he wanted to get as close as he could for his only shot he would take, the only shot he'd need to finish all this.

                Teyla said nothing as she and John entered the first arch and saw Kanan holding Kiro now by the arm with the gun to her ribs in a very eadly location. "Sit on the chair Teyla" he said in a commanding tone of voice.

                Teyla looked to John, who nodded, 'do as he says, but don't start the weapons' she thought to herself as she moved for the chair, there were two Ori soldiers left, and they sttod nearby, their weapons looking more like walking staffs.

                So far so good, Kanan had a smile on his face as he took his eyes from John and settled them on Teyla. John saw his chance and fired one shot. catching Kanan squarely in the shoulder bone, shattering it. He screamed and Kiro brought up her foot into his groin, knocking him to the floor she then ran over to where her father stood and looked back to Kana aas Teyla grappled with the soldiers. one of them catching her knife in his neck the third getting shot with his own weapon to the face.

                John stood in the doorway as Teyla searched the outpost for more soldiers, shots were heard, a total of four, as four soldiers were found in hiding. John spoke t oKanan who was pulling himself to a keeling position, "how did you get here?"

                "I came by way of the ring platrom, stupid Earth human." Kanana muttered he looked at John, who stood in the doorway of the Ancient outpost on Earth, the man had a smoking P90 in his hands, and had shot the former friend of Teyla in the shoulder for him to let his daughter free. Johns face and tone was steady as a rock as he told him, "I say this again Kanan... Never... Touch... My... Family"

                Kanan gave John a confused look, "Who are you?" he asked, dreading the answer.

                "The name's Sheppard, General Sheppard" John said taking out a grenade and handing it to Teyla, "You know what to do" he told her, she nodded as she took the grenade from John, who then turned and headed for the Jumper, Kiro followed close behind, not looking back as her mother tossed the primed bomb and killed her former friend and ally.

                As they were leaving the smoldering remains of Kanan the familar sounds of the Ring Platform reached their ears. John raised his gun as a Ori Prior appeared. Teyla just looked at the bring with a very strange look to her eyes. Kiro seemed to smile, and John just pointed his P90 at the Prior.

                Things had really gone down hill.

                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                  Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                  Hey gater! Is your spoon too big?
                  My spoon can't ever be to big!
                  don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                  facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                    Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                    Nice manip! Where did the caps come from?
                    If I tell you then I'll give away my secret.

                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    Ok,if it makes you feel better criticize away

                    I'll BBL....Off to see Daddy!
                    See ya when yo get back.

                    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                    That is possible. But, really, we shouldn't have her at all. IMO. We've already got enough characters on the show. We do not need to keep bringing in new ones.
                    I agree.


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      Thanks Linda.
                      I'm only hoping that it true.

                      I know it's driving me nuts.

                      He's always a boy scout for Teyla.

                      I think we might see some of him. I think this might be...
                      Teyla's "vision"

                      Midway clip:
                      We even get an Indeed from Teal'c all in the same scene! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
                      sig by Sci!

                      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                        Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                        My spoon can't ever be to big!
                        OT for gater:

                        That's what you kept reminding me of.


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          If I tell you then I'll give away my secret.


                            Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                            OT for gater:

                            That's what you kept reminding me of.
                            LOL! Okay, I'll stop with the spoon anaology

                            Just watched the Midway preview...
                            don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                            facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                              We even get an Indeed from Teal'c all in the same scene! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
                              LOL. I can't wait to see this ep.

                              Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                              Ok. *sigh*
                              It's from Sanctuary and the background from Lifeline.


                                Hello Ladies, I updated Attachment. I know, it's been a while, please forgive me. It's a long chapter!

                                Sig by me!
                                My FanFic's

