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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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      I can't get enough of that pic!!!

      my ships


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        I completely forgot about that scene in The Siege...that was very interesting. For some reason I don't see that happening between John and Teyla. Even when John was converting into an iratus bug, he never use any sort of force against Teyla. He did with Weir but not with Teyla and he very well could have, when she pointed the gun at him was one I can think of. And Teyla has shown that aggressive, lethal side of her with Bates and with Ronon in Trinity. But I would think that at this point in their relationship the only way I see either one of them acting like she did with Bates towards John would be if she was posssesed herself by a Wraith and not if she was herself. I think she acts differently with John and her level of trust and comfort zone with him is very different than the rest. And the same with John. I think he would only shoot her down or do anything out of control like this only as a means to protect her. He was very angry with her after the whole Bates scenario and that's another perfect example of an argument but you see that Teyla doesn't actually argue back with him because he cuts her off and his anger, I think, was more of what she dared do and more towards Bates than towards her. You hear him raised his voice at her when she started saying what Bates said, and he replied angrily, I don't care what he says, and then his voice tones down and he continues with, he says a lot of things...and then he comes down even more and continues with she's to stay away from him.

        so, my view... I just don't see John and Teyla ever being aggressive with each other toward the point that they are fighting each other...and that's how i see what happened between Bates and Teyla. That was fighting, and to me that's more than something
        "heated". I guess I"m interpreting JM's words as yes something to do with an argument but not to the point of actually fighting with each other causing bodily harm. Again, unless one of them or both of them are not themselves,the only thing that I think John would do that would cause Teyla bodily harm would be to stun her but only for her own good as what he would have done in Submerssion. And even then, you see that he felt very uncomfortable and relied on Ronon.
        I do however see these two in a heated sparring session where their anger and frustration can easily be demonstrated between them in their match. But other than that, I just can't see what happened between Bates and Teyla as something that would happen between John and Teyla. Not to that degree. And frankly, I care not to see it, either. That was one of the things I feared when the spoilers came out of John and Teyla's kiss in Conversion. That it would be an assault of some sorts and aggressive. And when I saw it, I was so relieved that I simply didn't see it that way. What he did to Weir, YES! But not the kiss with Teyla. Again, just my opinion.

        But it's interesting to see our different points of view. I simply can't wait to see how this is all going to unfold.
        I'm sorry, I didn't mean that it would get to the point of being a physical debate, but I was only using how mad she got at that point. I don't every remember every her being rough like that with John, like she was with Ronon or Bates.


          Teyla knows that when it comes to Ronon sometimes its necessary to go that extra step (Trinity), but with Bates she just lost control. I just don't see her hitting John. Him I can probably see grabbing her by the arms or shoulders but I can't see a physical fight. A heated verbal argument is most likely what it is.

          my ships


            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
            Here we are... congrats MrsB, here's a very silly comic with our favourite couple -









            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



              Originally posted by Camy View Post
              Spain...I soo want to go to my roots and go back to Spain. I love to travel so that is one of my next stops in the schedule! lOl

              Nick is actully there now, hence his lack of postings. What would you like to learn in Spanish that I can be of assistance to you...

              Oh, you just gave me an idea...have you guys seen my Salsa Wall set!?

              Salsa walll set?? That sounds very interesting. And I want to go to Spain too, I've taken three years of high school Spanish and one semester in college.
              Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                Never been to Spain. My Spanish is horrible lol

                my ships


                  Mrs.B I am loving 'Secrets' I can't wait for more. And congrats on 400 posts, you're not far behind me lol.

                  Camy, Come to think of it I remeber your Salsa set. I'm still working on quotes. My mom has been sick so I had to take care of her.
                  Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                    Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                    Mrs.B I am loving 'Secrets' I can't wait for more. And congrats on 400 posts, you're not far behind me lol.

                    Camy, Come to think of it I remeber your Salsa set. I'm still working on quotes. My mom has been sick so I had to take care of her.
                    Thanks a bunch Padme! Hopefully tonight I can get to the next chapter!

                    And hope your mom gets better real soon!
                    Last edited by MrsB108; 18 July 2007, 08:03 AM.


                      Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                      Mrs.B I am loving 'Secrets' I can't wait for more. And congrats on 400 posts, you're not far behind me lol.

                      Camy, Come to think of it I remeber your Salsa set. I'm still working on quotes. My mom has been sick so I had to take care of her.

                      I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she feels better soon.


                        Hope your mom gets better, Padme.

                        my ships


                          Thanks guys she is doing better than she was. I just finished quoting 'Sateda'.


                          HYPERSPACE. DAEDALUS. John is sitting at a table in the Commissary with a tray in front of him. He is working on a small P.D.A. but looks up as Teyla comes in.

                          SHEPPARD: Hey.
                          TEYLA: Am I disturbing you?
                          SHEPPARD: No. What's up?

                          (Teyla sits down opposite him. John puts the P.D.A. away.)

                          TEYLA: I just wanted to thank you.
                          SHEPPARD: For what?
                          TEYLA: For going after Ronon this way. (She gestures around at the Daedalus.)
                          SHEPPARD (picking up his cup and drinking): Did you think we wouldn't?
                          TEYLA: He is an outsider.
                          SHEPPARD (putting his cup down): Not to me.
                          TEYLA: I have often felt like an outsider among your people.
                          SHEPPARD: Well, maybe at first, but ... well, you know I've always trusted you.
                          TEYLA: Yes. You -- and Doctor Weir -- have been very accepting, but this has shown me how far you would go, even for someone who is not from your world.

                          (There's a long pause while John looks a little uncomfortable.)

                          SHEPPARD: Look, Teyla. I'm not really good at, uh ... (He pauses.) Actually, I'm ... I'm terrible at expressing ... I don't know what you'd call it, uh ...
                          TEYLA: Feelings?
                          SHEPPARD: Yeah, sure, OK. The point is, I don't really have good, uh ...
                          TEYLA: Social skills.
                          SHEPPARD: Well, that is why I enjoyed flying choppers in the most remote part of my world before all this craziness happened, but, uh, you should know, I don't have, uh ...
                          TEYLA: Friends?

                          (John looks at her indignantly.)

                          No -- I have friends. (Long pause.) You, Elizabeth, Ronon, Carson, even Rodney, are the closest thing I have to a ...
                          TEYLA: A family?
                          SHEPPARD (nodding): I'd do anything ... for any one of you. If I had to give up my life the way Ronon was going to, I would.

                          (Teyla smiles beautifully at him. John reaches a hand out hesitantly and, without having the courage to meet her eyes, pats her hands which are clasped on the table in front of her. He then picks up his tray, still not looking at her and, sighing, starts to walk away. Teyla looks round at him.)

                          : Thank you.

                          (John half turns towards her but still can't look at her.)

                          (smiling): For everything you ... meant to say.

                          (John stands with his back to her for a moment, then walks away.)

                          McKAY: Yeah, it's just you guys left. Well, that was quick.
                          SHEPPARD (smiling proudly): Yeah. I got six. Teyla got ...
                          TEYLA: Eight.

                          (John glances at her, then continues his report into the radio.)

                          SHEPPARD: I got nine, Teyla got eight. Ronon got the rest.

                          (Teyla looks round at him, her eyebrows raised.)
                          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic




                              Originally posted by Padme18 View Post

                              McKAY: Yeah, it's just you guys left. Well, that was quick.
                              SHEPPARD (smiling proudly): Yeah. I got six. Teyla got ...
                              TEYLA: Eight.

                              (John glances at her, then continues his report into the radio.)

                              SHEPPARD: I got nine, Teyla got eight. Ronon got the rest.

                              (Teyla looks round at him, her eyebrows raised.)
                              LMAO I don't remember this. I have to watch the episode again

                              my ships


                                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                                In Irresistible he goes back to Lucius' planet alone. Here's a cap of him returning to Atlantis:

                                Oh, thank you Ruby!!!! I think that one will work!

                                Have fun in Spain by the way!!! I was there three years ago, so if you have any questions, just let me know. I can try to answer. You'll have so much fun!!! And don't worry about not knowing the language. Many of the people are well versed in at least one or two other languages. It's very impressive! We got by just fine on my limited Spanish and my sister's German, LOL, and found many that knew English very well otherwise. Try to at least say a few words in Spanish before switching to English, it is much appreciated. Oh, and watch out for the crazy boys! We got followed EVERYWHERE, and they were rather bold! Apparently blonde hair was a big hit. LOL!
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

