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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
    There might also have been some history, so that might have helped move things along. And after the thing with Larrin, Teyla may have finally decided that John didn't care for her in that way. But it will probably favor us in the end.
    Agree again. As he is Athosian, she's obviously known him all along. In fact, she first calls him a childhood friend and then admits that they just recently developed it further into a relationship. So it's not a sudden random guy in that sense. I just feel it is out of character for Teyla to harbor and dream about and discuss with her friends her feelings for John and her confidence that he will eventually make that first move, only to give up and start a different relationship. I am assuming we are meant to assume some time has past between DG and Missing, time enough for her to give up waiting and to start a new relationship instead. So yes, it will favor us in the end and it will all work out in the end. That's not what bothers me. I just don't like this direction for Teyla as I find it out of character to switch feelings so quickly. Rachel herself has stated that when Teyla falls in love, it's forever. But it does go back to the whole, she got tired of waiting, tried to fill the void and desire for love in her life with Kanan, but will realize in the end it's not what or who she really wants. Life I said, cliche. That scenario fits a million and one movies and TV shows and books. *sigh* It was also my very first speculation of what would happen back in April the day the news of Teyla being pregnant broke. I'm sad they went with the most obvious plot.

    I also still believe we'll get the twist with Michael's eventual involvement. But really wish they had gone with the twist for the way of the pregnancy as well. A lot of people like Camy and WP will not be able to accept this because of what it does to Teyla's character for them and that saddens me too.
    Last edited by LoveConquers; 09 November 2007, 08:35 PM.
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
      You guys ever wonder why I write such good JT Whump filled stories? Thank Thor *pours AO a glass* one sip of this and you'll be hooked on it, trust me Elfs got a coffee tanker hooked up to via IV Drip
      Well... I might as well... But I warn you! If I come out with a delusional John and an agnst ridden Teyla fic, it's all your fault!

      Sig by me!
      My FanFic's


        Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
        Agree again. As he is Athosian, she's obviously known him all along. In fact, she first calls him a friend and then admits that they just recently developed it further into a relationship. So it's not a sudden random guy in that sense. I just feel it is out of character for Teyla to harbor and dream about and discuss with her friends her feelings for John and her confidence that he will eventually make that first move, only to give up and start a different relationship. I am assuming we are meant to assume some time has past between DG and Missing, time enough for her to give up waiting and to start a new relationship instead. So yes, it will favor us in the end and it will all work out in the end. That's not what bothers me. I just don't like this direction for Teyla as I find it out of character to switch feelings so quickly. Rachel herself has stated that when Teyla falls in love, it's forever. But it does go back to the whole, she got tired of waiting, tried to fill the void and desire for love in her life with Kanan, but will realize in the end it's not what or who she really wants. Life I said, cliche. That scenario fits a million and one movies and TV shows and books. *sigh* It was also my very first speculation of what would happen back in April the day the news of Teyla being pregnant broke. I'm sad they went with the most obvious plot.

        I also still believe we'll get the twist with Michael's eventual involvement. But really wish they had gone with the twist for the way of the pregnancy as well. A lot of people like Camy and WP will not be able to accept this because of what it does to Teyla's character for them and that saddens me too.
        Add me to that list will ya? in fact I'm gonna have a short and sweet little drabble titled "Never Make the Whumper Mad" simply put it is what happens to Teyla after the Whumper (me) finds out she didn't go with John

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Originally posted by Anlaria Onyx View Post
          Well... I might as well... But I warn you! If I come out with a delusional John and an agnst ridden Teyla fic, it's all your fault!
          See above post of my Teyla Whumping Story that I will soon have up

          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


            Originally posted by Anlaria Onyx View Post
            DID IT! I got four comps in the house so I'm gonna go vote on all of them!

            Good girl.

            Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
            Super-duper spoilers for the first half of Missing
            Thanks WP for link.

            Originally posted by Anlaria Onyx View Post
            Where did they go?! Anyway, there was some nice JT stuff at the end there. John looked so relived and Ronon looked seriously pissed.
            Ah! I can't wait to see this ep.

            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
            Ok guys, this will be quick, but I typed this up while watching, so forgive the typos. It's pretty much everything we expected, but hoped not to see. UGH!

            Detailed Missing Summary:

            Opens with Dr. Keller packing in infirmary, Teyla stops by and they comment they are going to visit her people overnight. Walk together into gate room. John is on balcony, notices Teyla's leather jacket and teases her about having a hot date to which she responds, "Please." John watches them step through gate and calls, "Have fun kids." Cute scene!

            Teyla and Dr. Keller walk on planet. Talk. Dr. Keller comments, "Sheppard was right, you do have a hot date!" Teyla kind of looks back over her shoulder and gives her a smile. They walk into an empty village. Teyla knows something is wrong. Spots some men and pulls Dr. Keller behind a tree. Recognizes them as a tribe known as the Bola Kai and that they are very dangerous. Lots of running around next. Try to get back to gate, find it guarded. Dr. Keller falls down a small hill and sprains her ankle. They cross a rope bridge on their way to a hunting lodge and Dr. Keller almost falls. Teyla saves her. Look for a hidden weapon's cache, but find it empty. Teyla says her people must have taken the weapons as the Bola Kai would be using them if they had them. Run into bad guys, Dr. Keller very scared while Teyla fights several of them. Runs after one that starts to escape and kills him. One downed one starts to get up, Keller afraid, Teyla kills him. Tells her they cannot leave them alive to rejoin the others. The Bola Kai are evil people that leave very little remains of their victims behind. Keep on heading to hunting lodge and run into an injured man with his hands tied. Teyla doesn't recognize him and he's not Athosian. Wants to leave him behind, but Dr. Keller refuses. Patch him up and bring him with them to the hut.

            In hut, hear rustling and a octopus looking creature is killed by Teyla who holds it up and calls it dinner, much to Dr. Keller's horror. Teyla cuts it open and eats it raw. Dr. Keller refuses to eat it. Talk to the guy and he says he is Genii, planted among the Athosians. He just arrived a few days ago. Tells them the wraith culled the entire Athosian settlement, but that he escaped, but then was captured by the Bola Kai. Tels them they are wraith worshippers and revealed the Athosian's location to the wraith.

            Early the next morning, Teyla and Dr. Keller talk. Teyla gets her to eat some of the "food." Dr. Keller says she's not very good at this, she's unsure of herself. Teyla comments she has a friend who is the same way. A natural leader, but he does not know it. Dr. Keller says that he's more than a friend and Teyla nods and confides in her. Tells her his name is Kanan and that he is Athosian and that they just recently kindled a relationship and that she hasn't told anyone yet.

            They start out walking again, very slow going with the Genii and Dr. Keller injured. Surrounded and captured by Bola Kai. Put in cages and Dr. Keller scared. Teyla tells her they will interrogate them and she must be strong. They pull them out and ask them who they are. Teyla says they are Athosian and is angry that they killed her people. The man is surprised, said the village was already empty when they arrived. Teyla calls him a wraith worshipper and he hits her in outrage at such a suggestion. Take them back and interrogate Dr. Keller who tells Teyla she gave them a fake gate address to an empty planet.

            Meanwhile on Atlantis, they realize the girls are late. John tries to call her, she doesn't answer. They go after them.

            The Genii suddenly knocks out the Bola Kai and frees the girls.

            John, Ronon, and Rodney fly jumper to planet.

            As girls run, realize that the man is the true bad guy. He attacks and knocks down Teyla, Dr. Keller accuses him of being the wraith worshipper who brought the wraith. Says he's not even Genii. Teyla kicks him down, but he has a gun. Dr. Keller summons up the bravery to knock him down and fight for the gun. She gets the gun and shoots him in the leg. Bola Kai appear and then John and team appear and chase them off. Bad guy escapes in the chaos. John asks them if they're okay, Teyla tells him her people are missing.

            Final scene, Teyla in infirmary. John is with her. She is depressed, not making eye contact as he talks to her. He tells her they are looking for signs of her people. Asks her how long she has to stay and she says overnight because Dr. Keller thinks she might have a concussion. John leaves and Teyla asks her why she has to stay, that she feels fine. Dr. Keller tells her she is right, she does not have a concussion. She says that they have to talk.... Camera fades out to black.
            Thanks Steph. I'm officially bummed.

            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
            I know!

            So now we can guess what will eventually happen, and know it's what we pretty much had speculated and expected to see, but still hoped that we wouldn't. Teyla says they just got together very recently, so I'm assuming this is even after DG, but not sure. So yep, Kanan's the daddy and he's Athosian, so it's a regular pregnancy in a regular secret relationship. SOOO unrealistic to Teyla's character. So I'm assuming at this point, it will be shown she got tired of waiting for John, since we know it was confirmed in Sunday that she had a crush on him and she talked about those feelings again to Kate in DG. So for whatever reason, she kindled this secret relationship and didn't tell anyone about it. He is now missing with the others and they don't know if they are alive or dead.

            So this makes me assume that our other guesses were accurate as well as far as Michael eventually getting involved and doing experimentation on Teyla's baby. John will be jealous and realize he does have some hidden feelings for Teyla, as Rachel stated she and Joe talked about in one of her interviews. We did not have flashbacks or meet Kanan in this ep, but Rachel commented on the actor, so we can assume he is alive and we'll meet him at some point or at least meet him through flashbacks in another ep. I'm also assuming he'll get killed off eventually if he isn't dead yet. I'm also assuming the baby will die or be changed eventually as well, with whatever Michael does.

            So yep, it's the cliche love triangle we never wanted to see. BLEH!

            So I'm assuming with John's jealousy, we'll see plenty of J/T angst ahead. But I still HATE that they threw this Kanan guy at us and expect us to believe it's in line with Teyla's character. The fact that she kept him secret also hints that perhaps she knows he's not what she really wants either. So yep, it's a whoopsie pregnancy.
            I'm guessing that after her scare with DJ that she felt she had to go in a different direction?
            But there has been so many scenes where she locks her gaze on John. I can hear Elf and Camy screaming now.

            Well, I'm going to bed. Thanks Steph for the summary.


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Good girl.

              Thanks WP for link.

              Ah! I can't wait to see this ep.

              Thanks Steph. I'm officially bummed.

              I'm guessing that after her scare with DJ that she felt she had to go in a different direction?
              But there has been so many scenes where she locks her gaze on John. I can hear Elf and Camy screaming now.

              Well, I'm going to bed. Thanks Steph for the summary.
              they aren't the only ones Me and Winged are too and I think AO is as well

              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                See above post of my Teyla Whumping Story that I will soon have up
                Uh oh... That will be interesting... and painful.

                Just so you all know, Missing and this thread has me wired and I'll never sleep. Time for sleep-deprived fics and/or updates!

                Sig by me!
                My FanFic's


                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  they aren't the only ones Me and Winged are too and I think AO is as well
                  Yes... I did... loudly, waking up my 5 year old brother.

                  Sig by me!
                  My FanFic's


                    Originally posted by Anlaria Onyx View Post
                    Uh oh... That will be interesting... and painful.

                    Just so you all know, Missing and this thread has me wired and I'll never sleep. Time for sleep-deprived fics and/or updates!
                    just wait until you see it (it'll be as If it is taking place with ONLY Teyla in the story and the writer (me) in it) simply put the actual "view" of the story is if Teyla is on trial in a courtroom and the Jury (is you guys) and the Judge (me) and the witnesses..... uhm...... unknown at this time. (it will be VERY painful too)

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                      just wait until you see it (it'll be as If it is taking place with ONLY Teyla in the story and the writer (me) in it) simply put the actual "view" of the story is if Teyla is on trial in a courtroom and the Jury (is you guys) and the Judge (me) and the witnesses..... uhm...... unknown at this time. (it will be VERY painful too)
                      Force her to stay in a room with Kavangh(sp?) until she confesses her undying love for our Colonel.

                      Sig by me!
                      My FanFic's


                        Originally posted by Anlaria Onyx View Post
                        Force her to stay in a room with Kavangh(sp?) until she confesses her undying love for our Colonel.
                        Correct spelling and NO too painful to both the readers, AND the writer! But close though, she has to get locked in the grig and have that Earth made Replicator ....erm.... ahem I said too much *scampers off to write the little ficlet*

                        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                          Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                          Correct spelling and NO too painful to both the readers, AND the writer! But close though, she has to get locked in the grig and have that Earth made Replicator ....erm.... ahem I said too much *scampers off to write the little ficlet*
                          GOOD LUCK!

                          Oh! Have Rodney and Ronon bet on the trial! PLEASE!!!!

                          Sig by me!
                          My FanFic's


                            Originally posted by Anlaria Onyx View Post
                            GOOD LUCK!

                            Oh! Have Rodney and Ronon bet on the trial! PLEASE!!!!
                            Wait until you see who the New Men are (The Three Stooges of Pegasus, Shep, Mckay and Dex AKA Moe, Curly and Larry)

                            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                              Wait until you see who the New Men are (The Three Stooges of Pegasus, Shep, Mckay and Dex AKA Moe, Curly and Larry)
                              LOL! That's gonna be awesome!!!

                              Good luck! I'm gonna go work on a few of my SGA fics.

                              Sig by me!
                              My FanFic's


                                Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                                It's not a soap, so lets not result to insults. *shudders*

                                This is actually a very tame "love triangle". The other guy isn't even here! Count your blessings. But don't get me wrong, I'm not happy about Kanan.
                                I agree, GNB! I really hate this and I know it will completely ruin Teyla for Camy and WP and others who have stated very adamently how they would feel if this happened. And I feel the same way as they do. But it doesn't ruin J/T for me because like I said, I've been through this many times in my years of shipping. So I have no worries of how it will all work out in the end. And I have no worries of this turning into a soap opera because relationships are ALWAYS subtle and ALWAYS in the background with Stargate. This will be no different. But we will see heightened angst and heightened awareness on John's part. I just hope we see more from Teyla on why she chose to abandon her feelings for John and how she'll go back to them again.
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

