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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    Good god,we're flyin through the pages the night,me think we've went through about 5 pages since i've came on!
    seven actually since I came on

    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress




      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post


        Thanks! *snurches them all to use as puzzles* you guys ever hear of I have a puzzle area there and it is LOADED with Teyla and John and JT puzzles! now I got so more to add

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post


          Some of my favourite caps elf
          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


            I'm off now,gotta go to bed seeing as i'm back at work now!


              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              I'm off now,gotta go to bed seeing as i'm back at work now!

              'Night Linda!
              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                Do you mean you would have been caught in the rain?

                Or do you mean the Genii would have taken over the shop you were in and you would have been the only person left to take them out one by one and save the day, John McLain style?

                Funny, actually, I'm just this moment watching The Eye on Sky Two...
                The first part... hrmm haven't seen any Genii lurking around ,,, and would be kind of hard.. I don't own a P90

                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Misappropriations Part 13

                Teyla dropped to her knees and began hurriedly crawling towards where Ronon had fallen, listening to the slight swish of bullets overhead and the many moans and cries of injured marines as they lay scattered among the dead, masked by the high grass.

                She knew John had been following them, also emptying his weapon into the dark forest as he rushed towards them. As she scuffled along on her elbows, her weapon dragging beside her in the arid dirt and her face cutting on the brittle stalks, she prayed John would head back to the safety of the gate, although she knew in her heart he would never leave them behind, even if it cost him his life.

                She was slowly approaching the area where she thought Ronon had fallen, when a sickening feeling overwhelmed her. Stopping mid-crawl, she began to gag and vomit, staring down at her mess with a confused look in her eyes.


                A strong hand clamped over Teyla’s elbow resting in the dirt. Teyla turned quickly wiping at her mouth and saw that John was lying on his belly beside her, also hidden beneath the tall, crunching stalks. She felt overjoyed seeing his dirty, slightly cut face and reached out for his cheek, touching it lightly as they stared hard into each other’s eyes for a long, silent moment. “We must find Ronon, John. I believe he fell this way,” she indicated for him to follow and they crawled together listening to the music of the endless whistling of terror above.

                Teyla gasped when she finally happened upon the large Satedan. His face was completely covered in thick, red blood and his mouth was agape as he lay motionless on his side. She put her hand to his neck and felt a weak pulse as she stared horrified at the large open wound on his face. “John?” she turned around nervously. John saw her expression and nodded understandingly, gripping his weapon with renewed fervency.

                He closed his eyes quickly before jumping up to a standing position and began firing clip after clip towards the tree line as a deep war cry erupted from his throat, giving Teyla the coverage she needed to stand and stoop low as she dragged Ronon’s body behind her and headed for the gate.

                And reach the gate they did, with only one bullet striking John’s flak jacket and another striking his right forearm causing him to drop his weapon with a loud yell just before he grabbed Teyla with his other arm and the two of them dragged Ronon with them into the glowing wormhole.
                Wow that was intense...
                Wondering why Teyla was sick *hrmmm*
                John being John as usual....even though he has been distracted when chaos erupts he turns into the hard military guy...
                Poor all those marines....
                Wondering what is going to happen now... and Ronon has to be okay...
                Will Teyla change her mind in keeping the distance when she faced off the possibility that she could lose John at any point,, so why not make the most of the time..

                Keep it up...

                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                Ok. This is for the word Complete. How about you guys?

                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  Misappropriations Part 13

                  Teyla dropped to her knees and began hurriedly crawling towards where Ronon had fallen, listening to the slight swish of bullets overhead and the many moans and cries of injured marines as they lay scattered among the dead, masked by the high grass.

                  She knew John had been following them, also emptying his weapon into the dark forest as he rushed towards them. As she scuffled along on her elbows, her weapon dragging beside her in the arid dirt and her face cutting on the brittle stalks, she prayed John would head back to the safety of the gate, although she knew in her heart he would never leave them behind, even if it cost him his life.

                  She was slowly approaching the area where she thought Ronon had fallen, when a sickening feeling overwhelmed her. Stopping mid-crawl, she began to gag and vomit, staring down at her mess with a confused look in her eyes.


                  A strong hand clamped over Teyla’s elbow resting in the dirt. Teyla turned quickly wiping at her mouth and saw that John was lying on his belly beside her, also hidden beneath the tall, crunching stalks. She felt overjoyed seeing his dirty, slightly cut face and reached out for his cheek, touching it lightly as they stared hard into each other’s eyes for a long, silent moment. “We must find Ronon, John. I believe he fell this way,” she indicated for him to follow and they crawled together listening to the music of the endless whistling of terror above.

                  Teyla gasped when she finally happened upon the large Satedan. His face was completely covered in thick, red blood and his mouth was agape as he lay motionless on his side. She put her hand to his neck and felt a weak pulse as she stared horrified at the large open wound on his face. “John?” she turned around nervously. John saw her expression and nodded understandingly, gripping his weapon with renewed fervency.

                  He closed his eyes quickly before jumping up to a standing position and began firing clip after clip towards the tree line as a deep war cry erupted from his throat, giving Teyla the coverage she needed to stand and stoop low as she dragged Ronon’s body behind her and headed for the gate.

                  And reach the gate they did, with only one bullet striking John’s flak jacket and another striking his right forearm causing him to drop his weapon with a loud yell just before he grabbed Teyla with his other arm and the two of them dragged Ronon with them into the glowing wormhole.
                  Thrilling...Just Thrilling!!!! More please.


                    NEW STARGATE ATLANTIS AD


                    Not really much new...just a tiny tiny thing at the end with a Teyla shot..
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                      Gimmie some Teyla scenes QUICK!!!!!
                      Elf: Never put a dancing mouse in front of the kitty. Poor Teyilia.

                      Congrats on 1300 posts!!!


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Elf: Never put a dancing mouse in front of the kitty. Poor Teyilia.

                        Congrats on 1300 posts!!!

                        Snacks for Kitty..
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Thanks everyone for your compliments on the story!!!

                          Hey what was todays challenge thingy

                          NINAM - Thanks for that clip link!

                          Tey - Congrats on 1300


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Elf: Never put a dancing mouse in front of the kitty. Poor Teyilia.

                            Congrats on 1300 posts!!!

                            The Mouse was good thanks for asking, and yay Sparring session!

                            now if you will exscuse me I have to eat dinner and work on chapter two of New Birth so I can post it tommrow night

                            MrsB 20 word challenge is today, tomrrow is 100 JT caps day

                            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              MrsB. I'm glad that Mr.B came to your rescue.

                              Here's my ficlet for Delirious: Enjoy


                              John, Teyla, Ronon and Rodney are under fire by the Wraith and are running through some dense woods to reach the jumper. During their retreat, John unknowingly runs too close to a plant with large thorns and one becomes in lodged in his calf. He feels the pain shoot up his leg and he screams in agony. He knows that he has to ignore it as he continues running with a hobble. Once they are inside the jumper Rodney closes the back hatch.
                              Teyla sees that John is pain, “John, have you been shot?” She scans him quickly, but she doesn’t see any blood.
                              “No, but there’s something painful in my leg! I don’t mean to yell at you Teyla, but it hurts like… ahhhh!” John groans behind clenched teeth. John points to where the pain is and Teyla sees a four-inch torn protruding out of his leg.
                              “Should not Rodney drive?” Teyla asked as she looked at Rodney, who is sitting behind her.
                              “No time now,” John replies. “Once we clear the planet I’ll let Rodney take over, but for now do you mind taking that thing out of me?”
                              John had just cleared the planets atmosphere when Teyla pulls out the torn and immediately she sees the blood drain from John’s face. His eyes roll behind his head and he passes out. Ronon quickly jumps up to take John out of his seat and Rodney takes over driving the jumper. Fear crosses Rodney’s face as Teyla and Ronon’s faces show concern.
                              “Rodney, tell Atlantis that we need a medical team standing by,” Teyla orders and Rodney responds with a nod.
                              “Hurry Rodney!” Ronon booms.
                              “I’m going as fast as I can!” Rodney shouts back. “It’s going to be at least ten minutes before we reach the gate!”
                              “That is fine Rodney. I know you’re doing your best,” consoles Teyla. She can see that John was shaking and she motions Ronon to get a blanket. She touches his fore head, “Ronon, he is burning with fever. How can this happen so fast?”
                              “I don’t know Teyla, but I bet it has something to do with that thorn,” replies Ronon.
                              Teyla find an empty container to put the thorn in, “This is just in case Dr. Keller needs it.” Ronon nods.
                              John begins to moan and mumbles inaudible words. Teyla gets some water and a cloth to wipe his forehead down.
                              “Colonel Sumner!” John begins to shout. “That… that thing killed him. I killed hi…” His voice fades out. His voice is no louder than a whisper, “Teyla Emmagan. She is so beautiful. A strong leader.” He begins to smile.
                              Teyla is shocked by John’s outbursts. “Rodney?” Teyla asked.
                              “He must be getting delirious from the fever.” He’s probably remembering certain things in his life,” Rodney responds.
                              “The Wraith! My fault. My mistake. Ford!!” John starts to thrash slightly. Won’t let Ronon down.” John stops for a few seconds before he begins to ramble again. “No, I have friends… you, Elizabeth, Ronon, Carson, even Rodney, are the closest thing I have to a….”
                              “I’m the closest thing to what! What was he going to say?” Rodney snaps.
                              Teyla gives a slight smile and looks at Ronon and Rodney, “He couldn’t say it, but he was talking out family.”
                              Rodney faces saddens, “Oh.” He pauses for a moment. “We’re almost there, just a few more minutes.”
                              John’s breathing begins to quicken, “Teyla!! I can’t lose her! The shuttle. Must get her home safe.” He tosses some more. “Explosion. Teyla. Will she be alright?” John begins to speak softly, but they can still hear him. “I can’t tell Teyla how I feel now. Carson’s dead. I can’t lose her friendship. I can’t lose her respect even though… I love her.”
                              They were surprised by John’s last words of confession. Tears came down Teyla’s face.
                              Rodney approaches the gate and informs Atlantis of John’s condition and informs Teyla and Ronon.
                              Teyla looks at both Rodney and Ronon sternly, “You cannot repeat what John said about his feeling for me.”
                              “Why not?” Ronon asks.
                              “I want him to tell me when he is ready. I do not want him to feel ashamed for confessing while he was delirious with a fever,” Teyla answers with demand. They all agreed to stay silent.
                              Once they got John in the infirmary, Keller and her team quickly worked on getting him well. Keller had to put John in an induced coma and between the medications they had and the antidote they made by the thorn, he was better in two days.
                              John is slowly waking up and can see Ronon, Rodney and Teyla sitting by his bed sleeping. He clears his throat and they all wake up. “What happen? Did I miss much?”
                              Teyla, Ronon and Rodney gave each other a silent look. They tell him what happened but the left all of his confessions out of their conversation, except for when John meant to call them family. They laugh at is embarrassment as John tries to reassure Rodney that that was not what he said.
                              The End.

                              BRB to catch up on thread.

                              Yay!!! Sweet Scifan. Can't wait for him to tell her...Wait 'the end' I thought there was more.


                                Thanks tey. Did you do one?

                                hey maffieg - did i say COngrats on 300 yet?

