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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Toomi View Post


    For me, that ain't no friendly hug... that's like a hug that happens when you need strength from someone, when you have something to say in a time or hardship and can't say it. Has Teyla hugged anyone like this in SGA before?

    John's a little shocked as he wasn't expecting this response.

    It's something about the way her arms are around him that make me squee and melt at the same time...

    And I think that's John responding...his eyes shift a little during this little bit... perhaps thinking about the issue of the evilentity or perhaps pondering his own feelings for Teyla as she holds onto him...
    Oh, GREAT caps Toomi!!! Thank you!!!

    And YES you are right, Teyla has not held anyone that way before! And I totally agree, there is something so powerful about the way her arms come around him. I also LOVE how her fingers curl into his shoulders. You can almost see her give a sigh of contentment once she's in his arms. Like she can breathe again. SOOOO beautiful!
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by seldear View Post
      Loved this episode.

      Loved the John/Teyla interaction - her checking on him, his interest in being in her dreams, him wanting to go see her but not being sure she wanted to see him...

      There were some really sweet John/Teyla moments here. And, yes, it was highly amusing to see dream!Ronon gloat that John and Teyla were going to hook up. As well as real!Ronon and real!Rodney comment about John being in Teyla's dream.


      I found that set of exchanges extremely amusing.

      And the hug was sweet. He was going to see her but didn't know if she'd want to see him. *sighs*

      Lovely episode. Much praise to RCC!

      Hey Sel! Can we expect to see any of your amazing fics come out of this ep?
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by Toomi View Post


        For me, that ain't no friendly hug... that's like a hug that happens when you need strength from someone, when you have something to say in a time or hardship and can't say it. Has Teyla hugged anyone like this in SGA before?

        John's a little shocked as he wasn't expecting this response.

        It's something about the way her arms are around him that make me squee and melt at the same time...

        And I think that's John responding...his eyes shift a little during this little bit... perhaps thinking about the issue of the evilentity or perhaps pondering his own feelings for Teyla as she holds onto him...
        U know what the first thing that came to my mind when i was watching this scene was
        Compared to the moment where she was upset about weir and ronon was with and he placed a hand on her shoulder, she didnt look for anymore comfort...i mean sure the context is a little different, kate definitely isnt coming back...but she really found comfort in john and that hug showed it...physical contact was easier to come by i guess...who knows...geez i make no sense. particularly when all i have on my mind is an asthma essay
        -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

        Thanks Camy!!


          Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
          U know what the first thing that came to my mind when i was watching this scene was
          Compared to the moment where she was upset about weir and ronon was with and he placed a hand on her shoulder, she didnt look for anymore comfort...i mean sure the context is a little different, kate definitely isnt coming back...but she really found comfort in john and that hug showed it...physical contact was easier to come by i guess...who knows...geez i make no sense. particularly when all i have on my mind is an asthma essay
          SC!!! Awww, it's like our own little J/T reunion of shippers tonight!

          On a completely unrelated side note, has anyone else noticed Teyla using more and more contractions? I noticed it both in Reunion and in DG!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


   LC to pick that up...or perhaps i am the only one to not?!!?
            i have to say i had a good feeling inside me the whole time i was watching this epi...i mean not when
            john was being freaky and all and people died etc...but all those subtle yet OBVIOUS JT moments just made my day!!!
            -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

            Thanks Camy!!



              Starting right off you could tell this would be a good episode, I loved how they kept teasing Rodney about wanting to check out the planet. Also liked how John (DAD) and Teyla (MOM), just walked away leaving Ronon (BIG BROTHER) to grab Rodney (LIL BROTHER)--that's what it looked like...

              Also thought it was cute when Teyla said 'Good Night John'--loved her standing by John's bed, also liked when he looks at after Keller tell him he's alright and not to touch strange things. They shared such a married couple moment.

              OMG- Teyla's Dream, it has got to be the most involved on in the whole episode, poor girl no wonder she's friends with Heightmyer.

              So a rundown of her dream and what I think each part meant (feel free to disagree):
              1. Ronon mentions the 'hooking up', and teyla saying it's just dinner: I think this is Teyla a bit afraid of her feelings for John and someone (after reading the missing scene on JM blog, I can see why it was Ronon who would be the one in her dream making the statement)
              2. Rodney mentioning energy signs- personally i have no clue where this fits in--it could be linked to her fear of connecting to the wraith, don't know how but I couldn't understand that part.
              3. John mentioning he's the only one who trusts her, and the wraith queen incident- This could be Teyla's feer that since interacting with the queen there's something wrong with her, (maybe she's afraid of also causing danger to visit atlantis)-that she's maybe vulnerable in some way. John mentioning his trust could be the entity playing with her, since we've always known John's trust in her is unconditional and she might fear losing that
              4. Wraith John feeding on hero- that maybe a fear of the wraith combined with her fear of John turning against her.

              Keller- she's basically probably afraid of getting into a situation she can't handle, we've already seen her doubt her abilities.

              Now the boys visiting the infirmary totally smells of a plot to get Ronon near Keller---but that's for a different thread, so I'll talk about that there, I just loved it though

              Ronon- was easy he's afraid of being alone.

              Lorne- barefooted, sleepy eyed, gun carring lorne---what a hottie, need I say more?...ok he's afraid of replicators.

              Katie- scared of heights, but see's Teyla as a very good friend, and someone who could go against John

              !!!Teh HUG!!!--- you can see that they did alot of takes for it since John's hand is in a different spot on each take it didn't seem to flow correct. But that's not really the telling part to me. What was important IMO was the beginning---as he opens the door it looks as though Teyla has been waiting there, for awhile, as though contemplating wether to 'knock' or not. Then to know that John was actually on his way to see her, and was worried about how she felt about it, shows just how important she is to him, it was interesting that when Sam was making the announcement John and Teyla were the only ones shown. The hug was still great, John seemed a bit taken back, but I'd put that to the fact that Teyla was crying, and her looked a bit helpless, there's a point where I think either John or Teyla (maybe John) sigh and his hand comes down as if either patting or just holding her, but you can see it was NOT like the shweir hug where he looked perplexed and uncomfortable. *i'd really love to hear the commentary for this episode*...

              the Mckay and John dreams where great, those were also very easy to tell what they were afraid of.

              And I loved the ending.

              I think it ws great the writers have Sam join them at the end, we didn't get many scenes like that with Weir, and I'm not sure how that would have played out, but to me Sam seemed to naturally fit into their group, just as Keller did.

              On a side note, don't know if they did this for camera reasons or what, but I thought it was a bit interesting, how in certain scenes, in group situations, Teyla is facing John, or her body is directed at him, and Keller is facing Ronon(ie the scene where they're talking about Kellers dream)---

              Oh also the scene where Teyla is talking about her dream, loved how John asked if she's not angry at him, and he looked so adorable when he finds out she's dreaming of him...

              Oh one last thing, did anyone have any thoughts about when Heightmeyer, says to teyla about if she and john has something between them that they need to talk about?...How did that scene feel to everyone, Teyla seemed a bit quite, and thoughtful...I could be reading it wrong, I only caught it the second time around.

              ETA: oh my mills & boon title for this ship:

              The Colonel and The Queen...ok that was bad, I'll keep

              R.I.P Wraithlord

              Awesome sig by SciFan


                DAILY VOTING LINKS

                Vote for J/T on Suspicion in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game

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                Vote for Favorite Teyla Episode
                (If one of your favorite Teyla episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                Vote for Favorite Teyla & John Moment
                (If one of your favorite J/T moment isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

                Support John in the H&H Best Hairdos
                (Make sure you have the last page on the thread to make the correct score)

                VOTING UPDATE

                It's a tough match for John in the Hairdos game... but we can do it...if we just little by little keep Vala to get closer I'm sure he will make it in the end..

                LET THE VOTING BEGIN!!!

                STARGATE MUSIC VIDEO AWARD 2007

                Nominate videos to Stargate Music Video Award 2007
                Let's make sure there are video with John, Teyla and John/Teyla
                Nominations are open until 28th October


                Watch Jewel answer fans questions.. inculdes spoilers


                Check out reports from some fans from the Armageddon Convention in Melbourne where fans got to meet Joe Flanigan










                Pics links



                You can find some awesome pics of Joe on the Armageddon Convention in Melbourne right here..

                Be aware though that the owner have asked that these pics are NOT to be reposted anywhere... you can snag them for your own enjoyment,,just not post them anywhere public like other pages and here at please respect that request from the owner of these pics


                Nothing real to report just yet from Auckland on Joe Flanigan's appereance... but pics has been posted up as far... when reports starts to show I'll link them here,,,I promise...

                Pic Links

                Last edited by NinaM; 20 October 2007, 06:41 AM.
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Seems also according to JM that the official number for SGA on ratings including the DVR numbers is now 1.4 for Adrift
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                    And reposting again..

                    DG Detailed Summary Part two:

                    Carter makes announcement to city. John laying on his bed, sits up and goes to door. Opens it and surprised to find Teyla there.
                    John, "I was just about to come see you, but I wasn't sure if you wanted to see me." He looks her up and down as he says this.
                    Teyla, still reeling from Kate's death, goes right into his arms with a small sob/gasp/sigh sound. As we've seen in the hug clip we saw before, she clenches him tightly, both arms around him and fingers digging into his shoulder. She is crying into his chest. John stands stunned for a moment, unsure, Puts a hand on her back, lifts it in the next shot, then puts it back again. His lower hand is off screen, but looks to be around her as the top of his arm is visible and going around her body. His brows crease in emotion as if he's not sure how to help her. I LOVE this scene!!! It's pretty much what we've already seen before, but now we know the context as well. I think this shows us that Kate was a good friend of Teyla's and also a confidant of hers. The way Kate so casually told Teyla to explore her feelings for John if they were real makes it appear they've discussed John before. So I imagine Dr. Hewston in Sunday was not the only friend Teyla confided in. Kate was both her friend and her doctor and after losing so much, she is in shock and goes to John for comfort. John is unsure as in his mind, she is still mad at him and he is to blame for Kate's death, since it was his touching the entity that indirectly caused it. He is feeling guilty and unsure as his words show, "I wasn't sure if you wanted to see me." When she then cries into his arms, his mind is reeling here, and probably more guilt racketing him as well. He tentatively touches her as she cries more. The scene is also obviously cut. John's hand goes to her back and then suddenly the next angle is before he touches her and his hand is in the air again and then again tentatively giving her that first touch. It's like we see that first touch from two different camera angles that were edited together. So I think that's partly why it looks a little awkward, since we see one motion from him twice because of the editing. So Joe didn't play it that way, but it came out that way on screen. But as I said in my description, the way it's editing, he touches her, lifts his hand, and then touches her again and holds it there. His lower arm is around her the whole time. So it adds a feeling of awkwardness I think, which is too bad, but in this scene and in this moment, given John's state of mind, it works. Teyla is holding very tight the whole time. Awww!!!!!!!!! BIG SQUEE!!!!!!

                    They find out the entity is in Rodney. They isolate him. Team talk. John says there must be a way to get into Rodney's dreams to help him. Carter remembers that dream connection machine thingy from SG1 and John wants to do it.
                    Teyla, concerned steps up to him. "It does not have to be you."
                    John, "Yeah, well, it's my bad idea."
                    On a side note, I found it annoying how much they dumbed down poor Ronon in this scene! He was like, "Huh, what?" this whole scene. Didn't fit!

                    John and Rodney are hooked up to machine, Rodney's dream is rowing a boat in a storm, trying to get back to the city. Evil John sits in boat telling him he can't do it. Real John appears behind him telling him to keep going. Rodney tells him to help him row, John appears next to him and they both row in the storm. John comments his dream is not what he expected, and Rodney says, "What about that?!" They turn to see a clown sitting behind them. John comments that he hates clowns. LOL! Great scene between them! Whale comes up and swallows the whole boat. John awakes to see Rodney going into cardiac arrest. Keller tells him he's dead. John walks despondent down the hall, suddenly others come up to him making mean comments, he sees Evil John in background and realizes the entity is in him now. Back to the infirmary again and Rodney wakes up. Back in John's dream world, he fights Evil John. GREAT whumping scene of them fighting! AWESOME! Evil John yells John's worst fears of failing his friends while they fight. Rodney appears in his dream to encourage him, tells him he's not dead, and helps distract Evil John so John can beat him and throw him through the gate. John and Rodney both wake up. They return the crystals to the planet and leave.

                    Final scene, John sitting in mess hall by himself at night. Teyla joins him.
                    Teyla, "Couldn't sleep."
                    John, "Yeah, me too."
                    She sits in the chair across from him.
                    Camera shows passage of time, Rodney next joins them with a tray full of food. Then Carter and Keller. Team talking together as camera fades to black. I love this ending!!!! They all went through this experience together and in the end, find comfort being together.

                    SUCH A GREAT EP!!!! Definitely one of my new favorites!!! Shippy subtext and whumping John! WAHOO!
                    Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                    *grins* Rewatching Doppelganger:

                    Love how John immediatly perks up when Rodney (?) tells him that Teyla had a dream about him. Also love how John immediatly asks if he was the dashing hero who saves her from the big bad monster and Ronan supplies that Shepp was the big bad monster...

                    Thanks for the summarys Lc and Toomi loved them
                    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                      LOL, my hubby's (the non-shipper) reaction to DG...


                      He was bummed they killed off Kate. Totally. He thought it was sad hat Teyla lost her friend.

                      His interpretation of Teyla's dream? That she's scared that inside, Sheppard is really a "big bad monster" that will suck the life out of her. LOL, I guess that could be a bit literal

                      The hug? His words "Oh, so everyone else gets nightmares and we see what he wants to be dreaming about." LOL

                      He was bummed there wasn't more blood in the Shep v. Evil!Shep scene.

                      I did have to get him when he told me his reaction to next week's preview: "Now THAT looks like a good episode."
                      Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                        Joe F reported from the Auckland convention that Rachel had a little boy a couple days ago
                        Congrats to Rachel

                        got to laugh though at his respone or lack there off
                        When asked who Teyla had the hots for...he tried so hard to squirm out of that one...and then just came up with a grin and oh I know who it is..*lol* well of course he does..

                        And he also talks a little about Rachel.. telling some funny things..
                        Last edited by NinaM; 20 October 2007, 10:09 AM.
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                          Seems also according to JM that the official number for SGA on ratings including the DVR numbers is now 1.4 for Adrift
                          Woohoo!!! That's a nice bump-up from the raw numbers! NICE! JM had said he hoped to know by the end of this week, so hopefully the announcement for season five will come any day now!
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                            Joe F reported from the Auckland convention that Rachel had a little boy a couple days ago
                            Congrats to Rachel

                            got to laugh though at his respone or lack there off
                            When asked who Teyla had the hots for...he tried so hard to squirm out of that one...and then just came up with a grin and oh I know who it is..*lol* well of course he does..

                            And he also talks a little about Rachel.. telling some funny things..
                            Oh, that's awesome Nina, thank you!!!! Are there any links yet for this Con vid that you know of? Woohoo!!!!!!!!! Congratulations to Rachel!!! For real this time, LOL!

                            And very cute about his comment to the Teyla question!
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                              LOL, my hubby's (the non-shipper) reaction to DG...


                              He was bummed they killed off Kate. Totally. He thought it was sad hat Teyla lost her friend.

                              His interpretation of Teyla's dream? That she's scared that inside, Sheppard is really a "big bad monster" that will suck the life out of her. LOL, I guess that could be a bit literal

                              The hug? His words "Oh, so everyone else gets nightmares and we see what he wants to be dreaming about." LOL

                              He was bummed there wasn't more blood in the Shep v. Evil!Shep scene.

                              I did have to get him when he told me his reaction to next week's preview: "Now THAT looks like a good episode."
                              LOL, that was cute! Thanks for posting that! Liked his interpretations too, hehe.
                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Good evening JT'ers.... glad everyone loved Doppelganger... what an awesome episode it was..

                                Thanks for the report from Joe in Auckland Nina..

                                and Congratulations to Rachel on the birth of her son!!

