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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
    Do you have a link to chapter 1? I have not read that yet...
    I don't have a fanfiction account, so I'll just post the entire thing so far for ya. Here you go!


    A Walk in the Woods

    Chapter 1

    Deep in the forest of an an alien planet, SGA-1, minus Teyla, was following a barely discernible path through the underbrush. The silence was broken only by the buzz of insects, the breathing of three hot people, and Dr. Rodney McKay's whining.
    “Refresh my memory, Colonel,” he said, “exactly why do we have to do our own imitation of the Bataan death march through this godforsaken jungle?”
    “I told you, Rodney,” Sheppard said patiently, “Teyla went to go visit some village two days ago and we're going to pick her up.”
    “Yes, yes, I know that much, but why aren't we taking the jumper?” McKay asked. “I mean, it's not that I mind being assaulted by the Pegasus galaxy's version of the mosquito, but wouldn't it be a lot, oh, I don't know, faster?”
    “Yes, right up until the point where there's nowhere to land it!” Sheppard said, annoyed. “Look, I picked the closest place possible to village to land. It's only a few miles out.”
    “A few miles!” griped Rodney. “Well, unlike some people I know, I spend my time making cutting edge scientific advances, not running around the city for sport. So, for me, a few miles is a little far!”
    “You know one of the appealing things about the Bataan death march, McKay?” asked the colonel.
    Rodney slapped at an oversized mosquito wannabe. “What?” he said irritatedly.
    “The prisoners weren't allowed to talk!”
    “Oh, very funny Sheppard.”
    “You know Rodney,” John said, “Teyla walked all the way from the gate, and yet somehow I doubt she was complaining.”
    “Yes, well, if she likes it so much why couldn't she walk back?”
    “It's fifteen miles, McKay! Besides, our mission was moved up to tomorrow and Elizabeth told us to go get her early.”
    “Oh, so now we have a mission tomorrow? Lovely. Why am I always the last person to find out about these things?”
    “Maybe because you're so annoying,” Ronon said.
    “Oh, thanks so much! And what shall we say about you, Mr. Monosyllabic?” Ronon glared at him, then turned to Sheppard.
    “Can I shoot him?” he asked. Sheppard paused for a moment, as though thinking about it, then continued.
    “Nah,” he said, “We'd have to carry him.”
    “Good point.”

    The next twenty minutes of the trip were remarkably peaceful, as McKay's whining wound down from pleasantly ignorable to practically nonexistent. John actually found himself enjoying the walk, and wishing more of the missions the team went on could be so uneventful. However, all good things must come to and end, and this end was rather wet. And rushing. About half a mile out from the village, a wide, remarkably bridgeless river crossed the path.
    “Oh, marvelous!” Apparently, this turn of events had restarted McKay's complaint mill. “what kind of idiot people would live right on top of a river and not build a bridge?”
    “I wouldn't say that, McKay,” said Sheppard as he stood near the bank. “looks like there was a bridge here. Just not anymore.” He waved his hand at the ground, indicating a fairly recent-looking pile of rubble.
    “Of course it's washed out.” McKay said tiredly. “This is the planet's rainy season. The river must have flooded and taken the bridge with it.”
    “Well, that's just dandy,” said Sheppard. “Ronon, have you been to this planet before?”
    “Yeah.” the runner replied.
    “Is there another bridge over this river?” Sheppard asked.
    “Yes, but it's nearly twenty-five miles north of here. It would take us way to long to go there.”
    “No kidding,” agreed the colonel.
    “Looks like we're gonna have to wade it,” said Ronon.
    “No no no no no, I am not wading across that river!” Rodney said almost hysterically.
    “And why not?” asked Sheppard, turning toward him.
    “Because I barely passed swimming one when I was a kid, and there is no way I am crossing a rushing, flooded river that's who knows how deep!” replied McKay.
    “It's not that deep, even when it's flooded,” Ronon said.
    “And this is supposed to be comforting? You could have gotten a basketball scholarship on Earth, “not that deep” for you is probably over my head!”
    “Shut up McKay.” Ronon said darkly.
    “Right. Yes. Sorry.” he said quickly. Sheppard gave him a look, then turned to Ronon.
    “Ronon, I don't know if this is such a good idea,” Sheppard said quietly. “I might be able to cross this thing, but I doubt Rodney could.”
    “How else do you plan on getting to the village?” said Ronon.
    “I don't know, we'll have to figure something else out.” said Sheppard. Ronon nodded and started to turn, then stopped.
    “Do we have any rope?” the runner asked. Sheppard looked confused for a minute, then realization dawned on his face and he smiled.

    A few minutes later, Ronon had one end of the rope tied to his waist, the other end tied to a tree, and was halfway across the river. It looked to be chest high at its deepest point, but the runner seemed to have no difficulty. Sheppard was glad they had him along. Just then Ronon reached the other side, got out, and tied the other end of the rope to another tree. He waved to them, telling them it was ready. Sheppard looked over at McKay, who had sat down on the beach and was untieing his boots.
    “What on earth are you doing, McKay?” he asked.
    “First, we're not on earth, and second, I happen to have very sensitive skin, and if I go tromping around in wet boots I'll get blisters and jungle rot and sorts of unpleasant things,” McKay said, slinging his boots around his neck and stuffing his socks in his vest pocket. “Now, are we going to do this or not?”
    “Yes Rodney, as a matter of fact we are.” John said.
    They stood there a minute.
    “Any time now, McKay,” Sheppard said.
    “Oh, yes, right, of course.” said Rodney. He started to move reluctantly out into the river, holding tightly to the rope. The trip was uneventful, if rather slow, until they reached the middle of the river. Then McKay tripped on a submerged rock and went down, almost losing his grip on the rope.
    “McKay!” John shouted, grabbing hold of Rodney's vest. He pulled him up out of the water, but not before Rodney's boots slipped free from around his neck and floated merrily downstream.
    “Are you okay?” Sheppard asked.
    “Fine. A little wet.” he leaned on the rope until he got his breath back. “Okay, let's go.” he said.
    Sheppard smiled.
    “Ladies first,” he said. Rodney rolled his eyes.
    “Immature little. . .” he muttered under his breath, but kept moving.

    They reached the other side before Rodney noticed his boots were missing.
    “Oh, great! Blisters and jungle rot were bad enough, but I'd prefer those to whatever alien fungus I'm going to get now!” he complained.
    “you're the one who decided to take your boots off in the first place, McKay,” said Sheppard. “ Now let's keep moving. The villagers are bound to have some boots they can lend you.”

    For about five minutes, they walked in relative silence. Sheppard was shocked McKay hadn't complained more than he did when his boots were lost. He know it couldn't last long, though. . .
    “What now, Rodney?” came the annoyed voice of Col. Sheppard.
    “I just stepped on some stupid native's idea of a practical joke, that's what!”
    “What are you talking about?”
    “A trap! I stepped on a stupid trap! Does that clear things up for you, captain oblivious?”
    Ignoring him, Sheppard turned to Ronon.
    “Think you can get it off him?”
    “Yup,” came the laconic reply. He stepped over toward Rodney bent down toward the other man's foot.
    “Hey—Ow! Watch what you're doing, you unevolved ape! That's very sensitive! OW!”
    “Trap's off, said Ronon.
    “Yes, thank you so much!” said Rodney, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Did you really have to pull so hard? The concept was to release the thing, not rip my foot off! Good grief, I think you broke the skin!”
    Ronon looked like he was going to shoot him. Sheppard rolled his eyes, slapped Ronon comfortingly on the arm, and turned to continue down the path.
    “Buck up, McKay,” he called over his shoulder. “It's just a scratch.” Ronon followed him, leaving Rodney no choice but to do the same. But not as quietly.
    “Oh, that's right. Mock the injured, shoeless man! You know, if Conan here hadn't insisted that we wade that river I wouldn't even be in this predicament. Did you see the rust on that trap? I could get tetanus! I'm going to have to get a shot when we get back to Atlantis. . .” Here McKay trailed off, mumbling under his breath about the unfairness of the world. Sheppard and Ronon just looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

    “How far is this stupid village?” asked Rodney, sounding rather like a petulant child. An annoying petulant child. “We've been walking for hours.”
    “Actually, it's only been fifteen minutes, and it should be just over this hill,” said Sheppard.
    “Oh, thank goodness,” said McKay, sounding genuinely relieved. Just then, he realized that Ronon and Sheppard had stopped at the top of the hill and were staring open-mouthed at what lay below. He looked down at the scene before him.
    The village had been completely decimated.

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      And chapter 2. . .


      Chapter 2

      For a moment, the three men just stood there, looking at the smoldering remains of the village. Ronon was the first to break the silence.
      “Come on,” he said, “let's go check for survivors.”
      “But- isn't this the village where Teyla was supposed to be?” asked Rodney.
      “Yes,” said John shortly.
      “If she was here-”
      “Let's hope she wasn't,” said John. “Let's go.”

      Ash, dust, and the acrid smell of smoke filled the air as they entered the remains of the village. Half-collapsed, still burning houses lined the streets, and fallen rubble blocked the road in places. They had taken only a few steps into the village when they saw the first dessicated corpse leaning against a wall.
      “Wraith,” Ronon hissed, unholstering his blaster. John flicked the safety off his P-90 and brought it to the ready, and Rodney took out his pistol. As they walked down the wreckage-strewn street, more fed-upon corpses came into view, some with a crude weapon of some sort, but nearly all wore bedclothes.
      “They must have come at night,” John said looking with mixed disgust and pity at the shriveled face of one of the bodies.
      “I'm getting something,” said Rodney, starting at the LSD. “One life sign, coming from that house.” he indicated a somewhat intact dwelling to their right.
      “Teyla?” John asked.
      “Or a wraith,” Ronon said.
      “Alright,” Sheppard said, “McKay, you stay out here in case we need backup. Ronon, you're with me.” Ronon nodded, stepping into the doorway. “Okay, let's go.”

      The house creaked and groaned in a very unsettling way as they entered. The whole thing could fall down on them in a matter of seconds, and there wouldn't be a thing they could do about it. John went in first, holding the LSD next to his P-90. They passed what seemed to be the kitchen, the table charred and tipped over onto the ground. What looked to be the remains of the occupant's last meal were strewn on the floor. Their boots crunching on rubble and broken pottery, they slowly neared the blinking life sign on the screen. There, in the corner of the kitchen, was a pile of debris with a
      small, childish and very unwraith-like foot sticking out of it. John dropped his gun and rushed forward, with Ronon right behind him. They dug quickly through the rubble, and soon uncovered the very scared face of a nine-year-old boy.
      “It's okay, kid, you're alright now,” John said comfortingly.
      “Who are you?” he asked, his voice trembling with fright.
      “We're friends of Teyla's. Do you know her?” John asked.
      “Yes,” came the slightly less fearful answer. “I am Jonti. My father was the leader of our village, Teyla stayed with us.”
      “Do you know where she is now?” asked John. A look of distress passed over the boy's face.
      “Yes--” he started to say, but he was cut off by a loud groan from the house.
      “We should go,” Ronon said.
      “Yeah,” Sheppard agreed. “Jonti, can you walk?” the boy shook his head.
      “My leg is broken,” he said. John swore under his breath as the house grated and screeched again.
      “Alright, we're gonna have to carry you then. Ronon, you ready?” the runner straighted from where he was stooping behind the table. He was holding a pair of boots.
      “Yeah. I'll take him.” he bent over and picked up Jonti, the boy's face screwing up in pain as he did so.
      The house started to creak and groan, and this time it didn't stop.
      “Run!” John yelled, and followed Ronon as they sprinted toward the door. Just as Ronon rushed out into the street, the house collapsed.
      “Sheppard!” Ronon shouted. He quickly set Jonti on the ground and ran to the pile of rubble that was once a house.
      “Sheppard!” he yelled again. This time, an answering groan reached his ears. He moved closer, and saw John laying in the wreckage, pinned down by a beam. Ronon pulled it off him, grunting with effort, and let it crash off to the side.
      “Are you okay?” he asked.
      “Yeah,” Sheppard groaned, “I think my shoulder's dislocated.”
      “Which one?” the runner asked.
      “Left.” Ronon reached over, grabbed his shoulder and popped it back into place with a sickening crunch. Sheppard turned a few shades whiter.
      “Thanks a lot.” he ground out between clenched teeth. “Help me up.” Ronon hauled him to his feet and steadied him when he swayed a bit. “Okay. I'm all right now.”
      Rodney had leaned Jonti against a pack while Ronon was occupied, and now they walked over to him. Ronon knelt on the ground in front of the boy, and John sat heavily next to him, nursing his sore shoulder.
      “You know what happened to Teyla?” Ronon asked. The same look of consternation passed over Jonti's face as the first time they had asked.
      “Yes,” he replied slowly. “She saved my life. When the wraith came, my brother and I were in our beds. We heard-” he broke of for a minute, almost in tears, “We heard our parents, screaming as the wraith took their life.” he took a deep breath, then continued on. “We rushed downstairs to the kitchen, but Teyla told us to stay, to try to find a way out. My brother pushed past her into the kitchen. She tried to stop him, but the wraith had already seen us. One of them—one of them fed on my brother, and the other raised his gun and aimed it at me.” He took another shuddering breath. “Teyla jumped in front of me, pushing me into the corner, and part of the roof fell on me. The last thing I saw was them taking her away.”
      “Did they feed on her?” Sheppard asked quietly, his face pained.
      “No. The beam meant for me hit her when she jumped in front of me, she collapsed and the wraith took her. I don't know what happened after that.”
      “Stunners,” Ronon muttered. Sheppard nodded, his brow furrowed. Then he stood.
      “Come on,” he said, “We need to get back to the jumper.”
      “Wait a second,” McKay said, “I'm only wearing socks here. I can't walk all the way back to the jumper like this!” Wordlessly, Ronon thrust the pair of boots he had picked up in the house into McKay's arms. Rodney looked down at them for a minute, speechless.
      “He didn't need them anymore,” the runner said grimly. McKay looked like he was going to be sick for a moment, but then put them on. Ronon picked up Jonti, and they began the long walk back to the jumper.

      The trip back to the jumper was mostly silent, leaving the three men to ponder the sobering news. Despite his trying to hide it, John was very worried about what happened. Where could they have taken Teyla? What if they couldn't find her? Worse yet, what if they did find her, but she was already dead? No, she couldn't die! John banished the thought from his mind. They would find her. It was just a matter of time.

      Last edited by WingedPegasus; 02 September 2007, 02:50 PM. Reason: Just tacking on that last paragraph!
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        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
        Aw shucks, thanks!!

        I don't think I've said hello to you yet, WP -


        I see you've been posting a story, but the beginning of it is lost in the many many many pages that I missed yesterday - is there any chance of you reposting it for little ol' me? From what I can tell it has plenty of Shep/McKay which I LOVE! (In a totally platonic sense, of course.)
        Aw, thank you ruby! what a cute little dog. . .

        I reposted A Walk in the Woods for Elf so this works rather well!
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          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
          Yay, it's up properly!

          I'm gonna go write chapter 6 now...
          Oh man! another exciting chapter!.
          Poor Tegan and Teyla!!!. Wow, John witnessed the day Tegan died!. But the ending!!! definitely a cliffhanger! can't wait to see what happens next!

          Sig by Camy


            Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
            I don't have a fanfiction account, so I'll just post the entire thing so far for ya. Here you go!


            A Walk in the Woods

            Chapter 1

            Deep in the forest of an an alien planet, SGA-1, minus Teyla, was following a barely discernible path through the underbrush. The silence was broken only by the buzz of insects, the breathing of three hot people, and Dr. Rodney McKay's whining.
            “Refresh my memory, Colonel,” he said, “exactly why do we have to do our own imitation of the Bataan death march through this godforsaken jungle?”
            “I told you, Rodney,” Sheppard said patiently, “Teyla went to go visit some village two days ago and we're going to pick her up.”
            “Yes, yes, I know that much, but why aren't we taking the jumper?” McKay asked. “I mean, it's not that I mind being assaulted by the Pegasus galaxy's version of the mosquito, but wouldn't it be a lot, oh, I don't know, faster?”
            “Yes, right up until the point where there's nowhere to land it!” Sheppard said, annoyed. “Look, I picked the closest place possible to village to land. It's only a few miles out.”
            “A few miles!” griped Rodney. “Well, unlike some people I know, I spend my time making cutting edge scientific advances, not running around the city for sport. So, for me, a few miles is a little far!”
            “You know one of the appealing things about the Bataan death march, McKay?” asked the colonel.
            Rodney slapped at an oversized mosquito wannabe. “What?” he said irritatedly.
            “The prisoners weren't allowed to talk!”
            “Oh, very funny Sheppard.”
            “You know Rodney,” John said, “Teyla walked all the way from the gate, and yet somehow I doubt she was complaining.”
            “Yes, well, if she likes it so much why couldn't she walk back?”
            “It's fifteen miles, McKay! Besides, our mission was moved up to tomorrow and Elizabeth told us to go get her early.”
            “Oh, so now we have a mission tomorrow? Lovely. Why am I always the last person to find out about these things?”
            “Maybe because you're so annoying,” Ronon said.
            “Oh, thanks so much! And what shall we say about you, Mr. Monosyllabic?” Ronon glared at him, then turned to Sheppard.
            “Can I shoot him?” he asked. Sheppard paused for a moment, as though thinking about it, then continued.
            “Nah,” he said, “We'd have to carry him.”
            “Good point.”

            The next twenty minutes of the trip were remarkably peaceful, as McKay's whining wound down from pleasantly ignorable to practically nonexistent. John actually found himself enjoying the walk, and wishing more of the missions the team went on could be so uneventful. However, all good things must come to and end, and this end was rather wet. And rushing. About half a mile out from the village, a wide, remarkably bridgeless river crossed the path.
            “Oh, marvelous!” Apparently, this turn of events had restarted McKay's complaint mill. “what kind of idiot people would live right on top of a river and not build a bridge?”
            “I wouldn't say that, McKay,” said Sheppard as he stood near the bank. “looks like there was a bridge here. Just not anymore.” He waved his hand at the ground, indicating a fairly recent-looking pile of rubble.
            “Of course it's washed out.” McKay said tiredly. “This is the planet's rainy season. The river must have flooded and taken the bridge with it.”
            “Well, that's just dandy,” said Sheppard. “Ronon, have you been to this planet before?”
            “Yeah.” the runner replied.
            “Is there another bridge over this river?” Sheppard asked.
            “Yes, but it's nearly twenty-five miles north of here. It would take us way to long to go there.”
            “No kidding,” agreed the colonel.
            “Looks like we're gonna have to wade it,” said Ronon.
            “No no no no no, I am not wading across that river!” Rodney said almost hysterically.
            “And why not?” asked Sheppard, turning toward him.
            “Because I barely passed swimming one when I was a kid, and there is no way I am crossing a rushing, flooded river that's who knows how deep!” replied McKay.
            “It's not that deep, even when it's flooded,” Ronon said.
            “And this is supposed to be comforting? You could have gotten a basketball scholarship on Earth, “not that deep” for you is probably over my head!”
            “Shut up McKay.” Ronon said darkly.
            “Right. Yes. Sorry.” he said quickly. Sheppard gave him a look, then turned to Ronon.
            “Ronon, I don't know if this is such a good idea,” Sheppard said quietly. “I might be able to cross this thing, but I doubt Rodney could.”
            “How else do you plan on getting to the village?” said Ronon.
            “I don't know, we'll have to figure something else out.” said Sheppard. Ronon nodded and started to turn, then stopped.
            “Do we have any rope?” the runner asked. Sheppard looked confused for a minute, then realization dawned on his face and he smiled.

            A few minutes later, Ronon had one end of the rope tied to his waist, the other end tied to a tree, and was halfway across the river. It looked to be chest high at its deepest point, but the runner seemed to have no difficulty. Sheppard was glad they had him along. Just then Ronon reached the other side, got out, and tied the other end of the rope to another tree. He waved to them, telling them it was ready. Sheppard looked over at McKay, who had sat down on the beach and was untieing his boots.
            “What on earth are you doing, McKay?” he asked.
            “First, we're not on earth, and second, I happen to have very sensitive skin, and if I go tromping around in wet boots I'll get blisters and jungle rot and sorts of unpleasant things,” McKay said, slinging his boots around his neck and stuffing his socks in his vest pocket. “Now, are we going to do this or not?”
            “Yes Rodney, as a matter of fact we are.” John said.
            They stood there a minute.
            “Any time now, McKay,” Sheppard said.
            “Oh, yes, right, of course.” said Rodney. He started to move reluctantly out into the river, holding tightly to the rope. The trip was uneventful, if rather slow, until they reached the middle of the river. Then McKay tripped on a submerged rock and went down, almost losing his grip on the rope.
            “McKay!” John shouted, grabbing hold of Rodney's vest. He pulled him up out of the water, but not before Rodney's boots slipped free from around his neck and floated merrily downstream.
            “Are you okay?” Sheppard asked.
            “Fine. A little wet.” he leaned on the rope until he got his breath back. “Okay, let's go.” he said.
            Sheppard smiled.
            “Ladies first,” he said. Rodney rolled his eyes.
            “Immature little. . .” he muttered under his breath, but kept moving.

            They reached the other side before Rodney noticed his boots were missing.
            “Oh, great! Blisters and jungle rot were bad enough, but I'd prefer those to whatever alien fungus I'm going to get now!” he complained.
            “you're the one who decided to take your boots off in the first place, McKay,” said Sheppard. “ Now let's keep moving. The villagers are bound to have some boots they can lend you.”

            For about five minutes, they walked in relative silence. Sheppard was shocked McKay hadn't complained more than he did when his boots were lost. He know it couldn't last long, though. . .
            “What now, Rodney?” came the annoyed voice of Col. Sheppard.
            “I just stepped on some stupid native's idea of a practical joke, that's what!”
            “What are you talking about?”
            “A trap! I stepped on a stupid trap! Does that clear things up for you, captain oblivious?”
            Ignoring him, Sheppard turned to Ronon.
            “Think you can get it off him?”
            “Yup,” came the laconic reply. He stepped over toward Rodney bent down toward the other man's foot.
            “Hey—Ow! Watch what you're doing, you unevolved ape! That's very sensitive! OW!”
            “Trap's off, said Ronon.
            “Yes, thank you so much!” said Rodney, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Did you really have to pull so hard? The concept was to release the thing, not rip my foot off! Good grief, I think you broke the skin!”
            Ronon looked like he was going to shoot him. Sheppard rolled his eyes, slapped Ronon comfortingly on the arm, and turned to continue down the path.
            “Buck up, McKay,” he called over his shoulder. “It's just a scratch.” Ronon followed him, leaving Rodney no choice but to do the same. But not as quietly.
            “Oh, that's right. Mock the injured, shoeless man! You know, if Conan here hadn't insisted that we wade that river I wouldn't even be in this predicament. Did you see the rust on that trap? I could get tetanus! I'm going to have to get a shot when we get back to Atlantis. . .” Here McKay trailed off, mumbling under his breath about the unfairness of the world. Sheppard and Ronon just looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

            “How far is this stupid village?” asked Rodney, sounding rather like a petulant child. An annoying petulant child. “We've been walking for hours.”
            “Actually, it's only been fifteen minutes, and it should be just over this hill,” said Sheppard.
            “Oh, thank goodness,” said McKay, sounding genuinely relieved. Just then, he realized that Ronon and Sheppard had stopped at the top of the hill and were staring open-mouthed at what lay below. He looked down at the scene before him.
            The village had been completely decimated.

            First off, thanks for reposting!

            Second -


            This is sooo good!! I love the interaction between the team - the conversation and the descriptions had me laughing out loud at so many different points!

            You ended on a cliffhanger! No no no!

            Oh look - the next part. Yay! *Ruby runs off to read*

            Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


              Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
              I don't have a fanfiction account, so I'll just post the entire thing so far for ya. Here you go!


              A Walk in the Woods

              Chapter 1

              Deep in the forest of an an alien planet, SGA-1, minus Teyla, was following a barely discernible path through the underbrush. The silence was broken only by the buzz of insects, the breathing of three hot people, and Dr. Rodney McKay's whining.
              “Refresh my memory, Colonel,” he said, “exactly why do we have to do our own imitation of the Bataan death march through this godforsaken jungle?”
              “I told you, Rodney,” Sheppard said patiently, “Teyla went to go visit some village two days ago and we're going to pick her up.”
              “Yes, yes, I know that much, but why aren't we taking the jumper?” McKay asked. “I mean, it's not that I mind being assaulted by the Pegasus galaxy's version of the mosquito, but wouldn't it be a lot, oh, I don't know, faster?”
              “Yes, right up until the point where there's nowhere to land it!” Sheppard said, annoyed. “Look, I picked the closest place possible to village to land. It's only a few miles out.”
              “A few miles!” griped Rodney. “Well, unlike some people I know, I spend my time making cutting edge scientific advances, not running around the city for sport. So, for me, a few miles is a little far!”
              “You know one of the appealing things about the Bataan death march, McKay?” asked the colonel.
              Rodney slapped at an oversized mosquito wannabe. “What?” he said irritatedly.
              “The prisoners weren't allowed to talk!”
              “Oh, very funny Sheppard.”
              “You know Rodney,” John said, “Teyla walked all the way from the gate, and yet somehow I doubt she was complaining.”
              “Yes, well, if she likes it so much why couldn't she walk back?”
              “It's fifteen miles, McKay! Besides, our mission was moved up to tomorrow and Elizabeth told us to go get her early.”
              “Oh, so now we have a mission tomorrow? Lovely. Why am I always the last person to find out about these things?”
              “Maybe because you're so annoying,” Ronon said.
              “Oh, thanks so much! And what shall we say about you, Mr. Monosyllabic?” Ronon glared at him, then turned to Sheppard.
              “Can I shoot him?” he asked. Sheppard paused for a moment, as though thinking about it, then continued.
              “Nah,” he said, “We'd have to carry him.”
              “Good point.”

              The next twenty minutes of the trip were remarkably peaceful, as McKay's whining wound down from pleasantly ignorable to practically nonexistent. John actually found himself enjoying the walk, and wishing more of the missions the team went on could be so uneventful. However, all good things must come to and end, and this end was rather wet. And rushing. About half a mile out from the village, a wide, remarkably bridgeless river crossed the path.
              “Oh, marvelous!” Apparently, this turn of events had restarted McKay's complaint mill. “what kind of idiot people would live right on top of a river and not build a bridge?”
              “I wouldn't say that, McKay,” said Sheppard as he stood near the bank. “looks like there was a bridge here. Just not anymore.” He waved his hand at the ground, indicating a fairly recent-looking pile of rubble.
              “Of course it's washed out.” McKay said tiredly. “This is the planet's rainy season. The river must have flooded and taken the bridge with it.”
              “Well, that's just dandy,” said Sheppard. “Ronon, have you been to this planet before?”
              “Yeah.” the runner replied.
              “Is there another bridge over this river?” Sheppard asked.
              “Yes, but it's nearly twenty-five miles north of here. It would take us way to long to go there.”
              “No kidding,” agreed the colonel.
              “Looks like we're gonna have to wade it,” said Ronon.
              “No no no no no, I am not wading across that river!” Rodney said almost hysterically.
              “And why not?” asked Sheppard, turning toward him.
              “Because I barely passed swimming one when I was a kid, and there is no way I am crossing a rushing, flooded river that's who knows how deep!” replied McKay.
              “It's not that deep, even when it's flooded,” Ronon said.
              “And this is supposed to be comforting? You could have gotten a basketball scholarship on Earth, “not that deep” for you is probably over my head!”
              “Shut up McKay.” Ronon said darkly.
              “Right. Yes. Sorry.” he said quickly. Sheppard gave him a look, then turned to Ronon.
              “Ronon, I don't know if this is such a good idea,” Sheppard said quietly. “I might be able to cross this thing, but I doubt Rodney could.”
              “How else do you plan on getting to the village?” said Ronon.
              “I don't know, we'll have to figure something else out.” said Sheppard. Ronon nodded and started to turn, then stopped.
              “Do we have any rope?” the runner asked. Sheppard looked confused for a minute, then realization dawned on his face and he smiled.

              A few minutes later, Ronon had one end of the rope tied to his waist, the other end tied to a tree, and was halfway across the river. It looked to be chest high at its deepest point, but the runner seemed to have no difficulty. Sheppard was glad they had him along. Just then Ronon reached the other side, got out, and tied the other end of the rope to another tree. He waved to them, telling them it was ready. Sheppard looked over at McKay, who had sat down on the beach and was untieing his boots.
              “What on earth are you doing, McKay?” he asked.
              “First, we're not on earth, and second, I happen to have very sensitive skin, and if I go tromping around in wet boots I'll get blisters and jungle rot and sorts of unpleasant things,” McKay said, slinging his boots around his neck and stuffing his socks in his vest pocket. “Now, are we going to do this or not?”
              “Yes Rodney, as a matter of fact we are.” John said.
              They stood there a minute.
              “Any time now, McKay,” Sheppard said.
              “Oh, yes, right, of course.” said Rodney. He started to move reluctantly out into the river, holding tightly to the rope. The trip was uneventful, if rather slow, until they reached the middle of the river. Then McKay tripped on a submerged rock and went down, almost losing his grip on the rope.
              “McKay!” John shouted, grabbing hold of Rodney's vest. He pulled him up out of the water, but not before Rodney's boots slipped free from around his neck and floated merrily downstream.
              “Are you okay?” Sheppard asked.
              “Fine. A little wet.” he leaned on the rope until he got his breath back. “Okay, let's go.” he said.
              Sheppard smiled.
              “Ladies first,” he said. Rodney rolled his eyes.
              “Immature little. . .” he muttered under his breath, but kept moving.

              They reached the other side before Rodney noticed his boots were missing.
              “Oh, great! Blisters and jungle rot were bad enough, but I'd prefer those to whatever alien fungus I'm going to get now!” he complained.
              “you're the one who decided to take your boots off in the first place, McKay,” said Sheppard. “ Now let's keep moving. The villagers are bound to have some boots they can lend you.”

              For about five minutes, they walked in relative silence. Sheppard was shocked McKay hadn't complained more than he did when his boots were lost. He know it couldn't last long, though. . .
              “What now, Rodney?” came the annoyed voice of Col. Sheppard.
              “I just stepped on some stupid native's idea of a practical joke, that's what!”
              “What are you talking about?”
              “A trap! I stepped on a stupid trap! Does that clear things up for you, captain oblivious?”
              Ignoring him, Sheppard turned to Ronon.
              “Think you can get it off him?”
              “Yup,” came the laconic reply. He stepped over toward Rodney bent down toward the other man's foot.
              “Hey—Ow! Watch what you're doing, you unevolved ape! That's very sensitive! OW!”
              “Trap's off, said Ronon.
              “Yes, thank you so much!” said Rodney, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Did you really have to pull so hard? The concept was to release the thing, not rip my foot off! Good grief, I think you broke the skin!”
              Ronon looked like he was going to shoot him. Sheppard rolled his eyes, slapped Ronon comfortingly on the arm, and turned to continue down the path.
              “Buck up, McKay,” he called over his shoulder. “It's just a scratch.” Ronon followed him, leaving Rodney no choice but to do the same. But not as quietly.
              “Oh, that's right. Mock the injured, shoeless man! You know, if Conan here hadn't insisted that we wade that river I wouldn't even be in this predicament. Did you see the rust on that trap? I could get tetanus! I'm going to have to get a shot when we get back to Atlantis. . .” Here McKay trailed off, mumbling under his breath about the unfairness of the world. Sheppard and Ronon just looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

              “How far is this stupid village?” asked Rodney, sounding rather like a petulant child. An annoying petulant child. “We've been walking for hours.”
              “Actually, it's only been fifteen minutes, and it should be just over this hill,” said Sheppard.
              “Oh, thank goodness,” said McKay, sounding genuinely relieved. Just then, he realized that Ronon and Sheppard had stopped at the top of the hill and were staring open-mouthed at what lay below. He looked down at the scene before him.
              The village had been completely decimated.

              Thanks WP!
              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                I have to say that I was surprised that Joe would have wanted an ep like this... I would have prefered they used the strong female character they already have on the show.. cough .. cough Teyla.. It would have been nice to see a bit of conflict between John and Teyla like in LFP. I love when they have a bit of a spat. It would be great if the 2 of them went on a mission and their opinion differed on whatever they had to do... but alas Teyla didn't get much fiesty dialogue so far (hopefully we will get to see her fiesty side in season four, like we saw in season one).
                Can't say I'm excited at all about Travellers and it sounds very predictable.. no danger or twists there at all for Shep... I can't even get excited about the whump potential, when Joe said he got the crap beaten out of him and then he beat the crap out of her... well from the spoiler pics we have seen so far there isn't a great deal of evidence of that.. One photo with them together should be near the end of the ep and they seem to have gotten over their difficulties but neither had a mark of them..

                Joe seems to think she will be a great addition to the show.. and will re-appear in the mid season 2 parter, but I'm sure JM confirmed that she wasnt available for that ep and it would just be her people.. so I guess we'll have to wait and see. tptb thought Lucious would be loved and be a great character and look how that panned out... I really can't see fans being crazy over her character.. sure the guys will find her nice to look at but other than that oc characters don't really leave much of an impression... except Jeannie .. but then she was Rodneys sister and had history with him...

                Travellers will be the usual fliratatious back and forth banter... which I'm surprised that Joe wants this considering the hammering he got and the kirking accusations in the early seasons. I know this will be different but I would rather see Shep get out of a situation without having to resort to sexual inuendoes or flirtatious bantering.. give me a good old evil ruthless enemy who won't be swayed by Sheps charms and vise versa Shep doesn't get swayed by the enemies charms either.
                I totally agree with you Blue.
                I was surprised as well when i read that Joe actually wanted a strong woman to play off against. As soon as i read that i thought...there's already a strong woman for you do play off against, Teyla!. I love there disagreement during LFP, definitely one of my fav. eps between them and i really wished they do more of that but they really haven't. Hopefully it will happen in season 4.

                I agree, according to the interview, we should really like her but so far what i have seen, i'm not really impressed at all. Them basically kicking the crap out of each other...well, from the previews, they really didn't show that, they showed them kissing and flirting but who knows, i guess we'll just have to wait and see how it turns out. Like i said before, i hope they those two characters really don't get along like Joe kinda insinuated in the interview and just have to work together, i think i can handle that even though i'm going to be annoyed with all the flirting that will be done.

                Sig by Camy


                  Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                  And chapter 2. . .


                  Chapter 2

                  For a moment, the three men just stood there, looking at the smoldering remains of the village. Ronon was the first to break the silence.
                  “Come on,” he said, “let's go check for survivors.”
                  “But- isn't this the village where Teyla was supposed to be?” asked Rodney.
                  “Yes,” said John shortly.
                  “If she was here-”
                  “Let's hope she wasn't,” said John. “Let's go.”

                  Ash, dust, and the acrid smell of smoke filled the air as they entered the remains of the village. Half-collapsed, still burning houses lined the streets, and fallen rubble blocked the road in places. They had taken only a few steps into the village when they saw the first dessicated corpse leaning against a wall.
                  “Wraith,” Ronon hissed, unholstering his blaster. John flicked the safety off his P-90 and brought it to the ready, and Rodney took out his pistol. As they walked down the wreckage-strewn street, more fed-upon corpses came into view, some with a crude weapon of some sort, but nearly all wore bedclothes.
                  “They must have come at night,” John said looking with mixed disgust and pity at the shriveled face of one of the bodies.
                  “I'm getting something,” said Rodney, starting at the LSD. “One life sign, coming from that house.” he indicated a somewhat intact dwelling to their right.
                  “Teyla?” John asked.
                  “Or a wraith,” Ronon said.
                  “Alright,” Sheppard said, “McKay, you stay out here in case we need backup. Ronon, you're with me.” Ronon nodded, stepping into the doorway. “Okay, let's go.”

                  The house creaked and groaned in a very unsettling way as they entered. The whole thing could fall down on them in a matter of seconds, and there wouldn't be a thing they could do about it. John went in first, holding the LSD next to his P-90. They passed what seemed to be the kitchen, the table charred and tipped over onto the ground. What looked to be the remains of the occupant's last meal were strewn on the floor. Their boots crunching on rubble and broken pottery, they slowly neared the blinking life sign on the screen. There, in the corner of the kitchen, was a pile of debris with a
                  small, childish and very unwraith-like foot sticking out of it. John dropped his gun and rushed forward, with Ronon right behind him. They dug quickly through the rubble, and soon uncovered the very scared face of a nine-year-old boy.
                  “It's okay, kid, you're alright now,” John said comfortingly.
                  “Who are you?” he asked, his voice trembling with fright.
                  “We're friends of Teyla's. Do you know her?” John asked.
                  “Yes,” came the slightly less fearful answer. “I am Jonti. My father was the leader of our village, Teyla stayed with us.”
                  “Do you know where she is now?” asked John. A look of distress passed over the boy's face.
                  “Yes--” he started to say, but he was cut off by a loud groan from the house.
                  “We should go,” Ronon said.
                  “Yeah,” Sheppard agreed. “Jonti, can you walk?” the boy shook his head.
                  “My leg is broken,” he said. John swore under his breath as the house grated and screeched again.
                  “Alright, we're gonna have to carry you then. Ronon, you ready?” the runner straighted from where he was stooping behind the table. He was holding a pair of boots.
                  “Yeah. I'll take him.” he bent over and picked up Jonti, the boy's face screwing up in pain as he did so.
                  The house started to creak and groan, and this time it didn't stop.
                  “Run!” John yelled, and followed Ronon as they sprinted toward the door. Just as Ronon rushed out into the street, the house collapsed.
                  “Sheppard!” Ronon shouted. He quickly set Jonti on the ground and ran to the pile of rubble that was once a house.
                  “Sheppard!” he yelled again. This time, an answering groan reached his ears. He moved closer, and saw John laying in the wreckage, pinned down by a beam. Ronon pulled it off him, grunting with effort, and let it crash off to the side.
                  “Are you okay?” he asked.
                  “Yeah,” Sheppard groaned, “I think my shoulder's dislocated.”
                  “Which one?” the runner asked.
                  “Left.” Ronon reached over, grabbed his shoulder and popped it back into place with a sickening crunch. Sheppard turned a few shades whiter.
                  “Thanks a lot.” he ground out between clenched teeth. “Help me up.” Ronon hauled him to his feet and steadied him when he swayed a bit. “Okay. I'm all right now.”
                  Rodney had leaned Jonti against a pack while Ronon was occupied, and now they walked over to him. Ronon knelt on the ground in front of the boy, and John sat heavily next to him, nursing his sore shoulder.
                  “You know what happened to Teyla?” Ronon asked. The same look of consternation passed over Jonti's face as the first time they had asked.
                  “Yes,” he replied slowly. “She saved my life. When the wraith came, my brother and I were in our beds. We heard-” he broke of for a minute, almost in tears, “We heard our parents, screaming as the wraith took their life.” he took a deep breath, then continued on. “We rushed downstairs to the kitchen, but Teyla told us to stay, to try to find a way out. My brother pushed past her into the kitchen. She tried to stop him, but the wraith had already seen us. One of them—one of them fed on my brother, and the other raised his gun and aimed it at me.” He took another shuddering breath. “Teyla jumped in front of me, pushing me into the corner, and part of the roof fell on me. The last thing I saw was them taking her away.”
                  “Did they feed on her?” Sheppard asked quietly, his face pained.
                  “No. The beam meant for me hit her when she jumped in front of me, she collapsed and the wraith took her. I don't know what happened after that.”
                  “Stunners,” Ronon muttered. Sheppard nodded, his brow furrowed. Then he stood.
                  “Come on,” he said, “We need to get back to the jumper.”
                  “Wait a second,” McKay said, “I'm only wearing socks here. I can't walk all the way back to the jumper like this!” Wordlessly, Ronon thrust the pair of boots he had picked up in the house into McKay's arms. Rodney looked down at them for a minute, speechless.
                  “He didn't need them anymore,” the runner said grimly. McKay looked like he was going to be sick for a moment, but then put them on. Ronon picked up Jonti, and they began the long walk back to the jumper.


                  The poor boy! And very Teyla... I can't WAIT to read more

                  *Ruby goes off to read chapter 3... wait a minute - WHERE'S chapter 3??!!!*

                  CODY!!! I'm waiting...


                  Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                    Wahoo! finally...


                    Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      Misappropriation Finale

                      As the needle sunk deep into Teyla’s flesh, her face cringed in pain and she held back the urge to scream by biting down hard on her lip. John yelled out in anger and struggled with all his might against the barbarian hands of the creature holding him.

                      The creature made a gnarling sound and kneed the Colonel hard in the back silencing John as he slightly wobbled in pain. Michael extracted the needle and let it fall to the floor as he placed a pale hand on Teyla’s belly and patted it against her skin. “There now, child. We will be a family soon.”

                      Teyla’s eyes rolled back into her head as her face dropped sluggishly to one side as the pain overcame her.

                      “WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER??!!” John shrieked wildly.

                      “Nothing to be afraid of Colonel,” Michael said as he walked away from the now slumbering Teyla towards John and his devoted minion. “She will be fine….for now.”

                      As Michael approached, John’s eyes darted back and forth between him and the bulging stomach of Teyla’s silent body. A renewed sense of anger and desperation filled him at the thought of losing the woman he had fought so hard not to love and the child that was created from their passionate expressions.

                      Michael stood only a foot from John and his warped face watched the pain dance upon Colonel Sheppard’s features like a sadistic puppeteer. “I see I was correct then in believing you were the father. Your affection for her is obvious to say the least, but I cannot help but wonder, now after my test, if the child should look more like you…..or me?”

                      He said the last part with such a wicked smile that John angrily spat in his face without even thinking about it. Michael let the saliva drip for a moment before carelessly wiping it away with his hand.

                      “Can I ask you something Michael?” John spoke softly.

                      Michael leaned just a bit closer and said, “Of course Colonel. Whatever you wish…”

                      John face was twisted in fury. “You’re still part human, right?”

                      Michael looked confused and said nothing for a moment. “Yes Colonel, but I-“

                      John cut him off. “GOOD.”

                      And he lashed out hard with his thick heavy boot and struck Michael directly between his legs.

                      Michael immediately gasped a shallow winded sound and doubled over giving John the momentum and distraction he needed to twist violently from the surprised creature behind him and wrap his shaking hands around its black slimy neck and snap it roughly as its yellow eyes widened briefly before it slumped down onto the hard floor.

                      John ran towards Teyla and began hastily undoing the straps binding her. She moaned quietly but her eyes did not flutter open. When he had finished untying them all, he picked up her slender form with both hands and held her body tightly to him, wrapping her limp arm around his neck.

                      Turning, he noticed Michael was gone and only the dead corpse of the creature lie on the floor by the empty doorway. Caring only about getting Teyla back to Atlantis, he hurriedly left the building and carried her body across the yard without any interruption heading back towards the clearing.

                      The marines were still there, tending as much medical attention as they could to Ronon’s still inert body.

                      “Sir!” the dark haired marine spoke loudly. “A spacecraft took off just before you emerged from the building, sir! We were unable to shoot it down in time!”

                      John didn’t care. He instructed them to carry Ronon and follow him as he made his way to the Stargate.


                      Ronon’s legs took months to heal but with the new found information that he and Jennifer could be together without having to live in secrecy, he didn’t seem to mind sitting around the infirmary as much as he thought he would.

                      John sat by Teyla’s bedside until she awoke three days after they returned. Her eyes fluttered open and the first sight they took in was John’s smiling face.



                      “Where are we?”



                      “I don’t know. He got away.”

                      “The baby?”

                      “Dr. Keller said there’s nothing to worry about. Everything is normal so whatever it was that Michael did, it didn’t seem to work.”

                      Teyla’s face almost broke into sobs of relief but she kept speaking as she reached out and touched his stubbly face.

                      “I am sorry I did not tell you John. I did not want you to suffer anymore than you had to and since we could not be……”

                      “They made exceptions for you and Ronon. You can be with whoever you want now.’

                      Her smile widened and then quickly faded as she spoke.

                      “When I told you that I did not love you John—“

                      “Teyla, it doesn’t matter now.”

                      “Of course it matters. It was wrong of me to lie to you that way. And even still, even though I spoke those horrible words you came for me.”

                      “I will always find you, Teyla.”

                      They stared into each other’s eyes and he placed his hand gently on her stomach and they rested there together, happy, come what may.

                      THE END
                      YAY!!! i love happy endings!!!.
                      I love the way you wrote Micheal!!!, i cringed picturing Micheal inject her with the needle and poor John having to watch!!!

                      All i can say is AWESOME DUDE!!!!

                      Sig by Camy


                        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                        I just uploaded ch6 of Living Memory:


                        It's the preview again, hopefully it will work...

                        Off to catch up on the thread now!
                        An awesome update
                        So John came back to where he was before but with Teyla...but I guess he sent her back to her time with the device..all though I'm wondering why she needs to go back and hide it after a couple of years...ah well,,,
                        Wondering how things will go from now on... how will Rodney and Ronon react to John's injuries and stuff.... is he going to keep it to himself the fact that he met Teyla while young... and what is he going to do when he comes face to face with Teyla again...

                        Keep it up
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          I'm sooo behind like always but i did want to say

                          Congrats to all the milestones achieved!

                          Welcome to our J/T family WingedPegasus!!!

                          Sig by Camy


                            Congrats Mayra to 600 posts!!!

                            And congrats to all the other milestoners I have missed...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post

                              The poor boy! And very Teyla... I can't WAIT to read more

                              *Ruby goes off to read chapter 3... wait a minute - WHERE'S chapter 3??!!!*

                              CODY!!! I'm waiting...

                              Uh oh. . .I take it Cody is your pet wraith? nice, I gotta get me one of those. . .
                              Anyway, I started to write Chapter 3 and then realized that the first paragraph would work better as the end of chapter 2, just imagine it's tacked on. Nice Cody. . .Good Cody. . .Please don't eat me. . .


                              The trip back to the jumper was mostly silent, leaving the three men to ponder the sobering news. Despite his trying to hide it, John was very worried about what happened. Where could they have taken Teyla? What if they couldn't find her? Worse yet, what if they did find her, but she was already dead? No, she couldn't die! John banished the thought from his mind. They would find her. It was just a matter of time.

                              || twitter || tumblr ||


                                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                                I totally agree with you Blue.
                                I was surprised as well when i read that Joe actually wanted a strong woman to play off against. As soon as i read that i thought...there's already a strong woman for you do play off against, Teyla!. I love there disagreement during LFP, definitely one of my fav. eps between them and i really wished they do more of that but they really haven't. Hopefully it will happen in season 4.

                                I agree, according to the interview, we should really like her but so far what i have seen, i'm not really impressed at all. Them basically kicking the crap out of each other...well, from the previews, they really didn't show that, they showed them kissing and flirting but who knows, i guess we'll just have to wait and see how it turns out. Like i said before, i hope they those two characters really don't get along like Joe kinda insinuated in the interview and just have to work together, i think i can handle that even though i'm going to be annoyed with all the flirting that will be done.
                                I agree as well...

                                though I'm not COMPLETELY against another strong woman on the show... you never know, maybe his friction with what's her name will help to realise that Teyla's the woman for him... and she's only in one episode, so I don't think it's anything to worry about.

                                JM did say a while ago that she wouldn't be in the middle two-parter, so it depends on when the JF interview was done to determine who's right.

                                The people who have made the s4 previews are trying to draw audiences in, and they think the way to do this is show kisses and flirting - like they did with s2, they showed the Shep/Weir kiss in Long Goodbye. And we all know what that was about. So it's highly likely that all the parts showing how much Shep DISlikes the woman were left out of the preview on purpose... and i'm sure since she kidnapped him that he's not very likely to be well-disposed towards her...

                                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig

